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Everything posted by Van_phelaN1

  1. The article says that Schumer had nothing to do with the lease talks and that the Bills had no idea he was scheduling a press conference. So I am quite curious to see what this is all about. Kelly and a Co. being in around could very well be a coincidence. Very interesting for sure. Any plan to keep the Bills where they are is good news. I just wonder how much his plan really will end up making a difference in the long run. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  2. Every fiber of my being was telling me not to click and read this but I guess you can tell I don't listen well. I feel like I just got rick rolled...in fact I almost wish Mr. Astley were dancing around right now...
  3. Yet another thread about our great off season... not that I disagree or am not excited but ugh, getting sick of only having the same thing to talk about. We can only argue our points and dissect stories in so many different ways before we start loosing our minds.
  4. Agreed. The gf and I pick one game to travel up to a year and last year we picked the home game against the Pats. We thought after the Raider game we had picked the wrong one lol. Turns out it was just as amazing!
  5. Hey man, just wanted to give you a shout out for the great job you have been doing with your show. You obviously have some football knowledge with the ability to deliver your opinions and info with a great sense of humor. Just showed my girl one of the episodes from the off season recap and we both could not stop watching the segment with Tom Brady crying lol.
  6. If I wasn't at work, I might be a fan right now! Then after the shame set it, I would be back.
  7. Josh Reed is just bitter. Louisiana sucks. Ever been there? I have, I would suggest you just skip that one if you are planning a 50 States tour.
  8. I am pretty sure the "Ralph is cheap" comment was meant to be a joke. If people want to make little jokes and stuff we will and there isn't anything you can do about it. Do you honestly think we don't know what a fire sale is? If you don't like how people are responding to the OP why don't YOU just move on, you pretentious jerk.
  9. Truth be told, he wasn't bad. He has the ability to find the flow on a beat . His lyrics could use some work, although shouting out Fitz in a rap was pretty funny. All in all, if you take this for what it is (a guy taking advantage of his celebrity to do something fun that he enjoys) there is no harm in this. I don't think he is going to be entering any freestyle battles anytime soon. Plus if a kid actor from a Canadian teen show can eventually become a rapper and act tough (Drake...) then why not? Hell I think my High School Principal has got a new joint droppin'
  10. Well that may not be a direct parallel, but he has a point. The first openly gay football player will likely take a lot of crap for it, especially from ignorant fans in opposing stadiums much in the same way Jackie had to deal with racist slurs and stuff like that. He, however, would be the first to break the barrier. Once it is out there in the public, perhaps more gay athletes will come out and not have to hide it their whole career. The real issue here should be that we are all perpetuating a rumor at this point which could very likely be untrue. Some people will say/do anything for money.
  11. Well I spent most of my money on plutonium to produce the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need to power my flux capacitor. Next time I get paid, I will get that security mechanism for sure ...I am assuming you got the Back to the Future reference but you being a teen and all you may have never seen the movie lol.
  12. I see where the OP is coming from. It does seem rather odd but one only needs to look to last years Eagles team and see what "good on paper" gets you when a team can't pull it all together. Admitedly the Bills have a few things going for them. The offense (for the most part) doesn't have a major transition to go through and can build on what was accomplished last year, with a few new options (Graham, Glenn etc). The defense on the other hand has a new DC, new players (some more MARIO than others). So I guess it all hangs on how well/quickly the defense can come together. The switch to 4-3 shouldn't be too demanding because the personnel seem to fit and towards the end of last season they were starting to use more 4-3 looks But we can argue all of that stuff until we are blue in the face. What this really comes down to is the psyche of us fans. Our disclaimers are a results of a few things IMHO. 1) It is hard to be optimistic about a team that hasn't been to the playoffs in 12 years, especially when during a good portion of those years we were shown bad coaching, bad play and what appeared to be a front office with no urgency to turn it all around. We are now finally starting to see a staff that wants to win and a team being built to do so. 2) We have been burned by optimism before, namely two times recently. Trent Edwards and Co. starting hot, only to fall apart, and then the same scenario a couple of years later with Fitzy and Co, along with this new great coaching staff. This time around if the Bills start 5-1 there will be plenty of people (both fans and media alike) that will be all to quick to remind us that we have seen it happen before. 3) We don't know how to handle success. Chan said it best,(as I paraphrase) you cant hope you can win, you have to expect to win. As far as fans go, we have spent years hoping to win. Until the Bills can put it all together for a season, it is hard to expect them to win. However, to answer your question, I sure hope 20 weeks from now I can tell everyone how much of an idiot I was for being cautious. It would be a great reason to feel stupid
  13. Hey, speaking of, I found a piece of a custom made walking cane broken off inside my DeLorean DMC-12 this morning. Anything you want to tell me??
  14. Not ALL of them were ducks but I can understand concern over seeing it. I did see a couple of tight spirals in there though. I would also think this might have something to do with these new throwing mechanics he has been working on but it is tough to tell because Fitzy has thrown plenty of ugly passes before. I guess at the end of the day, as long as the bad looking throws still end up being completions, I won't complain. I like Fitz a lot so it is easy to find optimism in this for me and I could be way off base. In truth, we are only seeing a sample size of the plays in these videos. For all I know, the others could be better, or much worse...
  15. ATTENTION INTERNET: The Big Cat, having given much greater thought on the topic using logic and doing actual research, has concluded that the Bills are much more likely an 11 (or more) win team as opposed to the blog posted by James Walker which has come to it's conclusion by talking about "feelings" and other icky things. Therefor Walker's blog has been officially refuted and may God have mercy on EPSN's AFC East bloggers. They know not what they do. The internet has been officially alerted.
  16. That's pretty much how I have been taking it as well. Every interview I have seen the players will reiterate to the media (and probably themselves) that they haven't proven anything yet. They seem focused and, maybe it is just the beard, but even Gailey looks a little more serious when he is talking. Not that he wasn't serious before.
  17. So the troll that lives under a bridge down the street from me...I mean John Clayton... (sorry Clayton, you look like a troll) has given his most recent forecast of the AFC East this year and it looks like we are making the playoffs. Oh Look and Mr. Walker agrees! Not that John Clayton's forecast means anything but I figured it would be another good chance in the off season to make predictions before mini camps have even started!! http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/43694/afc-east-more-or-less
  18. To say that that I am excited about this season would be an understatement. OP said it perfectly. You can tell that this team means business and they want to win BAD. I know that none of this alone will translate to wins on the field or a playoff appearance, but it sure can't hurt the chances. If the Bills get a big year from Fitz that doesn't fall off halfway through the season and stay relatively healthy with some depth, I think we will all be in for a nice treat.
  19. My friend, I think unfortunately you are speaking the truth. Holy hell the way I have lived sometimes, I will probably never even see 90.
  20. I agree with you there. I sure hope nobody is talking about me like that one day. Although I don't own a franchise either.
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