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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Especially seeing as Maroone is still seeking his NFL personality ...
  2. And if so maybe this time he will learn how to properly run a good defensive scheme instead of a defense-sive !
  3. Marrone will probably hire Crossmans brother in law because they use to hang out in college . He won't take into consideration that his record SUCKED but at least he'll have another homey to bro around with ... If Pettine goes they need to fire the rest of the bunch of the coaches because Pettine was the only saving grace of the hire !! If the defense would have done as well as the offense, O line , or Special Teams we would have been the team that was 2 - 14 . Marrone hit the lotto by hiring Pettine the rest of the league sees it & are now trying to take the best thing that Marrone has shown any one in his first year as a NFL HC which was his D coordinator !!!
  4. My reocurring dreams is that the Bills finally have a good coach to turn the team around & we actually make it to the play offs & then go back to the super bowl & this dream comes around usually once every year around the beginning of a new season . By the middle of the season this dream usually goes away & i realize it is nothing but a dream ... Alas such is the life of a Bills fan ...
  5. Agree - Agree - Agree !!! Then he goes about his off season in first defending his BUDDY Crossman by saying they need more corp players on ST & fires the MLB coach where he had the most productive rookie who has a chance of being ROTY . If Dreisback got fired for the job he did Crossman should went long before him !!! And should have truly never been hired !! If next season Lovie & Wizenhunt take their 2 new teams to the play offs the hire of Marrone will be seen in my eyes as exactly what it is a less experienced Homer hire due to R Brandon inexperience at being a football person sticking his nose into things he knows little or nothing about !!!
  6. Come next season if the Titans & Bucks finish with a record better than the Bills do it will say a lot about the exhaustive search that the Bills FO did for our HC . It will just prove especially if Lovie takes the Bucks to the play offs because he was VERY interested in the Bills job that Russ Brandon should stick to baseball & advertisement where his strong suits are & not try to run a NFL franchise . If we don't make it to the play offs in our second year it will confirm to me if no one else that this was a homer hire ! Because this year the first year NFL HC's like SanDiego's coach, Philly's coach, had a play off season so it can be done if you know what your doing . If in one season next year the Bucks ,Titans, Browns, & others with new coaching staffs turn their teams around in that first season & especially the coaches we passed on to get Marrone if we don't make it to the play offs will just confirm the ineptness of the Bills FO meaning Brandon !!
  7. WOW in my little pea brain this analytics thing is made way to illogical i guess for the lack of a better term with the universe thing ! It sounds as though there is a lack of common sense in the thing or as it is apparent i'm missing something but thanks for the explanation I think ??
  8. Never watched it , don't care to & i think it would be a distraction to the players that like the camera of which we have at least one ! Don't want it, don't need it , don't care about it !!
  9. WOW this coaching staff has really got it together they fire a guy that has helped make a very average D in one year to a well above average D . Yet they keep guys like Crossman around that made us go from a higher position in the NFL rankings the year prior to a lower one this season & make excuses for him ??? I hope there is a method to their madness !!!
  10. Ya but they stayed the same in the win column and at the end of the day thats what counts ! Why wouldn't they have used analytics to look at the guys they wanted & the guy that were there I believe Metzelars, Dehaven, Dealisondris would have all stayed if given the option !!
  11. One of the big words used after Marrone was hired by both him & the Bills grand pooh bah Russ Brandon was analytics . They talked about using them & have started a new analytics department at one Bills drive . I did graduate from high school so Russ & Marrone are much smarter than i so i had to look up exactly what the word meant which probably won't surprise many of you after reading a few of my posts ! The definition is as follows Analytics - Logic - the science of logical analysis . If they were so big on introducing this to the Bills why wasn't it used in building the current coaching staff ? There was no reason why they couldn't have opened the door for any of the other coaches to stay which could have meant players staying too . While watching the play offs i saw more than one of the Bills old coaches from Gailey's coaching staff prowling the side lines of some of the play off teams such as in San diego - Joe Dealisondris - Carolina - Bruce Dehaven & if any of you can add to this list please do ! I know that when a new coach comes in they want there guys with them but last year our O line was as good as it's been in years ! Good enough for CJ to average 6 YPC & allow a very low amount of sacks, & if Bruce Dehaven isn't better than Crossman then i'm going to put in my application for the ST coach . I didn't really care for the coaching choice but we have him now & i think he is a very passionate HC & has the team headed in the right direction . I also hope that he proves me totally wrong in what i thought of him being chosen ! But why didn't they use their brain child of installing this analytics thing while putting together his now staff ? It just makes little to no sense what so ever to be so gung hoe about something then don't use it immediately because he had all the previous years stats & how the Bills did . Not to mention it would have been less change as far as blocking schemes & would have gotten the offense up to speed much quicker !! Well it's all yours Bills fans what do you think ? If this has been discussed sorry but i must have missed it !!
  12. I watched the National Championship game the other night & was wondering if any of you may have had the same question cross your mind that crossed mine ? As i was watching & saw Winston (AS A FRESHMAN) struggle at first & finally turn the game around late to eventually (as we all know) become the 2014 National Champs i thought exactly what & how much has changed from last year to this to put the Noles in the National Championship ? Then i started to wonder that although EJ took the Noles to a bowl game & won why couldn't he have done what Winston had done & take them to the big game if he in fact had the same offensive scheme, same coordinators, same D & mostly the same players RIGHT ? If most all the players at skill positions were the same along with the coaching staff & philosophy of the team what came up short to keep them from the big one ? The biggest thing that changed would be the personal at the most important position on the field QB !! It's pretty amazing that one position would change so much from one year to the next . If that means any thing going forward with the Bills could this mean that we will always be just that much short of getting to the big game too ?
  13. As it should be & if we don't bring in another QB that would prove that this coaching staff is not NFL level coaches ! If you look at all the GOOD NFL teams they are constantly bringing in competition for the players on the team unless you have a Brady or Brees but they still bring in talented players to develop in order to keep the team depth at a high for the team & it's future . Like they say in the NFL "you are only one injury away from being in the game" Or something like that any way ...
  14. All's i can say is that the call in the video is total B S !!
  15. Personal opinion ... I first hope EJ turns out to be that guy BUT given the class last year & that the Bills took a QB in the first round that every one else thought there was NO first round talent just fits in given the Bills past blunders in the draft . This year all the so called experts are saying the QB class is stacked with talent & seeing as other really good teams like the Pats draft QB's (just incase) all the time to have a good one there OR use them at some point for trade bait or another draft pick to me isn't a foolish idea . Of coarse it has to be a really good QB that just falls in our lap & not some one as you said has the red flags the Manziel has to where you may have to wait 4 years like the situation with Jay Cutler until they mature. I think there will be enough really good talented QB's that slip past the first round that may fall to us that way if you have say a Boyd or McCarron that could fall to the 3rd then why not ? They sit , they learn the offense if EJ gets hurt like this year there is no B**chin that Tuel is there or what ever the guy comes in plays his ass off & the Bills HAVE FOUND THEIR TOM BRADY WIN 4 SUPER BOWLS & ALL IS GOOD IN B/LO !!! Sorry got carried away --- but you get my point .. dam i need a drink now ... YAAA ! Common sense has entered the room people !!! SICK EM !!!
  16. MO MONEY - MO MONEY - MO MONEY !! The NFL isn't greedy though they just want the fans to enjoy more games !!
  17. Dude has all the tools so what is it ? Is he just not use to the speed of the game yet ? Does he not have the time he needs to be that guy ? I hope he comes around but i still hope we draft another QB if a really good one falls to us B/C a security blanket never hurts !!
  18. One thing i never really understood was how Wade lost his job by having a winning team . It would be nice to know what really happened that year ... That would be one bad ass coaching team !!
  19. I was just watching some recap of the Cinci / San Diego game & Dalton fumbled after running down field & went down and fumbled . Well while watching the Play on the news he was down & slid 2 feet before the ball came out . I thought the ground couldn't cause a fumble ? Not to mention that his knee , elbow, & pretty much his entire body was on the ground . Yet it was still called a fumble . Then in the same report Marshawn got fined for NOT talking to the media I know there is a rule that every player has to talk to the media but to get fined $50K ?? Come on !! Heck i've seen guys get fined less for hitting a guy leading with his helmet ! Then there is the deal of having "control" of the ball all the way through motion of going to the ground, when caught by a WR . But aren't you down when your knee is down ? At least thats what the rule says --- right ? How many times this year have any of us seen a good catch called a none catch after the guy was on the ground having control while sliding & before they stop bobbling the ball yet still retaining it but how long do you have to have control dang .. BUT BUT , What happens when the guy is running & puts the ball across the goal line & the ball hits the ground & it comes out or the player loses control when hitting the ground & the player himself is not down but because the ball breaks the plain of the goal line it's a TD ?? I don't know but it seems as though the rules comity needs to take a long hard look at some of their rules because they don't make a lot of sense . Are there any thoughts about some other calls that may have been made in these play offs that are contradictory in what the out come may have been in a game ? Lastly would any of you know how to get in touch with the NFL to complain about some of these rules they need to change ?
  20. So this year was it really our offensive line or the guy 's coaching them ? So this year was it really that CJ isn't that guy or was it the guy's coaching the O line how to open the holes ? If it was the O lines fault then why is Joe D in the play offs ? Hey isn't our HC a O line guy ? HMMM MAYBE that's why he was a college coach . Man i am so glad that the FO did such a extensive search for our guy PHEW !!
  21. Gotta root for the small market team ! Go Pack !!! Gotta root for the small market team !! SCREW THE BIG MARKET TEAM !!!
  22. Given all the non hype of last years QB class & what Fl state did with this years QB at the helm i think the proof is in the pudding when it comes to EJ . I'm not saying he's not a good kid with great moral structure, work ethic & all that but i agree with all you say !! Taj boyd more than once has shown that when all looks lost he has what it takes to put the team on his back & carry them to a victory & that is the kind of guy we need !! I hate the thought that the Bills will more than likely pass on this guy or a McCarron in the draft & put the future of the team on EJ's back b/c i wasn't all that impressed with what i saw this year given the weapons he had at his disposal . Sure he was a rookie i give him that but by the middle of the season he should be doing more than what he did !! I just hope Whaley is the true football guy he seems to be & has brought some forward thinking to this franchise & doesn't as in the past sit on a last years economy model when the new Porsche is sitting there for the picking !! And Boyd is my pick & i will go on record as saying that he will be an elite NFL QB !! With or with out being on the Bills ...
  23. No to the WR but TJ has shown nothing but speed & inconsistency i think he needs to go SJ needs to go back out side with Woods opposite him & Goodwin be the guy to give those 2 a blow from time to time. They brought back Kaufman he needs to be put in the slot with all the traffic over the middle he would be a easy target OR use him in red zone packages . In the draft bring in another late round prospect . I didn't see the TJ Graham thing coming & don't know how Nix & company thought he was a better pick in the 3rd round with R Wilson sitting there ? But hey that's been the Bills MO for years hopefully Whaley will change all that !! As long as Brandon doesn't think he's Mr Football !!
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