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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Now that you point that out i remember & it is a very good point Thanks for the refresher !!
  2. Well as i have always heard growing up from the elders in my life & believe it to be very true . Sometimes (or should i say most times) THE TRUTH HURTS !!
  3. If the NFL is a copy cat league & teams that don't do as well watch the teams that are winners in order to turn things around how long does that take to catch on ? The Bills have been around since 1960 & have watched other teams & have been a team that has won on a grand scale dispute not winning the big game they still learned to win but have forgotten all they had learned in that time. Or they have just not went to class to keep up with the new ways to have a winning NFL franchise . Which makes sense seeing as we still have left overs from the 80's & 90's when it comes to front office staff . It's not like we don't have the examples around the league to see just how to make this thing happen . This latest thing with Byrd is just another example of either being lazy when it comes to the front office or just not giving a S**t i can't figure out which that it is . To not use the franchise tag is one thing but at least use all that is available to them & they left one thing completely out that other teams employed the transition tag . Besides why is it such a taboo to use either of these things available to the FO in Buffalo ? I hardly ever remember herring the Bills using these 2 tags to try to keep players in the past . The deal with J. Peters being in the same deal . The Eagles made it work with him why not the Bills ? Which that could be said about a lot of other players that once were on the Bills roster . I JUST DON'T GET IT !! PAY ATTENTION BILLS FO !! Every thing is there for us to be a great team & you won't use it & that deserves a COME ON MAN !!
  4. Thats right thats the exact reason why they should have franchised him so they could of worked a deal with another team but the incompetence of the Bills FO strikes again !! Not only did they have a good record with the Eagles (not to mention Byrds old coach is there) but the talk of the Browns wanting Byrd i just don't get it !!! When will the Bills turn the corner ?
  5. First off as others have pointed out the Bills put a offer out there that at $10 mill for the first 3 years is a very comparable contract , enough so to make him the top paid safety in that 3 years . Second if you are head hunting it should begin with the others that Brandon has to work with that have been here as long or longer than Brandon which is Overdorf, Littman , & Berchtold . The good ole boys club has to go so that the contract incompetence ends !! $54 Mill (or so) over 5 years for a QB that had a proven track record as a career back up but this type of contract for a player that has been to 3 consecutive pro bowls who is the jack ass making these decisions ??
  6. Nasty i hope they don't change to that ! I think by putting the name where they did they are trying to insinuate something in a quiet way about our team , a classless attempt at a redesign of the uni's of which i want no part !!
  7. It seems as though every couple of years things change at 1 Bills Dr. with a new out look for fans to go YES Now we can have a winning team , but alas in the end it always winds up being pretty close to the same in the results category . Well with the seemingly constant change of HC's, D coordinators, O coordinators & so on the one thing that has stayed the same since the late 80's is the powers that be for the Bills, the ones that make the big decisions on contracts, player personal, coaches & all things behind the scene . Which has left the franchise in the old school train of thought & out put . In steps R Brandon given the reigns of the team seemingly a BIG change from Ralph but once again the main cogs stay the same Overdorf, Littman, Berchtold along with B. Carpenter are still the old school thought & actions of the Bills that keep the franchise in the 80's ! Lately Tim Graham of the Buffalo news has uncovered some worthy news around the Bills & i for one think there might be some substance here you all can read & make up your own mind but i think it's time for Brandon to make the tough decisions & bring our team into the new millennium & out of the shadows of the old way of doing things !! http://www.buffaloru...-whaley-marrone http://bills.buffalo...s-organization/ It's all you now Bills fans what do you think ??? I'm for a real change !!!
  8. I had to stop at ten passes that i saw that our franchise QB put in places that no WR could make a catch unless he was 15' tall !! Which brings me back to the point of we need to draft a QB in a later round so not to put all of our eggs in this guys pocket cause if they get broke where do we go then ?? You all have but ran Tuel out of town & Thad isn't going to take us there . SO ?? To be fare to TJ i personally think it's time to move on & replace him with the big receiver that the Bills exec's have been talking about for the past 5 years . When Buddy drafted this guy i was like HUH ? Where did they get this guy ? I hadn't heard any one making noise over him ! I didn't see that one coming AT ALL !!
  9. I think this year is different though , any of the top 3 would be great but after listening to Lewan's interview i really like the kids attitude ! He said he would play any where, & that he plays through the whistle, which he added some people see that as him being dirty but he said he wants to put his opponent in the dirt every play & we need a bit of nasty on our O line !! Plus he said his job is to give the RB's a place to run & the QB enough time to stand in the pocket & make his reads . So i hope we go O line in the first cause it all starts up front & any of the top 3 is fine !!
  10. Thats why you would have to make it a 2nd round pick . Not only that you leave more money open to sign UDFA at the end of the draft, Whaley was even saying in his interview that there will be good players that go undrafted that will be there for the choosing ! Plus there are some younger players in the draft that could be picked up , the one that comes to mind is the DB/S that plays for Louisville i think it was , they said he hits like a truck & has good size & speed & Williams did pretty good last year so it's not like we would be putting some one in there that is a slug !! If nothing else if this front office is a good one it needs to cover all the bases to make sure no possibility's slip through their hands !!
  11. Sure the kid is fast & athletic & all the things you want in aTE but i was reading a article (& i will try to find it ) that Ebron had the highest drop per pass attempt of all the TE coming out this draft . I don't know about you all but we have had more than a few of them & i would rather go O line with the first pick & get a elite pass blocker if any of the top 3 are there at our pick than a athletic TE that drops passes ! I don't know maybe he can get over that with coaching but if EJ isn't afforded the time to go through his reads then it's all for nothing any way !
  12. This draft t here are 4 teams that have multiple draft picks, some have multiple picks in different rounds which could work out in the Bills favor . In the first round : The St. Louis Rams have 2 first round picks the 2nd &13th over all . The Browns have the 4th & 26th over all . In the Second round : The 49ers have the 56th & 61st over all . In the third round : The Jets have the 69th & 80th picks The Browns again have the 71st & 83rd picks I'm not sure how the numbers thing works out with the position of the pick & how many points & all maybe one of you know how that works if you do you can figure it out with this info above . If we have trouble signing Byrd to a multi year contract before the season then the F tag comes into play which Whaley has said in his interviews, But it has also been said that our former D coordinator has a interest in bringing Byrd to the Browns & if you notice the Browns have multiple 1st & 3rd round picks . The only thing is , is he is to close to home The 49ers on the other hand might just think Byrd could put them over the top in the SB & we might be able to get a second for him & he would be in the NFC . I hope Whaley & company are doing their home work & i would think that they are because the trade potential to pick up added draft picks this year is very high in the Bills favor !!
  13. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2014/02/23/sources-bills-coaches-want-change-training-staff-front-office-might-agree/
  14. In order for the Bills to step into the future from the lackey past they need to change 2 things in the franchise that hasn't been changed in for ever . First who ever it is that allows this kind of contract writing (such as the Fitz debacle) to put the Bills in the position of not being able to use this extra cash . That being Jim Overdorf if i'm thinking correct ? He is a dinosaur it's time for them to move up in that area . And second we need to up grade the training staff which Whaley & company are wanting to do . http://bills.buffalonews.com/2014/02/23/sources-bills-coaches-want-change-training-staff-front-office-might-agree/ The trainer Bud carpenter has been on staff for some 19 years . Even though they have done a decent job in certain instances such as the quick reaction to helping Kevin Everett but they need to jump into the new stuff which the article will help to explain . We all can attest to the Bills injury woes over the years , It seems as if we are one of the teams that always has a bunch of injuries . If they can get more preventative training it col help us get past a lot of these injuries . These 2 things need to happen to not only to upgrade the Bills staff but to put back in the mix of being a more competitive & viable NFL franchise !!
  15. With combine here & seeing the players we could have a potential to get & injecting into that the possibility of our former D coordinator going to the Browns as their HC there has been articles on the possibility of Pettine knowing the situation with Byrd & Byrd liking the scheme that Pettine runs, that there is a strong possibility of Pettine trying to get Byrd to go to Cleveland per this article . http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000327473/article/cleveland-browns-interest-in-jairus-byrd-is-real What my question is to you all is . Seeing as Cleveland has to first round picks would you franchise Byrd & then negotiate a trade with The Browns for their other first round pick ? Which i think is a no brainer !! But if Whaley is thinking in that frame do you think the Browns would go for it ? Not only would the Browns have to pay the franchise tag price - Right ? But they would also have to give up their other first round pick . Pretty pricey . Or would you as a Bills fan consider taking the Browns second round pick or lower for the trade of Byrd ? Just throwing it out there, it seems as thought this talk has been increasing a bit & was wondering what fans might think of this ...
  16. Just read the NFL is giving a 5% increase in the cap this year as the Bills were going to carry almost $19 Mill over from last year this would put them at $25 Mill for this years cap . Whats the excuse now to not sign Byrd ? http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2014/02/20/five-percent-jump-in-salary-cap-ceiling/
  17. Just read they have increased the cap this year & the Bills stand to be having $25 million under the cap, If that isn't incentive to sign him i don't know what is !! If they don't sign him we can start the Brandon is a cheap A** posts because he is the one allowing the checks to be written now .
  18. With all of the big contracts going around these days you would think the players would be more lights out while on the field & out playing a lot of the players of the past but it just doesn't seem to be . Most of us here in Buffalo have seen that signing a big contract usually means the player has lower out put the year after the contract signing . There are articles asking if Jadaveon Clowney will be motivated as a millionaire , & we have seen in our own Mario Williams, while with the Texans & after his historic contract signing in Buffalo have sometimes smaller out put than the contract amount should allude to . Chris Johnson of the Titans was the same thing !! There are plenty of other players reading different articles here & there that say the same thing that players have been less than the player they were that got them the huge contract, so why aren't more of the contracts written with clauses stating that the players pay will be increased by out put which would be more of a incentive to play harder as they did to get that big contract , & if they don't produce they don't get paid ! Jerry Hughes comes to mind in this category ... Simple right ? WIll the same thing happen to Byrd here in B/lo if he is given the kind of money that he wants ? Fitz got the big money & his play went down but i think that was premature evaluation, which lead to premature evacuation before his contract could be filled . Which if his contract was incentive based the Bills wouldn't be holding the bag on so much dead money . OK i get it if you have a Manning, Rogers, Megatron, & others that continually show high out put while on the field, heck even Mario because he draws so many double teams that others get free so i can even see him getting paid his contract to a point . But i still think if his was a more performance based contract he might have gotten closer to 15 sacks who knows . Do you all think given the past down turn in players out put after signing these huge contracts that it might be due to "well now i got the money so i'm not going to play as hard so i don't get hurt" or is it just fate or what ever you might call it . Is that all these players are motivated for is that big pay day then they slow down ? I know players like Bruce Smith, Reggie White, Jerry Rice, & Walter Peyton played hard every play & was it simply because they were striving to be who they turned out to be ? Was it simply because of their HOF DNA ? Was it because they were striving to get that bigger pay check ? What exactly was their motivation to be the great players that they are remembered as today ? We all know it was a different game before free agency & all of those great players that left it out on the field , but has the game changed that much or has the out look of the players changed that much ? I for one don't think bigger contracts mean better play in todays NFL !! And very seldom does the drive match the contract after the big one is signed !!
  19. Actually saw on the NFL NETWORK !! for those of you that want to look that he was most like or compared to Mario coming out of college ...
  20. WOW is Ebron really the best of this bunch ? Sure he may make a lot of catches but as it shows in the charts he has the highest drop rate of the bunch & as it goes (not naming any names) but we have had enough of those guys ... I hope Whaley & crew have access to this type of info b/c ASJ looks to be the best all around TE in this draft . I would much rather have a guy that is a little less on the production side but a lot more dependable in the clutch then others . He can always be game planned into the scheme more but if he is dropping it more that is taking away from the over all plan so it would be a wash !! My vote is for ASJ !! Go get him DW !!
  21. Dude looks like the real deal except if he doesn't get his head up he will be playing for free in the NFL cause he will be fined a lot for helmet to helmet hits. The guy hits like a tank though if we need to cut Byrd loose we could do a lot worse for sure . I'm in !
  22. Could it be that after seeing the offensive out put & the drop in CJ & Freds out put in the running although we were still ranked pretty high that Marrones confidence in Hackett's experience at the NFL level isn't as high as it was in the college ranks & it just showed more so at this level ? So by bringing in these others he has not only given a inexperienced OC more back up than what he had in his dad (which was a good OC in his day but the game has changed) as we saw when Wannstedt a once heralded SB winning D coordinator saw his D wasn't up to the modern day game ! But has set him up in a way that if Hackett doesn't do a good job given the help he has hired he can go ahead & make a change with out rocking the boat to much !! Actually a smart move by a HC & a great back up plan ! Hackett if he is as smart as they say he is should see this, realize it & be coaching his preverbal A** off this year to keep his job !! I just hope he realizes it & makes the right decision for him self & every one involved & our coaching staff doesn't make the choice to keep him around to add more dead money to the cap after he gets hurt again in the preseason. Why haven't they already cut this guy ? What are they thinking ?
  23. Agreed I couldn't get past the kids voice very irritating !! Shut it off just a few seconds in ...
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