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  1. I'd say Dazed & Confused. Fast Times came out almost WHEN I was in HS, so I just took it as that's how things were. Dazed didn't come out til over a decade later so I didn't see it til I was in my 30s (& I don't think I was very familiar w/ it til MUCH later) so it gives me more a sense of "yeah, that's what HS was like". The John Hughes movies I very much enjoyed but I saw them in my college years, so although they were relatable, they didn't hit home as much as Dazed.
  2. Every time I see/hear our new RB (Ray Davis), I think of the lead singer for The Kinks.
  3. His early years were just before my time, but wouldn't OJ qualify? Statistically, his 1st 3 yrs he was very mediocre (I think he was hurt for one of them).
  4. I think on offense, besides obviously JA, Knox might qualify. He's certainly inconsistent, but he makes some amazing catches & has been known to run people over.
  5. Whitner wasn't the stud that you had hoped him to be, but he was a solid player. Ellison, for where he was picked was good. As for Simpson - he was worth millions !
  6. Actually, based on last year, wouldn't they have a BETTER chance of successful marketing if they DON'T see them play?
  7. No, I think that would've been Frank Reich.
  8. I've been to a chiropractor a few times for various things. The results have ranged from miraculous (relief from cracked ribs) to worthless (tennis elbow). Actually, last year was prescribed PT for neck issues by my PCP. However, the visits were not like how I've always thought of PT, but rather they were "manipulation" & message - no exercise. I've always considered this type of treatment more in the realm of chiro. After several visits the situation was noticeably improved, though not cured. I will say that during treatment I was often sore or had problems after, sometimes not in the place where they were concentrating.
  9. You can look at the Morse situation 2 ways. 1st, I'll mention that I was hoping that we could/would extend him so as to lower his cap hit. That said, I think we saved like $8m releasing him, even after the dead cap hit & he signed for like what, $5m/yr? That means that he wasn't worth his cap hit, so although losing him was unfortunate, keeping him would have been (too) costly. I'm in general happy how things have gone so far. Once I saw how much Trubisky cost, I was less pleased w/ that signing. Is he worth that? Yeah, but Kyle Allen is just as capable of taking a knee &/or handing it off when a game is out of reach & at less than 1/2 the cap hit. We've only re-signed our own guys, & the 2 we've lost have been for more than I'd want to pay for them. Further, I'd like to say I think it was more important to retain Epenesa than Floyd & I assume he comes at a (substantially) lower cost.
  10. So far we've signed no one & lost 2 players (Floyd, Davis) who signed pretty decent contracts. Trubisky & Morse don't count either way as they were released.
  11. Didn't the Browns or someone essentially did that when they traded for a player. Basically, the Browns got a player, like a 2nd round pick in exchange for a box of tape. As for your original question, think of (potential) dead cap space as a debt. Like you, I'm not familiar w/ all the specifics, but basically if you've already paid for the performance of a player & that cost is amortized & kicked down the road, you still need to pay for that previously used asset. i.e. You sign a player worth $6m/yr for a 2 yr, $12m contract. 1st yr they get a $1m salary & a $5m signing bonus. The cap hit that 1st yr is only $3.5m (& it'll be $8.5m the 2nd); if you cut them, you've essentially gotta pay for the benefit that you've already received but not paid for ($2.5m) but you save the pending $6m salary.
  12. Yes, went to XXV (Bills 1st SB). Had to do it as it seemed like I was waiting forever to them finally making it (I discovered the NFL in '72 & became a Bills fan in '73). I also wanted to go to XXVII (very confident we were going to win ) but couldn't get out of work.
  13. It seemed to me that the 1st part of the season Kincaid caught everything near him; not a single drop. At some point, he started to drop a few, but I still wouldn't call it a problem. Diggs, 1st part of the season very few drops but at some point, started dropping quite a few. Also, it seemed that Cook was thrown to later in the season more & had a few critical drops. I don't know if these issues corresponded to the switch in coordinators, just seemed like a marked difference between early & late season. (Perhaps weather came into play? Harder to catch a ball in cold/wet than in warm/dry conditions.)
  14. No. This year we just got beat. Even if we make that FG, I think the odds of us winning are <50%. (KC had plenty of time to score in regulation & if it reached OT, it's a toss up.) Making things worse, we demonstrated little ability in stopping them. As for 13 seconds - we lost cuz we crapped the bed. We gave the game away, which really hurts.
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