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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. The mocks are all over the place & i think McBean & company picked up AJ to have a bit of play in their decision . Then you through in the fact that Dabol is going to have a lot of input on which QB is drafted i think the guys doing the mocking & the fans could be very surprised with which direction they go . Dabol got to see some of the QB's coming out up close & personal & McBean & co. have said they are drafting for the future & haven't made any real rash moves it's all been very calculated . I can't wait to finally see what they do come draft day I think it's going to leave us all scratching our heads !! Like the scene at the end of the movie that leaves you going "I didn't see that one coming" !!
  2. Allen or the MLB from Ga !! But i would prefer the LB because that is a huge need & from everything they are saying that guy is the real deal ! I think AJ affords us that option & then get a QB with the 22 pick ... Defense wins championships !!
  3. If they are going to go for broke then go for the number one over all because the number 2 pick is going to cost all 3 number 1's the 2 this year & the other 1 for next year so if they are going to blow their wodd then just go for the first pick over all !! I hope they don't & Mc Bean & company get the LB out of GA with number 12 & then see where the rest of the QB's fall, at 22 there should be Rudolph, Jackson & who knows some are saying that Mayfield could quite possibly fall that far & if so they get a great MLB & a possible franchise QB & if nothing else a QB for trade bait like the Pats do overtime they turn around . Go Bills !!
  4. Super Mario was a really good signing while he was in B/lo the D was exceptional they just couldn't get the offense to do enough to win many games !! That has seemed to be the fate of the Bills it's always one side of the ball is good & the other side is bad if they could pull it all together we may stay a good team !!
  5. This was the guy that said the police picked on him & had him arrested for no apparent reason right ? What ever happened with that ?? Didn't they find out he was making it all up ? Now he goes out & beats up a little old lady, sounds like a law abiding citizen to me ... Good thing this didn't happen before he signed with his new team cause he may be sitting out this year .
  6. Personal opinions vary but the kid is in the top 5 QB's in the draft so if he's top 5 not sure that is a huge reach ! At 12 Jackson may be a better pick if still there . Now EJ on the other hand was a huge reach !! Seeing as a 6th round QB became the GOAT none of us know how these QB's will fair in the future ..
  7. 4K may not mean franchise but as long as (like the rest of the post asks) he get's the Bills to a AFC east title & has that kind of record 11/5 or 12/4 then he should at least be in the conversation ! But don't forget there are those fans still out there that agreed we should have put Rob Johnson in in place of Flutie ??? Just Sayin
  8. Was listening to the J Murphy show yesterday & D Jones brought up a point that needs to be thought about when getting a QB which i believe should be used in evaluating either a rookie or veteran QB & that is their past history of winning . Also Daniel Jeremia said that comp % of a college QB doesn't compute to being a great NFL QB because of the system they were in in college & the better players & defensive schemes in the NFL . With all of that if the comp % is higher in the NFL (AJ's is in the 64% range) the thoughts on the QB are higher because it did translate to the NFL, given all of that thought that is why i think McCaron will be a great QB for the Bills ! He has won at every level & one of the things is maybe that scar as a kid (along with his very modest upbringing) made him more mentally tough ! In the game against the Steelers that he played in the Bengals were down & it looked like all was lost but he battled against the odds & if not for the fumble & penalties incurred by others on the team they would have won because of his mental toughness when all seemed lost so it was no fault of his . Plus i seem to remember some games in his college career which he did the same thing that's the guy i want leading the team when they are down late in the game , just as we all know when Brady is in the game it ain't over till it's over . i think AJ is that guy for us maybe his past which he said he came from nothing & has had to fight for all he has gotten with a good bit of success is the best attribute he has of his intangibles ! If that isn't the perfect blue collar fit for the Bills i don't know what is !! And yes i do have a man crush & will go on record to say he will become the Bills franchise guy !! Call me crazy but that's what i think !! Go Bills !!
  9. How do you figure with Levy & Brandon the amount of games were 32 each with Buddy he had 32 alone in the loss column which is a unfair comparison how many losses did Buddy have in just his first 32 game stretch that would be more accurate !!
  10. Any way you look at it one of the top 5 will fall to the Bills at 12 more than likely Jackson & or Rudolph will be there when the Bills pick if they sit where they are at & one may even be there later at 22 . So they could get the number one LB at 12 which is a big need & still get a top 5 QB in the first round which would which would make the over all team better in both defense & offense for the near future & depending on how the QB developed possibly for years to come or it could be another player that could be used for a trade later ... I believe McCaron affords them that flexibility !!
  11. With McCaron in the mix thats way to much i pray they stay at 12 & get Rudolph, or Jackson . They need to pay attention to the best team in our division & possibly in the league & do some things like they do. We now have a good QB get the best QB available at the number 12 pick which a player like Jackson or Rudolph wouldn't be bad & develop them to either use as the next QB in line or for more draft picks down the line . Because no Darold, Rosen, actually none of the QB's are a definite hit they could be a total miss like so many other supposed "Super QB's" coming out of college . Patience is a virtue when you have a QB that has shown numerous times he can be great given the chance !! Don't want another EJ repeat !!
  12. As long as he can communicate in the huddle WHO CARES that's what counts !! I am so stoked can't wait to see him on the field this year !!
  13. WOW !! Finally a bunch of Bills fans that aren't raging AJ out i'm - i don't know what to say !! I've always thought this guy could be if not great a really really good NFL QB if given a real chance like Tyrod was ! I hope he does get that chance here & then we can see just how many nay sayers the band wagon can hold !! Go Bills !! Go AJ !!
  14. I hope so the guy has had some bad injuries & gave his all for the team while he's been here & for a injury while being so loyal to the team i believe that he deserves to be taken good care of by the team . But how much is to much ? All of these guys know what & why they do what they do !! He also walks away being able to live a normal very posh (compared to us) kind of life style !! Just saying ...
  15. I think the Bills have had a number of QB's over the years that have been ruined by coaching decisions that other wise could have been very good & while at the position flashed signs of greatness but again due to certain coaching decisions along with the coaches lack of expertise in knowing how to teach or develop a college QB into a NFL caliber QB those players fell to the way side becoming part of the Bills losing seasons . I thought as maybe some other fans did that Edwards, Losman (& a few other Bills QB's) showed flashes that they had what it took to be really good but the coaches at the time those QB's were on the team didn't have a clue when it came to QB development such as Juaron !! Which i forgot both of those QB's i mentioned had their respective careers basically ruined while Juaron was the coach !! I just hope given what this FO & coaches have shown to this point that they are much more thorough in just how to go about scouting & then developing the young QB that they decide to draft ! Even if that QB happens to be McCarron !! Go Bills !!
  16. I hope your right as far as the Jets taking Allen because i don't think the guy is all that but i for sure hope they aren't that foolish to give up 3 first round picks !! Mc Bean & company i pray are smarter than that !! Even though i think Mayfield has the best tools of this yrs draft there has been a lot of so called "Experts" that have said he is a systems QB & you would have to change the offense to what fit s him & not have him learn a system other than what fits him !!
  17. I not sure i would go that far but i don't think with a Comp. % in the mid 50's i'm not sure he's all that & a bag of chips !! To give all that will be needed as far as draft capital to get to number 2 in this years draft the guy had better be a day one starter & be a almost no miss pick because we don't need another Sammy scenario !!! Or better yet a replay of EJ !!
  18. HELLO !! That is what i have thought since he came out of the draft & didn't understand why he went in such a late round !! The guys lowest completion percentage through out his entire college & now NFL career has been no lower than 62% & has went as high as 68% in college not to mention one of a very few QB's that led his college team to back to back national titles !! But many Bills fans ragged him out (surprise) before he got brought to the team I just hope & can't wait when he gets his chance to prove them all wrong !! Go Bills ! Go AJ !!
  19. They will need to bring him back after they get done with the suspension of Zay Jones
  20. What a dumb a** !! Just when you think we got a decent person to be a good player on the team they turn into a dumb a** !!
  21. This guy is going to be good i just hope they don't yank him after a couple of games . Any one that has talked about him has said this guy is it & despite what fans here think the guy has done nothing but win every where he goes si I for one would strap the ship to him & see what he can do , nothing ventured nothing gained !! I think Bean will go after his guy in the draft but i hope he does what he says he will do & that is not go over board in getting his guy . I don't know what the draft capital would be to move up to 2 but it shouldn't be a lot more than what the Jets gave trade their number 1's & then maybe a 2&3 this yr plus a later round pick should be plenty to move up & keep our late round #1 .
  22. Analysts said Cordy Glenn wasn't a good LT , they also said Blane Gabbert was a good QB not to mention all the other things they were wrong about that's just a couple !!
  23. With all the talk of these huge contracts & players moving here reading all the different articles of these "GREAT" players that have gotten these massive /astronomical contracts for which they really don't deserve because they are good but not the best at what they do got me wondering what some players of the past would be worth today ? I just got through reading how N D Suh got his last contract from the Fins for $116 MILLION for 6 yrs & was getting cut because he didn't live up to it & in the article it said his career stats which his career has been 8 yrs are as follows . 420 tackles 51.5 sacks 28 pass defended 4 forced fumbles So i thought what would someone like Bruce be worth in today's NFL & if these guys are worth what they are getting paid OMG Bruce got SCREWED !! I know it was a different era but all things considered Bruce still got screwed when it comes to a pay check !! His stats in 8 yrs are as follows 541 tackles 92 sacks 16 forced fumbles they didn't keep stats on passes defended but i'm sure he had a bunch !! So if N D Suh got $116 million for his second contract & only played 3 yrs of it & got Guaranteed at signing was $59.955 Million Signing bonus was $25.5 Million Total guarantees $77.955 Million Average salary was $19,062,500 If you compare the cost against production in the same amount of time in todays NFL Bruce would be worth double what this guy is worth & he was a clean player didn't go around doing stupid things on the field just played the game the way it should be played ! And this guy will go out & get some other team to once again back up the truck & dump a S88T load of money at his front door & play below the great ness of Bruce ! BS always rises to the top !! He was a bad man !! I never get tired of this commercial
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