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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. You can't continually change coaches & GM's & expect any thing good to come of it that's exactly what has happened & was the biggest reason for the 17 yr play off drought ! What is it that they say ? The explanation of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over & over but expect a different result ? I know that's not exactly the way it is put . It's the first game of the season we lost 3 starting members of the O line & have maybe 3 average WR's with a bunch of rookies & a new offensive coordinator all good things come with more time than 1 game for goodness sake !! CHILL !!
  2. And how long has their HC been in place ? It has taken them some time to get where they are !!
  3. Seriously i think i would rather bring back TO !!
  4. Unless of coarse the FB is LaGarette Blount & you know how to use him !!
  5. If nothing else this game should give these players plenty of motivation to work their asses off in order to not look this bad again this year & they are finding out that those players they brought in like KB might have been let go for a reason so when it comes to contract time they know what to offer !
  6. At least it's good to read a positive thread I was ready to jump until i read this thanks friend !! ? We can only go up from here !! ?
  7. One thing we do know is if he holds true to what he said in the Embedded series that if you don't play hard you will be replaced then it looks as though there will be a lot of different players on the field this week !!
  8. I kind of liked Tuel & had hoped he worked out because he would have had a great lead in for the commentators IT'S TUEL TIME ! Ah yes what could have been !!
  9. I was just saying . We don't know but he has seen more than either of the other 2 & been in a lot more tense situations & i think because i don't know but i would have rather had him on the field than Allen I could be wrong but if he had any of what he did in the last preseason game left in him i would have liked to see it !!
  10. This is what happens all the time here it isn't any thing new the sky is falling !! It was all there in front of us yet we all still have our hopes & dreams at the beginning of the season that it will be as it once was Ah but those dreams come crashing down to the ground & reality sets in . I do wish given the QB situation that with so much unproven "talent" at the position that McD would have kept AJ around as a safety blanket of sorts for the what if this happens moment like yesterday. Now where do you go from here you know they are looking at veteran QB's in some way they have to ! Wel i guess we even have growing pains when it comes to our some what rookie HC but i'll almost bet lesson learned when it comes to keeping a vet on the team at the QB position ...
  11. OMG Trade Shady !! Fire McD !! while were at it get rid of Kyle for some younger talent !! Yah they stunk today but chill out !!
  12. I think they should have at least kept AJ until they knew for sure what Nate was going to look like . Can you say premature ejection ? Vontae - they say is still recovering from the injury . Murphy - well i'm not sure about him could be new scheme Star needs to get off his ass & play some ball !! Bodine is here as a depth player, Groy will be okay !!
  13. Petermen makes Fitz look like a HOFer & makes us all wish that he was our QB !!
  14. Burn me once shame on you - Burn me twice shame on me !! I wonder if they are missing AJ now or at least thinking that they should have at the very least kept him until they found out how Petermen was going to look ! Not a real good choice at the moment !!
  15. Trade him to the Raiders to get AJ back ... Gruden would go for it !!
  16. Opening day 2018 GO BILLS !! I for one hope that there is a way the Steelers can go through the entire season with out Bell being instated & i hope there is a rule they can use to make it so . Although i get it that he is trying to (be greedy) & get more money by holding out & not take a measly $14 million to play this year but he is basically telling his team mates to screw them selves IMHO ! And i have read articles that have said his team mates feel the same way at this point . The game has turned into a "It's all about ME & The Money" type of game but the ultimate team game that we all use to love is taking a hit because of guys like this & ultimately i think that is a big reason why the rating's were down last year, & will more than likely at the end of the season to show a downturn in viewership this year . When is enough enough when it comes to the amount of money that these guys get paid ? It starts out with a game that they supposedly love to play & some where along the line turns into the Diva & all about me mentality . I get that we all no matter what we do want to get paid top dollar but when it comes at the expense of others & especially your team mates that depend on you to some extent how can others in a team sport look to this player as a "team player" when they do things like this not once but numerous times ? Andrew Luck says he has a new found love for the game because it was almost taken away from him & he was miserable with out it, that is something that others completely miss ! What happens to Bell if the Privilege of playing the game is taken away would he think differently ? I would hope that guys like Josh Gordon have a new found love for the game that will help him have strength to keep his demons at bay, but some others don't see this as a privilege they only see it as a means & in a lot of cases after they get there they are no longer like they were prior to that . Again personal opinion, players like Cam, OBJ, Bell, Sherman, along with other up & coming Diva's are the reason for the game changing for what could be seen as the worse not for the better. I really enjoy the Frank Gores, Luke Keukley & the low key type of players that still play the game & make it about the game/team & not the individual ! I truly miss the Sanders, Rice, Reggy White & the passion of a Brett Favre that's what the game is suppose to be about !! Any way i know a lot of you will rag on me for this post but reading all of the stuff on Bell & how his team mates perceive him as a no show on game day just set the thought for this post in motion & i know you all in true Bills fan form aren't afraid to rip me for it so go ahead & with all this being said i hope that today's opening day proves to be more about the game it self that we love & how it's played rather than the individual & their celebrations to get them selves more attention on sports center & in the contract sense . So go ahead & make your money but not at the expense of team mates that depend on you in a team sense to look at the bigger over all picture, which some have done when it comes to renegotiating their respective contracts .And go ahead & celebrate when you contribute to the team but more so that than ME ME ME !! Enjoy Opening day !!
  17. If Shady hits a wall in any way & shows a lack of production & this guy continues to put up numbers like he did in the preseason it wouldn't surprise me that he could become the #1 RB on the team ! This guy put up something like 6 YPC that would be production that couldn't be ignored if he does that & Shady is only putting out 3 or 4 not to mention i wouldn't put it past Bean to use Shady as a trading chip for a team that could use him if a RB went down & Murphy was doing that good . I hope Shady continues to be his old self but McBean & company are looking to the future & if this guy proves to be all that & a bag of chips #2 is definitely possible & #1 wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility either ...
  18. Fitz was said to have a weak arm but has the longest TD in team history with the best WR in team history (TO) just ask him he'll tell you !! ?? Not to mention TO said Fitz had the best ball he ever caught from a QB !!
  19. I'd say with the emergence of Murphy that it wasn't a bad thing TD Mike was a good player but Murph can keep up the same production he had in the preseason the dude will be wanted on this team especially seeing as Shady is getting up there in age ! If Shady hits the wall some time soon & shows that he is struggling & Murphy still shows what he has to this point this yr into the regular season it wouldn't surprise me to see them insert Murphy as the #1 if his production is like it has been !! That said no i don't miss TD Mike !!
  20. I agree a lot of people think having arm strength enough to launch a 70 yr bomb is OMG the best thing a NFL QB can have which maybe having it in the players arsenal is a good thing but not necessary to be a good even great QB ! One interview that stuck out to me this yr was by a guy that didn't have the greatest arm in the NFL when it came to launching it 70+ yds but new how to drop a dime for 25 yds & could read the D & pick them apart . He had a really good career & if not for injury he could have had a lot better one his name was Chad Pennington ! The interview i listened to was on One Bills Live the dude nailed what a NFL QB needs to have to be a good QB in this league & that was deciphering defenses quickly, finding their weaknesses & being accurate sure you have to have decent arm strength but not even QB tries a hail mary every other game like Rogers does but it is nice to be able to if needed ! If Peterman can be a good version of Pennington for the Bills i'm all in because he won more than he lost especially before his injuries started to creep into his career . So here's to hoping he can be our guy for a while or at least until Allen can learn to be a better QB for the team ! GO BILLS !!!!!
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