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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. I recall hearing before the first Jets game in 08 that we had the best record against him of any team. Lost those 2 games so I don't know where we stand now.
  2. Am I the only one that doubles over looking at the bear spot in the middle of the field chopping it in 1/2?
  3. When was the last time an 8-8 team picked third??
  4. Believe he is saying you will be a lot happier in life if you learn to savor the moment.
  5. Boxing type head gear for the defense, as is for the offense. Helmet to helmet isn't a mistake that would be made twice.
  6. When I was in college a friend of mine said in his home town there was a bar that got an old black and white TV every Monday, raffled off tickets with the winner shooting the old TV when Howard came on. Couldn't dance but man could he annoy people.
  7. Not sure it was the first year of Mexican production, don't even remember why I thought that. Sure about the electrical problems though. Did you have any?
  8. My office mate just got the 2011 Sonata a couple months ago. She loves it, though there was a recall, something to do with the steering. As for the Jetta, I had a 2002. First year they had moved production to Mexico. Had a lot of electrical problems. From what others on this string have said it sounds like they have since fixed those problems but I'll never own another VW. Currently have an 07 Civic. No problems (first year of the new body style, often times this leads to a recall or two.)
  9. just like the steelers to go for a meaningless field goal on fourth and two with 5 minutes left in the game...you're right, this is good scotch
  10. Took some work but (I think) I have it figured out. We would have been 10-6 along with Denver and NYJ. This makes it 3 way tie breaker. You need to look at two things here, 3 way tiebreaker for teams not within the same division, then 3 way tie breaker for teams within the same division. The 3 way tie breaker for teams from different divisions says you eliminate teams within the same division first. The 3 way breaker for then takes effect and common opponents appears ahead of conference record. Weird I know. I could be wrong. First time for everything:-) http://www.nfl.com/standings/tiebreakingprocedures
  11. Jets lost in OT but my earlier post said to the Saints, it was actually the Rams. If the Bills had won they were in.
  12. At the post game tail gate we were listening to the Saints drive down the field and kicking an OT field goal against the Jets that would have put us in the playoffs had we won the game... said to my buddies "we could be so pumped right now"
  13. was at the game but didn't go on to the field...still have the beer stein with the team roster that I got for Christmas that year
  14. Can't imagine anyone would want to trade up to the number one spot unless Luck comes out
  15. My brother got jersey of his choice or personalized for his birthday. He asked for personalized, #23 with the name "Hit and Run". They called the next day and said sorry, they couldn't do that so he had 76 / Smerlas. Don't know if it makes a difference but he's had club seats the past several years.
  16. In order: Bills, Duke BB, Sabres (1 out of 3 ain't good)
  17. I like Stanzi too, should be able to get him early the fourth and address other needs withthe first 3 picks.
  18. If memory serves Suh wasn't a household name until mid November last year. But I get your point. If Luck doesn't come out no one is worth what the # 1 pick will cost unless someone emerges soon.
  19. This was the only reason I could see for the challenge...otherwise it was a bad decision
  20. A few weeks ago I posted that I would rather New England have a third round pick in their pocket then Moss on their roster (as well as from New England's view point a three productive seasons plus a third round pick in the pocket is pretty good value for a fourth round pick). Why am I now thinking NE will have both the third round pick they got for Moss plus Moss himself...
  21. Try telling that to Succop http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2010103103/2010/REG8/bills@chiefs#tab:watch
  22. Good work on who gets first dibs, now can you find out how long we get to put in a claim? Wondering if we still have a shot at Thaddeus Gibson even though SF has put in a claim. Haven't been able to find that info.
  23. Agree with all your points, especially the highlighted. Even the super bowl Bills got killed in KC during the regular season (twice I think) before returning the favor at home during the playoffs.
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