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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Vaccine - the 6 pack I drink before the game. Booster - the 3 or 4 I drink following the game. Not a cure, but makes the symptoms less severe.
  2. Add great sense of humor to all the other qualities mentioned above. RIP
  3. Um...you may want to patent this idea before some techy makes a couple million off of it. Like I told my nephews when they asked me for a million dollar idea, you don't need that, what you need is a one dollar idea that a million people want.
  4. Fact is we did the things you said we couldn't do. New England didn't do those things. Loss was precisely because on Monday we were a worse team than the Patriots. Other than that I agree with everything.
  5. Can't help but think that the drought would have ended right then in 2009 had we activated Freeman and sent Maybin to the practice squad. Guess we just had too much invested in Maybin.
  6. Starting from the beginning: Gas/tolls, $30 Parking is cheaper in Orchard Park than most places, $30 (hopefully the passenger pays) Food/beer - $40 Call it $100 a day per person and you'll have a real nice tailgate and probably have change. I don't drink in the stadium, that can really add to the beer total. Less than a dinner date. Houston we have a problem
  7. Countless 5 mile and 10K's until my mid 50's, past decade I've stuck to the ellipticals at the gym. Just make sure you work your way up to the 5K, need to get your body used to taking the beating that running puts on it, which is why I gave it up 10 years ago. Wouldn't want to tear and Achilles tendon at this stage of the game. Going straight to a 5K on a cold day without working your way up is textbook for a bad ending.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/most-americans-want-national-anthem-played-sporting-events-poll-shows-amid-mark-cuban-controversy-1570255 https://flagandcross.com/most-americans-feel-positive-about-american-anthem-except-for-blacks/
  9. Myself and I would expect the vast majority of Americans agree with you. Unfortunately the current environment (believe it's called cancel culture?) dictates catering to the minority to avoid offending anyone. Not sure why both Canadian and American National Anthems are broadcast on TV for hockey but not the NFL. On another note, thank you for your service.
  10. Great piece, thanks for sharing. Side note to Beasley, put your tooth in before doing interviews.
  11. Actually they have, several times. Until 1974 the game ended after 60 minutes, no OT except for playoffs. From 1974 until 2011 there was a 15 minute sudden death overtime. In 2012 the first possession must be a TD rule was added, if the receiving team scored a field goal they had to kickoff and the other team got a possession to tie or win. In 2017 the length of overtime was reduced to 10 minutes for player safety.
  12. He ended apartheid in South Africa and freed Nelson Mandela (maybe everyone here can agree on something, namely that these were good things.) For those that never heard of apartheid or Nelson Mandela, take a history class. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/11/fw-de-klerk-obituary
  13. Actually 5 time Wimbledon runner-up. He did win 4 Wimbledon titles though, 3 singles and 1 doubles, to go along with Olympic golds in singles and doubles (1908.)
  14. fixed now. Greg Williams was referring to Frank when he said "kill the head and the body will die." Sadly you may be right. Lyle Alzado tried to return in his 40's because he missed the violence (interestingly he once fought Muhammed Ali.)
  15. Time to adjust expectations was after week 1 loss to Pitt. Only thing to adjust now is your clock if you haven't already done so.
  16. "In the state of Nevada, all three terms DUI, DWI, or OUI are interchangeable and are used when discussing driving under the influence of either drugs or alcohol." https://addictionblog.org/nevada/laws/dui
  17. Fixed now...if Allen continues to be the lead option on student body right it's a question of when not if.
  18. Can't believe I found this...hilarious (or at least good for a laugh)
  19. Maybe Meyer will bring back Tebow for a week, this time as a running back
  20. Washington Football Team Formerly Known as Redskins
  21. Seems like it may have some health benefits as well...at least according to the world wide web! https://www.webmd.com/diet/ghee-good-for-you#
  22. What I can't tell from the video is how hard the push was. The defender pushed Murray on his third step following the pass. Definitely late and knocked Murray off balance, Murray being an exceptional athlete never lost his footing. As you say, had he flopped it would get called. Looking at the roughing the passer call last week on Frank Clark that so outrage our buddy Chris, it was actually textbook roughing the passer. Though the hit wasn't late Clark never held back but rather drove his shoulder in to Josh's. To the OP's point, refs are graded and one got fired the next day a few years ago because he missed this false start: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0zw17LGyJB0
  23. 200K/yr, not game (actually 205 K per year, read it on the world wide web so it has to be true)
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