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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. I agree with what Shady said and what you said. Unfortunately in today's America, anyone who doesn't agree with the left on any race related issue is automatically a racist or a bigot. Sad really.
  2. Saw them play head to head several times. It wasn't even close. Kelly was clearly the better QB.
  3. You're delusional. This will be a very competitive team. Shady still has a few years left of being the best RB in the league. Would be crazy to trade him.
  4. I don't believe that they would have made the Watkins deal if they knew Boldin was going to retire. Could be wrong, but I believe that trade was made partly because they believed that Matthews, Boldin and JOnes would make a solid trio at WR. Now they're down to 1 1/2 receivers. Not good. Boldin should have lived up to his commitment.
  5. Nobody is espousing that we prosecute players that protest. Just as they have the right to protest, we have the right not to like it or to respect them. It's not just anything goes in America. The National anthem is played as a patriotic symbol of freedom. The very freedom that they are exercising by refusing to stand for it. They can do as they please by law and we as fans can not like their actions or respect them as people.
  6. You are so wrong it's not even funny. The phrase "In God We Trust" does not violate the 1st amendment. You might want to read it and understand it's intent. "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights." That phrase does not vioate any part of the 1st amendment. In fact it is protected by it.
  7. No the NFL needs to do away with the idiot players who are protesting. If they can't show the courtesy and respect and decorum required for the playing of the national anthem then don't let them on the field until it's over. They don't deserve to be out there to even hear it.
  8. Relax man. How about waiting until we're about six or seven games in before deciding what kind of team this will be.
  9. I believe that it is a very real thing and it definitely helps teams in close games. Teams that expect to win find ways to win the close games. Teams that have a history of losing like the Bills find ways to lose close games because they expect to lose. It is a mental thing. If you refuse to lose, you will find a way to win. It has to be learned as a group. Expecting to win helps you get over the hump in close games. Expecting to lose leads to more losses, because we didn't expect to win anyway.
  10. Umm no I'm not. I think both our secondary and LB's will be better than last year. That in my opinion was cringe worthy.
  11. Tell me oh prognosticator. What are the numbers for the powerball lottery?
  12. Let's not over analyze. I think that both McDermott and Beane want to win in 2017 but also want to set the team up for long term success. Both have stated exactly that. They are on the same page. Make no mistake, the deals that they made last Friday do exactly that. I'll take Boldin, Matthews and Jones over an injured Watson, Woods and Goodwin which is what we had for most of last year. Overall the WR corps is stronger and should be more productive this year than last. And with two picks in each of the first three rounds, we are set to add some really good players next year as well. These guys are definitely on the same page and it is very clearly obvious. The owner does not have to be skilled at anything but providing capital. It's the football people that have to have some skill. Pegula knows how to hire competent people. Granted he made a mistake with Rex, but I believe it was Whaley that convinced him and he inherited Whaley. I'm perfectly content with this ownership and this FO and coaching staff. Time will tell if I'm right.
  13. I think you have too much time on your hands. I could give a rat's ass when he discussed it with McDermott. I can't even imagine a scenario where Beane would lie about that. What purpose would it serve? To what end? Makes no sense that he would lie about something so trivial.
  14. So tired of hearing people whine about the last 17 years. Those years are gone. Can't get them back and can't do anything about them. This is a whole new regime. New ownership, new GM and FO staff, new coach. It is not business as usual at One Bills Drive. These trades make us better both now and in the future. It is the one thing I have ever seen all of the talking heads on sports networks agree on. The Bills won big with these two deals.
  15. So you're butt hurt because your favorite player got traded. I get it. Get over it. Nobody waived any white flags. Take a look at Watkins production for three years as a Bill and compare it to Mathews numbers. Mathews numbers rank him in the top 10 ALL TIME for players with 3 years in the league. We are stronger at WR because of these trades. From everything I have read, Gaines has the potential to be every bit as good or better than Darby in this scheme so we are better at CB as well. Plus add the two draft picks and we are in good position for next year's draft. These were good moves and they made us better both now and in the future. Every expert agrees on this, which is rare. So you won't have Sammy to cheer for. If you're only watching to root for one player who by the way had a lot of trouble staying on the field, then you're missing some good football.
  16. If you're waiting for them to fail so that you can hate on them, then there is not a single thing that they can do that will make you remain optimistic. Most fans know that anything can happen in the NFL. For me I'm looking for improved play, disciplined play and always being competitive. Won loss record is not necessarily the yardstick for success this year. I'm looking for a team that doesn't embarrass themselves or look unprepared like in the past few years.
  17. The difference is that Levy had no clue how to run a front office and Jauron knew nothing about offense. The FO and coaching staff that we have now are veteran FO guys and veteran coordinators. World of difference.
  18. I absolutely love these moves. The WR corps for this year will be deeper than last year and I'll take Boldin, Jones and Matthews over an injured Watkins, Woods and Goodwin any day of the week. I think the addition of Gaines and subtraction of Darby is a wash. And having two picks in each of the first three rounds next year sets us up for long term success. Bills were big winners today in every way I can imagine.
  19. I'm with you. He was always hurt and wants big money in the offseason. Our WR corps this year with Boldin, Mathews and Zay Jones is better than last year with Watson, Woods and Goodwin. I think this group fits the offense just fine and will be very productive this year. Gaines looks to be just as good as Darby and we drafted Tre White so CB should be okay as well. Love the fact that we now have 2 picks in the first, second and third rounds. I absolutely love these deals both for this year and the future. Good riddance Sammy. It's not so much that we prefer Mathews to Sammy, it's just that overall, I for one like the combination of Boldin, Mathews and Zay Jones way better than an injured Sammy, Woods and Goodwin, which is what we had last year. Overall I think we will get more production out of these guys than we did from last year's group.
  20. I absolutely love these moves. They got quality players in return and extra draft picks. What's not to like. Watkins would not have been back next year anyway and Darby should be easily replaced by Tre White and the guy they got from the Rams. I like our top 3 receivers and I believe that swapping the two CB's will only make the secondary stronger. What's not to like?
  21. And what makes you think these two guys are anything like the guys that are running the Jets and Browns. Enlighten me please.
  22. And of course you do. Exactly what have they done to lose your trust? Take two years to evaluate their coach and GM and decide they weren't competent? Replacing them with two guys who actually have an idea of what they are doing? Please enlighten me since you seem to know way more about how to run an NFL franchise than they do.
  23. Looking for discipline. Crispness in and out of the huddle. I want to see the defense look like they have some idea of what the hell they're doing. Not looking for perfection, it's the first pre-season game, but looking to see what impact McDermott and staff are having thus far.
  24. lololol that's why I love coming on here. It's the unbridled optimism of Bills fans. I guarantee you this team will be much better than 5-11. Mark my words.
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