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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. There is an icon. I understand how it works. I was just making a simple suggestion and people are absolutely freaking out about it. And calling people names doesn't make your argument any stronger, it just shows ignorance. If the owner of the page wishes to put the 12 or 13 paid articles up front, that is his prerogative. I completely get it. Again, it was just a suggestion.
  2. That's fine. How about not having the first 12 or 13 always be from the News.
  3. LOl you guys must be getting kickbacks from the Buffalo News. Why do you insist that the pay articles have to be listed first? They don't.
  4. I am home. I am getting a huge laugh out of how many people are getting their panties in a wad over a simple request. I don't care if they ever do it. It was just a simple request to maybe have some more of the free articles up front instead of the first 12 or 13 always linked to a pay site. The responses are killing me. You guys must all work for the Buffalo News.
  5. It was a simple request man. Sorry that it bothers you so much that I don't want to have the first 12 or 13 articles linked to a site that I have to pay for. If you want to pay, feel free. I was just making a simple request to maybe mix it up a bit. How about putting the free ones on top and the paid ones on the bottom instead of the other way around? Doesn't seem too difficult to me. The moderators or owner can do whatever they choose. I won't read the ones from the Buffalo News so they are useless to me.
  6. I don't want to subscribe to any of those publications and I don't want to subscribe to the Buffalo News either. There is plenty of free content out there. It was a simple request to provide more free content. Do you people work for the Buffalo News or something? Damn. Relax people.
  7. Damn man. It was a simple request. Most people that comment on here don't seem to like the Buffalo News articles anyway, so why do the first 12 or 13 articles on the page all be from a site that you have to pay for?
  8. C'mon man. Look at the page. The first 12 or 13 articles are all from the Buffalo News. How about mixing it up a bit? I like the page and have been coming here daily for years. It was a simple request. Why do we need so many Buffalo News articles? There are plenty of other sources that are free.
  9. WTF are you talking about? It was a simple request that they not provide so many links to the Buffalo News and maybe a few more that you don't have to pay to read. Amazing to me how many people are getting their panties all in a bunch over a simple request.
  10. I already have. I don't read them. I was just asking to not provide so many Buffalo News articles and maybe a few more from other publications that you don't have to pay for. I think it would add to the experience of the page. It's a simple request but people seem to be getting their panties all in a bunch about it.
  11. Actually I do. I worked for a newspaper and that is how we provided content on the internet. Readers did not have to subscribe to read our articles. We paid for it through ad sales. How, by providing facts? There is plenty of free content out there that publications provide and use ad sales to pay for it. It's a fact.
  12. Exactly my point. If they want to provide links to paid articles, that's fine. I was just asking for more that you don't have to pay for.
  13. You don't have to charge people to read your content. Most successful publications have figured out a way to provide internet content and pay for it through advertising sales. Clearly the Buffalo News hasn't figured that one out yet. That's how you get information to the masses in the 21st century if you want to continue to be viable.
  14. Relax man. I was just asking to link to more articles that I don't have to pay to read. I like the site as well. But when I see an article that looks like it might be interesting I would like to be able to read it without paying for it. That's how most of these pages work.
  15. I agree with you. I like the discussion part the best. Just would like to be able to read an article that looks to be interesting without having to pay for it. $2.99 to read articles on a fan site that is supposed to be free. Just asking for more content that I don't have to pay to read.
  16. I don't. Just look at the page. Tell me how far a user has to scroll down before finding an article that you don't have to pay to read.
  17. That's right and it's three dollars more than I am willing to pay on what is supposed to be a free site.
  18. It's just a figure of speech. Look at the page right now and tell me how many there are from other papers compared to the Buffalo News. If they already subscribe, they can just go the Buffalo News site and read them. They don't need this one to do so. This is supposed to be a free site.
  19. How many percentage wise compared to the Buffalo News? Look at the page right now and tell me how many you see from those other papers compared to the Buffalo News..
  20. I don't read them. That's the point. Would like to have a fan page with articles that I can actually read without paying.
  21. Would appreciate if the moderators would post articles from other publications that do not require you to pay to read them. There are plenty of other sources for Bills related material besides the Buffalo News. I can't read 99% of the articles on the page because you have to subscribe in order to read them. If the Buffalo News wants to require a subscription to read their material, then that's fine, it's their newspaper and their right. I just would like to continue to read articles on Two Bills Drive without having to pay to do so. Anyone else feel the same way?
  22. Agree. Tyrod is held to the same standard as every other NFL QB. Did he do his job or didn't he? Period.
  23. Yes, I believe they are. Defense is among the best in the league. Offense has struggled, but I believe it will improve as the season progresses. They will keep games close and will have an opportunity to win each and every remaining game. I believe they will win enough of them to make the playoffs.
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