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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. If you hate the coach so much, why not find another team to root for. McDermott is our coach and from what I have seen thus far is a marked improvement over what we have had in the past. We will eventually have players with talent who also understand the level of commitment that it takes to win. I have seen absolutely zero evidence that his "ego" has anything to do with any decisions that he has made thus far. He is not Chip Kelley. Personality wise, they are in fact polar opposites. Some people on this board will always find something to complain about, but how about giving this guy at least a full season before you start complaining. After five games, we have seen evidence that we are headed in the right direction. Let's let the rest of the season play out before we start coming to conclusions about whether or not he will be successful in his approach.
  2. Calling BS on this one. TT can't get the ball out in time to hit open receivers. He held the ball way too long on Sunday and consequently got sacked a bunch of times. He needs to be able to read more quickly and get the ball out within three seconds. Until and unless he learns to do that it won't matter who his WR's are.
  3. This. 100%. This team looks like they at least have a solid plan each and every week. Twice out of five times the offense failed them. That's fixable. We have been within one score of winning each and every game. I like the odds of winning when you keep within striking distance each and every week.
  4. My "opinion" hasn't changed since 1960. My sister went to Buff State and brought me home a poster of that first team. I hung it on my wall and have been a fan ever since. Every week, I tune in and root for them to win. When they don't, I'm disappointed, but I have never wavered in my loyalty. I always hope for the best. So to answer your question, no, my "opinion" will not change if they lose. I'll be disappointed as always, but will tune in the following week, again, hoping for the best. Go Bills.
  5. There were empty seats all over the NFL this week and I suspect it's a trend. Only the NFL could manage to screw up a cash cow like this. Brilliant strategy getting every team to protest.
  6. Ok so who had the Bills beating both Denver and Atlanta before the season started? I bet you could count the number who actually predicted we would win both of these games on one hand.
  7. When Hughes leads the team to four consecutive Super Bowls, then he can talk ****. Until then STFU.
  8. So no matter what they do, it was luck that they won. Brilliant analysis.
  9. He's meant to be a change of pace back. He runs between the tackles while Shady generally tries to bounce outside. Tolbert is a bruiser and he is a nice complement to Shady.
  10. Ummm the Bills play in Buffalo. Hence the Buffalo logo. Would you rather have a picture of a bunch of guys named Bill?
  11. Umm no he isn't. The President was spot on with his comments. Players have the right to protest and no one is disputing that. Their employers also have the right to fire them if their actions reflect poorly on the team. He spoke the truth.
  12. So you just take any QB in the first round regardless if there's another player who is 10x better at his position. Brilliant strategy. They didn't draft a QB in the past few years because they had so many other positions of need and there just wasn't a first round talent available. It has a lot to do with drafting in the middle of the first round all the time instead of at the beginning of it.
  13. Why in the world would anyone watch Shannon Sharpe and Skip Bayless, let alone watch their show with Rob Ryan on it. I have never watched the show because of who the hosts are. Not interested in what they have to say or anyone they might have on as guests.
  14. We knew they were good players. They are gone for a reason. Time to move on. They will have good games and bad games. The Bills have a talented group of players and we will be fine.
  15. I was kind of agreeing with you until you talked about "the rookie" dropping the ball on that last throw. It was a terrible throw and he was very fortunate to even get a finger on it. It was an almost impossible ball to catch.
  16. Take it someplace else. This board is for football discussions.
  17. I coach soccer and I do the same thing. I clap and shake the players hand when they come off the field, no matter how they played during that particular stretch of game. It's designed to encourage them and let them know you've got their back through good points of play and bad alike. I see absolutely nothing wrong with being positive and maintaining that attitude regardless of what is going on on the field. Screaming and yelling at players does not produce results. It doesn't work. Players will tune you out and refs will make sure to not give you the benefit of the doubt if you are riding them.
  18. I couldn't disagree more. Yesterday's game was ugly on offense for sure, but this was not the same Bills game we have been watching for years. There were no stupid penalties that I saw and if TT makes that throw at the end, despite how bad the O played, we walk away with a win. Tough game to watch for sure and frustrating, but I'll take this team over the ones from the last two years every single time. The O will make adjustments and we'll win our share of games. I fully expect that TT will not be QB1 by the end of the year. Coach McDermott will not accept this kind of QB fplay or an entire season. He either plays better or he will be on the bench by mid season. At least we have that to look forward to.
  19. bull ****. It was a bad throw and he was lucky to even get a finger on it. TT missed a wide open receiver and it cost us a win.
  20. It may be convenient but it's true. TT is healthy, Newton is not. That's a fact and there's not disputing it.
  21. Gotta agree here. TT came up small today. He's got to hit that throw at the end.
  22. Overall, can't complain. They stayed within a single score all game long. Bad throw at the end hurt for sure. TT has got to hit that one. I've seen people say it was a drop by Jones. BS. That was a bad throw. Good throw and we win the game.
  23. I know it's hard to have patience, but when you've been pinned down near your own end zone the entire first half, it limits what you can do offensively. Hoping for better field position in the second half and then maybe we can get something going on O.
  24. They don't owe us anything. They saved our Bills. That's good enough for me.
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