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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. At around the 5 minute mark of the video Matt Judon : "His offensive line wasn't blocking for him..." This is on film that defenses study. Our line doesn't give him the protection he needs. Should be in Kromer's head on a loop this year.
  2. Wentz has tricked more teams off of one season of game tape than OJ Howard.
  3. You knew it was going to be bad when Cowherd criticized the lack of moves for OL and the most parroted response was that we cleared out the OL racks at the NFL’s Goodwill in free agency. Kromer needs to put a giant Fathead of Josh’s bloody elbows in the Cincinnati game in the OL room.
  4. No one can get hurt if we don’t see it happen.
  5. Tasker should already be in. My conspiracy theory is that the NFL is currently trying to fundamentally change special teams and Tasker's selection would only highlight just how big of a shift it is.
  6. Beane might have chess’d the checker by bringing in Shell. All he has to do is be 10% healthier than Spencer Brown.
  7. I was so livid about that until I remembered we were still going to pay Edmunds after this.
  8. Good. Of the people who cashed in the “delayed onset emotional exhaustion” excuse, Diggs isn’t one of them. He’s pissed about the team not meeting his expectations. That’s the mindset we need this season.
  9. I need to know where Mahomes’ brother was at the time to rule him out as a suspect.
  10. Now we can finally “Boo” him. Let me check ticket prices… *checks stubhub* Now y’all can finally “Boo” him.
  11. Dave Gettleman knew Saquon’s worth: slightly more than lunch and snacks.
  12. Where did the innocent until proven guilty crowd go so soon? Or does it only apply to special teamers?
  13. My son has been rocking the red color rush with the 90s helmets on Madden for every home game. Goes all whites and standing buffalo for away games. His head would explode if they actually used that same kit IRL.
  14. Netflix lost me when they raised rates 3 times during the pandemic. Then sent me an email asking for feedback. Must not have been what they wanted to hear because they raised their rates again shortly after. I'd like to think it was my rate hike.
  15. What made it doubly emotional is that Damar had to present the award after they played this video. Must have brought all the emotions back.
  16. Looking more and more like Tyrod and Fitz were opposite sides of the same coin made of drought mediocrity. Tyrod wouldn’t win you the game with a TD throw and Fitz would lose you the game with a 4th quarter interception. Both were just enough to give you hope and think “man if they just had a better roster around them.” The only difference in fan perception to me is that Fitz left on his own and became the girl who got away whereas we traded Tyrod away.
  17. Beane didn't get to where he is by cutting people he could trade. Hines is worth more now that when we have up Moss and a 6th for him. There were only 6 KR TDs last year and Hines had 2 of them. He's not getting cut.
  18. It’s a miracle Poyer re-signed. We talk a lot about how things almost never break our way and we’re always short on luck. Whatever it was: his loan shark used car salesman of an agent overselling him on getting paid, soft safety position free agent market, or Miami just not ponying up enough money, it was the first lucky break we got this season.
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