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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. To say that this forum thought more of Edmunds than anyone in the organization actually did, would be an understatement.
  2. Bad sign when the talking heads are expecting the move. All the ones that are talked up never seem to happen. I.e. Derrick Henry
  3. Edmunds everywhere are moving out
  4. Plus he ran from the hospital in uniform while the nurses stood on the roof to say goodbye. Dude is beast
  5. He had that awesome game at NE. He was definitely a likable Kevin Hart type character with personality. But you could see by his last contract that the team wanted him to show them something more. Let’s just hope he keeps these type of plays going now that he’s no longer a Bill.
  6. My only question is did we make an offer?
  7. I think it would be interesting to see which narrative would win out? The current one or the old reliable. Right now the media narrative is that the Watson deal didn’t happen and Lamar is a tyrant diva who accidentally donates his time to kids and money to charity. He fumbles the ball to receivers hands for TDs but he can only run. Most of his injuries are due to butterfly wing pulses because he’s made of tissue paper. But if NE traded for Lamar, the old chestnut narrative of BB being Stephen Hawking of football would probably win out. He’d be lauded for being smarter than everyone else yet again. Because Bellicheat is the goat and outsmarts the waiter at Olive Garden at lunch subconsciously. The waiter gives him money at the end. Bill would be outthinking the entire NFL and locking up his franchise QB for years.
  8. Lamar is so terrible, can't pass, and is always injured until Belicheat gives him exactly what the deal he wants then he's a genius with psychic foresight that the entire colluding NFL couldn't see. But that's old Billy playbook stealer, he's just smarter than everyone else. Takes away your best weapon and so on.
  9. Anyone else notice how its been 3 business days since the Rodgers announcement of intentions and suddenly Green Bay is the worst run franchise ever according to the talking heads who openly root for the Jets? These intense opinions about the franchise were nowhere to be found last year when Rodgers held them hostage yet again for an extension he's unwilling to play out.
  10. Saffold isn't here for the "mental exhaustion" to be so freaking contagious this year. This song goes out to him.
  11. We're supposed to forget that only QBs who are accused of sexual assault over a score of times are allowed to have a guaranteed contract so Lamar is just being unreasonable. But Browns ownership is doing great and the NFL that stood by and let it happen shouldn't get any heat for it.
  12. We got rid of Edmunds And Devin Bush IS a linebacker
  13. Dodson only does what the coaches ask of him. His size takes away throws. He is also 24 years old.
  14. The best part is that there is zero incentive for the Packers to hurry the deal unless the Jets greatly overpay. In fact, it behooves GB to drag the negotiations out past June 1st so that Rodgers cap hit can be spread across two seasons. So reasonably the Pack should ask for at least the Russel Wilson package. He's won more MVPs, played in more playoff games, won SB MVP, 4 First Team All-Pros, even if you back out the age difference. GB doesn't need to budge. There is no incentive on their part. In fact, they should not only ask for the Russel Wilson deal, they should also ask for NYJ to pay a good portion of his money owed if they want it done faster. Seattle proved you don't give up a HoF QB for peanuts. Here's my dream scenario: The Jets spend the rest of the run up to the draft trying to go thrift store cheap on the GB. Offering two 2nd rounders or something insulting. During which time, Lamar finds a non-colluding NFC team to pay him. Rodgers does his passive-aggressive diva thing the whole time trying to neg the Packers into "doing right by him," forgetting that he's held them hostage multiple times over 15 years. Most recently last year. The entire time, the Jets fanbase, who has already assumed this deal was done, being wailing and gnashing their teeth. They send Rich Eisen, Greenberg, and George RR Martin hate Tweets everyday which eventually makes it onto the broadcast fodder. Well except Martin. He just paints figurines and doesn't write books. The Jets will either mortgage their future picks to overpay, or GB is annoyed enough from being slandered on sports radio for months that they pull out and lose nothing except the money they were going to pay Rodgers anyway.
  15. Stopping by to eat my crow. I was certain Poyer was gone with all of Rachel Bush's theatrics, plus all of the unconfirmed Dolphins tweets and articles that kept finding my feed. Waiting for the numbers to come out. I'm sure Poyer's interview innuendo, Rachel's Twitter posts tagging him in other teams photoshopped jerseys, and Miami's weird fanbase probably jacked up his price significantly more than we planned. Still happy to have him regardless.
  16. If the Rodgers deal falls through, the Jets will be desperate enough to give Lamar what he wants. People will be more angry about that than Watson getting the guaranteed deal because that’s the world we live in now.
  17. That's odd. Then why is he talking to the Jets? Now I'm confused!
  18. That is the hill they're dying on hopefully. Nothing would please me more than Rodgers trudging back to GB without a deal done after looking so smug in interviews. He's really acting out his Farve trauma by reliving it.
  19. With all the Dhop scuttlebutt, the max we can give AZ for Hopkins is for what they got for him. Wasn't it a 5th? Isn't Jeudy's contract backloaded? Heard somewhere it blows up to 12 mil next year.
  20. He only goes where the coaches ask him to.
  21. Who else read the title as Keenum to
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