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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. We will see what the team, and particularly Josh, really are after those games. He looked very good for the most part in the first two games, but against 2 dumpster fire teams. Josh made some touch passes in both of those games that he would not have even tried in previous years, and with Diggs on the roster he has multiple receivers that can catch them. If he plays as well in the next 4 as he has in the first 2, the Bills really may have something this season.
  2. Believe it or not no. There is actually a fish bar somewhere, and a few raiders bars. I was in the fish bar once years ago, but never went again. Don't even remember the name
  3. Interesting. Here in Rochester there were two anchor bars that after maybe a year or so both closed. There is one Duffs (that I know of anyway) that seems to be doing well. Maybe Rochester wing eaters have a more discerning taste for wings than people in GA. ;). But I actually had no idea either chain made it out of NY!
  4. One of those pages, and I think its this one, has a "Home Team" "expert" that just picks the home team every game and it tends to do better than a lot of the human "experts".
  5. My interest has been at zero for years except for the Bills. I watch at home so fans or no fans makes no difference at all to me. Some say they have lower interest this year because of more important things going on, but news flash, it's a freaking game so there is literally always something more important going on every sunday every season. So in short, my interest level is no different this year versus previous years and my "investment level" is still the same, watching the Bills games every week and that's pretty much it.
  6. It likely would not be up to the Bills, but NYS. Even if the gov decided to try it, the first game there would be tailgaters filmed doing stupid things and that would be that. Just do what baseball is doing, it got off to a rocky start but is doing better than I thought it would. But when baseball had a team hit with covid they could postpone and make up missed games with double headers. Football can't do that. But at least the fans would get to see some games, and the NFL gets the TV money.
  7. That's interesting because I get channel 8 crystal clear but cannot get 10 or 13 at all. It must depend on where we both live and the direction to the antennas. To answer the OP's question. No I would not. Only hard core fans would, and IMO there aren't enough of those to make such a network feasible. Even YES has mainly non yankees stuff, such as Manchester United (I believe or is it Chelsea) premier league soccer games. Plus the existing NFL contracts with TV and DirectTV would preclude such a network broadcasting Bills games live. YES does broadcast Yankees games live.
  8. You're kidding right? Are you paying attention to MLB now at all, or schools opening, or anything else? There are new significant developments nearly every week.
  9. One thing that puzzles me is why the "deadline" to decide is now. I would expect if someone next week comes to the conclusion they need to opt out, they'll do it and ***** the NFLs deadline.
  10. I did watch a lot of the habs/pens game last night. Very high quality. But I have noticed too that there seems to be a overall lack of hitting in all of the games. Maybe they are all still trying to get back in game shape and don't want to get hurt.
  11. Quality has been fine, I agree. But the pseudo-season-playoffs in july/august just hasn't grabbed me like hockey seasons always have. Plus jumping right into a playoff series format probably has something to do with it. I'll watch some I'm sure, but basically for me, last season was over when they shut it down.
  12. Quite frankly, this season has become meaningless with the opt outs etc. IMO. Much like NHL/NBA/MLB. If they try and have the season, and I'm sure they will at least try as there is too much TV money on the table to pass up, I doubt I will be interested enough to watch much. NHL is my top sport and I am barely watching any of that now. Just can't generate any interest.
  13. Baseball is about to shut down because they made the same mistake as the NFL is planning, teams travelling and going home every day. NBA did it smart keeping the players in a bubble. Harder to do for NFL with most of the games traditionally played just on Sundays.
  14. This right here IMO is the root of the entire problem. The kneeling etc. protests are not, and were never intended to be, a sign of disrespect to the military. It was done as an attempt to raise awareness that racism in the US and in law enforcement is still a thing, and bigger than some would care to admit. Some take it as a "slap in the face to everyone who has ever defended our rights", and that is usually when things can start degenerating.
  15. No, the NFL is about money. Until this exclusivity deal gets to the point they think they could be making more some other way, do not expect anything to change much. Online petitions make poeple feel better, but really have little to no impact. This is a business decision and only a business decision. But at the same time, NFL teams and players etc. is what draws most to the game I believe.
  16. I watched the German soccer games this weekend. They just restarted their season and there were no fans. I actually preferred it that way. With no fan noise you can hear what's actually going on during the game. With football and hockey they would need a good long dump buffer to bleep out a lot of the potty mouths though
  17. It is a very generous gesture!! My daughter is a big Josh fan. Connects to my home media server to watch the games Sundays from college in upstate NY. Her school has about 80% of its students coming from the NYC area, so she is severely outnumbered by NJ team fans. She sent me this picture from one of the college cafeterias She would love the Josh jersey to represent next season She is 6 ft tall and usually wears a medium.
  18. You are partially correct in your well thought post, in that the way to "protest" is to not buy tickets ... but it would be any tickets, not just season tickets, and also not watch on TV. If ratings as well as ticket revenue drop by enough across the NFL because of your protest, the NFL will respond. The NFL is a business and has always done what's in their own best financial interest. But the NFL, as they themselves state, are an entertainment enterprise ... period. And that is 100% true. NFL games offer nothing of any inherent value except entertainment. They do what they feel is reasonable to try and keep things square during games. But expecting perfection, or anything close to it, is unreasonable and quite frankly unattainable given the nature of the game in its current form. You could even argue that the "human factor" of the officiating how it is now is more entertaining to the casual NFL fans than perfect officiating would be. At the end of the day, the NFL does not care much who wins and who loses (despite the complaints that the Bills always get the short end of the officiating stick by some here ). They care if it was entertaining enough to keep people spending their hard earned money on their product. in the future.
  19. GF issues off the field aside, he has always been a class act when it came to Buffalo. I wish him the best. That being said, I want SF to win only because pats fans will twist in the wind over the pats trading away Jimmy G
  20. I understand why they did it, but quite frankly they should have traded Brady (teams would have given a lot for him then) or convinced him to take a coaching or front office job rather that trade potentially Brady 2.0 AKA Jimmy G.
  21. No point lamenting over it. Yes, the Bills made a mistake but like it was pointed out earlier, they got good things out of it as well.
  22. I suppose if it makes you feel better. But do you think anyone outside of the mail room will even know about it?
  23. It may be better to work with kids trying to get in to the NFL and are still hungry versus NFL prima donnas. Knows the VA head coach. May be behind the scenes stuff at OBD we don't know about. Maybe has been wanting a promotion and it wasn't happening. Could be a lot of sound reasons for this move. We'll probably never know.
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