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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. Have you looked around the league at FG %, and PAT% for that matter as well? Besides that, you need to find someone better before cutting him. As you said, rookie. Did you want to cut Allen less than halfway through his rookie season? Instead of a cut everyone approach, how about getting someone good to work with the kid. Much like Allen, he has the leg. Just needs to learn control.
  2. Play against the Jets the 2nd half of every game?
  3. I always thought he presented himself very "headcoach-like" in interviews and press conferences. What good head coach starts foaming at the mouth at those times? However he has always had the deer in the headlights look to me on the sidelines during games. Even more so now with the mask.
  4. I actually think that move makes sense. Reasons posted in that thread.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me. And they have Fitz on the sideline and all 2 weeks of prep to mentor him. And got him some bonus snaps against the Jets to get those jitters out of the way.
  6. This is about the time every season that Fitz transforms from the amish rifle to noodle arm. They get to see what this kid has and lets Fitzmagics arm regain some strength. Win/Win. Fitz certainly is not the future for them.
  7. I should guarantee a Bills win and take the Jets and the points.
  8. As well as keeping him in the game taking as many hits in the pocket as he was taking.
  9. Yes the Jets suck, yes Darnold is likely out or at least hobbled. But all the pressure is on the Bills. After the past 2 games and how much the Jets suck, anything short of a crushing will be largely looked at as a failure by the Bills. A lot of eyes will be on the Bills, and so far when the spotlight has been on them ...
  10. They did not last night. Milano was out and that's a big loss. But it's the NFL, next man up. KC was down Watkins, and their O-Line is all jumbled up. Yet that patchwork O-Line chewed up and spit out the Bills D. How many yards rushing did the D give up to that makeshift O-Line of the Chiefs ... a team that generally does not run much? Titans practiced either once or twice during the 2 weeks prior to playing the Bills and all kinds of covid issues. Then they played Sunday, not Monday so had a even shorter week to prepare, and won. Who was at a disadvantage? There was no excuse. It was in Buffalo and in the rain. As the commentators (yeah Aikman sucks but they got this right) mentioned in the first half, McCoach could not have requested better conditions for that game. Reid and the KC players adapted. McCoach, who IMO is generally a decent to good prep coach but is not good at all on game-day did not, and you get two of the D leaders taking stupid personal fouls and Diggs walking back to the line taking that penalty in the 2nd half. The Bills lost to two good teams. Those teams are better than they are, particularly KC. If/when they get fully healthy and get Bell into the mix, I'm not sure who beats them. That's the only "excuse" the Bills have.
  11. IMO a very healthy and smart way to look at it.
  12. The patchwork O-Line of KC totally smoked and blew the doors off of the Bills D-Line and LBs. Men against boys type of stuff. Your wife/babe is spot on I think.
  13. Of course not, it is a freaking game. Not life or death or worth changing your personal life over. Well, except maybe Monday when I may leave work early to watch the game live
  14. Great post.. I disagree that the game was closer than the score indicated, but that's just my opinion and water under the bridge at this point. But as to Henry, anyone who does not think he is a beast, and as you so aptly put it, Jim Brown like, look at this again. Flicked Norman off like a flea.
  15. Monday at 5 eastern? Good god. Tough but doable for us Bills TV watchers. It's at least a half day off from work for KC in person people.
  16. I suspect that was the prime directive this past off season. Get pass blocking so Allen doesn't need to run for his life every time he drops back to pass. IMO, pass blocking is one thing. But run blocking requires a lot more speed, quickness, and overall skill.
  17. I respectfully disagree. I get where you are coming from, but a QB should be a QB and not a extra RB IMO. If he goes down the season is over ... period. So in no way do I intentionally put him in harms way multiple times a game and risk the entire season by him being injured. Running is what you pay RB's for, use them.
  18. The Bills Titans game tonight seals the deal for me. Practice in the NFL means exactly squat. The Bills have been practicing like normal. The Titans have practiced like twice in the last 2 weeks, Had zoom meetings. And they kick the living crap out of and totally outplay the Bills in every way tonight. Plus no preseason for everyone and yet they all played well week 1. Practice means nothing at that level.
  19. So over 20 positives on the Titans. In theory they should have not been practicing for some time. And moving the game from Sunday to Tuesday is the answer ... really?
  20. I saw this and found it interesting. They have other sports and other non-sports things as well. I find it interesting and disturbing they don't tout their accuracy. Anyone have any experience with them? SWARM AI NFL
  21. And stop even reading it. Bolded: Was your first clue all the MVP talk going on here already?
  22. NFC West team in week 3 is the biggest game of the year huh. smh It is the first look at how the team and Allen in particular does against a quality opponent and will give a first look at what this team really is this season. But biggest of the year, hardly. At the very least, the pats games are much bigger.
  23. Very logical and I agree. But I don't think McD is wired that way. Particularly the way Chan and Fitz abused the middle of the field.
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