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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. You basic premise then is that the officials are driven by profits of the NFL to that degree rather than the old adage that you "earn the benefit of the doubt" in those situations. I am far more inclined to believe the latter. But either way, I can't imagine Buffalo ever being considered a huge money maker to the other NFL owners, unless there is a huge renaissance that makes the Buffalo area more like NYC, Dallas, or Chicago in terms of population, and median (with a large disposable) income. But that's just me
  2. Huh??? The Bills have [some of the] lowest ticket prices in the NFL. Buffalo is not exactly a thriving metropolis. They have a old, open air, stadium that usually doesn't fill up in December. There is support for the Bills outside of Western NY, but I have no reason to believe it's more than average across the NFL. What about the Bills makes you think "golden goose" to the other NFL owners?
  3. I think that's more of an art than a science. How far to lead. where to put the ball on the Z axis when it gets there based on where defenders are in the area and so on. It is exponentially more difficult. Any QB who makes it into the NFL can hit players that are standing still.
  4. Probably. He is certainly the best QB the Bills have had in quite some time. The whole salary cap tango GMs need to do makes my head hurt, so I generally don't think about it
  5. He certainly improved. Far fewer stupid plays and will slide now are probably the two biggest. I expect him to continue to improve, he certainly has the personality and work ethic. But again, based on his lifes work in football, IMO greatness is a big long shot.
  6. He certainty is, the Bills are all-in on him for sure. They have no choice, and besides, he is not a bad QB. IMO he just isn't, and probably won't be, a great QB. But as I said above, hope springs eternal.,
  7. Boy they sure should have. Thank goodness the Texans D couldn't take advantage, I think the Bills D scores at least once in those situations.
  8. Anything is possible. It is possible I become the Bills QB next season and win the SB. Super crazy unlikely, but possible. The reasons to doubt it. at least a little, are his entire football career. Hope springs eternal, but I am a logical person which dooms me to pay attention to my head more than my heart.
  9. Of course the question is relevant. And no one here makes team decisions. The topic of this entire thread makes it a relevant question.
  10. Without question real Bills fans hope for that kind of improvement out of Josh Allen. The question is, how likely do you think that is.
  11. That's actually not a bad description of his play all season. When his gambles work, he looks great. But when they don't, whooooo boy.
  12. That certainly contributed. But Watson was under constant pressure all game and got sacked 7 times I believe. Blocking issues would seem to be a wash in that game.
  13. Do you really think the coaching staff, particularly the head coach, had a good in-game season?
  14. McClappy may have thought Allen tried to do too much ... be McClappy did far too little.
  15. IMO Josh Allen is not a "franchise" QB. Great kid with a personality you can't help but love. But his weaknesses in high school, junior college, college, and now in the NFL have not changed much. He is the Bills QB and a good one. But I feel he is unlikely going to be what most here hoped, and still hope, for. He made some plays today that made him look elite. Then the next play he is fumbling, putting up a jump ball, or throwing the perfect pick 6 that was dropped.
  16. Watch it again tomorrow. Whatever was up with that tweet you mentioned was made by an ####### for sure.
  17. Watson proved today he is indeed the better QB. Allen got very lucky and should have been intercepted at least twice, one for a pick 6. Allen is a gamer who made many mistakes today., He'll learn, but he is what he is.
  18. It was a correct call. And completely unnecessary as the play was past him already. Rookie mistake, and a costly one.
  19. Disagree with the OP. The biggest reason this season,along with this game, was lost, was coaching
  20. He is perhaps the only very bright spot this season. Smoke too, but he is a outstanding back with a very bright future.
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