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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Billy's reflection on his relationship with Kent Hull is also really neat. Definitely worth the 10 minutes to watch the video.
  2. For those of you that know me, part of the reason I became a Bills fan many moons ago is the eerie connection between Mississippi football players and the Bills. My friend Rick Cleveland, a great feature writer from the newspaper industry, is now in charge of the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and did a wonderful feature on former Bills offensive lineman Billy Shaw: http://msfame.com/news-updates/billy-shaw-remembers-extols-the-old-afl/ Please share this on Twitter or Facebook if you enjoy it.
  3. Flutie fumbled at the 9 yard line in the Miami playoff game and it was 3rd down.
  4. Exactly. The divisiveness between the fan base during that time was absurd. And it went on for 3 long years. Once RJ lovers became attached to him, they couldn't let him go. RJ lovers only argue that Flutie was mean. How dare he be mean but better than RJ on the field. Who does he think he is? Flutie was a little cocky, but most good competitors are.
  5. Are you a fortune teller? You can read the future? Please enlighten me how Flutie would have played worse than RJ in the Titans playoff game. Flutie lost his first playoff game as a Bill, yes, but the point of this debate is that his next opportunity at the playoffs in which HE LEAD THE TEAM AND EARNED, was stolen from him. And you aren't a fortune teller so anything you say regarding the outcome of Flutie starting the Titans playoff game, is just pure ignorance. Good day.
  6. I was at that game too! Really fun game you're right. I remember the first play of the game was a fumble and Bruce Smith nearly returned it for a touchdown, he was brought down at the one. At that point, it was a party the rest of the game. There were a ton of Bills fan there. I snuck into the players family room after the game with my dad and got to meet Flutie and he was nice as ever. He signed a few autographs for me and sat and talked with us about the season for over 10 minutes.
  7. RJ was 1-3 in his first 4 games. Flutie was 4-0 in his first 4 games. Flutie led the team to the playoffs in 99 and should have started, period. How would you feel if you did really good at your job but your boss told you I get all of your paychecks? That's the closest analogy that sums up this debate.
  8. As long as we keep signing oversized contracts with quarterbacks who have a handful of good games and no large body of work, we're doomed. (i.e. Rob Johnson, Ryan Fitzpatrick). Add to the fact Nix wants to draft a QB this year when the QB class of last year's draft was MUCH deeper, we're doomed even more. But I like to be an optimist.
  9. Sunday Ticket could charge $600 and I would still pay for it, I don't think I could ever go back to not being able to watch the Bills. I live in Mississippi and there's four teams they play the hell out of on Fox and CBS: Cowboys, Saints, Falcons, and Titans. Terrible!
  10. Eric Moulds recently started a radio show for his alma mater Mississippi State alongside another former Miss. State player, Wayne Madkin and he's quite often talked about Buffalo and his fond memories of the city. On past shows he's always spoken highly of the city, saying it's the most pleasant city to live in during the summer months, how loyal and awesome the fans are, fond memories of the days with Jim Kelly, Doug Flutie, Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, etc. This most recent show I felt the need to post here because he talks more about fans and some things he experienced while in Buffalo, specifically from hateful Dolphin fans (no surprise). Including regularly receiving hate mail, death threats and more. He talks about how sometimes in Miami he couldn't even check-in to the hotel because fans would be working at the hotel and cancel his reservations. They would also call his hotel room or cell phone all throughout the day and night saying all sorts of stuff. He also talks about Drew Bledsoe and how Bledsoe told Moulds he handled the Tom Brady deal in New England. Definitely worth the listen. Here's a link to the archived version of the show: http://vspor.to/JxWibX *Keep in mind this is one of their first few shows so they're still new at this*
  11. Mississippi should be crossed off back on page 18.
  12. Isn't it about time the BB.com video feed was in HD? I mean most colleges and even some high schools have HD videos on their websites nowadays. I just think back to watching press conferences and practice update videos and how pixelated the videos are. Not to be a snob, but the cost of HD equipment has significantly gone down and wouldn't be too much to bear for an NFL team. Although I did notice a lot of NFL team websites have SD video.
  13. Madison, Mississippi. I've been spamming this board since I was 12. Ask SDS.
  14. Update the thread title, PC set for 1:45pm and will be streamed on BuffaloBills.com. Still can't believe it.
  15. It was a phone interview. Talked about the confidence level, said the team and city is extremely confident and focused. Said the mood even being down 21-0 was confident in the huddle. Said they felt they were shooting themselves in the foot at first, but knew if they settled down they would start rolling. Said New England's defense on a scale 1-10 is a 7 or 8. Said they know New England will be waiting for them at the end of the year. Said it was a great win yesterday, but that's just it, it was just a win. The locker room is very focused on the next game and making sure they take care of business.
  16. They're going to break down the game and interview Freddie.
  17. There were a few debatable helmet-to-helmet plays by the Pats the refs failed to call.
  18. Did anyone see that t-shirt in the crowd when they were going to a break? It was blue and red and said either Fear the Beard or Team Beard, anyone know where to get one online??
  19. I learned at a very young age that opinions are like a**holes.
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