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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. I own a few restaurant franchises and I can tell you that upselling is key, but it's a matter of how you do it. One thing I make sure our employees do is ask, but don't pressure. As I've visited other restaurants and retail businesses, I notice many associates try to pressure sell and I think that may be where the original poster is coming from. Asking once is okay, but 3 times is a bit obnoxious.
  2. Other than his sponsors dropping him and his wife divorcing him, Tiger had it fairly easy from fans. No pun.
  3. If it had been me I would have banned the SOBs from attending any games this year.
  4. Although I felt strongly all along that Snead would NOT turn out to be a good NFL quarterback, I feel bad for him. I don't know if he based his decision strictly off of McShay or some agent, but it was a definite bad move. The kid left college early for the draft, doesn't even get drafted, then gets cut before pre-season. Ridiculous.
  5. I took it under interpretation, but my old college buddy who works in TV said he thought ABC just threw it in there. You're right UConn, a mark or something would have been helpful.
  6. tgregg, First: Awesome post. What's your take on Kimmel's theory that in the sideways world, when the place hit turbulence and stopped and Rose looked over to Jack and said "You can let go now"?
  7. Overall I must say I was pleased with the way it all ended. Kudos to Matthew Fox, Michael Emerson, Jorge Garcia, and Terry O' Quinn. These guys did outstanding in the finale. Question: the shots of the empty plane crash after the bright light ending, was that supposed to be an actual shot of the crash showing that no one survived?
  8. Great words UConn, reminds me of this quote from Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." I started watching LOST my senior year in college based on a friend, who's in the TV business, who told me that "It's the best show in the history of television." Since then, I've watched Seasons 4, 5, and 6 play out week to week. I introduced my girlfriend to the show and all of season 5 and 6 we've watched together each week. We cook stir fry every LOST night instead of scratch pizza. The best part is talking about things after the show with people. For me every morning I get to work I play on the computer for a little bit and TSW LOST threads are my first reads (even though I don't post too often). I love reading people's analysis and different interpretations. I'm not too big on theorizing the show, I'd much rather just enjoy the show for what it is and the way DL and CC wrote it. However, again, reading other people's very creative and interesting theories has not only be fun but also enlightening. It's really cool how it brought a lot of things together and how so many people will change their routine after the show ends. I've watched half the series on DVD in 3 weeks and half the series in 3 years. I must say I've enjoyed the 3 years more than anything as it makes you appreciate the show even more. This season has had the best episodes compared to any other and I can't wait to finally see how it all ends. Thanks to UConn James, Tgregg, The Jokeman, huey, and all the others for making these threads really really cool.
  9. So you mean the guy in front of me today at McDonald's that bitched out some high school cashier over not helping him fast enough even though they were short handed, was wrong? And the high school cashier, is just in fact a high school cashier and not the owner??
  10. I interviewed a very candid Joe D on a podcast last year. He spoke about the league, the union, and more. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/BillsFanRadio...amielleure-Show
  11. I was the same way until the Alpert episode. After that I convinced myself to just let the story unfold. There's been more good episodes this season I think than any other season. I loved the premiere, the Ben episode, the Alpert episode, and last night's episode.
  12. I think it does correlate with LOST very well, but when you said that my fear was that they would actually play that song in the finale like all the other shows you mentioned, I cringed, ha. I'm sure they'll stick with the VERY AMAZING music already created for the show now. I would argue it's the best music ever done for T.V. show. Your thoughts about the show coming to an end and how it's going to be sad, I do know, and I think I speak for all of us LOST fans, we will talk about it for a very, very long time. And debate the entire series storyline with anyone anytime for the rest of our lives.
  13. I think I would have busted the window open and jumped out.
  14. Tonight's episode is called "Recon" and Sawyer is slated to make a return. Locke trusts Sawyer with a mission.
  15. Just plug your computer to the big screen and pull up TSW.
  16. Clausen seems more fiery than Bradford plus he's used to playing in cold weather.
  17. I think each episode this season has gotten better and better.
  18. That's probably one of the most interesting theories I've heard. And I think it would be a good ending as well. Kinda interesting last night how the handled the Kate/Sawyer thing. I think they've put it to rest as Sawyer is after Juliet, not Kate. And Kate was after Sawyer I think, but she got a cold dose of reality last night. Sorry to get all soapy.
  19. I miss the show '6 days til kickoff' or something like that on NFLN when it first came out. Takeo Spikes and the Bills were on one time and it was pretty cool. Not sure why they did away with it.
  20. Well, DirecTV currently has over 18 million subscribers, so...
  21. You, UConnJames, Jokeman, huey, and a few others make THIS THREAD really good as well. Btw.. Tonight's episode is called "What Kate Does"...
  22. That's the thing right there. Whether you like Berman or not, if he jumps to the NFL Network, other sports personalities aren't going to think NFLN is just bush league anymore. And they will fight for the chance to sit next to Berman.
  23. They may have checked down a bit, but they were taking just as many shots with slant and deep patterns.
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