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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Who in their right mind would want to play for Kiffin? I keep thinking this guy is going to go off the edge one day and we're going to see reports of him on the streets of Las Vegas in dirty clothes and smoking a cigar after he blew his entire savings with a stripper.
  2. The B-52's. Nickelback is bad. B-52's are worse.
  3. I agree with the lots of you, this was probably one of the best episodes since season 1. Definitely better than the premiere last year. I do have a question/thought on the Sayid Jacob matter. If Jacob turned into Sayid, where is Sayid's dead body? Wouldn't the rules be similar to that of MIB looking like Locke even though Locke's dead body is there on the island? Sayid just woke up...
  4. I've stayed at the Bellagio, the Palms, Planet Hollywood, and Casear's. By far my favorite was Planet Hollywood.
  5. Ageism can work both ways. Hiring nothing but fellows over 70 years of age can be discrimination against younger guys who may have more qualifications, believe it or not.
  6. http://walterfootball.com/scoutingreport2010jclausen.php
  7. I think with a new regime, we need to change our ways. Draft a 1st round QB! We need a franchise player, a vocal leader, a legit Quarterback that has the size, mechanics, and toughness to be a great QB. After we get that, I do agree with you then we need to start building the OL. But we need a solid franchise QB.
  8. True that. I hate this move to hire Gailey. Absolutely hate it. Especially after the last few months with Ralph leading us on to get our hopes up. However, I can never stop being a fan of this team, I will continue to watch every game and hope for the best, but I won't be buying tickets or apparel until we are a contender.
  9. You can love something and still B word about it. Ever been married?
  10. I wish the ending wouldn't have been so happy. But funny nonetheless! Isn't it ironic that this video is based on Hitler and somehow intertwined to how Bills fans feel being run over?
  11. The Give me a break line was for people saying Marty can't evaluate talent. That's not even an argument. You don't know if A.J. or Marty pulled the trigger on that move, nevertheless, they got Rivers and are doing just fine. So that's null. You think Marty could have panned out worse than Jauron? HA! Not even an argument there either. Jauron had no significance of a winning record before he came to the Bills and he was hired because Levy "felt comfortable" with him. Marty's WL record is 205-139. Yes there's a chance that Marty could have panned out worse than Jauron, but it's about a 0.0000000000000000009% chance. Actually Brady was the 199th pick in the 2000 draft, that means more than 32 teams passed on him roughly 4-5 times including New England before they finally took him. Including John Guy and Tom Modrak.
  12. Tom Modrak and John Guy passed up on Drew Brees. And they're still with the team. What does that say about them?! What about their accountability over J.P., Edwards, Bledsoe? Give me a break.
  13. I don't think I'll ever stop being a fan, no matter what. But my wallet is a different story.
  14. I support the team 100%, I will continue to wear my absurd collection of Bills apparel, I will also continue to watch every game on T.V., I will also hope for the best and hope to win, but I will not put any money into this organization in any capacity until we are a contender on the field. This is coming from someone who spends an average of $50 a month at the Bills Store. That doesn't make me a bandwagoner, that makes me a smart shopper. Flame away.
  15. What if the Bills draft a kicker in the 1st round?
  16. How can you take anything seriously from anyone in this organization anymore?
  17. Why don't we just bring back Wade Phillips? Or bring in Jim Fassel? Or promote Chuck Lester to coach the team?
  18. When has Kentucky been a powerhouse? That's like picking on the short kid.
  19. I think because it's the strongest conference and fans of every team take pride in that. I dunno, I'm a Mississippi State fan and I never go for another SEC team, even Bama in the title game. I hate all SEC teams and AFC East teams.
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