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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Somebody who can coach and has the record to prove it. I don't think Bill Cowher or Ralph would meet on any common ground, but I think Ralph and Mike Shanahan could. Even if not Shanahan, just someone with emotion and isn't afraid to get in your face.
  2. WTF! http://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches/c...ed-d8760ae76b47
  3. Bobby April? Are you kidding me? THIS IS WHY WE RUN INTO THIS PROBLEM! BECAUSE vanilla fans think something this asinine is a GREAT IDEA! Russ Brandon hears this he'll sell it to Ralph in a heartbeat. Everyone gets the ax. Seriously. This club needs an overhaul the size of Mt. Everest. From the head coach and marketing director to the parking lot attendants! Ralph should have 3 things on his mind: Fire, fire, and fire.
  4. I say clean house. Everyone, even Scott Berchtold and co. Also, what about the guy who's got red hair and has been an assistant with team for over a decade?? Fire him especially!
  5. For Tim Graham and anyone else, HGH isn't CALLED steroids, but it does serve the same purpose, produces better results, and comes with more side effects. If one was snow the other is sleet. So T.O. wasn't stretching it by saying steroids by any means. Hope this helps!
  6. Like hiring Keith Olbermann desperate?!
  7. Talent in Indy for that Super Bowl was already there.
  8. I'm surprised NBC even hired Harrison.
  9. Harrison is a champion, but also a cheater.
  10. Face it, no matter what Owens does he will never lose the self-centered label pinned on him. Ever. P.S. - I love Rodney Harrison's response to T.O. saying he still is a champion. He's a cheater, but hey, he's still a champion
  11. I will not be satisfied until we have a coach that isn't scared to put the game in his playmaker's hands. We have the talent, they just aren't being sparked.
  12. This offense on paper is too lucrative to not be taking at least 1 shot down the field every possession or two. If they're doubling both Evans and Owens, start calling slant routes to both of them. Eventually they're going to make a play.
  13. Are you kidding? Our o-line is dying out there. Trent has 1.5 seconds, not even 3!
  14. Jevan Snead and Ole Miss have sucked and will continue to suck. Ole Miss got a few HUGE breaks from Top 15 teams losing thus they ranked up playing crappy teams like Memphis and S.E. Louisiana.
  15. I think the Bills still have a bad taste in their mouth from the Monday Nighter. With the Saints coming off 2 wins against the Lions and Eagles, they're bound for a bad game. The wind in the Ralph will be swirling and throwing off Brees, Saints on the road, they lose.
  16. Did you see Leftwich shove Mitchell after he knocked him hard to the ground?? hahaha love it!
  17. I think how they used him today was ideal. Loved how they used him on the blitz even though he left that guy alone for the TD.
  18. I'm sure it played somewhat of a part. The complaints or rumblings about TS were that he ran a extremely complicated play calling. Nothing complicated about Owens and Evans as your 2 top receivers.
  19. I could care less if Leodis was using trickery to get them to admit to it. Which is assinine because they could have easily kept their mouths shut either way. They had to have known if they admitted it they would likely be in some kind of trouble. I'm guessing even THEY think they went too far and thus they admitted to the crime. Hope this helps some of you boneheads!
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