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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Furthermore, HGH takes an average of 6 months to even start working and even then it's results are mediocre.
  2. Apparently he did because his hair is longer. Are you kidding me? You might know that but he looks generally the same. He did NOT gain "a ton" of muscle.
  3. You're right, there are sports writers who shine through the other typical media perspective. Tim Graham's piece on Lebron playing football caused a lot of talk, I heard them talking about it on Sirius NFL Radio, I think Wingo even questioned it on NFL Live, but I thought it was original and brilliant. It created SO MUCH talk in SO SLOW of a news cycle.
  4. If you mention the $137,000 earrings, I'd simply point out that we'd love to see that kind of excitement from him in helping out around Buffalo. But to read another media story about people telling others what to do with their money really disgusts me. Sounds like Donn Esmonde watched the show and got so pissed off that a multi-millionaire bought some nice jewelry. Read the headline: T.O. letting glitter dull his senses. This writer is attacking T.O. solely based on a possession he purchased. All T.O. did was purchase something and now Donn Esmonde is attacking him. I understand what he's saying about the kids, but, this is typical media perspective. How far off are we as a society until people that choose to buy name brand items are attacked for not buying the generic brand? T.O. and that $137,000 wasn't the only hope for the needy in Buffalo and there's other Bills making more money from the team, what about them? And keep in mind, T.O. has other endorsement deals worth millions and I would bet VH1 paid him $10-$20 million for the show. The season hasn't even started yet.
  5. The trend I see is quarterbacks not getting too muscular. One of the rare exceptions that comes to mind is Brady Quinn and he's not starting. And he's had some injuries. I personally think quarterbacks with leaner builds get hurt more often. Flexibility is key in football. But if you're brother is 5'11" 175lbs, he's not going to play QB in the SEC. Not to be a jerk, but beggars can't be choosers. He might for a few games, if he's lucky. He's better off playing another position like WR, CB, or S. It's going to come down to whether he wants to play football or not.
  6. Joe D is tough as nails, still to this day! He'd take down Chuck Norris or Chuck Liddell in a heartbeat.
  7. They're not even supposedly "launching" this for another 2 weeks. Hope they accept my order!
  8. Sounds like you are already doing a great job! I will say that lifting weights was something I really became interested in after my accident. My brother was one of those bodybuilder types and though I never got THAT serious, I still would workout with him for a while. I would lift weights before the accident with the team with moderate interest, you know just seeing who could bench and squat the most. But after the accident I became all about lifting weights and learned it's not all about who can lift the heaviest. I did upper body until my ankle was healed enough for me to do squats. I went through nearly 2 years of rehab and it was worth it. Another big fear to overcome is doing the things the way you did before. I was scared to do intramural sports in college at first, but I finally just did them. No re-injuries so far... Keep positive, and to quote a former Bill I interviewed during college, Mr. Shaud Williams: "A life without challenges is not a life for me."
  9. Nah, haha, the cast and crutches drew enough attention from the ladies, believe it or not. Even you sympathized, you sent me that Jills calendar. I should probably keep that on the down-low.
  10. John, if you're interested I blew out my ankle before my senior season in high school football, I'm about to turn 25 next month. I played on a program that is consistently ranked in the Top 25 in the country. It's tough, but he'll get through it. I remember my mom took it harder than anyone, I think she thought I was dying. I could have gotten depressed about it but my dad made sure I kept active on other things and I think that really helped. If you or your son needs someone to talk through, let me know.
  11. Or not. There's been substantial proof and even 2 documentaries about Michael Moore and how he falsifies information. Because just about every democrat has referenced Canada's healthcare system and tremendously praised it. That was the same guy who did this video at the start of the thread. He was on Neil Cavuto yesterday discussing the video.
  12. OMG! LOL! L33T th@t w0uld b3 $0 @w3$0m3! FML!
  13. That Steven Crowder is a funny guy. He's been on Fox News a few times. About the wait time difference in the U.S. and Canada, this kid just for sh*ts and giggles went to Canada to see for himself and those were his results. It's odd that wait times would be that bad for him and his friends only to get blood work done. Seriously, just blood work. No the U.S. system isn't perfect, it's mostly the insurance companies, not medical companies, that are at fault. And no it's not perfect in that you only have to wait an hour anywhere in the U.S. That's just the average, as in averages, the differences vary. Furthermore, these medical professionals working at these Canadian establishments all go on record saying the government healthcare ultimately sucks. Coincidence? I think not!
  14. Yikes! That's worse than Henry Waxman not knowing the average legal drinking age or that steroids are illegal!
  15. I would go to the school principal, explain what happened, and he offers nothing I would tell him you're looking at "all possible options", without telling him I'd go to the superintendent. Then I'd go to the emergency room you went to, explain what happened to a higher up person, and if it's not resolved to your satisfaction I would tell them you are considering filing a complaint to the BBB and making some other calls. If you drop the BBB line, most businesses scurry to satisfy your problem.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if he was on heavier stuff than pain killers. That ESPN article quoted former employees of his saying he'd be up for 60 hours straight sometimes.
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