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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. The courts are going to be looking at the constitutionality of adjusting voting rules for the pandemic. That's the issue. It has nothing to do with fraud (which has NEVER proven to be a significant issue. EVER. And is not now either). Love clueless posters who just spew miss-information so convincingly. Oh...but there is a video of it on twitter....Yeah, seems like a legit source of truth. And even if, it would take 10s of thousands of fraudulent votes to swing anything. A grand scheme of it, that is. Not a few twitter videos that may or may not be real.
  2. Now at -400 for Biden. They won't miss that big, this late.
  3. Wait, wait, wait. We paid WHAT for this guy??? That money could have went towards Shaq or Phillips. Definitely missed the mark on this one for sure.
  4. I don't see any DQs or failed drug tests on Khabibs resume. He may not be as flashy, but he took on everyone they had including McGregor in his prime and won pretty easily most times. I'm taking Khabib.
  5. I mean, the guy did win Defensive Player of the Year last season. Come on now.
  6. You guys are crazy. The all blues are by far the meanest looking uni's we wear. I love them. If only we could pair them with the red helmet. Then, they would be perfect.
  7. The chances of converting the 2-pt conversion is much less than the chances of converting PAT to tie it. Since the 2pt conversion rate league wide is slightly below 50%, it makes more sense for us to kick the PAT and go up 8 since it would be less than a 50% chance we would convert (on average league wide) and also a less than 50% change they would convert to tie if they were down 8. Earlier in the game it could be argued to always go for 2pts since the expected points per attempt on average are slightly higher than that of PATs league wide.
  8. Tip #1 - Do not invest in EJ Manual cards. Trust me.
  9. Except the first round is only at the higher seeds home field, so the Blue Jays will be on the road for the all the first round games.
  10. And as I mentioned before regarding Roberts....absolutely zero worry that he is going to muff a punt.
  11. Get off social media, stop watching the news. Trust me. If this stuff is affecting you this much then you should distance yourself from it. I stopped doing social media for the most part a couple years ago because of all the negativity. It has changed my attitude completely just by not seeing it all the time. And “news” media purposefully generates conflict to get higher ratings. Its proven to lead to higher rating and they take advantage of it. Anyway, im pumped for the season. Cant believe its only a week away. Once it is all of the sudden here, its gonna be just like any to me except this year i have higher hopes.
  12. Because he is already rich and he is lazy and he loves smoking doobies.
  13. Breaking News - Leslie Frazier has been banned from all Bills activities for giving away strategy.
  14. One of the worst SC Features I've ever seen, don't bother if you haven't seen it already.
  15. Absolutely not at all what he did. He flipped off the organization. He didnt want to play without an extension and the security it offered. The organization refused. He decided to play anyway and he subsequently suffered a serious, season ending injury. Nothing at all to do with fans.
  16. Once, just once I want someone to say "I'm sorry I got caught." Then and only then would I believe a single thing they say. As we all know, if he was truly sorry and this "wasn't who he really was" then he wouldn't have said it in the first place.
  17. Unfortunately, you do not determine what legal standards are as I would love to see him busted. But that is what it is, typically. They either need to have a specific reason to be recording you (not just running a camera line continuously for every client 100% of the time) or there has to be a "reasonable expectation" that you would be recorded in said scenario. Despite what you feel is "reasonable", most people would not consider cameras in a massage parlor private room to be reasonable, thus the standard.
  18. There is a "reasonable" expectation of privacy at a massage parlor. There is not one in a dealership parking lot.
  19. Honestly, you could say that losing pretty much every starting QB in the league would be a teams achilles heel with only a few exceptions. Backup QBs are backups for a reason. If we are only worried about our backup QB situation, then we are in damn good shape.
  20. Mostly considered a myth at this point. https://sabr.org/journal/article/home-run-derby-curse-fact-or-fiction/
  21. I think i'm going to pass on Jets re-treads thank you very much.
  22. I stopped watching NASCAR about 10 years ago. Its so stale it seems. I cannot stand almost every race ending with a yellow flag restart. I can't stand how races are broken into segments. I can't stand the playoff system. Just race X number of laps and whoever wins after that many laps wins. Just add up points to determine the champion at the end. Why ruin something so simple that worked for so long? In the last 2-3 years I have started getting into Formula 1. In my opinion it is so much more enjoyable.
  23. So many posters looking like fools for what they wrote in the original thread on this. So funny. i mean, doesnt take the best lawyer in the business to get charges dropped with the breathalyzer showing 0.0 and the blood test being negative across the board
  24. My opinion - It depends. Yes, you could most likely "sell high" right now. I've been in the buying market the last 6 months and I can definitely tell you that if your house is in good condition with modern updates/upgrades it will sell in a matter of days with multiple offers and most likely above list price. However, on the flip side, if you are purchasing now you are going to have to deal with that as you make offers. As another poster noted, this is the case for low to moderately priced homes in the WNY area. Once you start getting up to the 400+k range the market of buyers dwindles and you don't have to "overpay" to get as much. I am of the belief that there is going to be somewhat of a market bubble that bursts when the deferment of mortgage payments and rent payments from Covid is over. I'm expecting a lot of foreclosures and evictions to happen at that point, potentially flooding the market with available properties. If you can sell now and wait until that happens (if it happens), you could make quite a nice profit. Also, you can get homes under list price still if you are willing to deal with outdated interiors or ones that need a decent amount of work. I was a able to find an outdated interior house that was structurally sound and perfectly livable as I'm going through and updating on almost 4 acres for over 20k less than their asking price. It is really only the ones that are already updated or in super "hot" neighborhoods that are going instantly at crazy prices (in the WNY area at least). So - if you are buying 400k+ home, then yes. If you are able to wait around for the market to come back down by renting, then yes. If you have other debts still (CC, cars, student loans, etc), no, get those taken care of first while you have cheaper mortgage payments.
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