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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Only if it was required for work, but I don't see that happening any time soon either.
  2. What is the point of posting on a board where everyone hates you? Just go away already. I have no idea why the admins allow you to troll around here on a daily basis. But i'm not going to suffer you any longer. Ignore list it is.
  3. Crazy what they can do with DNA and genealogy. Tough time to be a murderer or rapist. I'm good with that.
  4. I have a feeling Lamar is going to regress significantly next season. The Bills and the Titans provided the blue print to slowing down that offense. The NFL is a copycat league. Look for teams to utilize similar strategies to force him to pass to the outside and focus on rush containment.
  5. 3 of the top 12 threads on the board started by this clown. I know I've had enough of this crap. GO AWAY.
  6. More of an appetizer: Frozen meatballs, jar of grape jelly, bottle bar-b-que sauce. Simple, easy and EVERYONE who eats it loves it and asks how I made it. Trust me.
  7. The best "new" band going. Live shows are simply phenomenal. If you don't know, you should. (Close enough on the last one)
  8. Good thing they are one of the richest owners in both leagues. Put me in the category of absolutely zero concern.
  9. "All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." George Washington. I truly feel sorry for people who base all their perceptions on political party allegiance. This "clown" has literally saved thousands of lives with his work. Stop being a puppet.
  10. From my experience if it was ACL you would know it. You would have felt your knee go out of its socket when it happened (albeit briefly) and then the next day your knee would be extremely swollen and painful (not so much pain for me when it actually happened). My ACL injury didn't have any bruising. That bruising looks like a muscle issue to me and I've seen pulls/strains have that. When my hammy popped, it did not have the bruising though. Thanks for the advice, however, my whole leg is f'd. I never got my ACL repaired and I think it has directly resulted in the Hammy injury as well as some lower calf/achilles injury. Not getting the ACL fixed led to overcompensating for it, I believe. Can hardly even jog anymore because of the lower calf / achilles. Most of my exercise is restricted to the treadmill (walking), ellipticals, and bikes these days. And all of those are sooooo much more boring than sports.
  11. Yes. And ugh. I pulled mine in like 2008. It was one of those where you could feel it "pop." It was the most painful injury I have ever suffered (short term), and that includes tearing my ACL. I could hardly bend it or walk for about a week, then slowly it came back. However, it is still to this day not right. I can still feel the spot where it happened in my leg. If I try to exert myself I have to be extremely careful not to do anything to it again. Often I can feel it getting tender and I have to stop an activity before I do something bad to it. Doesn't really affect light strain, but heavy strain is iffy. Lots of stretching before doing anything I know may be stressful on it. Quite frankly, it sucks and will continue to suck for the rest of my life. There is a reason you always see athletes re-injure their hammy's. Once you have a big one, the chances for re-injury is very high...and they are using the best doctors and PT people in the world. I would do a ton of stretching constantly. And then, when you think it doesn't hurt anymore do a ton of stretching for a few more weeks until you try getting back into things for real. It may feel healed, but that can change in an instant when you push it. Don't try to rush it, you will re-aggravate it. Hopefully yours wasn't as serious as mine my friend. I literally cannot sprint any longer without feeling something and stopping pretty quickly.
  12. This is the king of all that is indie music. I know most will not approve, but whatever, it's tremendous. First listen - "What the f is this?" Second listen - "Ok, this isn't too bad" Third listen - "I love you Jeeeesssuuuuuuusssssss Chrrrriiiisssssttttttttt! Jesus Christ I love youuuuuuu yeeeesssssssss I doooooooooooooo!" Fantastic album...but I cannot stand "I Wanna Be Adored" Don't know what it is, but that song is torture for me.
  13. Can't imagine them going anywhere soon with that stadium just opening in 2012 ... especially since it was 80% funded by the public. Now the Rays, they always have an over-performing squad year after year with limited resources, no fans, and a horrible stadium. There is nothing keeping them there.
  14. The medley starts with "You Never Give me Your Number" though, you left off like 5 songs! And these two to end Let it Bleed deserve recognition.
  15. This is 2020. Run stopping MLBs are no longer the way to go. Fast, big wing span, sideline to sideline coverage LBs are what is needed in today's game. And he's still only 22, plenty of time to improve assignments in the run game, leverage, tackling and block shedding techniques.
  16. Tremaine - Smart, enormous, athletic freak..and something about a LB with a 40 something number appeals to me. I think he has all-pro potential in 2-3 years.
  17. I can understand booking a vacation for later this year or next, but people are willing to risk going on cruises already? Thats crazy to me. No possible way I would go on a cruise until this thing is pretty much completely over. One infected person on the ship and you're screwed. I'm not getting stuck in a cruise cabin for months. No way.
  18. This. The NFL doesn't give a crap about an online petition. They decision will be solely based on how they think they will be able to make the most money. And honestly, Madden is pretty damn good. There are tons of game play setting and sliders to adjust to make it simulation type football if thats what you want. People are just too lazy to mess with them. Stay off MUT and online head to head and just play with friends or online sim leagues. That's where it is at.
  19. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
  20. Of course. A Cowboy team who couldn't make the playoffs in an atrocious division last season, is on the list. Shocking.
  21. Another classic uniform ruined. Ugh.
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