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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Ha, probably explains more that I'm full of crap on this one, had zero data to back it up.
  2. I think there can be a balance. One thread with 40+ pages with every important and different root cause mixed together makes it really difficult to discuss the various aspects fully, and is a nightmare to jump into if you are coming in after the thread reaches 10+ pages. Just my perspective and two cents. I've been on this board since 07 or 08, so not a new addition, and I feel like this thread consolidation is a fairly new development, and it is making my experience less enjoyable.
  3. Jake Long...Parcells lost a lot of credibility after the Miami stint...the league passed him by and the new fact of nfl cap management allows you to win more by starting rookies and spending the savings elsewhere.
  4. Here's the thing about the captain checkdown argument, I don't believe it to be accurate prior the hit. I'll try and do some analysis later, but this Trent Edward's highlight video was posted Oct 2008, which is right around the time of that Cards game I believe. I know highlights are hand picked, but these are anticipation throws on time and on target into tight windows, with the poise to let a play develop knowing there is a hit coming. https://youtu.be/sZk9bINoPG4 That is not the same player who turned into Captain Checkdownl. Also, Edwards and Peterman both do the same leg lift it looks like.
  5. That's fine, I'm not saying he's the next franchise qb, just hoping someone can break down the similarities and differences between him and another former bills qb. There are videos now that tell me why Peterson has potential, by breaking down actual game tape. That didn't exist when Trent Edwards was playing.
  6. I remember that and it was probably a hit during that next game that really did the damage. He shouldn't have played, thought that at the time, and he would have been held out if that was 2017. That next game wasn't a fluke, he was becoming that player.
  7. Yeah, but back in 2007, the only analysis you could get was "poised." Curious what poised looked like, and what specifically made Trent Edwards the most complete qb since kelly? What happened to Edward's eyes and his poise after that hit? What does,'dropping your eyes' mean, and how does it impact mechanics?
  8. How do the two compare before the Arizona game, after which Edwards was clearly not the same? 1) Arm strength 2) Anticipation 3) Drop back depth 4) Play action deception 5) Foot work 6) Eyes 7) Poise 8) Accuracy 9) Mobility 10) Decision making 11) Gameplan flexibility for your team due to ability to excel in multiple aspects of the position 11) Difficulty to gameplan against due to ability to excel in multiple aspects of the position Note that I got basically all of these points from the Cover1 podcast video on Nathan Peterman on YouTube, and it's really good if you haven't watched it. https://youtu.be/OpaY4jT6f_Q Hoping to get someone who knows quarterbacking to compare the two players on those points (or any that make sense), especially since Cover1 said Peterman can stand in the pocket and have patience for a play to develop, even if it means a big hit, and Edwards was never the same after doing just that.
  9. Sounds like BB must have pioneered the idea of losing games to help your tie breaker...he truly is not just ahead of his time, but this board as well Get what you're saying, problem is, it sounds like a coordinated effort to injure players/remove the head of the snake, or whatever crazy thing douggg was saying. Forget that being incredibly against the rules, that would require him putting his players in a position to be fined heavily and possibly suspended, which is a fine as well. Players won't go for that since the new rules on fines, and say what you will about the guy, but BB does seem to care about his players, Parcells on the other hand...
  10. Read below, and this staff's attempt at culture change appears a lot more genuine and in line with how to succeed based on the article: https://theundefeated.com/features/all-22-an-nfl-head-coachs-first-mistake-is-trying-to-immediately-change-a-teams-culture/
  11. Add to that the pats were playing quickly, and not getting huge chunks of yards. 10 more minutes on the field, but they played an extra game's worth of snaps compared to the Pats d (twice as many snaps)...that's insane.
  12. I could be totally wrong on below, I just played whole lot of Madden a long time ago. I did play soccer, basketball and lax, and I definitely get defensive principles (bringing help from the weakside, funneling the play, jumping passing lanes, etc), but really appreciate these types of threads b/c I have no real clue how they apply to football. How does that look when the offense is strong right 3 wr & te slot right, and the d is lined up 4-3 with strong lb shading of the te's outside shoulder? I think I get what front 7 is doing playing contain on the ends, shooting/stunting the center with the dts and forcing the play to the middle and strong side lbs, who have to cover well, but almost in a smart play specific way for a short period of time. A bit shacky on what this looks like in the secondary though. Are they playing man on the strong side, with strong side saftey rolling back into deep middle zone, weak side saftey playing 10-15 yard zone choosing their zone on the snap, weak side cb dropping deep man with the weak side lb stepping into the slant passing lane and carrying the passing lane up the field and transfering to the weakside cb, then taking the zone the wk side safety didnt take?
  13. It doesn't matter, I heard people are saying new coach is going to prefer boneless wings from Pizza Hut...we're dooomed
  14. Completely disagree. The Miami Hurricanes had how many first round draft picks the last couple years under Golden, and they sucked on defense. The reason was the d was overly complicated. It took away one of their biggest advantages, which was speed and first step. It's not about being stupid, they could get to their spots, it's about that split second where you are thinking before moving that screws you.
  15. Anyone have a link to a clip of the play? Thought I remembered his momentum taking him out of bounds on that play.
  16. Absolutely, but the 2000 Ravens had 6 close games (7 or fewer points). Granted only like one or two of those were over 20 points (product of bad offense most likely, so might be a bad example).
  17. What was the avg margin of those losses? Close games are largely luck, and 2 years isn't enough time to weed out the variance...he could easily go on a ten win run in close games going forward (not holding my breath, just saying.
  18. Damn, got excited thinking they were going to go ultra analytical, though I do think Whaley is better at finding value players than most (I think Rex's d values safeties more than most, so lack of depth at safety might be due to it being a drastic change in blueprint (Whaley seems to identify players several years before he gets them))...I am curious how the Browns rebuild over the next few years.
  19. Bands like The Dead and Phish both also have a strong sense of community as a key aspect to their enduring popularity. My feeling is that most people get the love of football passed down to them from their families, and lesser extent friends (their friends will also have first watched with their families). Football, more than other sport by far is the most family friendly, in terms of game times. Even the super bowl starts before 6:30 eastern. Used to be you had two games a week that end after 11pm est, now there's three. Doesn't seem like much, but definitely could lead to a less in home family friendly product. Definitely think the root cause is going to be related to how it is consumed by the entire family unit, though I think concussion concerns and the fear of exposing their children to watching people give themselves dementia for their own entertainment is enough of a moral tight rope that they decide to spend their family time on Sunday's differently.
  20. Is there video of the Losman int in the last game in foxboro? Haven't had any luck finding it online.
  21. With Shaq and Sammy both playing today we enacted the dual IR clause in the new cba...first time it's ever been triggered too, so not sure what's gonna happen, but Salas is definitely out of the question.
  22. Wait, aren't the people who talk about how pc everything got, supposed to be all about personal responsibility and standing behind one's commitments? I'm probably taking the bait on this one...
  23. I am done with this team if they make a move that impacts our future franchise qb's Deferred Eligibility Reactivation Policy (DERP). Whaley has already gone to far with this crap and that would just be the last straw.
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