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Everything posted by DrPJax

  1. You’re not alone! Lol ! Hard to do what we did last week , two weeks in a row! We literally caught all the breaks and calls; first time o can remember that from a Bills perspective! The o line is what gives me hope. When they hold, commit stupid pre snap penalties , let guys unabated to Josh, he gets frenetic and we struggle. However, they are finally stable, have some good games under their belt , and if they open holes for the run game and protect Josh, we have our best shot at beating them while they are hot , playing at home! I’m nervous because I really believe we actually have the talent and deserve to be playing in this championship race! Just wish we had beaten the jags , and I think this game would have been in Buflo! This is the 4/th matchup in a row with them playing at home on KC! Would be so much more confident if they finally had to play a pressure game in unfamiliar surroundings! Hang in there!
  2. No , For us regular humans, bojo now is the mvp! A blocked punt AND a blocked extra point that he held on! How amazing is that! Bojo from Buflo will go down in history! This reminded me of being at my home in Ohio , my office manager of my practice was / is a close friend even including today and we were at my parents home in Ohio it was snowing both in Ohio and in new England. We were there for my fathers funeral having passed from non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We were watching the snow on Tv as Tom Brady did the TUCK rule fumble / non fumble. Pats went on to win from there. Seeing the snow in Green Bay triggered that memory for me while texting with my friend / prior office manager , a life long Niners fan. I had always kidded with her that if the niners / Bills ever played in one ( she is a huge niners / Montana fan) , we had to go to the SB! Well , niners held up their half so now it’s up to the bills! Rodgers is such an a** hole! Currently in presser saying the o only put 10 on the board , but “ the special teams really hurt us , losing and taking points off the board” ! Nice way to throw your special teams under the bus. Good thing Hof, and mvp is not based on being a quality human being! Rodgers big o puts up 10 and all he can do is dump most blame on the special teams. I get it, but you’re the leader of the while team , and you led your team AT HOME to 10 measly points! This guy is a HOF A** hole! Poor little spoiled QB with 1 SB appearance In 17 years! Guy has zero humility. I could never see Josh or Mcd dumping on other team members. So, a nostAlgic night , texting with my prior office manager , good friend , about a possible niners / Bills SB. 20 years ago while in Ohio for my fathers funeral , I watched another snowy game that ended on the last play as viniteri kicked it thru the snow to win as part of the tuck rule game ( was on Jan 19 th , 2002) with my good friend being there as support during my fathers funeral. Her niners move on with the help of the snow , as I await the fate of the Bills ! How good would the Bills / Niners matchup be. Finally !? Berman would be circling the wagons and both teams. So many experts picking the chiefs tho! I hope we play up to last weeks potential ; 20 years plus waiting since the last Bills SB ( 28 in Atlanta in 94 where I was lucky to attend with my father. ) and I have never been to another SB since. Time flies so fast , as it’s hard to believe we never saw the Bills / niners matchup ! It’s actually a possibility; we just have to take the next step tomorrow! Bills d is not the Steelers , Allen is not Big Ben whose time has run down! Admittedly nervous, but Let’s go sweet potato luck and let’s go Bills!
  3. That play may have set the whole tone of the playoffs for this team ! From giving up a disappointing TD in the very next possession after we scored on a pass Josh was throwing away , to then deflating the Pats as we quickly went up 14-0 after the pick , forcing them to begin to abandon the thought of just running the ball again ! It set the tone , momentum of the game quickly and things snowballed. My only concern with that pic is look how badly Wallace was beaten in that picture ! Imagine how Hill , kelce may take advantage of that coverage if given the scenario of being covered in man coverage bu Wallace or Jackson !? This is the type of game that the QB will be more accurate and the receivers more experienced than the Pats receivers and there won’t be the severe weather conditions that may have influenced some drops by the Pats by wide open guys. We got lots of breaks that game ,even tho I believe the game Showed the true talent difference between us and the Pats right now! That talent gap won’t be there playing the Chiefs in their home, and the episodes of broken coverages we saw at times by the Bills won’t go unpunished in all likelihood. Great pick by Hyde and one of the most athletic plays I have ever seen a Bills db make ! I just hope that picture is not a forewarning of what the Chiefs may do against our dbs without Tre back there taking at least one of those guys out of their game ! There were plays that the Pats blew I think given the pressure of the playoffs and the crazy weather , and the Chiefs have been there, done that already and hopefully the play of Hyde /poyer continues to cover up the huge hole present in our. Coverage created by Tres absence !
  4. Haha! That isn’t a cow ! Not a Buffalo either ,,,,,,but not even close to being a cow ! Not a big farm type person , huh? LOL! Bulls / Bills running over the Thumbtacks is always a pleasant thought! If we get there after beating the Pats/ Chiefs , it would be great karma heading into the SB to finish off the third of the terrible three that we have had things nightmares and bad off seasons have been created by vanquished , and would be one of the best, of not the best run to a SB the Bills would have ever put together! If we can beat those three with two having been in away stadiums , I would be pretty confident in our final step bringing the Lombardi finally to Bufffalo! The only more perfect scenario , but has already been precluded, would have been beating the Cowboys for the SB win ! That would finally have erased years of watching the smug Jimmy Johnson yelling “ how bout those cowboys?! “ in years of pregame shows, commercials, and all the reviews of prior superbowls ! Beating a smug Rodgers would be the a pretty acceptable compromise tho , and would be the epic season to forever be remembered in Bills lore! How good would it feel to have finally overcome that Afc championship loss last year with Diggs staring in disbelief ; the Pats being so thoroughly beaten that it makes them obsess in the off-season about facing Allen for so many more years to come and putting the memory of Brady finally behind us: getting revenge in Tennessee for the music city miracle and Josh slipping on the last play of the game , and last but not least , finally ending the confusion between cows and bulls! Lol!
  5. Don’t get too far Ahead. Been a bills fan since ‘63, went to two SB’s and watched them lose 4 with multiple hof players , coaches , and even front office personnel! That was the BEST BILLS performance I have ever seen , even better than the 51-3 win over the Raiders headed to SB 25! So all these years , and that game felt like a once in a lifetime experience! It all came together, even the breaks ( pats had wide open guys dripping balls) , the lack of flags , the lack of turnovers etc in one glorious night! BB knows the NFL NOW has FA, AND A CAP! It’s built to change from year to year so teams do go from worst to first and vice versa. He is not stuck with Jones , who happened to drop to him in the first round. It’s not like they blew draft capital going after the guy! Did you ever think you would see Brady in Tampa! Things happen and change happens to the best teams quickly! Yes , we have JA17 and that gives us an edge for awhile. What happens if Watson or Wilson somehow end up with the pats!? Could happen ! The bucs are incredibly lucky to have all their guys back but for how long , and injuries etc can derail a year or more. Bb will not want to leave with TB having won a SB and BB not even sniffing another one ; otherwise for all time the pats SB successes will be associated with BRADY PREDOMINANTLY, and I don’t see Bb going oit that way esp after the worst playoff defeat of his career. Don’t minimize anger and narcissism as driving factors ! I am just saying if a guy doesn’t go out on top after winning 6 SB’s , it’s pretty unlikely one horrible loss will make him end his career ! He lives for football. Kraft or someone will have to force him to quit. Every year now in the nfl is a fresh start. He can build a pretty good D with FA; whose to say he won’t upgrade Qb at some point and the billls will have to adapt to life without daboll and Frazier soon most likely, and sanders / possibly beasly will need replacements as well. That’s the current NFL, so BB I think never goes away completely empty handed. Maybe he lucks into one last SB or afc championship and then leaves. He still has his health. If that changes he will quit , but otherwise he still has to prove all that winning didn’t happen just having Brady as his qb! He won’t quit until he is sure he has proven the world knows that as a fact! The cap changes all the time. He will always have $ to spend. He only has to get it right one more season and I don’t think he walks until that happens or his health dictates his fate!
  6. Not really. Don’t underestutne Titans at home. ESP with rest, Brown who has worked us the last two meetings and we don’t have tre or a good match up cover for him. Plus Henry will be back and if he survives cincy ok , he will know what his is capable of and won’t be thinking about his foot ( which will be strong with a bone callous around a screw and or plate ) If they beat cincy they will be confident as hell and we have seen the music city miracle there, really got blown out the prior year with COVID changes , and we had Josh slip there when that almost never happens. Lots of bad karma in that place! I’m more concerned about brown as we have played the run better , but did you see at least three or 4 blown coverages vs the pats and luckily most of the passes were dropped! Jackson looked ok but on some plays he wasn’t fully set and who knows whose responsibility those wide open guys were!? If we get past Kc ( whose offense and d are notably better than when we last played , but that goes for us as well), I would rather face a rookie qb at home in Buffalo than a team with post season success at their home ! Maybe the bengals catch them a little rusty after the Titans were off a week and it’s Henry’s first game back , so they do have a shot at beating them. When either KC or we roll in there , the rust will be gone and they will be playing with confidence ( against us) knowing they beat us the past two games there. So the Bills still have a tough road. We will be more to handle than the Steelers who had zero offense but KC put up similar points and even had similar gadget plays with the pass to the o lineman and that shovel pass they used to score against us before , and now kelce threw a td pass from the 5 or so. That red zone o will present problems ! Need to run like we did to keep kc off the field and limit their possessions. Going in As an underdog after a near perfect game should be a warning this is a game that won’t be safe until it’s over! The best scenario after KC is playing at home against a qb who has never played in that stadium and would give us a nice advantage ! I think the Titans can lose because we have seen a week off sometimes causes a slow start and the bengals are hot now! Home field advantage will be at stake for the championship game if the bengals win. But just beating KC still leaves us possibly having to win in the music city and that game will be competitive, so the winner of Bills / kc is not a sure SB participant. No way to just say it’s the real afc championship as you can’t ignore our history in that Nashville stadium! I hope we beat KC , and never have to go to Nashville again this year! Pats and Steelers were both weak offensively , but none of the other remaining three teams we will or might face are incapable of playing in a shootout and scoring just like the Bills, so don’t count your chickens ahead of time if we win in KC! We would prob go to Nashville as an underdog because if playing an almost perfect game against the pats has us going in to kc +3 , I would think going to Nashville would have us seen in the same light just based on history there!
  7. Poyer is going to have a great game ; love his humble attitude but it’s obvious he and the team are motivated to lay some hits on the Patsies! I really think they want to make amends for that loss and “ embarrassment “ at home and I think the playoff level of. Intensity is something Jones will not be ready for. Bb can scheme the d to mimimize the O somewhat , but he can’t shelter jones from the cold , pressure , the big moment he will face Saturday night . This is not the college national championship in a dome under ideal conditions where your team is much more talented than the opponent, it’s against a better team in a hostile environment with everything on the line in terms of pride , respect , prestige, money, and a legacy. I like what I am hearing from the players. I just hope Frazier has them coached up so they have figured out those attempts to get them to take false steps ( esp the LBs) and don’t give up any more the cutback runs by over pursuing early because off their adrenaline. That one huge run in that last home game took the crowd out of it early and the Bills never recovered. Let’s hope Frazier has been working hard on countering. Misdirection run plays , because if it comes to the passing game or Jones has to come from behind , I think it plays into the Bills hands and we get ready for the Steelers or Chiefs! If there was ever a time for karma for this team , it’s now! How amazing would it be to get a second chance at Big Ben and send him oit of the league like the jags did to Kelly. For once it would be great to look back at history around SB time and watch replays of Ben’s last game played being in Buffalo! Let’s go Bills, it’s a new season , and it’s time to make all that work and preseason hype become a reality! ( btw , how many suites are available? Poyer offering Pat and Hawk suite tickets and Tasker offered two suite tickets to Kyle Brandt and wife! How do I get on one of these shows to be offered suite tics !? Lol! Been a loyal fan since ‘63 , went to two Sbs that we lost to the cowboys , but I have never seen a live game in Buffalo.! ( ashamed!) Man if I’m offered suite tickets by Tasker or Poyer for a Saturday night prime time playoff game , I’m even uberring my way up there just to avoid any chance of omicron and tipping people to get.into the suite a few hours early just to take it all in before my time is up! Lol).
  8. Poyer is very deserving to be an all pro. He is such a key component who in the #1 pass defense in the NFL. Think how amazing that accomplishment is as we have missed Tre for a significant part of the season and have no premiere edge rusher yet! Hyde is also important as he allows poyer to do many of the thongs he does , such as pass rush and be very good at run support. Poyer is all over the field , and he has done it all at critical game times. Hyde is the unquestioned leader of the group , but this year Poyer has found his own confidence and is an important emotional leader of the dbs and whole defense. He is a hitter who is not afraid to stand over someone he has just demolished and let them hear about it, but not enough to do anything that hurts the team. Watching a game , Poyer is in almost every play and he is always around the ball. He and Hyde are by far my favorite players on the d , closely followed by Milano. Those 3 , most notably poyer , show their passion and remind me of the great players of the 90’s team. They are going to hit guys and not reach down to help them up! That’s the attitude that gets you to the Super Bowl, rather than the popularity poll pro bowl!
  9. Actually , you know a good fit for Daboll would be Jacksonville. Pretty good d already in place. They already have a franchise qb who like Allen did , needs development. The weather is always great for a passing offense. Plus he would not be in the same division as Mcd and Beane and he would be in sec country where he could get inside info from his guy Saban. The players are calling for a guy who will respectfully treat players, not insult them and kick them like my man Urban. I can’t see Daboll going to the fins. Who would go to an organization with questions at qb , and they fire a guy after a 7-8 game winning streak and after sweeping the Pats ?! Seems crazy to put your first head coaching future in the hands of owners who appear to not know what they want ! I am not a huge fan of Kahn as the Jax owner compared to weaver who was very good. But I think Daboll would be given more time to develop in Jax and I just think it’s huge to be in a different division than the Bills. Will be interesting to see if the jags make an offer. i am a big believer there comes a time for a new message or new delivery In the progression of NFL teams. Happens to all bit a few teams ( Tomlin , BB are exceptions) I think Josh might become a better qb with new input. The offense at times has become stagnant ( the ints are a concern and it easily could have been more as there have been several dropped ints just like the last Pats game ) and despite a great point differential, I don’t think you can win a Super Bowl without a decent run game. Perhaps someone not so pass obsessed might be a good progression to help extend joshs career. The play calling Shaw mentioned about Daboll refusing to run going into the wind , along with calls like throwing to Dawkins on first and goal from the one when motor was running well is the kind of play calling I think is becoming a detriment. It’s never predictable what type of game Daboll will call and the talent is here to be well rounded and not so one dimensional in frequent games. Daboll can be very creative at times , but then there are whole games ( jags) where he just had a vanilla plan and he never adapted. It’s not our call. If he get a job he’s gone , so it’s not calling for him to be fired. Yet if he does leave, I believe it could be a positive in the long run.
  10. That’s funny you mention that ! I Was at that game as a season club ticket holder with the jags! My seats were 8 rows behind the dolphins bench! Marino was horrible that game and Jimmy Johnson pulled him in the 4 th quarter ! I was an original season ticket holder’ and you had to sign a contract that required paying a year before the jags started playing. There were these construction , young guys , missing some front teeth, who were also original season ticket holders who sat next to me. I don’t know for sure but I would bet they started drinking the day before and continued thru the game. They would scream obscenities for the entire game at whomever the visiting team was. I am not exaggerating. Non stop obscenities as loud as they could. They rode Danny boy mercilessly the entire game along with Jimmy Johnson! So at least I can say I saw Marino’s last game live , and it was terrible. But seeing Johnson getting creamed was glorious as I had gone to SB 27 & 28 as the cowboys beat us both times. Honestly it got to these guys screaming all game long being one reason I gave up my tickets after several years ( plus it was interfering with watching the Bills, price was going up and I had two tickets at 250$ a game not including parking , beverages being brought to your seat etc as the original contract promised, plus you had to sign for 3 years minimum , no one year deals at that time ) ! Once on a Monday night football game against the Steelers , I took my dad who was in his la 60”s , had been a coal miner and but also civil engineer so it was his first pro football game The guy next to us Was hauled out in handcuffs for fighting with a Steelers fan. His girlfriend had come to the game in a bikini ( the stadium sits next to the river and it gets pretty chilly there at night. ) so the Monday night cameras were handheld and we’re focusing on her a few times! Haha! ( never thought of this before but maybe I should research YouTube to see if that Monday night game might be on there.! Esp with the bikini clad chick next to us maybe my dad and i were shown ! He passed in 2002 so that would be surreal if somehow we made it on with the bikini!). My dad asked me “ so how much are you paying for this ?” My final game was after the music city miracle happened as I watched the Bills lose 16 seconds before coming to Jax the following week! The titans came down and several season ticket holders sold their seats to Titan fans. I had a bunch of blue and red wig wearing Titans fans sitting behind me. So not only did I not get to see my Bills , but the Titans pounded the jags that day , went to the super bowl and lost to Warner and the Rams by a yard as the lb tackled the receiver a yard short. There is no doubt in my mind that Bills team would have beaten the jags with Ted Washington anchoring the d and Rob Johnson returning to Jacksonville! Another reason I hate the Titans and the cowboys until the end of time. But despite that negative , I got to see a Hof guy , who was a Kelly rival , perhaps the best pure passer ever , finish his career albeit with a terrible defeat ! I felt bad for Marino that day. Just seemed sad as this icon was no longer capable of playing well. I hope Ben has one great win and beats kc , and then the BILLS end his career in Buffalo. That would be a storybook finish I could really enjoy! Thanks for mentioning the Marino game. Brought back tons of memories for me. That’s what’s great about NFL football !
  11. Great point. Haack is a weak link. I don’t know what the deal is with our punt and punt coverage teams at times ! I mean Pittsburgh blocked a punt and now looking at ti , it’s another example of how small things can cost you being the one seed! I don’t remember which game , may have been the jets or falcons , but the gunner toward the bottom of the tv screen shot was left totally uncovered until it was noticed right before the snap. We are making mistakes at a high rate on the return and coverage units. Also , what’s with the short bass kick off at times? I know they want to make the. Field it and get them before the 25 , but it seems most times those short kicks are returned to the 35 / 40 yard line area. It’s just an example of one of the areas they are trying to be clever and it results in better field position for the other team. We have fumbled a punt for a safety , had three shanked punts , one which set the jets up for their only Td. The special teams other than the fg unit and Bass have been a weak link all year. In this game I hope they 1) quit doing that stupid short kickoff. Just have Bass drive it out. 2) put Hyde back to either catch it when he is sure he can, just don’t let it bounce and cost us 10-15 yards in file position. Forget running it back. Fair catch the punts. We get penalized almost every time for holding or a block in the back. At least with a fair catch we start ok and they might make a mistake and hit Hyde ! The slim chance of a td run back is not worth the penalties and fumbles , and now it even cost us 2 points. Those things can be big in playoff games. Try to fix that in the off-season and get a new special teams coach cuz this unit has been less than average and even a liability. That blocked punt , the McKenzie fumbled kickoff , the safety all this year and any one could have turned into pie loss of the one seed! Now that type of Mistake sends you home. The risks far outweigh advantages and we just have to not hurt OURSELVES, and we should beat the pats. You are spot on. I am sure BB is planning something concerning Haack and our poor punt handling. I am amazed how pro athletes can’t learn not to block in the back after 17 games! I heard John Fina on his podcast ( prior left tackle for,the bills. He was a rookie for Super Bowl 27 in Pasadena against the cowboys) say he was called for holding only 3 times in his 7 year career with the Bills! You CAN LEARN technique and how not to commit penalties. He was@“also just saying on his Monday nightyiutune podcast , off tackle , that this week if he was coaching the o line , as good as they looked he would be workingwith Brown hard on hand use / striking correctly , also working hard with Morse on his hand technique , Ahmad working very hard with Dawkins about dropping us right foot correctly. Fina does coach hs,ball and his son is an o lineman for UCLA right now. Point is there are things that should be being worked on even tho there is little time to do so. He blames the limited contact now in preseason and practices and said that’s why Bates was placed in later than he should have been. You don’t have contact now in practices and so after preseason it’s hard to trust making changes because you don’t see guys in real contact situations at hey are hesitant as they could end up worsening things! Was a great point. I also agree if they are healthy , I bet they blitz more. Josh has not hit deep passes all year. It will be hard to catch in freezing weather. I would bring the cbs up in press , bracket diggs , spy josh , and make josh prove he could hit the deep,ball. And like you said , I am going after haack , every chance I get , might always put 11 guys up and not even pit a guy back to let the ball hit his helmet !f I am Bb. I just think this guy always comes up with some wrinkle ( or new way to cheat or walk a fine line with the rule book) and now with them having played two diff D styles against josh , I expect some hybrid lkke the amoeba front 7 cuz with our o line communication , we blow simple handoffs in twists at times. Amoeba , blitz 5-6 , press the wrs , send 11 at haack. Make Buffalo prove they are coached well enough to handle the unexpected. Man , I am making myself anxious. If we lose to the Pats at home in the playoffs , I would consider that one of the all time lows for the organization. We already lost once to a rookie QB FROM HERE IN Jacksonville where it never gets in the teens , who only threw 1 complete pass in the game ! This is his FIRST PLAYOFF GAME! If we lose to a team led by him this year at home in the playoffs , the players should be made to wear jerseys in next years preseason with EMBARRASSED as the name plate and the locker room should have the signs changed to EMBARRASSING play level replacing Championship level! Lol! A loss and I know that’s the end of all pregame shows for me until after the Super Bowl ! Ok I am taking a Xanax and getting that nightmare cleansed out of my CNS forever! I still have ptsd from BB in SB 25 and wide right will always remain profanity ! Go Bills !
  12. I am a Bills fan since ‘63. I have seen enough Bills games to know this will not be a cake walk. Josh is coming off a string of sub par games. We have to get out fast, score first, and then I believe you coils be right. But if we miss tackles ( real pro players have been saying all week the COLD IS A REAL factor. Wind and precipitation is worse but cold is still a huge issue and Josh has said it’s uncomfortable in terms of playing with cold feet. The pats will be doing the run game again. No way they depend on Mac for more than 10-15 passes unless they get behind by more than two scores. Our lineman , and esp LBs , can’t let Pats Rbs break thru tackles like that first game. It is a extra factor that you just can’t pretend is not there. Ross Tucker who is broadcasting the game on radio was saying things definitely hurt more and it is harder to maintain ball security according to other players. Josh is not receiving balls and needs to learn to take a little off his shorter passes just to help make them more catchable. It’s easy to see throughout the year guys have missed some heaters thrown at them even in good weather. Funny story: I played lots of sports in high school but then dropped off to just intramural stuff in college as I came from a terrible academic high school and had lots to catch up on with a goal to get to Med school. Was on some intramural championship teams in volleyball, softball, foootball, in undergrad at a division 3 school ( Wittenberg u in Ohio) and our actual football and basketball teams both won two national championships while I was there from ‘75-‘79! So the place had some talented athletes. ( Brian Akers who was a year behind me was a point guard for those National div 3 championship teams and has coached a couple of WNBA teams to championships! He was a point guard that handled the ball like pistol Pete!) Anyhow I made it to Med school in Toledo and you could play in city sports leagues so at times students were playing informal pick up games just for stress relief. One day I went to play in a flag football game just on campus. My teammate was actually a prior starting qb for another division 3 school in Ohio, Ohio Wesleyan. We had casually thrown the ball around several times before. However , in the first game I played I was a wr and free saftey, and got free on one play and I guess the competitor in him took over : he fired a ball at me from about 20: yards away and it was unlike anything I had seen before. I tried to catch it above my head and it had such velocity that I couldn’t close my hands fast enough and only partially had it hit my hands. It still hurt like hell and the strings actually abraded my fingers . I am a pretty good second baseman / shortstop in baseball and soft ball ; never had a ball hit at me with the velocity that football was thrown , and this was from a Diviaion 3 qb, not like a starter from Ohio state etc! Haha! I can’t even fathom how guys catch balls throw by Josh , and my point is if it’s cold that has to have an effect on the ability to catch a hard football ! Tucker was saying he played some center and it made the ball much harder to handle. I think BB is going to run, try to keep Josh from scrambling , and we better be able to run ourselves as I am not confident in 0 or sub0 weather , his passing will be much better than the prior 3 weeks. Plus we have seen guys dropping the ball more lately. I think it’s a 10 - 13 point win If all goes well. Heck if the pats pic the pass their db dropped in New England , we could have lost that game. We can’t have another 2-3 int game from Josh, like tippped balls our guys don’t handle and the bitter cold could have that effect. I just think BB is too smart and this is going to be a close game decided by the turnovers. ( our punt handling has been an issue as well) Hoping for our best game and a win!
  13. This is interesting with him getting Multiple requests now. Definitely think he is a bigger loss tha. Daboll. But does anyone know if they hold off on these interviews until after the playoffs, assuming that coaches team continues to move on? I know there have been coaches take time to interview before even with a playoff team as teams want to move quickly. Sure seems like that would not be permitted by their team of employment but teams have filled head coaching spots prior to the Super Bowl every year. I would imagine the hiring team if very interested would wait until Frazier , for example , is done or out of the playoffs. Frazier will def be hired this year with the #1 defense. There should be some good talent available to fill , and I am much less worried about losing Daboll. .
  14. True. Was checking fins sites and there us talk about this. Also mentioned was Flores dislike of Tua. Reported FLORES asked the league to test Tua for 4 months for PEDS. His body fat % went from 18% down to 10% , allegedly , and ir was felt it was helped by PEDS, and with Flores not Wanting Tua, he allegedly asked for more testing from the NFL on his own player, which didn’t set well with the locker room. Not sure any of this is legit but being stated by a content provider with supposed inside contacts w players. Sounds like a mess. I hope they go after Harbaugh , and Watson. Both are ticking time bombs. Thise behavior patterns don’t just change because you change cities or jobs. Not at this point in adult lives. So your coach has a winning streak , knocks off a hof ciach and playoff team and then you fire him! That’s the owners insight or problem solving skills? Good luck getting quality people to come into something like that. Dolphins are becoming a franchise like the Giants and Bears; older franchises with no true direction and poor talent evaluation in their scouting dept. Fins are now facing another 2-3 year rebuilding process and they might do,ve the qb situation with Watson , but personally , I would never chance backing a guy with all those complaints. Speaks to personality traits or even a disorder that will require continued therapy , and like any disease , medical issue , is prone to relapse and there is no real “ cure” , just hope for effective management. Too much other talent in the world to take on complex issues in a sport with very small tolerances between long term success and continued turnover with turmoil.
  15. Yards do not tell the context of the atory. Nice stats are Ok to compare to others but context and w/ L record is the bottom line. Losing qbs often have lots of garbage time yards as you know. So really who cares about yards: but td to int ratio is important as it affects outcomes more directly and the past 2-3 games are concerning in that Josh has not been great throwing in the red zone ( running very well tho) and his ints have been quite regular and the prior game he had 3. So it’s just something you would rather NOT be seeing especially at home as you enter the playoffs. The offense is having issues. Jets defensively we’re ranked 32nd. Yet at half we had ONE td and several punts. We recover against poor teams , but we are 0-5 in one possession games this year and playoff games are usually close! We continue going thru offensivev lulls , wasting possessions like getting NO POINTS after a blocked punt today. We led by 7 at the half and Bill Cower thought that was bad having blocked a punt.Superficially stats seem fine but don’t tell the true story, If we have first half’s like the last 2-3 games, score once then nothing until late3 rd or 4 th quarter , good teams may already have us playing from behind. I believe Josh has ZERO wins coming from behind this year! So do that in the playoffs and his stats won’t matter. That’s why people are analyzing or showing concern. He’s here to win , not throw for the most yards! The offense looked poor most of the game today. We could all see and agree on that. Not sure why , but something is not clicking well. One series 3 passes sailed over everybody., that’s an issue before a playoff game regardless of todays W ! Daboll continues to go away from something that’s working and again in the wind , chose to mostly abandoned the run. Josh ran well but so was motor and Daboll will not stick with it. This is a. Pretty talented team. Hate to see a stubborn. OC cost us another year because he is poor.at in game adaptation. That is hard to see just looking at stats !
  16. That is amazing , made me smile and tear up at the sims time. Talley was prob my favorite Bill. The Spider-Man suit; he would turn games around and never quit playing hard. He was a true emotional leader on the d but it carried thruto the whole team. I had a custom jersey done with my name. I was born in ‘ 57 but put 56 on it in honor of talley and the great memories he left me with. This is a great film ; prob a lot of young Bills fans have no idea what these two guys meant to the franchise at that time. Thanks for this. It is inspirational!
  17. He did have good punts AFTER the 3 shanks! Plus he is the holder for Bass! You don’t mess with that now
  18. And a good portion of this without a very expensive db, white! Jackson has been really solid. Would never rethink the white deal as he has so many intangibles. But maybe it affects further signings ,esp Wallace as Jackson is still on his rookie deal. Levi could be expendable next year.
  19. I liked Roberts but I posted above on the 3 rd what I would do. Steven son and McKenzie have BOTH BEEN ISSUES, and McKenzie made another bad decision today and almost fumbled one as well. I suggested putting hyde back therefrom now on because punt returns have little chance to do anything but bad! Penalties, at least by the Bills happen at a 50% rate. See today! Put azure handed guy just so the ball doesn’t bounce losing more yardage, run with it if mo one is around, but otherwise just secure it and save yards ! That’s exactly what Mcd did today! Good for him. Doubt we see. Mckenzie or Stevenson any further returning kicks. Just too many negatives. Hyde worked well. We even blocked our first punt but Dabolls vanilla offense blew the turnover with a 3 and out , at least no points. Those things need cleared up. For all the talk of complimentary football, they really are getting nothing pit of pint special teams. A At least with Hyde you have a guy who handles pressure and won’t be likely to cost yards by not catching the ball and is unlikely to fumble with fair catches. Smart move as today the rules on holding, blocking in the bsck are ruining the return game. Field it safely, start your o there and not 10-15 yards further back because of penalties! I liked Roberts , tho he helped cost us the Titans gams last year. Hyde is the best option now!
  20. Really , being a “ content creator” for a year or two on YouTube makes you believe these people appeal to a larger audience? Most are just covering their own home teams and I’m sorry but 99% while funny or somewhat entertaining, are amateurs especially when compared to the years of experience , training that goes into actual color commentators. Most content creators barely speak correct English and most are just biased fan boys. A great deal just rant while eating or drinking during their “ content” and I have seen their so called “ interview” of players! They are questions lacking depth and they don’t challenge players because they first are “ fans” and second, players don’t take them seriously because they are not getting paid or great exposure and if a players performance is challenged, might as well say goodbye to any more access. Players do interviews under contract demands with the NFL AND NFLPA. Most content provider interviews are a joke as they draw interest narrowly from home team fans . Can some evaluate Film well, certainly , but who says it’s correct analysis and who says they can do it under time constraints and the pressure of millions of viewers. I have seen just about about every bills content YouTube provider and while they know the home team and appeal to a “ homer “ audience, remember , it’s a job being knowledgeable about the ENTIRE LEAGUE! It’s insulting to think those already on have not paid their dues with years of playing and then traing before they go on for any long period. Just see Kelly , Tasksr, guys who were great plAysrs but compare their talent to a rarity like Romo ! There is a reason the players START with a broadcasting camp now just to help get them started in that direction. It’s hard and requires talents few possess. it’s like a surgery resident explaining a surgery , they can do it very well on a small scale. That doesn’t suddenly give them so much ability, validity and confidence that they can handle a kidney transplant while a hundred students, professors, surgical equipment providers , and urologists who specialize in transplants , along with families and payors watching and critiquing , would perform adequately! Maybe 1-2 out of a hundred would handle the pressure , but most couldn’t. The good ones make it look easy , but don’t be foolish, it’s not and requires years of training and skill to be good and the competition gets more intense at each level. Most content providers I would bet csnt even make it on their local TV sports broadcasts. People do get degrees in broadcasting ; I would bet just from watching their work , most are not even journalists or college grads! There are a few very interesting guys but honestly, they are far from professionals. Not saying they couldn’t be with time and training , but the majority by far ARE NOT SPORTS journalists already for a reason. Most content providers have about 500 -1 k viewers at any given time. Again, most appeal to their home team fans as they have time to just focus on One team and their audience is usually highly biased toward that team! Hey , let them start out like everybody , break down film for the tv people on a home network, and then work their way up. Lets see them not freeze under pressure. YouTube is not national tv! You’re comparing high school to PH.D.type levels. There is no rambling , must speak clearly and succinctly, and it’s not just throwing out film breakdown, you have to be appealing to the camera, sponsors, and across a national audience! If it was so easy there would be thousands of YouTube channels with a million subscribers or videos with millions of views; remember the NFL is the most popular sport , most successful sport in the USA , so it should be easy to draw millions if views , right? If they are making a 5 figure , 6 figure income on YouTube , why is this a part time job for the vast majority? Its a great resource for die hard fans. If they deserve the exposure you want to give them , they will be good enough and prove it and earn that national exposure. Are there poor color analysts , of course. The majority of those don’t last. Are there some great content providers , sure. If they are that good , they will be noticed. The vast majority tho are local market , with a very biased fandom. Those color guys on networks are under tremendous scrutiny. It’s like a mom saying her kid will be a great Major League Baseball player because he was good on his little league team! How many actually make it that far!? The competition is fierce and only intensifies with easy level. Hey , division 3 football players are there for a reason and not on full rides at div one schools! It’s that way with every career. Enjoy the “ content” providers for what they are; part time enthusiasts who have great passion. That doesn’t make them a national broadcaster with large appeal! Try it and see in your own field of passion! There are few Rogans or mcafees out there! Good luck!
  21. Watching kc win this in a fluke type fashion is painful. Especially knowing the Bills are 0-5 in one possession games and lost to the damn jags and a team who threw 3 / completed one pass! That’s what really makes me feel bad. The 90 teams usually controlled their own destiny, while we lost to a team with 2 wins and lost at home with terrible play calling and mistakes. We should have been better! Had the talent to be. Still Sanders and Starr have been mostly disappointments this year. We have hit on Diggs , Morse, and not much else that stands out in free agency. Wish we had Ingram over any of our additions this year on the D. Our front office get obada and guys like butler. Everybody has watched hughes be an almost complete non factor this year. Basham sitting on the bench a majority of the time. You watch things like this , see a vet like Ingram who was on the waiver wire, while our top rusher has maybe 5 sacks in a 17 game season , and it points out how front office decisions are so important. Beane , so far, is no Polian! He is predominantly living off his one big hit , Josh! ( Tre was a good pick but dbs don’t have the influence like a qb }. Chiefs kept staying active signing guys and we sat still ! That one signing now has the Chefs still poised to grab tithe 1 seed! Imho , Beane saw our weaknesses and at mid season passively sat still. This is a year to optimize a run when Josh was still on his initial contract. Little things add up. Very very talented qb, and we almost sat still supporting him with a 34 year old receiver, and did nothing to add to competition for our anemic running attack ! ( will give credit for finding Nrown , but hat o line has overall been less than average) So hopefully we can still take the east , yet the goal was supposed to be the super bowl. Still possible , but seems even more challenging than last year as oir GM rode the same o line and rolled the dice with two rookie dl early picks! Meanwhile, Our d lacks nastiness with the Frazier personality of bend but hope not to break mantra ! Stats are one thing , but big chunk plays and that memory losing to the Bucs when the d needed to make one final stand still lingers. Reed mentioned, no Talley , no biscuit, no Bruce, no great pass rushers or leaders really on this D. Edmunds is a good guy but not an emotional leader. We are the ultimate no name d , and we could have used a guy with credentials like Ingram for THIS YEARS DRIVE! It’s is amazing the Steelers can find guys capable of 22 sacks , while we rarely get more than a few pressures. It’s finally time to see where we really stand as there is no more time to hear about we will clean that up ater we view the film. Final judgement time about the roster has arrived and I hope it actually has come together. If not those decisions to sit stand pat will finally show our managements ability 5 years in when in todays NFL , 5 years is a seldom seen luxury., more like an eternity! Bad coaching ,,,,, Fangio going for the fg proved to be the terrible call we all saw coming. Many called it here. Fangio with classic conservative playcalling there. Hopefully Mcd has gotten past that for the play off run! Todays result is a good lesson , play less than aggressive and it sends you packing. Tomorrows jets game is our last chance to view our readiness to make a deep run or clue us into lowering expectations for a team many thought would be a dominant AFC force. It will really tell us the outcomes of continuity of the coaching staff and if all is good , give us hope, confidence , and the final boost heading into our most hyped SB run since the 90’s! Let’s hope the Bills show up to dominate a rookie Qb led team and there is no doubt we are finally peaking at the right time! Let’s go Buffalo ! We were so close to grabbing that second seed , yet this year instead of a Dalton td helping us, an Ingram FF looks like similar things in this season , a last second collapse locking us out of the second seed.
  22. Wow that was a dangerous throw. Broncos have outplayed the chefs in this game really Dam fluke play. Would not kick it here ,,,,why?
  23. Pretty prophetic whoever said the chiefs go and get the two point conversion. Unfortunate broncos didn’t do their part and score 7 first. Now I really wish we had gone after Ingram. So many said he had nothing left. More than our edge rushers do!
  24. Great points. They are playing really well and very confident. That’s a tough matchup and a healthy titans match up in Nashville where heartbreak happens to us are two rough matchups for us. Only thing is if we can somehow jump the bengals ( unkekely they lose to the browns tho) , and get them in that windy bills stadium , we might have an advantage. But you are right. Those games we will miss Tre. That bengals receiving corp is playing lkke the best in the league now and Burrow is no mac jones, he has the powerful and accurate arm to kill you with time. Only hope is if he is a little less mobile and we somehow can get some pressure. But we don’t have dbs that can match their size or athleticism high pointing balls. Wallace still with issues turning his head , Jackson and Wallace also not as speedy. We do have two good safteys tho who can help. But that leaves our front 7 to stop mixon and burrow running. Just seems like this year if our O doesn’t get out in front early , AND KEEP PLAYING WITH URGENCY WITH NO LULLS, we are vulnerable to each playoff team in different ways. But against the running teams you can bring a guy up or add a a Lb. With the balanced Bengals , we can only hope inexperience on their part and our prior history is a factor. If Henry who is a straight line runner is back to almost normal , he and Brown have been issues for us. Hopefully Frazier doesn’t let Brown stay singled and kill us like the prior two losses to the titans. This drive for the super bowl is on Josh and Daboll. If we don’t become one dimensional and Josh stays away from the negative hero ball , we have an actual chance. We just have to score in the high 20’s to 30s ..anything less and the d seems to fold to the pressure. Can’t have any first half Falcon performances now or we will go home and it’s sad to think about that. Have loved watching them all year , even the stinkers against the jags and colts. Who knows how the roster will look next year and that’s such a long way off! 😀 If the o is on, we can compete with anyone. That first half falcon performance repeated and we are heading home
  25. Just like they said at half , they are not interested in tackling today. Shows they expected o to run this broncos team over.
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