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Everything posted by DrPJax

  1. Yep. Playoff games are different with pressure really turned up. As long as the wind is not outrageous we have an advantage. Plus it was nit on Josh, the playcalling by Daboll was terrible that pats game. Horrendous! Should we play the pats.with oit those gusts , Josh will take over and max will flounder. Josh and the bills played down to the falcons the cirs5 half and then turned it on. Hard to been razor sharp every game , esp against a dud falcon team. That won’t happen in the playoffs. Experience is so huge in the playoffs. We know how it feels to win but also we really know the feeling to lose in the playoffs. This is what the Bills have been waiting for the entire year despite all the each game is just another game line! Not true for playoff games ! Those 90 bills teams lost a couple years first and then that experience took over. Rarely does a team with a qb with little or no playoff experience go deep into the playoffs. We want these games ar home with as much as possible. Andre Reed was saying it’s a big plus at home. Just not traveling is a FACTOR for more rest. boy hasselback called now screens would defeat this d at the halftime analysis on espn. Good call wrex was just sahimv how flat kc was and was being outcoached. He should know being an expert at being outcoached. But playoff games at home with that crowd are crucial. Let’s just hope the Bills don’t start out flat tomorrow and take the jets seriously. This is for the east and to hurt the pats. That has to be motivating ! Let s hope we don’t see a falcons first half repeat If the Chiefs somehow lose , the Bills should be really motivated ! We will see how Josh plays with the east on the line! If they lose to the jets , I would not be very confident against the pats. You want to win going in ! That chiefs d is def different with Ingram ( whom we shoikd have gone after ) and Jon’s inside. Thise guys didn’t play against us the first gsme Would rather play them in BLo than arrowhead.
  2. Thet could but it’s not that important to them I believe. As keepin burrow healthy against mayfield less browns. Unlikely Keenan will beat bengals. 2 or 3 seed nota great diff to risk burrow. We win , they lose , they still stay 3 seed. Chiefs drop to 4 th I believe I saw. Just going by scenarios I have seen. However, so many , it’s still confusing.
  3. Aren’t tickets going for 8$ for this game ?! I agree , hold out for a suite , with buffet and catering ! Man , shoveling snow was one reason I left Ohio after growing up there ! Miserable, heart attack inducing labor paying 15$ an hour while teachers are refusing live teaching because “ the ventilation is not adequate”! Get some of them out there ( not a teacher hater , my sister is one and my family has sponsored a yearly scholarship for kids in my hometown going into either teaching or medicine) to “ experience great ventilation “ , and let’s see how quickly they appreciate their poorly ventilated , indoor jobs! Lol ! ( Sometimes people need perspective !) Man, in all sincerity that is tough work, and in a billion $ industry , it’ should be a little embarrassing to offer minimum wage for any NFL. associated work. Hey, give everybody leaf or snow blowers for fun to use and every one who helps deserves free game tickets. Let some people ( kids, college kids etc) who normally can’t afford NFL tickets see a live game ! Come on NFL, do the right thing ; if you need community support why not show the community love in return ?! Pay the people! Lol! That stadium pic looks beautiful ! I miss that pristine snow look, just hated driving , working in it!
  4. Great points. Rodgers continues to prove he thinks he is smarter, above others , and that he is deserving of being treated differently. All of his actions are consistent with what’s important to Rodgers and how he wants to be placed on a pedestal , all of which shows he is NOT worried so much about team as he is worried about himself and a really meaningless award! It’s a team sport , he is going to be voted MVP anyhow , so why personally attack a reporter over one vote ( btw this guy has been around longer than Rodgers and has contributed to good publications that helped promote the NFL to get to the popularity it has now. )? Rodgers is so worried about perception yet he continues the exact behavior he has become well known for , arrogance and selfishness. Do any of us believe if Josh was about to be voted MVP, but just one vote went against him , he would have gone on a nationally televised rant!? No, because Josh and his actions are about team and team goals ! He hasn’t even mentioned not getting placed on the pro bowl roster once unless asked to respond! Why, because it’s not the TEAMs main goal or potential honor. Rodgers, tho, sees it as just unfathomable that some one could not see how IMPORTANT he is ! He continues to be a joke and parody of what TEAM is about. You made a great point about him using his celebrity to promote “ his own interpretation “ of the science stating he did so much research and consulted with “ his team “ of experts about the vaccine. Well , that’s just Bs as true science has proven the effectiveness of the vaccine against serious illness. I have stated this several times , it’s an individual choice medically , so His football celebrity does not make his “ research “ or his “ expert” consultants any more valid or correct than your own well trained doctor , as he continues pushing his own opinion as dogma to rationalize his deceptive speech and actions he later apologized for. All the awards have “ political “ nuances associated with them. See pro bowl voting , see HaLL of FAME VOTING, etc, so why is it any surprise someone chose more issues than just play on the field as a factor for him in his voting? The only non political thing in football is the final winner of a game or of the Super Bowl. The final score is not political or subjective. Why is the self - absorbed genius so offended and surprised by this and why is it worth becoming such a distraction to the team ranting about an individual award!? Because its never been about team with him ( as he held the team at ransom or in doubt about his availability all preseason), it’s just consistent behavior that he has to be seen in the same terms as Peyton with 4 mvp awards and he is appalled not everyone is willing to praise and adorn him as if it’s his right. The irony is incredible; he states the guy is a “bum “ and he “ doesn’t know me” and “ his vote should be taken away” ! Just about every negative , nasty thing he could come up with , and remember, this is from a guy WINNING the award and is just upset its not unanimous! A few seconds later when asked if Rodgers knows the voter personally , He stated NO , I have no idea who he is. There it is , Rodgers chastising the voter for not knowing Rodgers personally ( as if that would change the guys reasons for his vote , esp give Rodgers charm!), all while wanting his voting ability stripped etc , yet never having met Hub or knowing him personally. The Rodgers Rule , just like his prophetic State Farm rate commercials ! Any guy who was dating Danica Patrick and manages to mess that up, is just adding more fuel to the fire all the time ; I don’t know him personally but I am voting he is an ASS, just as much as he might be MVP! 😀😉
  5. When a guy jams your receiver ( called or not) , when a guy jumps up and tips your qbs pass that is not luck. It’s skills they practice. I bet you didn’t call groots deflected pass and int against the Chiefs “ luck” but probably praised him for making a good play ! ( which it was , it it’s luck then practice , skill mean nothing , right , by definition?) Just saying , you might be biased! Lol! Josh had a bad game passing ; threw balls that were tipped while being 6’5” suggesting he needs work in that area perhaps? He threw balls in cold weather that were so hard at times Diggs was seen shaking his hands ( but the pass in between two defenders he completed needed that type of heat !) The ball deflected in the red zone / end zone was just a terrible decision. It took possible points away and he has lost points several times getting sacks at bad times by his own admission ( “ I can’t do that”) ! just saying, 4 years in its time to cut those mistakes he repeatedly says post game he can’t do ! When a type of error keeps recurring, that’s a pattern , and luck does not come in patterns! Lol! Love the guy and his passion. Doesn’t mean he is beyond criticism and that is unfair to expect less ints ( esp against a terrible team like the Falcons). Practice doesn’t make you perfect , perfect practice makes you perfect ! ( Marv Levy) Nothing in there about luck making you better ! Josh did not throw the ball well often that game. Time to cut the mistakes or the Bills will go home soon. If they are depending on good luck to advance,,,,,well,,,,,good luck !
  6. I think that’s the bottom line. I’ve heard every reason you can imagine; kind of absurd to think a team is going to allow deep throws , esp since the wind was not a factor at 8 mph; one podcast said his GF and he had a large contingent of family present and she was posting quite a bit about them being there, suggesting he was playing to “ impress”, lol ; another video podcast “ content provider” ( guess that makes them experts compared to us non - content providers) said it was just bad luck, a former Bills player said that! ( if it’s just luck then I guess scheme, practice , talent , are irrelevant). It just proves it’s multi factorial, and there is no one definitive cause or solution ! Josh simply had a bad game, was making decisions that AT TIMES WERE BAD, and heaven forbid, but it’s possible the professional Falcons made some good plays and made some hits resulting in turnovers! Josh has been amazing the majority of the year and The Bills only go as far as his talent and play can take them , because RIGHT NOW there are NO OTHER SUPERSTARS on this team capable of taking over a game at positions like RB, DB, DE, DT, TE, OR WR based on stats compared across the league other than Josh ( Diggs is very good but his career year was last year so far and there are several receivers with more catches , tds, yards). Compare to the 90’s roster with several Hof players ( and perhaps more deserving to be) , a HOF COACH, HOF GM, and it’s easy to see the team results are likely to fluctuate, and the NFL now with a salary cap and free agency is designed to be that way. Josh is the driving force and as one NFL expert has said , the Bills are THE MOST QB CENTRIC TEAM in the NFL. So at this point , if Josh has more 3 pick games ( luck, whatever) , stats show you are most likely to lose those games ( assuming a t-o deficit) regardless of the reason. He didn’t self correct as another posted ; the play calling and success of the running game put the passing game on hold , and we had 4 rushing tds on Sunday. Josh was a good part of that running game, and deserves credit for that. However, based on two seasons , if the ball was not handed to motor with other running plays, we might have had more of the first half where we went in losing 15-14! It just proves, it’s better to be a two dimensional team, not necessarily balanced , but able to adapt and change if needed. That’s the take away message from that game. Josh should learn from that game, it’s possible to win trusting others to help He has had prior games where he forced things, hero ball in a negative way came out. It’s 4 almost 5 years as a pro now so it’s fair to expect that Type of forced play to really tail off. Even the GOAT , BRADY, does accept help with a running game and is known for taking what the d gives. We got away with. 3 int , one fumble, the d scoring against us. I would bet that we lose similar type games in the future and I hope the team , and Josh, clean that up as we enter the lose and go home time of the year. Time for players and staff to be at their top form with 5 years together. It’s a result based league, getting into the playoffs 4/5 years is a great achievement, and it’s time to hope for the final step. If you don’t get deeper into the playoffs after 5 years of staff continuity, it’s a failed year and it might be good with change at some jobs like, OC/dc etc.
  7. Sanchez wasn’t terrible. We have been exposed to worse like Charles Davis continuing the same cliches he spies in madden , Collinsworth , who yesterday said the Bills could not get the 1 seed because of the “ loss at KC” , while the Bengals still can get it! Given those performances , Sanchez was pretty benign.
  8. I Apologize, it’s easy to take things out of context on a board etc! Was just commenting about no concern thinking it was a reference to the present. I agree about Allen. Great qb, great potential. He still needs to grow , and frankly is making some mistakes that in his 4 th year I at least hoped as a fan we would not continue to see. He plays, I hope, to win a SB , and to get to that next level given his talent, it’s eventually going to become not acceptable to keep throwing out excuses like “ they get paid too”, “ I can’t do that “ over and over. He is a quarter billion $ qb now, and continuing to force throws when we have seen him capable of better , is not a time to keep. Repeating rookie like mistakes. Just saying , usually you are not going to win many playoff games , let alone a SB , with performances like yesterdays. Love the guy, glad he is the Bills franchise qb. Progress is never just a given tho ; at some point you do have to actually perform better. For example, would you keep going to a medical student for your care or do you eventually expect them to graduate, become an md, get a real license and be responsible for quality results ? At some point you can’t keep saying , well I can’t keep missing that diagnosis ! Lol! At some point excuses don’t cut it as you’re trained,, expected to be accurate, and you are held accountable! That’s life man! In that environment it’s a thing; see one, do one, teach one! So as smart as someone might be , at some point you can’t make student mistakes. Josh is so, so gifted, it’s time to expect results compatible with talent and experience. Everybody has bad days tho! Been a less successful reg season for him just looking at ints and W’s. Hey, it’s just a game, and who cares really( but watching crazy obsessed fans at times makes you worry for them) It has no effect on real life. Just saying , someone thinks it’s worth much $, so I would think someone is going to have real expectations or you may not actually get all that $ right!? There are not many careers where just hope and words are the final expected product ! Lol. 😀🍸 Been a Bills fan since ‘63, so it’s an enjoyable hobby/ pass-time for me. Josh is a quality person, hope the best for him!
  9. If you have an offense that at some point can give up a lead to a team like the falcons who had no playmakers( Pitts was oit second half) , can go dry and lose to a team like the jags ( as the pats hang 50 on them with a rookie Qb) , actually has had quite a few tipped balls this year , and has had a few terrible home games already ( colts) , and you see no reason for any concern , you are indeed a glass is more than half full type of guy! Lol! Not a bad thing.! Just saying, we have struggled to win three in a row the second half of the season and will need 4 wins to get a SB title and our d still might have to face Henry on the road and Bb at home just to get that far! I am a little more cautious this year than last year. An impressive full game against the jets without all the turnovers would go a long way to setting up the teams confidence and focus as we enter that important run ! I really hope we see that and not a presser with Josh still explaining “ what he can’t do “! 😊🍸
  10. Good points but let’s not forget the falcons role in is coming back. Pitts was out the second half , the head coach pulls an all time dummy move punting from our 32! Then to top it off Ryan gets called for taunting when he in all honesty should have had a td if he didn’t slide a Half yard tooo early. We caught lots of breaks in the second half. Not many teams win a 4 turnover game with giving up a defensive score. The odds were very stacked against us winning which , let’s hope is the low point of the season for our qb play. If we were playing any competent team , like the playoff teams , we don’t win that game. Without that taunting call it’s a one possession game and anything could happen. Motor finally chose this game to have a 100 yard game , first in two years! Lol, it was the worst of times , it was the best of times! I am not sure Allen bailed himself out completely ; he did run the ball well but Daboll finally realized that running the ball with a back is legal and took the ball oit of Allens hands with the runs by motor and moss. Allen is a great player but at times he just almost refuses to allow other other playmakers to be a part of the action. It’s like him taking that ball from mckenzie yesterday., he made the first down but it was very close to a fumble as well. He joked about his reticence to hand the ball off during the post game presser , but if we are honest with ourselves, 17-18 turnovers in a year is hard to ignore from your franchise qb. It’s been an up and down season and now we hit the time of year where the consistent team will likely keep moving ahead. I hope its us, yet how many times do we keep hearing from Josh, “ I can’t do that” postgame !? it’s year 4 and we still see what he “can’t do” a little too often. Kelly had some pretty bad games at times but he was surrounded by HOF guys on both sides of the ball and he got the ball to Reed , Thurman , et Al. Josh needs that support , and needs to use what he has now a little more effectively. Great season with making the playoffs , but now it’s about winning a SB as we are past just making an appearance postseason! 😊
  11. Yep , a dual threat back who can catch over his shoulder would be amazing ! Josh’s int spree would come to an end with a true receiving rb threat. Thurman was the prototype ! Motor has to turn and come to a stop to catch. Loses so much yac that way. Josh also has to quit fighting his own guys for Attempts lkke he did with McKenzie yesterday. Really he is amazing but that hero mode , just like it can win games , can also lose games when he keeps forcing things.
  12. Happy to see motors progress but remember it came against a 31 st ranked ATL D ! I hope it doesn’t dissuade Beane from taking someone like Harris if available next year , unless we go on a tear with motor repeating the 100 yard game achievements during the playoffs! My fear is that either Daboll or good Defenses make that run game disappear during the playoffs.
  13. Well there is your nasty run of the weekend! Man I would have loved Harris with Allen. How about that backfield coming at you! Talk about business decision!
  14. Ben is such a “ changed” good guy, he just did that to encourage the Browns to show up after half, keep it close like a cat toying with a mouse! Plus he gets a cut of the dbs bonus $ for ints !
  15. Yes. Allen had a ac separation I believe. That’s a partial tear of a ligament , soft tissue type injury. Did not ever need surgery. Baker has a torn labrum which is cartilage type tissue. AND it tore a fragment of bone that is loose to be trapped as the humerus rotates ! Imagine pinching that between the scapula , where it sits , and the humeral head with any rotation of the round head of the humerus ( long bone of upper arm) ! Very painful. Got to say guy is tough plying thru that!
  16. I don’t think he can worsen the main injury as surgery already planned. If you pull him when he wants to play in a historic game , Ben’s last home game, maybe sends a signal that is counter to the culture. Plus they have bonus $ at stake etc. I don’t know, can’t get in head coach s head, but season isn’t over till next week and they get lots of $ to play & obviously all the guys at this level are super competitive and don’t quit easily. It’s like seeing surgery residents going into pyramid programs where they start with more guys than positions available at the end of the 5 year residency ! Those are super competitive people , from high school, to college, to Med school , to residency ; the competition keeps ramping up and super competitive people are selected! I imagine same process to get to be a pro player. MOST, with exception of STARR , want to always play ! Lol! 😂
  17. Not a fan of his but I will give him credit for playing thru that labrum injury. Imagine trying to throw a football accurately when you can’t extend your left arm for counterbalance or move your left shoulder much! No way to stay accurate like that. He could have just went and had surgery but who do they have as a back up ? Tough situation. He gets next year to see if he can repair his career. Also with head coaches like Hugh , who may be the biggest idiot ever as ahead coach, how can a qb succeed ?.
  18. Wish we had some of their d line talent.
  19. Steelers screwed up again just nabbing Harris! Always a couple of picks ahead just at the wrong moment of our need in the draft! How good would he loook as a Bill when we might need him against the Titans as Henry returns for the playoffs! Yet we can’t ever get Starr back! Lol. I swear he has retired but they are keeping it quiet in Mcd style!
  20. Bills - jags was probably worse! At least here I am smiling seeing Baker getting drilled and knowing the Steelers have not prepared well for the post Ben era! I’m from that area , across the river in Ohio, fro Pittsburgh. In high school ALL my friends were Steelers fans. I was the only Bills guy around. Just so happened it was the mid 70’s , right in the middle of their dominance with Franco, steel curtain, and Bradshaw! Lots of Browns fans too there so every Sunday you would see either Steeler or Browns flags flying on peoples porches! Hell , even my 96 year old mom is a long time Steelers fan! Was terrible first week of the season as I had to tell her I didn’t hear my phone when she called late after the first game this year. Will give her a ring tonight! Steeler playoff football may take a hit for awhile , unless they nab Wilson ! Lol!
  21. Ben with “ good ball handling” according to Griese! Who knew? 👌👏
  22. Couldn’t swing a deal that would have changed the direction of the franchise , so he reverted to patrolling the stands and banning anti Donahoe signs with his attack squads! Talk about crazy ! Obsessed with signs from fans and Mcgahee! He wanted to be that guy that out - bolded every other gm , then the rb just spends a year rehabbing at the Bills expense. His injury agaist Ohio state I believe , was a gruesome knee injury. How bout the ol miss rebels qb getting injured in the bowl game this year? Wonder who goes with him now , however I’m not sure what the injury to his leg turned out to be. Anyone know? Really going to be even harder to get guys to play in bowls outside of the final 4 teams, if the guy is projected in the first couple of rounds, after seeing that misfortune!
  23. Put that way it sounds like a natural function! 🍸😊
  24. He was not that great today. Had a career year but I think is on the wrong side of 30. If we need him that’s a big failure concerning Stevenson with a fulll off season to improve and another short term rent like Sanders who has really been an overall ineffective signing this year. We don’t have a great deal of cap space and that o line needs at least a couple of new vets. Protect your main investment, Josh , and get him another young weapon or two to grow with. If our d , who usually gives up chunk plays every game contained him completely, just bringing him in as a returner only seems counter to how Beane / Mcd have operated in the past. Great story about the OP ‘s son tho!
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