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Everything posted by DrPJax

  1. Ok add one that actually plays like a superstar with talent few possess. Fitz great guy, mediocre talent.
  2. So using your terms , instincts below average, hasn’t been a difference maker , slightly above average, wouldn’t argue if someone called him average , his mental acuity and processing do him no favors. , I don’t think he’ll ever be a defensive playmaker, not a guy opposing teams have to account for. Those are YOUR words ! Take away the name and by any other means ,a 1 st round 16 th pick whi was traded up for and now entering his 5 th year and the club has yet to exercise a new contract or options , and to me that’s about as close to the definition of a bust as one can come. Plus he is stiff and not all that athletic compared to other LBs who are difference makers and what’s the argument that all thise deficiencies make him GOod? Haha, you have just pointed out what a bust is , and while maybe not as bad as ford as a bust , his play is not impactful and we get torched in the middle all the time. Many sites have him ranked 32 nd amine inside LBs. For a first round draft pick who we spent two picks to acquire, usuing your own words, this guy is a bust as he is used. If all you expect is below average play from your first round picks In their 5 th year , then the bar you set is lower than any other club I have read about. He comes up small in big games. Look up how many ints, how many career PBUs he has as such a fast athletic body supposedly and he is a consummate underperformer. Call me the next time he makes a game winning play. Nice guy, no instincts, plays soft 95% of the time. Why people keep apologizing for this guy amazes me. He’s young but is a vet of the nfl. By now he is what he is. There may be worse LBs , but no one can argue in good faith this is all you expected drafting him that high. We can’t do worse drafting and allowing someone to compete with him. It’s delusional to think he is a. Impact Lb. Read your own words and let them sink in and be honest , you actually believe no one could do better if drafted and given 4 years to develop? I would try as it’s hard to believe we coukd do any worse. He is , as you state , below average and feared by no one ! Facts are facts.
  3. Interesting , but not sure it relates to retirement. Couldn’t all the same sentiments apply if he is leaving GB and plans playing elsewhere next year? Maybe he has to let GB know by March 1 st for roster bonus purposes etc, and is doing this early to start the process of seeing who will be interested in signing him and let the bidding wars start. He doesn’t sound like he has anything but joy playing football reading that , but probably is fed up with the GB process or supporting cast / lack thereof ( don’t they have a huge amount of unsoent cap space ? Makes you wonder how good they can ever be if they are never willing to spend close to the cap,). I have a hard time thinking he wants to end his career going out with an early exit from the playoffs with his sub par performance being a big reason for that. Plus he saw Brady win the first year after leaving the Pats and throw in the same for Stafford , and why wouldn’t he think he could do the same thing with another club? The only thing I don’t get is everyone speculating he will be with an AFC club like Denver / Tennessee etc, when that conference is loaded with QB talent and I think is much harder to reach the SB from because of that ( unless GB has some say in who he will be allowed to sign with and won’t allow him to move within the NFC?). Given his self worth tho , he might be confident that he has superior talent to all those younger AFC qbs and is confident if surrounded by good talent which he lacked in GB he will have a great shot at making another SB. Will be interesting to see what happens Wednesday with the Gm press conference, but again, I don’t read anything specific in that statement that makes his retirement a sure thing. I hope he does stay out of the AFC because the competition for the Bills is already high given all the uncertainty with coaching and player changes and he would be another huge obstacle for the Bills SB ambitions.
  4. Have seen a few drafts with him taken several picks before the Bills in the first round and I know one did project him to the Bills. So he is not under the radar by any means and a good possibility he is off the board when we pick , leading to the auburn cb mcreary (?) going to us. Majority of drafts so far I have seen have us taking CB. Lots of first round cb talent.
  5. His window for actually closing one if this deals is closing quickly ! Soon will be out of the NFL premiere wedding position of QB; thinks he is immune to being waived both on and off the “ playing” field! What’s left when you aren’t being adored by packer fans , getting all those benefits like being in demand for appearances and holding a team hostage because “ they need you so much “ , going to all those wonderul award shows that mean you are such a valuable person!? I’ve watched this guy on macafee and he’s insufferable as they all slobber on him just because he graces them with his “ great intellect “ and has to “ impress “ Pat etc with his book of the week. Full of himself and full of s***! This guys greasy ponytail crap is lathered in smugness; all because he won ONE SB and the most avaialable individual award he so arrogantly had the nerve to call a reporter a bum over just because the guy had his own opinion about mvp. Pretty entitled guy , whose video I love watching as he squirmed in the green room on draft day ! Man I bet he and Farve in the same room was a hard squeeze thru the door! He doesn’t need a wife anyhow as I’m sure all his exes have figured out, not as long as he has him and MVP VOTES! ( sorry , just find the guy hard to like or see do well as he seems so narcissistic) 🤮 can’t wait to see that day when GB finally moves on! ( just hope he doesn’t land in Pittsburgh, Tennessee cuz he could interfere with one more year of Josh getting home field advantage , esp with Henry ) They should do it now, why make him the highest paid qb at 50 mil a year when they just lost with him playing poorly in the playoffs? Hey , if there is life after Brady and 7 SB titles , GB can do okay without this guy dictating to them every year and keeping the club in Limbo. 50 mil can bring in a lot of talent for years to come , and they are in very good hands with that young HC. They survived Farve being shown the door, learn from that ( how many more SB titles did Farve win after leaving?) before he figures out he’s becoming an old maid and tries hitting you up for alimony as a common law wifey ! 😊😉
  6. Worked ONCE, by 3 points , taking the lead with less than two min left. Pretty hard to reproduce that building process. More luck. Brady was out , lacking weapons, Rodgers played poorly and was eliminated. Then they got lucky not playing the Bills if Chiefs, but got a Hc first time in the playoff run and against a sophomore Qb in his first huge game. That’s not some grand reproducible blueprint but more likely once in a lifetime everything breaking your way type of luck. Not saying it didn’t work this once , but let’s see how anyone reproduces that scenario. Bills have tried FA additions, but they just didn’t work well in the current coaching schemes. It’s just one title which will be forgotten quickly as Rams fans will not be happy not getting back to the game next year. I think they have a Good shot of even not making the playoffs next year. They are no dynasty !
  7. Good for her , couldn’t care less about Beyoncé or people in her world or culture. Still refers to a woman ( or I guess her finger as an isolated thing )as it , Which is probably great in hip hop culture. Just saying if someone , like myself, has no knowledge or place in my life by choice for Beyoncé and doesn’t know or care about her lyrics , just reading the sentence can be misinterpreted. I don’t care how someone refers to their fiancé , they know what’s best and I stated I was JK about it, relating to how I have to be careful regarding my dearest Finnish friend , who can be a little sensitive! Lol. I only mentioned it cuz I’m a boomer and date boomers mostly who would not know hip hop references anymore than I do. Rock yes, hip hop not so much! Honestly , they don’t follow rap / hip hop / or people like Beyoncé or cardi B for cultural trends or as “ influencers”. Just relating an anecdote about my Finnish friend who has a phd in pharmacy and ran the online pharmacy for a national chain getting her pharm license in every state ( pretty amazing feat! ) and also got her realtor license as a side hobby , is from a very different and refined culture and just knowing her , saying put a ring on it would be foreign to her as she doesn’t follow Beyoncé or that culture in the 20 years I have known her. If I said that or wrote that about her and she read it on a site like this , , she wouldn’t get it either and me quoting Beyoncé lyrics wouldn’t cut it as an appropriate thing in her eyes as she requires a high level of respect! Haha, it is what it is and in my experience , the highly independent and very educated women I have met are usually not well versed in hip hop culture. Just my experience , so that’s my life and all I am commenting on! 😇 BTW why are you that knowledgeable about Beyoncé enough to quote that stuff anyhow ? Lol ! Guess you are much younger cuz I grew up on classic rock , and Beyoncé / hip hop just never cut it for me , just like the guy who quoted Keith Richards take on it , not really all that musical to my ears! Lol ! . Thx but no thx for any link to her or the ridiculous behavior they tout as being something for women to emulate or her being some example of being a strong or feminine woman. They don’t really act that way and She is not much better than cardi b talking about wap! Haha! I prefer someone with class in black culture like Candace owens who is a leader , thinker , and has great family values which are lacking in hip hop culture. Also prefer a black leader like Brandon Tatum , previous police officer who despises how current hip hop culture promotes being a victim, anti police rhetoric, women being baby mamas without fathers being in their childrens lives etc. Sorry , that’s another story , just saying any link to Beyoncé as education is wasted on me as we share different values and she lives in a world of wealth and a culture I just can’t Relate too. Thx tho cuz I know your intentions were good and just for fun! 😊. If you ever date a Finnish woman tho , be careful !! All that cold there must make for them having a more serious sense of humor! 😀
  8. I am old school, it wouldn’t feel as satisfying winning one like that after all they did was rent a bunch of talent for one year. Those guys have no ties to the fans, community , or have any sense of culture or loyalty to each other or the organization. It just doesn’t feel like a part of the way the Bills mafia has been there , suffered with the team and stuck with them thru thick and much thin. It’s a Hollywood type of team and all those guys will go their separate ways, having used the team as a way to just say hey I got my ring. The Bills are more than just one SB title to me, they are part of my life for a long time and I like it meaning something to the players who understand what the Bills mean to a small community and also embracing the Bills past and their past players. Just throwing in guys like Miller or obj as quick mercenaries doesn’t appeal to me. I like having Allen being a risk , one doubted by everyone outside if Buffalo , who has grown into a superstar but still is important to the community and now even his family is involved with Buffalo as his grandmother has a hospital wing named in her honor. The core of the team has been draft picks and free agents who weren’t fitting in or weren’t appreciated until they fit in together in the culture they have all now helped establish under Mcd. I don’t mind adding free agents who are going to stay for some time and add to the culture and community. I don’t get that sense from that Rams team and there is nothing special to remember about that team. Really , who will think much of that group as time passes? Winning a SB will be great , but it will be much more meaningful having gone thru things like 13 seconds together and then finally overcoming all of the Allen doubters and all the bad breaks to finally win one for the Bills mafia! I know it’s sentimental stuff but I’ve put a lot of years into following the team and even people on here , and I hope we win it the old fashioned way ; building it from nothing and finally guys like Hyde and poyer , Josh , Gabe, Tre, Diggs , guys who want to be a part of that Bills culture, finally get rewarded. It will mean something more than just “ let’s buy a title “: ; that just doesn’t feel like a blue collar , hard work ethic type of team building and it just wouldn’t feel like it was anything more than just a gimmicky one trick year. I have been waiting a long time for a SB win , and I want it to feel worth that wait when it happens. Yesterday it just felt like it was about a bunch of individuals who care about themselves and that doesn’t seem Billsy to me !
  9. That’s fantastic ! Happy for you ! Might want to watch the use of the pronoun “ it” tho ! Haha! Jk tho ! I am totally gun shy after my close “ friend” saw her pic on my phone screen and got upset cuz there were groups of icons / apps on the screen “ covering her up” ! I thought I was doing great just having her pic on there as the first thing that comes up as the Home Screen saver / pic , whatever ! Haha , if she saw me call her it , as in put a ring on it , I think she might tell me where to put “ it” ! 😬😀She’s from Finland tho and tends to be a little serious compared to other cultures I have dated women from ! Great gift tho and best wishes ; nothing better than a partner who can understand the place the Bills manage to wiggle into your life and create that little niche that nothing else can replace! Hope you two have many happy years together and that you get to celebrate knox lifting the Lombardi or even an mvp trophy after they finally win the whole thing. After watching yesterdays SB , I am convinced the Bills are in a place to finally win one because there was nothing special those teams did that the Bills can’t do.
  10. The guy is intense and I can see how he could be a good coordinator. However, he committed career suicide regarding the NFL ( you’re not in good company when Hugh Jackson is trying to jump in a class action suit with you. That guy is the best example of a clueless idiot I can think of ) and getting another HC shot. The level of naïveté to think you could benefit going to court just based on your opinion against bottomless tanks of money available to those named franchises is a sign of terrible judgement and shows he has no idea how the real world functions and always will continue doing so as far as the monolithic NFL. He sees everything in absolutes , right or wrongs , and real life doesn’t work like that; certainly the judicial system doesn’t because money is power in that realm. Going to be a rough , expensive life lesson and it’s a little insight how he is not equipped to handle all the nuances of being the lead man of a large company like an NFL club. He could not see the big picture regarding his suit , and that was his downfall an HC as well.
  11. Great point. I do think tho the refs suddenly changed on that last drive and they threw flags on almost every Kupp play making actually taking him away almost impossible. We never quite seem to get favorable calls like those that saved that Rams drive from the 10 yard line in. Watching Eli Apple get burned was not a surprise but it brought flashbacks of Milano turning and chasing Kelce on that walk off td. I don’t get knowing they were going to Kupp almost exclusively and yet not having someone facing forward playing for a fade while Apple trailed. Again tho, might not have mattered cuz as soon as Kupp was touched the flags suddenly flew. Had been a relatively good called game until those last three min.
  12. It’s heartbreaking looking back on it now. I really like him as a leader , a good human being who honestly seems to care about his players. But the crazy insistence on that d line rotation , where even a potential Bruce Smith would see no more than 45% of snaps , and his enabling by Frazier who can’t seem to become adept at in game adjustments after being together so long is a big issue. I hope that loss doesn’t end up being his legacy; it just is hard to ignore the coaching gaffs that have happened at one point or another in the 4 playoff losses that have ended our seasons. Many of those happened in reg season games too, but there it’s not one and out! You can’t be experienced in every possible scenario, and while he has grown as a HC , that last 13 sec meltdown just can’t happen. You’re a pro , an NFL HC , and you can’t choke with years of preparation under your belt. That’s like a cardiologist forgetting protocols while running a code , its second nature at that level and pretty much inexcusable. Good thing its only a game and no one’s life depends on good defensive coaching ! Lol !
  13. Wow, is that true? Omg, how did they enforce that policy!? Would have loved to see the Stones , even if it was a halftime show. Lol ! Grew up with them and just missed their shows in the area i was at times they toured. I missed them down here in Jax recovering from neck surgery complications unfortunately. At least you can say you saw one of the true icons live, but you’re right , halftimes are not like concerts. Still being at a SB is a bucket list thing I would tell everyone to try to experience, it’s just that unique. The games usually aren’t that great but the atmosphere, the draw of all the famous people, and just the spectacle is really something you will never forget. Who played in the game that year ? Hope you had a great time! Bills lost the two I went to of course (27/28) , but both times I had experiences that would only happen around that event ! 😊
  14. History is good to learn from , yet we weren’t able to do it in the 90’s. Our ideal opportunity was this year. Could it happen again , possibly but with all the cap and FA moves, injuries , luck , new OC, new Qb coach and room , and same Dc who allowed hail Murray and 13 seconds to become infamous , nothing is promised. Heck , the Bucs might convince Brady to return , that arrogant Rodgers will be back, Gronk this week was quoted as not minding playing for the Bengals if Brady is gone from the Bucs ,Burrow is more experienced now is a way than Josh having been to the show, our schedule still has us playing KC in arrowhead and won’t have the cupcake qbs we faced this past year many times , so unfortunately everything starts from ground zero ! But , and it’s a huge thing , Josh grew as a leader and that is a place he never has to repeat growing into. He reached superstardom and if they will keep giving him surrounding talent , esp in the form of a legit running game , there really is no reason we at least can’t have expectations we will Be in the hunt. If they keep throwing picks at that d and just try getting by with our present backs like last year, it might still be more of a close battle than it should be. I can see getting a good cb 2 , but we need young wr help , rb help, Te help, and we better have a back up center / G in the works. Trubisky was also great insurance and even tho he never saw the field , that was a brilliant move by Beane that needs duplicated. Look how close it came for both teams today as their qbs escaped injury luckily. Beane needs to learn from history as well; he refused to pick up a decent rusher like Ingram and Mahomes was never sacked in that playoff game. Cincy didn’t make that mistake. Look at the final deciding play in todays game as Joe Cool got nailed on 4 th down. That turned into a ring for the Rams, who didn’t give up the tying fg ! I would bet a house that the Bills d would have not prevented the fg, history has shown us that too!
  15. I can’t totally agree but see your point. They at least got a chance on their home field to prove it and they were outplayed , out coached in the second half. Would have loved to see us have gotten that same chance on our home field, especially the way Allen was coming on. He still had the best qb performance in the playoffs this year and todays qb play was no where close to what Allen produced given his running and his clutch passing in Kc aNd against the Pats.
  16. I agree , it just emphasizes even more what a blown opportunity those 13 seconds turned out to represent. I think the way Josh was playing , the Bills would have dominated this game. Our problem will continue to be the defense in critical game situations. Our defensive history of blown games grows and itself is becoming a legitimate obstacle. The refs did not allow Kupp to be covered and kept throwing flags. Even knowing who Stafford was going to it became impossible to stop. Hard to figure why at the end the game was called so differently. Seems like a hollow win to me. Ramsey continues to be overrated ( will give him that one face mask play as a bad call but he is not worth the $ he gets), Kupp is good but the profuse flags were the mvp on the final drive. Disappointing finish to a season where for the most part the playoffs were exciting. Now the long wait returns. 😬👍
  17. Bills are better than both of theses teams. Coaching wasn’t up to the pressure but we were better in the playoffs. Not all that exciting of a game really and unfortunately the refs took over late in the game. Hard to appreciate this rental Rams team.
  18. Yeah , but what do you think all the crowd noise was? Fake noise obviously. Been to two superbowls , one with Michael Jackson as the halftime show( SB 27) and it was in a venue ( rose bowl) where it was perfect to retain sound and I can tell you those shows don’t generate all that much crowd interest. Lol. It’s a big bunch of fake NFL hype, no one is up screaming and cheering like that for these overproduced , bloated half time shows while actually there, except the kids they usually pipe in around the stages like you mentioned. Everybody is too busy snapping selfies to prove later they were there or trying to hang on for the second half after a week of partying around town there.😀😉🍸. It’s this type of hype , crap , that I wish the NFL would stop trying to “ top” each year. I think they could do a normal halftime and their ratings would never show a drop off. It gets to a point where a whole day of junk entertainment actually detracts from the game which rarely lives up to even the divisional games or wildcard weekend regarding exciting play( especially with the Bills never playing there since 94) , and these halftime shows for TV just interrupt the game flow/ tension and every year taylor to niche audiences. Just old I guess , but the half time shows are not essential entertainment as a football fan. How much money does the NFL need to keep trying to squeeze out of a single event?
  19. Whose responsible for that fact? Isn’t a dc with continuity supposed to be developing those talented players? Whar about being the best version of yourself by buying in to the process? Mahomes and Watson were developed didn’t just get great in a vacuum,thier talent was developed and schemes were used to enhance their abilities. Why are we so devoid of defensive upper echelon players after devoting so many resources to that side if the ball? They are not supermen, they have been beaten by other teams and Cincy proved how Mahomes was very human twice this year, whereas our d got ran over 2 out of three games by that same QB. At some point the coaching and lack of success deserves attention, especially when the O has left the field with leads, out scoring those “ supermen” , and then the D repeats the most epic mistakes and breakdowns I have ever seen in Bills history. Its not about giving credit to guys who have been beaten by teams like the Bengals , proving they are not bulletproof; it’s about our D failing where others have found a way to neutralize their talent. When you waste perhaps the best offensive qb production in playoff history by giving up 42 points, allowing a tie with 13 sec left, can’t make a stop in OT with your season ending either a walk off TD , that is a pattern of defensive futility and add the 0-4 in road playoff games, 0-7 in one posession games ( yep , one posession means you had 7 defensive attempts to make one game saving stop and ALWAYS CAME UP SHORT), proving some of those failures weren’t against “ supermen” you want to give credit too. All the op is pointing out is the D failures are repetitive, have happened at such critical times they ended our seasons, and despite some amazing offensive production we couldn’t protect leads! It’s disconcerting that our O has to play perfect games to win , because the D to this point has not carried us to any playoff wins. We have won when our o blows teams out and the D is along for the ride in those wins ; let us know when they come up with the game winning stand , like stopping a tying Fg with only 13 seconds to defend a win! I’m not trying to be harsh , or call you out in any way. I just think that cliche about the other team gets paid too, or the belief that Watson & Mahomes are unstoppable is a cop out for facing the fact that this defense under Frazier continues to come up small against talented teams. Losses to the Titans, Bucs, Chiefs, colts , and then throw in something like hail Murray previously and this coordinator has been at the helm for faliures that really should have been preventable in the vast majority of the time. No lead , no amount of time left on the clock is safe with this scheme , this coordinaror, unless the competition is against teams with below average QB talent. I would love to see how this organization would do with a different DC, however it’s probably not coincidental that our O coordinator got a HC job while Frazier went unhired with 9 opportunities passing despite his “#1 defense “ laurels. !
  20. There’s always the possibility of a new Covid Variant breaking out while the Pats or chiefs are in Germany and maybe they won’t be allowed to return home until they are sadly forced to forfeit several games! Gee , I would hate to even consider such a bad break for those fan bases considering they have had such limited exposure to joy and success in recent times! They could be ambassadors helping the German people learn about how to develop a culture where character comes first to apply to their World Cup soccer team! We can’t be selfish and just keep the secrets to greatness in the states! 😉😊😇. The NFL; we care!
  21. I agree and really respect the culture he has established. I hope he is another Tomlin regarding longevity ! I was merely pointing out to the poster claiming he would overtake Marv in Bills history , Marv is in the HOF for a reason. Mcd is 0-4 on the road in playoffs, went 0-7 in one possession games just this year ! He has several steps to ever be mentioned in the same thoughts with Marv Levy. Bring home a Lombardi, become a hof candidate , and then lets consider comparing him to an all time great Bills head coach! Is he a good head coach now, absolutely! Is he in the HOF OR HEADED THERE YET? Marv IS THERE, Mcd can keep working and it would be great for us all if he achieves that honor ! Saying Mcd will overtake Marv in Bills lore is just potential right now; let’s talk when he actually has won 4 afc championships and appeared in at least one or more Super Bowls. 👍😉
  22. How did that final 42 point collapse please you,:pretty satisfied with getting sent home by KC TWO YEARS IN A ROW FROM THE PLAYOFFS, AND THIS TIME WITH JUST 13 seconds left to defend ? How pleased were you with getting out coached by a tight end in regulation? Feeling very pleased with that walk off OT DEFENSIVE STAND ? Some people set the scoreboard bar so low they keep living by the wish “;we’ll beat them next year And next year will be our Super Bowl year for sure” ! Problem is in reality “ we’ll beat them next year “ has come , gone , and never happened. How many lombardies do they award and hold parades to honor the “ statistical”; #1 Defense? Hmmmm, yep. ZERO. SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST STAT JUNKIES and that stat and 5$ will get you something at Starbucks , and I have never seen a lombardi trophy on sale there in all my years of loving coffee! Guess I am just too picky ! 😊😂😉. Let that #1 d quit giving up hail Murray’s, quit getting blown out by rbs like Henry and Taylor, quit blowing leads given to you twice in an away playoff game especially with only 13 seconds left, quit folding in Ot and how bout making a stand in one possession games where your record was 0-7 , oh how about changing that 0-4 playoff road record ? Those are some interesting stats to go along with that valuable #1 defense title. Man , I am asking way too much and there is just no pleasing me ! Lol!
  23. If Aaron is good enough for the quite stunning Brooke , I am all in on second chances and she is more than just behind every good man is a great woman ( forgive me if she is a daughter !😀) ! Great o lines are fueled by the big guys playing well to get large contracts to keep their beautiful spouses happy ! Who wouldn’t run thru a wall with that waiting on the other side and what better example of what hard work can lead to when your coach is showing you what awaits you with success! Let’s go Brooke,,,,,settle for nothing less than assistant coach of the year pushing Aaron to be the best version of himself ! Seems like a great signing !😀😊😉👍. I like the direction our organization is headed in! 👍👍😇
  24. Personally have been that way as I watched the music city miracle with 16 seconds ruin my last year as a jags season ticket holder. I already decided to not renew because the price was steep ( I had two club seats 8 rows behind the visiting bench on the 32 yard line , great Seats , club stuff failed to live up to promises like bartenders delivering drinks to your seats which was in the contract!);and I hated missing Bills games being played live. Had they won thst game the Bills were coming to Jax the following week , and their d with wade and Ted Washington was amazing. Beat Jax and it was on to the Super Bowl to beat the Rams! But it only took 16 seconds for the Bills to blow that game , 16 seconds for the less talented Titans to end up down here blowing out the Jags en route to then losing by a yard in the suoerbowl. Obnoxious red wigged Titans fans sat behind me screaming that game , and it made me sick because I wanted to go to one more Super Bowl with my beloved Bills, and being 8 rows behind their bench I was ready to celebrate with them wearing my Bills gear! I learned that day to never celebrate a Bills win , never say there is no way we can lose a game when ahead , never believe the Bills can’t find a novel way to ***** utter pain from the highest joy ! I learned to never say never regarding the possibility of the Bills pulling out a miraculous loss. I thought tho that I had finally reached the all time possible low; how could they ever top losing with only 16 seconds left to play out!? Then came 13 seconds and once again , despite sitting there knowing it wasn’t formally over , I couldn’t I my wildest dreams fathom how they could fail in 13 seconds! Then I got kicked in the heart once again. Family members, watching just because they know the past and despite that knew what that team still meant in my life as a distraction from the harsh realities life has a way of dealing out as we grow old , also felt a sadness and disbelief that only Bills loyalists understand. So now , once again I have to adjust my expectations watching a one possession game if we are leading. Never say never that the Bills still can’t lose. Forget 12 , 11, 10 seconds etc being left to go. Unless that clock has a zero on the clock , and there is no visible yellow cloth on the field , never say never about our lovable Bills! It’s a unique standard regarding the time to finally celebrate a Bills win! Will be loyal to them till my end ; maybe that same luck will carry over to my own end and even when I’m over , maybe never say never! 😀😊😇🍸
  25. I really like Mcd as a caring human being. One difference regarding Marv tho is his teams didn’t lose because HE made a big gaffs! He was inspirational and got them back to 4 straight Sbs , an unprecedented feat His loses were talent issues, Players being unfocused at times, dealing with untimely injuries, but I don’t remember thinking wow , Marv lost that for us. He kept us relevant up until our stars aged. Have much respect for Mcd but he has cost us games with clock management issues , terrible challenges at times , an 0-4 road playoff record , the insistence on that heavy d line rotation where your studs play 45% or less of snaps, and I’m sorry , but after taking two timeouts and still failing to defense the field correctly for the infamous 13 seconds resulting in a defensive collapse from a supposed defensive minded head coach, and that loss falls on him wasting the best QB performance in modern playoff history ! He has a very long way to go to be on a level to be mentioned in the same esteem as HOF COACH , MARV LEVY! When Mcd reaches the HOF, THEN they can be regarded as similar talents. He is a good contemporary coach, happy to have him and am a fan. But that 13 second gaff , losses like the Jax game , having several blowout losses in his time here , his strange o line rotations , his lack of getting McKenzie involved just one week after mckenzie torched the Pats, and so many little things still mean he is no Marv Levy! Let’s see him get to the Super Bowl , BTW still behind a younger cincy coach with a sophomore Qb in Burrow, and then keep us there like KC has managed 4 home AFC CHAMPIONSHIP games and then he can be mentioned with our HOF coach , Marv Levy. Those are just facts , not subjective feelings or opinions . Yep , he is a great man , good coach who I am glad we have , but he has more to do than win in the regular season and it’s fair to hold him to that higher standard that we have been blessed with once in the history of this franchise. He is off to a good start ; can he get to that next level especially knowing now we finally have our superstar Qb , modern day Jim Kelly? Marv got to the penultimate mountain top , there are no excuses when you have the most critical position in football , the qb position , manned by a generational talent. Respect him , glad we get the chance to watch him grow, now it’s time the cliches are replaced with actual results and then he can sit alongside Marv!
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