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Everything posted by DrPJax

  1. It’s simple. Quit relying on bargains and actual,y draft a true talent. Get a Harris type, look what he infused into that steeler O. Manning, Elway succeeded after getting good backs; Marino failed never having an adequate running game. History is very clear on this. Our bargain backs are just that and don’t do enough to help us in bad weather or punish teams dropping into umbrella zones taking away our passing game. We need. Josh to have more possessions. , yet also limit exposing him to injury and ultimately shortening his career Devin had a few good games but again in a huge game against KC, came up with 20 ish yards. Get a legit 3 down back and make the kbs hesitate or take false steps or create a mismatch as a Lb tries to cover a speedy back. Kc kilked us with CEH, on screens and in the flat. This regime has ignored our lack of back production for 5 years! CIncy has a legit run game and look who is in the suoer bowl!! Not us! I would prefer being in victory formation because we controlled our last 4 min running rather than depending on Frazier to defend a hail Murray or guard the sidelines as the seam parts like the Red Sea! We can be dominant with Josh and our O; while this d has failed in one possession games and is 0-4 in road playoff games. Quit throwing resources at the D and take control with our offensive superstar and give him another legit weapon in the form of a quality rb who could add 1500 yards all while keeping Josh safe and extending his career in Buffalo. History is important , just ask Marino during super bowl week. Get a back who is a threat on screens, wheel routes, and can pick up those third and short yardage or goal line plays. They are out there. Give us a back like Harris and this O Becomes unstoppable in almost any situation. Without Allen running , we are still one dimensional, and if he ends up out or hurt for any period and another season needlessly goes down the drain. Address our one offensive weakness , get a legit 3 down back, and we will never worry about 13 seconds again!
  2. Those are some of my all time favorite Celtics. Yeah John H was from a small town called bellaire ( Joey gallegher the receiver was also from there ! ) and my dad ran crews for a local coal mining company called Hanna coal. Was eventually purchased by a very big oil company called consol in the early 70’s I think, and luckily I am still living off that stock my dad got when I was a kid and I’m 64 now! My dad was a smart civil engineer for that coal company. I worked my way thru college and Med school in the summers for those mines. I figured out real quickly how hard my dad worked and that it was much easier to study and get a white coat compared to the labor those tough guys did! So John was part of my dads crew in the summers. They surveyed the coal veins for strip mining and reclamation back in those days. It still bothers me having grown up among coal miners and Steel workers to hear that great source of energy blasted by politicians who would rather make us depend on foreign powers for our energy , esp when technology exists to clean the discharge. It killed my area of ohio and western Pa. , but that’s a story for a different time. Those guys you mentioned were all time greats. Jo jo white and Sam jones were a couple of my favs cuz I was a point guard and loved bank shots like Sam jones perfected. I was in junior high then and never personally got to meet John. Who knew he would become a Celtic great !? My dad got me hooked on the Celtics tho. The Bills were my own choice tho as my dad was a jet fan because of Namath. Went with the Bills to just have a fun rivalry with my dad. First game I really still remember well was us losing to the chiefs for who was going to the first super bowl ! Little did I know that undying love of the Bills would eventually subject me to wide right, music city crap , and now 13 seconds! Please Lord, give us just one Lombardi before it’s my time! 😊😀😉😀
  3. I said the same thing. Minor things before Covid seemed to be affecting his playing time. In work comp injuries it is well known the longer a patient stays away from work it becomes all more likely they won’t ever return. He was not practicing much before Covid. He was not the same after. It is a real , documented psychological phenomena that it is another obstacle to overcome. It says something about his state of mind and desire to opt out that first year because of Covid , being a minority of extreme competitors who chose to go forth. That’s not a character attack , merely a reflection of personality traits and one’s desire. He was not committed for the grind and I think it proved itself after the early comeback novelty wore off. I think he is around now for the money but that’s not what’s best for the team. It’s time for a business decision and let him go. I believe it will come as a huge relief for him as some guys ego will make them hold on when their true enjoyment has left. He plays a minor role at best now and this D needs more if they are going to compete with a formidable schedule next year. He will hold on if left to his own decision, and it’s appropriate to lift that burden for him. It’s the right decision to move on and it’s time to cut emotional ties. Leaders also have to actually contribute and he did that in one or two games at most.
  4. What a great show that was and whata cast! Got a chance to go to the bar it’s based on in Boston a long time ago doing the tourist thing. Was always a Celtic fan , John havlicheck worked on a surveying crew under my dad in the summer while goin to Ohio state. Was my first year as a doc in Jax and took my GF with me on a tour of Boston. In one day went to the old Boston garden and waked on the Parque floor and went into the tiny visitors locker room. Then caught a game at Fenway and Roger pitched that night. Finished the day at that bar ( not all that impressive), but a day to remember as a sports fan. Fav teams have always been the Bills ,Celtics , and Pirates. Watched that show and loved all the characters. Woody , coach, Diane, Frazier ,Cliff , Sam , Carla, Rebecca ,Lilith etc ! What a cast! Greatest theme song! Man that warms my heart. Tv is just not the same. Those were the days of clasic sitcoms that are still relevant. Thx for posting that memory! 🍸👍😊😀 .
  5. You are spot on ; I am all for positivity, but don’t get the “ we’ ll just get them next year “ simplistic thinking. 😀 We thought that since it all started back in 1990, and still no Lombardi here unfortunately. I get it tho, there’s nothing else we can do but hope for next year. The schedule is going to be much harder with Chiefs, Bengals, Rams , and the home / away breakdown looks pretty difficult. I have belief our O will be ok eventually , but it is the first year for our OC actually BEING “ THE” guy developing the strategy and doing all the play calling so there will be some growing pains. Allen is just a superstar and if Beane keeps providing him with weapons he will overcome any issues. The playoff run was him taking leadership and decision making skills to the next level and the future offensively with him is unlimited. I love your use of a “ legacy defining win” ; it could have been a legacy defining playoff run with the two performances he already had with 9 td passes and 0 ints, and more likely to follow because he was just that in command and in a zone. I just can’t get past the D tho. Stats aside, they have had a history of coming up small in critical games during the Frazier years. They blew this game and that OT performance was one the worst D efforts I can remember. What really made it worse was watching Cincy shut KC down the whole second half with their adjustments proving it could be done while getting 4 sacks compared to our ZERO. Our d talent has a long way to go and the off season is critical. They need a legit edge rusher and they need much better performances from the LB’ s , especially Edmonds. Everybody loves his mobility , but his low PBU’s, low ints, in my mind are in juxtaposition to that mobility. His lack of impact plays is no longer just excusable because he is young , and around the league there were rookie or young LBs having more impact for their teams. Beane has a big challenge figuring out this front 7 , and I don’t think he can use more early draft capital on D linemen. Groot, Boogie, AJ need to develop, and we probably need one premiere FA edge rusher and another who is up and coming if we look to just not stand still from a production standpoint. Keeping my fingers crossed things will turn out, as I know from experience there is no promise beyond just making it back to the playoffs. That will always be within reach with Josh, but getting home field is paramount. Unbelievably, so many times on podcasts and posts I saw people saying home field was not a big deal last year through the season as they minimized the losses to Jax etc.. ; Bruce felt differently as he said reflecting on finally making that leap of a home AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME in 1990-91. Just having to go back to KC AGAIN NEXT YEAR during the season, seems cruel and unfair and will be a major psychological hurdle to overcome again after they left everything out there that night! Giving up 42 points kind of negates any positives from the early season win and shows at least from a D perspective, we still have a long way to go in solving playing against Mahomes. I hope he doesn’t become “ Brady” for the Bills, and that the D finds a way to be aggressive like Cincy was in beating him twice last year. That’s the first step in getting that home field advantage I believe is our biggest hope in getting Josh that great legacy he deserves a shot at.
  6. I agree with you , and having been a fan since ‘63 while experiencing all the prior meltdowns, IMHO nothing else is comparable except wide right. I feel this way even more as time passes because this loss was incomprehensible and is a coaching AND player mental / intelligence breakdown beyond belief for professional football. It also wasted the best QB performance in the playoffs ever by a qb and even Kelly never came close to this type of performance while leading the Bills to the 4 straight Superbowls. Couple that blunder with all the other circumstances that I believe would have ended with at least a SB appearance or possible victory ( AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME at home against an inexperienced Cincy squad, Titans out, BRADY & Rodgers BOTH out, team was really healthy and offensively peaking ) and it will always remain gut wrenching for me. Bruce was straightforward saying there was no excuse for these mistakes , including the mistake on the kick. He pointed out how it should have been just basic defense to not let Kelce come off the line without being checked / hit. It was poor coaching strategy and poor player recognition. I put most responsibilities on the coaches , especially given the two times out taken , to communicate the situation to the players about checking Kelce and Hill and go over other options like even holding them to waste time. Mcd froze and he continues to make game day mistakes every year that are hard to believe for a 5 year head coach. I like Mcd as our coach, yet I am starting to question if he will ever be a complete in game coach. I really hope he does, but it will take winning a SB now in my view to overcome blowing an opportunity of this magnitude; I mean 13 seconds and you can’t devise a defensive strategy for that short period having been PRIMARILY A DEFENSIVE ORIENTED COACH for the majority of your career? My concern for next year revolves around Mcds and Frazier’s defensive scheme that broke down against quality opponents. Bruce pointed out how with the league passing 20-30 % more than was done when he was a rushing icon that he would have gotten to the qb even more than he did resulting in him acquiring even more sacks. He felt we should have gotten more sacks and missed a lot of chances in that game. Our d line players are NOT DEVELOPING adequate moves ( something Bruce and John Fina , as a prior tackle who faced ends all the time, have both said), and our lack of young player development is I believe caused by the heavy rotation where most players are only in 40-45% of the snaps. They take longer to develop experience and to develop a rushing strategy that way. Cincys main rushers are in over 80% of snaps in direct comparison. If we keep this same philosophy, keep Frazier with his lack of pressure and his like wise poor in game adjustments we all too often see, and we will be fortunate to ever get a home AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME, which is the ticket to the SB as Bruce explained comparing things to the ‘88 & ‘89 seasons where the Bills lost in Cincy and Cleveland before finally getting the game home in Buffalo ( beating the raiders 51-3 for their first SB appearance). Mcd also has made many questionable personnel moves ( o line with not playing Bates’, not playing. Mckenzie much on O, rotating o linemen to different sides and positions ) and despite his getting us to the playoffs , he still is a terrible 0-4 on the road and that can’t be ignored. Lots of reasons to wonder if he will make that final jump in coaching; I want to hope he will but this monumental 13 second blunder is something I can’t forget. It’s right there with the worst of all time mistakes when so many things were breaking in the teams favor.
  7. I agree , yet it was evident the older Bills players were ineffective hitting and tackling Mahomes. At times it seemed the plays against Cincy went on forever, yet they still managed sacks and didn’t give up the huge back breaking runs. Somehow, despite dropping into coverage , they seemed to effectively spy Mahomes who ran for huge chunk plays and multiple first downs against us. He did that in the first drive of the game , when our d line should have still been fresh. So either our scheme is flawed , which under Frazier now seemed to have peaked and honestly finally cost us a legit SB shot, or it’s just we lack speed there which is a real possibility. I just look at this situation, with a young head coach in Cincy , and they were able to scheme effectively on D enough with second half adjustments to allow them to shut KC down and they , not us, are playing in the SB. This is embarrassing given our “ continuity” with Frazier and the fact KC put 42 points up on this #1 D is hard to forget. Frazier is likely not getting a HC job, and it’s possible that is just related to it Him having not being a good head coach, but I think witnessing our collapse and defensive breakdown In that game sealed his lack of opportunity and we are stuck with him and his passive schemes unless Mcd has the ability to move forward. I don’t see that happening at all or it PROBABLY would have already happened , especially with new head coaches needing to fill coordinator spots as guys with good credentials will be disappearing as staffs get filled. Leading up to the SB we will hear all about how well Cincy adjusted on D during the second half adding a little salt to the wound, while Bills fans live with that epic collapse on D. Cincys success proves you can quickly have success with the right pieces in place and while we are sitting home watching, it should be apparent that our current D talent managed to negate our offensive firepower in KC. Next year will be tough with KC, Cincy and the Rams all on the schedule and I hope Beane has a great off-season because we need better talent in our defensive front 7 to effectively run the defensive scheme it appears we will continue to run with the same coaching pieces still in place.
  8. Bills prove it hurts to miss tackle after tackle after tackle. Every part of our defense made errors that were inexcusable and lead o huge chunk plays. D line failed to contain almost the entire game. And oh yeah, the Bengals D line actually contained with 3 rushing and still got 3 sacks that I saw. We left the field with 0. Edmunds and Milano were often run thru and over or were beaten in coverage, as Milano was beaten for the walk off TD. Our entire D backfield took terrible angles and were almost intimidated by Hill; and who can forget Wallace getting left in the dust at one point along with all his fellow Dbs, and he wasn’t done as he made sure ( along with poyer) to stand still and avoid pressing Kelce on the drive resulting in the tying FG with 13 seconds left. Add a huge punt return, with the punter making the saving tackle ( this was caused by fatigue from a penalty resulting in having to cover TWO PUNTS quickly,) and top it off with the cherry being no coach telling the kicker about the Squibb kick he was supposed to do to force Kc to burn time! When you actually read thru all that, it was consistent with a total collapse and basically a comedy of errors on defense. It was atrocious , especially compared to seeing it was possible for a team to hold Hill to 0 yards in the second half and hold Kc to 3 points for an entire half and OT! We were living with past mistakes and beatings and looking at it now, we were intimidated and we kept ALLOWING KC to run free ( both with the run and pass game) and our D FAILED TO MAKE ANY SIGNIFICANT PLAYS AND I DONT REMEMBER OUR DB’s making any game CHANGING INTS IN OT! We just took the beating looking exhausted all the way down the field as Mahomes drove them to the winning TD. We were done with losing the coin flip while Cincy actually had an effective D plan and beat the trend of 10/11 playoff teams winning the flip and then the game! Who knew you could actually expect your D to make plays against Mahomes and KC!? We showed up on O , but our D was a huge failure and goes to show all the hoopla about the “ stats” and “ D rankings”, and being the #1 D was a façade ! We saw this in most of our losses , the inconsistency of play , and our 0-6 record In one possession games. This is more evidence that Frazier and his soft coverages are just a great way to continue to lose to Mahomes in the future if we can’t sack QB’s and don’t hit / press receivers off the line. I hope McD learned today and either they finally hit Qbs and have the talent to press receivers , and have a creative coordinator who can make game day adjustments , or we will keep staying home while a. second year QB was able to make it to the Super Bowl. Choices matter!
  9. Harbaugh is a joke ! Took him ten tries just to beat the Buckeyes and even that was because it was a home game against a freshman QB who was playing his first game at Michigan ! He was terrible against Urban , and we see how long he lasted in the NFL! Teams were always woefully unprepared and very error prone. The games against Urban coached teams were just not competitive most of the time. He had success against the bottom dwellers of the Big Ten and he also didn’t do well in Bowl games. ( going form Memory as I don’t have exact record in front of me , but remember how often Michigan’s beaten) . He was all, but gone if he lost to Ohio state and had to take a huge pay cut to stay there this past year to salvage his stent there. McDermott has the better qb and roster and alps coaching experience. Just like having Harbaugh at Michigan was a great thing as a Buckeye fan , if he takes the Fins job, Mcd will have a couple of easy years before Harbaugh starts to figure out how to even try to stop Josh. He was a mediocre player , mediocre head coach and this will be two Harbaaughs for Mcd to beat up on next year ! This is great for our division chances , how would you even think he would be a better coach than Mcd because when your alma mater makes you cut your salary in half just to stay,ore year because you have lost to THE KEY RIVAL IN YOUR LEAGUE, it’s a clear evaluation that the majority of the time his coached teams were just bad. The more concerning issue as a bills fan is that it looks more and more like Frazier will be back. That performance by the Bengals D in dominating the Chiefs at home , getting multiple sacks, allowing 18 less points than the Bills all while having a SECOND YEAR QB leading the team to a Super Bowl is unprecedented ! That really is a coaching concern regarding the final McD / Frazier final D PRODUCT that also got beaten by a two win Jags team! Not to mention blowout losses like the Colts game and going 0-6 in ONE POSSESSION games! It’s indicative of how huge of a blown opportunity that KC loss was.! If Frazier doesn’t land a job , we will be stuck with the same passive D that Mahomes shredded, and we have to play both he and the Bengals next year in addition to the Rams and more. After today, I am even more convinced that defensive collapse is a big red flag and it’s only off set by Josh being a true superstar.
  10. Wow. This is making our d line look like a bunch of bad tacklers , aging and slow ! Could be a fact. Cincy had some answers. Frazier , not so much !
  11. Yep , goes along with that shrill voice. If I had to listen to that voice all the time I would have to find some quality well hidden ear plugs or phones around him. Would be funny if KC bled the clock only to turn it over ,,,,or get knocked out of fg range by a taunting penalty! Lol!
  12. Kc isNot playing in a vacuum. Cincy has been the one responsible for making them look bad and you can’t just say it’s only KCdoing nothing on offense, somethings making them break down
  13. Well this is a good reason/ example why Frazier may be having a hard time being hired ( at least as far as I know today). Unless KC scores 21 in the 4 th , it’s an example of how that #1 ranking was just not what we expected as Cincy is getting some stops. Yes we did get 2 I think in the first half, but when it mattered most in the 4 th and Ot , they were absent. Cincy even managed to get a sack with a three man rush and didn’t lose contain for a 31 yard scramble. Also makes you wonder if Mahomes would look so STELLAR away from arrowhead. Frazier lost one job to Daboll , and if things keep going like this with only. 41 yards of offense in the 3 rd, Frazier will be stuck in Buffalo and worse, it’s vice versa ( as Cincy gets another sack ! )
  14. On a move like that , white has no say. It’s professional sports, you work to get paid, you are paid to work, not get along with an individual. That’s like needing to clear every move with every player about prior grudges! Not going to happen. Plus gronk only came out of retirement to be with Brady in a no Belicheck environment. He has his rings. Brady was as close to a sure thing as gronk could have ever hoped for, and without the promise to go to the SB , he is not that hungry at this point. He will go back to tv; needs to stay away from football as an analyst as he was a joke. Tre is a good football player, not management; it’s not like keeping Allen “ in the loop “ regarding the O coordinator, which is to keep your Franchise Superstar invested emotionally, even tho he will play with the same intensity regardless who they go with, because he is a true pro and just wired competitively that way. In Buffalo, it’s pretty clear with all the benchings, personnel moves or lack thereof, who is running the asylum! 😄
  15. The OP’s point was how THE PATS treated Brady , he only mentioned the Bucs in reference to Bradys retirement. I think it’s obvious the Bucs were loaded, and was a in direct opposition to Bradys last years with the Pats !
  16. Actually an interesting point. In todays NFL, and to a much greater or worse extent in college , players have had almost all of their decision making done on a play to play basis by the coaches. Its not enough to have a guy with a mic in his helmet, but they have armbands, hand signals, large cue cards , etc on the sidelines as players have essentially lost all their ability to go play to play or are not allowed to have a down “ unsupervised or un-coached” I am guessing as it’s seen to be so fact filled to be trusted for any time without input. These guys are so regimented in every aspect of their day to day lives regarding their football careers and playing days , that maybe they just can’t make any decisions without input, so they stick to routine so much so that they , especially young players or rookies, don’t expect to ask questions or speak much. Rather than question someone , they might just feel they are expected to be obedient, so if the coach didn’t get the message to Bass, he just stayed quiet and went to do his routine job. It even showed up regarding the Kelce plays. Guys, lineman and dbs, were were within earshot of Kelces conversation with Mahomes and then Mahomes yelling for Kelce to do it , and a d lineman ( a young, inexperienced obada ) was within 3 feet of Kelce at the line , yet no one moved an inch to press him off the line! They just stood in place , like good soldiers obeying what they were coached to do even tho I could never fathom that would have happened with the 90’s team/ players; they were too intelligent and they freelanced all the time. Freelance now and you will be benched by McD! It just goes to show they have complicated the game so much that now every moved is micromanaged and not without coaching input! No freelancing , and Heaven forbid if you do something on your own even when based on your football intelligence and Iq, it’s just not acceptable. It’s such a rigid environment that individual decision making , and thinking on your feet, is outdated! 😁
  17. Like your post. It was indeed supposedly the year. Couple that with knowing going into the KC game that the Titans , Rodgers, and Brady were already out , and it was a once in who knows how long to have tbe AFC CHAMPIONSHIP game at home! Yes, we will be competitive with Josh. However ,looks likely Daboll is gone and Frazier with his passive d scheme stays , which I think is the worst scenario concerning coordinators. Hopefully the qb coach moves up for continuity but it’s his first year as a coordinator so we will have a learning curve scenario. Frazier staying really bothers me. This d benefited from playing several teams with horrible qbs. In the crucial games , good qbs carved this d up. Take a look at next years schedule , it looks formidable. KC again in KC stinks! On the road against the Bengals, Rams as well. It’s not a soft schedule like this year. Green Bay , titans coming to Buffalo in addition to division schedule. It will be tough as our o adjusts ( Daboll def gone to giants, as it’s on NFL home page reported by rappaport. ). Beane has stated we will not be that active in FA. He had a chance to make moves like Ingram , and blew it. He doesn’t want to give up draft picks again like he did to get Diggs, he said it during the draft. Imho , he values draft potential over established free agents too much. This is not the old NFL, other teams are willing to make moves. He stated they will prob keep adding to the d line , and will have to with turnover related to age. Mcd is 0-4 in playoff road games. This is not like the 90’s where we kept our core with no FA and no cap to deal with. If Frazier can’t get a job after 9 openings were present , I think That tells you how others view his “#1” defense. Yes , we will have a shot with Josh. Lots of roster changes coming and now offense will be different without Daboll. The d staying under Frazier looks like a bad move to me. Teams will watch what the Bucs , Chiefs, Titans did and mimic the use of plays run against soft zone coverages. I was hoping we would get an aggressive minded D coordinator in. The Bills draft will lean toward the d , and I just wish Beane would give Allen another Big receiver with long strides like Gabe or get a legitimate back with speed for use in screens and to add to our offensive weapons. Continuing to try to beat KC with d, one great edge guy won’t work. You have to outscore them. I hope we recover from this, having been around to see us lose 4 SB’s, it’s a lesson that there are no promises. We were peaking at the exact right moment , and coaching with players on the d inexplicably freezing ( regarding the Kelce stuff) lost a huge opportunity this year and it will be a challenge to have that fall in place again.
  18. I think you make great points ; the Bills success after has nothing to do with the call. You can certainly bet tho had we NOT scored, this would have been extensively discussed! Also , just that pic shows he is TAUNTING BEFORE HE SCORES! I don’t know how the NFLS rule could be much different, but in college I know I saw taunting calls nullify scoring plays just like this , with a guy taunting on his way during the play , not just AFTER it was over ! Imagine if it was called, seen to occur as it did prior to crossing the goal line and that TD was nullified! Arguably could have had a major impact on the game. Having said that , I am glad it turned out alright without that call. We should have one , I am convinced we were the better team , just had a terrible coaching lapse and mental breakdown defensively at the worst time. For once the refs were not a huge negative factor or distraction. I think it should prove to the league how great the product and game can be when so many penalties are not called and how this was seen as one of the greatest games ever ! It should be a model going forward how stupid it is to have points of emphasis on calling things, rather than emphasizing how great the product is if flags are kept to a minimum. THAT SHOULD REALLY BE THE POINT OF EMPHASIS, LESS REFEREEING, BETTER QUALITY FOOTBALL , LESS CONTROVERSIAL OUTCOMES! You made great points and it’s valid to say , this was not called as it had been all year , proves how subjective it is in the first place , and once again it shows if you aren’t going to call it all the time, it should not be enforced or be a rule at all then.
  19. I watched it live and they started off talking about it fairly quickly. Definitely within 15-30 min as it was such a huge thing. The main film analysis guy is Eric , and he has been excellent with film sessions the entire year. Very talented guy, and he Was forceful and backed it up without divulging his source , that a Squibb was the call. He obviously has an inside connection he can’t identify. It’s not click bait. His proof was the kicking teams players response during and after the play, as well as sideline coaches responses. In a year of watching him I have learned quite a bit of strategy, he is honest , very pro bills , and he was adamant he was informed it was to have been a Squibb kick. I really believe him and the show also had video with audio clips of Kelce telling Mahomes the seam would be open , and Mahomes the yelling for Kelce to “ do it Kelce, do it “ which refers to having Kelce adjust his route by in breaking ( opposite of an exact same formation play ran earlier in the game where Wallace tried jamming and followed Kelce. Had they just done that same D , no. Way Kelce runs free down the seam to set up the fg! ). It’s worth checking the first hour which is all about the last13 seconds and the d breakdowns only. Last hour is offense about all Allen’s great plays. Main point is the communication breakdown from ST coach to kicker. This is high school stuff and it’s shocking to see happen at the NFL level. In my field , a comparison would be like a dr with 20 years experience , making a Med school student level mistake. Special teams played a role in losses this year , now a large role in losing this game ( also gave up the long punt return) ,so this is more than one incident. Mcd is taking the high , leadership road, just saying it was “. Execution “ , and so it will be up to him how it goes forward. I would not be able to trust the ST coach again , fearing a similar blunder , so personally it would require a scenario now for full proof communication , or I would move on. Depends on how much Mcd values this as growth and as a human we all make mistakes , or does he see it strictly as a business that requires competency at a certain level to go forth. Good film session tho , and I am convinced Mcd knows they blew it , starting with the kick , but it also shows they melted down with decision making defensively even after using 2 time outs to be sure they knew the KC formations. The players then froze and allowed Kelce to out think and out play them. It is sickening in a way because Wallace and the d line come off looking unintelligent as players situationally. Lost opportunity is the stark , painful reality.
  20. That last Jab to wade phillips was incorrect in an otherwise truthful article. Wade refused to fire his special teams coach and Ralph fired him in return. That’s hardly throwing your special teams coach under the bus. Strange place to even go to in that article. Mcd needs to throw his D coordinator under the bus, and frankly the O coordinator had a strange and somewhat ineffective first half, stalling on several drives while throwing to Gilliam in the flat?
  21. We dominated the pats offensively if you don’t remember that. 7 possessions/7 tds. It made it easy for the D with the exception of Hyde’s play. But seriously, you can’t be comparing the pats qb to KC’s. , can you? Mahomes shredded this d as did the other good qb, Brady until letting off and Our O came back. Kc beat “ Tomlin” with a deteriorating Big Ben and little offense . Yes , losing a game with 13 seconds left makes that a bad D, in addition to being dominated the entire game. Losing to the Jags makes this a bad D. You can live by stats all you want but it’s only the W/L that matters. This D came up short in many games , especially its big games ( Titans also dominated the d). Who cares what the d is ranked , it’s about winning the super bowl and this year was a step back with a divisional loss. Giving up 42 points is poor defense all day long and at all levels. With the O doing a 17 play, 8 min drive , what excuse would the D have to be so exhausted and “ spent” ? It was horrible scheming , horrible situational awareness, and yes , I would gladly take my chances wishing for something else. “13 “ seconds will always live on. I know because I remember the “16” seconds before the music city miracle. Has that ever faded? We are the only team in the NFL to have lost TWICE after taking a lead with less than 16 seconds in a game ,,,,in all of NFL HISTORY ! No other team has managed it even once. Nothing could be worse or more heartbreaking; it was right up there with wide right. I’ll take my chances !
  22. Just wanted to say great points and write up. I think the results speak more to coaching. After all it has to ne the coaches pressing Beane to get all these lineman in the first place. I have never seen a system with such heavy rotation. Most players have said they use moves to set up other moves with later reps. Imagine if Bruce Smith was on this d line , and we stuck to this heavy rotation! He would be in for less than 50% of the reps! We will not be developing players like Bruce with this rotational play and it doesn’t appear the “ fresh player “ strategy is superior results wise to a traditional rotation that helps player development. It’s like seeing patients in medicine , it’s a known fact you get better with experience and seeing more things. You don’t get better as a dr by seeing less cases or working less! I think it’s also cause and effect with the d line guys Beane has drafted. With the heavy rotation, it may take twice as long or more for them to hone their craft and skills. It contributes to making Beanes picks harder to assess and it might actually cause them to fail as this league is results based, known for its not for long philosophy and there are very limited chances to show your growth. They have less contact in practices and it’s possible this is just a horrible developmental strategy for d line players. You mentioned how Hyde and Poyer have thrived here; well , there is no heavy rotation of the safeties or dbs, and so they are actually getting the reps to improve. Mcds defensive strategy is dictating the heavy investment of picks into the d line and 5 years out, it looks like an absolutely failed strategy for having impact players on the d line. We have to keep reaching into free agency and this staff has been here long enough to have have developed their own players and it has not happened outside of Oliver. We have to keep raiding other teams rosters for IMPACT PLAYERS ! It’s the same issue with the o line and rotating guys from right to left sides. Ford is going to be an example of how this can cause a player to become a bust. I just think this coaching philosophy is hampering us in the long run. Imagine if Josh was subject to rotational play; it’s an absurd concept , right? A qb would never develop like that , yet we are expecting results with our draft picks along both lines. Brown has been an exception and it may speak more to his own God gifted size and talent than it doe for our rotations and o line coaching! The bottom line is in previous times staffs had been given 3 years for results and getting to a Super Bowl. Mcd is a great leader of men and I think he deserves the time to keep improving , IF WE KEEP IMPROVING! This divisional loss , with a possible AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME IN BUFFALO , with Brady and Rodgers already out in the NFC , is a huge, huge setback. It IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH showing continuous improvement with the whole team, but there is no doubt Josh improved to the level of superstar and QB is still the most important cog in getting.a SB victory. So I think Mcd needs to stay and hopefully that will pay off. However, if he is about continuous growth, let’s hope he can step back and take at look at his obsession with these heavy rotations on the lines, and actually develop a strategy that results in impact players from within because as Josh’s salary kicks into the cap , Beane will be limited in his ability to fill gaps with free Agency. Just take a step back and think, would a Bruce Smith develop like this and would he stay in a place where he could only hope to play less than 50% of the time !? Finally , we can’t forget the 13 second failure. Frazier had a terrible game and that was a failed situational defense. It speaks to how our issues revolve around poor coaching rather than a talent or draft failure. Everybody had Frazier as the top prospect for the Bears. Well, he is not in the final three coaches who are being considered according to NFL network. I think that says a lot about how at least he is viewed. He may get lucky with 9 Jobs open , but I am thinking everybody saw that #1 defense was a fraud and my hope for him to move on may be fading.
  23. He is already pretty invisible as is! I have only occasionally spotted him in the opponents backfield. Much more commonly spotted 5-10 yards downfield guarding the first down markers while pulling offensive lineman with him. The age argument has gotten tired ; that he’s so young and will just get better. Younger , recently drafted LBs ( see cowboys ) actually are impactful ! The clogging the passing lanes argument is a null argument that can never be proven. I do know he rarely has PBU’s ( had 44 chances for at least one yesterday) and has less career ints than years playing ( or it’s very close). Call me the next time he makes a game winning play or gets a huge turnover. He also get much credit for getting the D aligned correctly. If yesterdays results are an example of this required talent for our D to be successful, then the results speak for themselves as he was on the field for the “13” seconds and he was there for the overtime. 42 points , scoreboard, is what matters in assessing this #1 D. How many can truthfully say they didn’t see this at least as a possibility after watching this d play all year. I’m not talking about “ statistically “ how they ended up ranked, but how they played at critical times as we watched them. They benefited from one of the Worst group of opposing QBs I can remember. I trust Mcd because of his results. He has gotten us to the playoffs but I think it’s fair to say he has had his share of disappointments there. I know he knows talent better than I do. Sometimes tho as compassionate human beings , which I know Mcd is, we are very willing to give second chances and overlook others shortcomings. In this case mcds heart may be winning over his intellect. I know he values Edmunds as a good person. I have heard players like Fina praise how edmunds moves down the line. Yet , I have seen impactful LBs like Talley and Biscuit, who I would take in a heartbeat over Edmunds. They were impactful , they made plays that won games for us! They played with passion and visible leadership! I saw them do it with my own eyes; I wish i could say the same about Edmunds.
  24. True , you expect more , esp after all the self created Drama, posing on the field after the game last year. Prior 1s still showed up in big games. Reed wasn’t ever held to 7 yds in a game. He caught the 2 point conversion , but allowed himself to be taken completely away otherwise. The one thing he did was draw double coverage and that helped Gabe , who did show up with perhaps the game of his career , however long it might be. But Diggs has to be more productive than just being a decoy as you #1 receiver. He disappeared in several games this year , not to this extent , but it happened and I suspect he took his success a little fir granted. Time will tell, even yelling if he can remain a true #1. What happened to knox, Sanders, mckenzie who all also were allowed to mysteriously disappear in the biggest game of the season!? I suspect this is from Dabolls inconsistency , lack of use of motion, lack of formations to create mismatches. Amazing how Reid was able to still keep Hill, Kelce, and his other receivers all productive. This type of game is my main issue with Daboll. Why complain you say, we scored 36 points? Well , we lost ( mostly on the d) but we had several wasted possessions in the first half. It’s a typical game of lull periods that Dabolls play calling produced in almost every game but the Pats playoff game. How do you not get Knox more involved , or mckenzie after the success in that game? Daboll is an OC who allows himself to be dictated to We should have been out in front in the first half and not having to depend on Josh heroics in the last two min. This was a pattern over and over this year. With our talent , their starting safety out in the first quarter , we should have been testing them more earlier rather than waiting until we were down by 9! There is no excuse for the horrible d performance , and believe me , “13 seconds” will live on for years for Bills fans. Josh was indeed heroic and is a superstar QB. The o had a great opening drive and then once again got stale, questionable ( why in this game did we start throwing to Gilliam?), and lacked urgency after the few stops the d managed in the first half. Good OC’s don’t have several of their receivers shut down ; they create situations that force the D to react to new choices. Daboll has very often been forced to be the one to react and it didn’t happen until late in the game when many of his options were situationally limited. Josh will be fine without Daboll. It’s just an unknown for him as he only has experience withDaboll. It’s time for fresh ideas ; you have a once in a lifetime talented QB and it’s time for a truly creative OC to take over. Our O success is because of Josh , not based on creativity to support his amazing talents. Look at coaches succeeding with players like Jimmy G ( imagine Shanahan wiith Josh!) or the creative use of support for Burrows in Cincy with the drafting of young , speedy wide receivers , and of course , look at Reid’s offensive production and creativity. I will be fine seeing Daboll go elsewhere , and I suspect he will not have the success “ transforming” another QB like how much credit he gets about Josh. The D failed and was the primary reason for our loss, but it’s a complimentary game and the O putting up just 14 first half points while our D still was fresh, was just as big a failure. 7 more points in that half , which should have happened instead of the “ return of the lulls” , and we would never be remembering “13seconds” for perhaps the remainder of our time as fans of the Bills! It was a wasted opportunity yesterday, and I have seen that before from the Bills , and I hope the team does recover and keep moving forward. Players will be a year older ( hyde/ poyer) , more than a few will be gone, and you never are promised the same chemistry or to have a home AFC championship game against a playoff inexperienced team like the Bengals to just simply happen again. All the pre game breaks fell in line for the Bills , and that lost opportunity might linger longer if the right changes don’t fall in place for the organization. One such change may be done for us, getting fresh coordinators ( this might be the ceiling for this group) because ours have moved “ up” to HC positions. My hope is this will be a positive change!
  25. Well, it’s possible to reach all of our pre season goals with a win today propelling is to a home AFC championship game ! Feeling nervous so o am rewatching last years afc tile game in KC. Things I am noticing, in using several things going against us last year. This is not your last years Bills team! We were obviously not close to full strength. I had forgotten. One of our main Cbs was Josh norman ! He was terrible In addition our o line was Williams at right tackle with Feliciano and Ike with Dawkins and Morse. The line was really overmatched with jones having his way with Feliciano. Also our rbs were motor on a very limited basis with YELDON ( not even in the league this year I believe, certainly didn’t play meaningful min ) playing significant time. Our wr of course were mostly injured and Brown was limping after most plays. We actually started with a 9-0 lead that quickly went to 21-12 in the second quarter. Bass missed his first extra point. ( after last week , this has me a little concerned) Our d was undermanned with Norman , and players like Love and Butler playing significant time. The Frazier scheme of sitting in soft zones was too easy for Kc to beat with speed and it was an abysmal failure. The Chiefs went 4/4 I. The red zone by 3:29 left in the third quater! Romo kept pointing out how Kelce and the receivers came off the line untouched and it was a huge error in our d philosophy! We actually missed several sacks that ended up with Mahomes breaking several tackles and completing passes ( once even with Milano draped on him). Our LBs and dbs missed many tackles as the KC players came off the line untouched at full speed and there were many huge chunk plays as we kept in soft zones the whole game and we NEVER HIT KELCE as he came off the line , allowing him to catch 8 or 9 balls uncontested in the first half. It was crazy watching them just let him run free and then Settle either in front of a deep dropping Edmunds or in the zones vacated as Mahomes scrambled. It looked like no one was ever assigned to hit him or really check him. White actually looked average in that game as Hill beat him for big plays several times and Tre really did not play a physical game. He was not good in run support that game either. Also oir d line never contained Mahomes and we never held the outside leverage on runs like we so now with GROOT! We.we’re abused in the run game and I still can’t believe how soft we were as a team not hitting guys , esp Kelce and the receivers as they CRUISED TO AN EASY 38-15 lead with 8 min left in the game. We were NEVER DEFENSIVELY EFFECTIVE I. THAT GAME! Our O was not much better. Brown disappeared and Allen really kept making bad choices. He continued to AVOID throwing to open receivers short , and I watched him look off them when initially open and then he would try coming back after they were no longer open. He had many passes broken up and at least three should have been picked by KC dbs who were just not used to his velocity. He was also inaccurate early in the game. The big issue tho was he was rarely used to run the ball ( until they were desperately behind!) and he kept playing the hero ball we have all come to dread as he held the ball way too long , and that’s a big part of what made the line look so bad. He really has not looked that bad since the jags game this year. He was a 180 version of himself in KC compared to last weeks New England game. He was never confident with reads and it just looked like he never had any answers that day. We were down 31-15 beginning the 4 th quarter. Like Romo stated ,” it feels like everything is hard” regarding the offense. Allen was playing from behind and his play looked frantic as he was not setting his feet to throw. It was not until the late third quarter that McKenzie got involved ( he did catch a TD I’m the late 4 th quarter with only 4 min to play ,) and Josh started to run a little. All the players began to press and Brown tipped a catchable ball into a KC db for an easy pick in the early 4 th. THERE WAS NO EFFECTIVE USE OF MOTOR OR CALLS BY DABOLL to help take pressure off Josh by running the ball. As I watched this game for the first time since that loss, I am encouraged because as bad as some of our games have been, I have a hard time saying Josh ever played as poorly in this year ( with his choices ) as he did in that game. Until you go back and actually see the growth Josh has shown , it’s hard to believe how poorly he really played in that game. If we see anywhere close to the Josh we saw last week , KC has no idea how much he has progressed over this year ! McDermott also made many coaching errors including going for a failed 2 point conversion when the score was 38-21 resulting in the game remaining a 3 possession game. It was even made a worse decision as we recovered the onside kick the next play and we’re down 7 as opposed to 16 with 3 time outs left and almost 4 min left ! Wow , it was hard to rewatch ! So how do we beat this team today. We play like last week and please don’t be out coached as badly as we were that game. 1) we have to play physically. Quit just dropping into soft zones and not punishing their receivers. Press the receivers! Hit them and effect the timing of the pass game! We don’t have to blotz but we have to send different guys and mix it up from the first game! We are better stopping the run and maintaining the edge. We have to make Mahomes throw from the pocket because he is just too accurate when he starts scrambling. Keep the fresh guys rolling in and keep lane and gap integrity. SMACK THEIR RECEIVERS IN THE MOUTH EARLY AND LET THEM KNOW IT WILL BE A LONG DAY ! When you don’t hit guys , they are fresher than you and the speed is Allowed to have its full effect ! ThIS is a huge game for Frazier; Is this truly a good defense , or will he call a game where he doesn’t trust his talent and tries to soft zone his way to a win. If he has a game plan like last years, we will lose and he will prove he is not really head coach material. You have to WIN THE BIG GAMES AND HIS SCHEME Last year was ONE OF THE REASONS WE WERE NEVER IN THAT GAME! 2]. Daboll also has to keep the gas pedal down from last week. Run the ball, call early runs for Josh and use play action from under the center, EARLY. Daboll has to get across to Josh to get the ball out of his hands early and take the short open receivers! It will open up later. Last year Josh took too many bad sacks that WERE HIS FAULT , as the o line play was at least average. We have a much better line so use it to drive block , gap run , pin and pull , and we can maul the KC defense ! As long as Josh gets rid of the ball quickly early in the game , we will see a different Josh than the one KC easily beat last year. Don’t be afraid to motion or issue mckenzie early ; he has speed and creates mismatches and he can have a huge game if Daboll will use him ! Use Beasley on third downs mixed in with McKenzie. This year we will have knox as a mismatch as well. We had ALMOST NONE of that last year! Gabe is a difference maker , while Sanders may make 3-4 important catches. Of course we have to hit Diggs early in the short game and with those weapons , we can score even if FraZier refuses to be aggressive! Get physical , run with motor , Josh , mckenzie , and then hit knox behind the lbs when they come up to stop the run. COACH TO WIN MCD! We don’t need no punter except to hold on PATS! We are a much better team than last year. We have done this once this year ! The Chiefs are really still the same Chiefs. Everybody is touting how patient Mahomes is now after this years Bills loss. Make him patient in a collapsing pocket ! We can do this ! It’s up to the coaches resolving the tactical errors from last year by doing press coverage and make them beat our dbs only to face Hyde/ poyer there for back up; , being physical and wanting it more! We need Josh playing up to his potential. He has to play error free and he needs to be that extra weapon running because he is so talented at it. We can have a HOME AFC Championship game and pound the BENGALS. ITS THERE IF THE COACHS ARE AGGRESSIVE AND we prove EARLY ON this is not last years Bills. We have the talent to beat KC , but like we learned earlier this year, you have to take it from them and not just sit back hoping Mahomes makes a mistake and gives it to you! GO TAKE IT BUFFALO! Hardly anyone believes we can do it , the coaches and players are the only ones who have to believe, and last week they proved they are confident and I think we can win this if we hit them and don’t play like a finesse defense. That worked against the Bills in SB 25, it can work for us now. Go Bills!
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