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Everything posted by DrPJax

  1. Wow, quite the stretch for an analogy there! Not sure I be ever heard a description of her , there , at least ! However , that’ has somehow left an impression and I am not sure I will sleep well tonight ! It was an awful ugly win , most times teams are going to lose with that t/o differential and also allowing a defensive score. The other division leaders or winners do t seem to be headed to the playoffs playing that inconsistently, as even the KC loss was with the chiefs still playing very well offensively. Those ints from Josh just don’t seem to slow down often.this year. I was much more confident heading into the playoffs last year and look how close we came to losing to the colts ! Whoever wins the SB has to string together a 3 or 4 game winning streak and this year we have had trouble winning 3 in a row. That level of inconsistency is bothersome. We keep having different phases break down in different games, as today the special teams ; return game broke down and our passing game was bad when compared to Kc or Cincy’s attacks. Was it as bad as that visual you described ,,, maybe close! lol!
  2. When is the pats game ,,,,hopefully in all fairness they have enough time to recover from that thriller with the jags they played today !
  3. I don’t know Tom , but I would say it speaks to his superficial evaluation of personal traits. He had to know about the past reports but chose to ignore them and actually with his naïveté, put his own family at risk. That’s a form of narcissism as Brady is basically acting like he can “ fix” Brown when professionals with years of training had already commented on the likelihood of Brown having personality disorder traits and actions compatible with possible sociopathy. Great athletes like Brady don’t live in the type of real world that most of us do. They live very protected lives and are worshipped from college on as athletes , so of course their narcissism is fed and they believe they can do what countless others can’t. Unfortunately, throwing a football does not transfer to diagnostic skills in psychiatry! The only fishy thing is Tom being “ concerned” and caring so passionately for him as “ we all love him deeply” ! I don’t think Brady is covering anything up because I don’t believe he actually understands the depth of pathology Brown has exhibited and is capable of.
  4. They have been advertising all weekend about wild card weekend ending with the Monday night game ! So it’s a thing ! A real thing!
  5. Interesting that you say that about Brady today. In the post game presser Tommy looks very concerned and wants us all to be compassionate and be sure he gets all the help he needs in this difficult time! What BS! Where was the concern last year when he was wrecking his career with the Raiders? All you were concerned with then Tommy was recruiting him for your SB run! Where was your concern Tommy when he was caught forging and selling forged vaccine cards just this past month!? That’s a felony Tommy , but you were so concerned that you had him back on the team throwing passes to him. It’s this type of fake personality , fake caring , fake concern for a human being who was already in trouble but that didn’t stop you from wanting him on your team to help achieve your goals Tommy, and you continued to enable him. Just like giving money to a crack addict , throwing this guy money to catch footballs is still enabling mental pathology, yet where was this sad face concern before he embarrassed the whole organization today? I don’t want to see Brady with his fake concern and putting on his sad face for the press when he was a main reason Brown was still seeing a football field ! Add this crap to the list of reasons I dislike Brady as a personality. Don’t know who is worse , Brady or Rodgers with his extreme arrogance ! It’s funny. Was watching John Finas YouTube podcast aboit last weeks victory and at the end Rodgers name came up and he was being compared to someone else whose name I don’t remember when Fina said “ Rodgers was several times less likable “! If you watch John Fina , that says a lot because he almost never is critical about anyone as a person. I was surprised that Fina said that , but not surprised it was Rodgers who finally got to Fina!
  6. Man I am so with you in this. Wish we had kept him. Was something we just didn’t have to worry about. Now it’s come to even costing us points in a game. How lucky were we to overcome 4 turnovers AND a defensive score AND them scoring first ( this year the team scoring first has won almost 75% of the time !). It was probably a 95% chance based on NFL past results that a team wins with those stats in the wrong direction. Thank goodness we were playing a team with a clueless head coach and their main weapon went out with a hammy strain for a half! But we have gone from thinking about scoring a td on a return to now having given up a safety because of that one decision. In a league where most games are one possession outcomes , it is a big negative for us at this point. The guy can’t see lanes in the NFL and is running into his own players. Seriously, what happened to the guy who returned one in the preseason and caught the pass that set up the win against the Lions? I would seriously get his vision checked for color blindness and loss of visual fields now ! Lol! If he fumbles that second one he bobbled , he would not see the field again this year. That’s who we are relying on going into the playoffs!? I would almost just stick Hyde back there now as a punt catcher ! We don’t get great returns , get penalized probably more than 50% of the time on returns , and now we are worrying about fumbles and btw, did you see how he Carry’s the ball after he secures it? It doesn’t look very secure to me. Mckenzie worries me less than this guy RIGHT NOW , and the pressure just ratchets up in the playoffs. Really, this is not how you want your return game just as you enter the lose and go home scenario! We have one game to finalize a critical decision ! The only larger concern is Daboll game to game variable play calling regarding the run game and Josh throwing so many ints !
  7. Collinsworth also said the Bills could not be the no 1 seed because of their “ loss at KC”! , but was proud that the Bengals still could be the 1 seed. Guess you can take the guy out of the Bengals but you can’t take the BS out of the guy! ( sorry , may have misspelled or shortened Bengals on that last part!).
  8. Yep, can’t absolve Josh of throwing poorly today. Hope this team learns from these bad half’s of football like this first half , first half against the Bucs , and the entire jags and first pats games ! Hope Josh learns. He was so successful the prior week and the.n this was like a 180 reversion to not taking what’s given or being patient. Worse is Daboll ignoring the run in bad weather in the first place. I just can’t get over calling that pass to Dawkins from the one on first and goal from the falcons one yard line ! It’s not like Josh has never made a bad decision and attempted to force a ball in to someone covered. The very next play we ran it in, but what if that pass had been picked for some reason ? Just no need to attempt that against a bad team.
  9. Forgery , stealing , sexual assault is not being a DIVA. Of course we won’t know if he has any CTE until his autopsy. But his behavior is similar to thousands of criminals who have never played football. I’m just saying he has a long history , documented in his family history , of Aberrant behavior and certainly by signing him the Bucs are also signing off on him not having significant CTE now. If there was any suspicion or evidence of it , he would never clear the physicals because if a team signed him knowing that , they would be legally responsible for all medical care costs the remainder of his life plus other damages for allowing him to continue to endanger himself. Some people are sociopaths without ever setting foot on a football field. Sorry , I just feel strongly about all the people this guy has hurt and then a football organization enables it yet again. That disgusts me. Also, if you are concerned about him having CTE, shouldn’t you be even more upset that they are exposing him to exacerbating it? My whole point was just he should not be playing football in the NFL , and he continues to do illegal things. Playing more for the Bucs won’t make him better in any fashion, neither will ignoring written laws. 😉
  10. The law is a bogus felony! Maybe you are just kidding or being sarcastic. Look , why don’t you lie on your tax return and send in a known group of forged documents to support your return ! See how the law treats you. Those cards are federal documents now. I can’t send in a fake medical license to continue to practice medicine. Well , I can if I want to be fined heavily and lose my career. People are losimg careers over that now. I am NOT justifying it , but it is what it is , the LAW! I THINK that’s really what you mean and I get it. But I am just pointing out it’s the LAW NOW and that it won’t be treated as bogus if you or I break it ! That’s my point. People are losing jobs and being made examples of ( again , I think this is crazy ,,BUT the law is written). More importantly, are you thinking somehow Antonio browns behavior is ok , normal? He should have never been allowed back just based on all the prior cases / offenses against him like sexually attacking women or exposing himself in front of them etc. No one can defend that creep imo, and when teams / organizations keep enabling a sick person, it usually does not end well for them or their victims. Ignoring forging thise cards now is like ignoring the MINOR stealing from stores ; it has led to worse things and ignoring more of Browns illegal behavior will not make it better or go away.
  11. This guy has a long history of sociopathic behavior and narcissism! He is a criminal. Always has behaved as one. Cte is doubtful to cause all the long standing crimes he has been responsible for. Usually you have some time of normal behavior history prior to CTE. It’s the opposite for brown who never should have been allowed back on the field after the FELONY of forging and selling vax cards. Arians and Brady wanting him back says something about their character as well. This guy will end up in jail or unfortunately commit suicide or harm someone else. Yet they enable him by allowing him to continue to return to play. Let’s hope we never see him on the field again and he is forced to get help. There is no help apparently for organizations, and people like the coach and qb who fought to get this sociopath on the team because he can catch a football.
  12. Yeah, you make great points. We finally have a franchise qb, why can’t we try to protect him more in games like this.? Daboll came out throwing ; I mean throwing to Dawkins on first and goal from the one when we have a rb capable of taking that in. It’s that kind of stuff that will get you beaten by a GOOD TEAM , PLAYOFF TEAM, or worse yet , lose your franchise qb for a year with an acl or other injury. They completely got away from what had just worked well against the pats! Mckenzie had few targets if any. It’s the inconsistency of game plans that is maddening at times. This type of first half against a team in the playoffs and you usually lose. When you have 4 turnovers , give up a defensive score , and score after the other team ( stats this year according to nfl network show team that scores FIRST WINS almost 75% of the time !) , the odds of coming back or winning are really against you. Why we kept avoiding the run until the third int is crazy, but that’s how Daboll operates. Josh was having a bad game. Why it took so long to run more , or start off trying to run when the falcons are 31 st against the run I think is just not good coaching. Luckily, the Falcons head coach out dimmed Daboll !
  13. True story. There was an NFL and celebrity golf tournament here in Ponte vedra fl at the TPC ( Jax suburb and 5 min from my house) back in the late 80’s. Lightning came up so they sent vans out to load up players and spectators ! I got in a van with Harbaugh and a pro golfer and was taken back to the TPC club house and pro shop. Harbaugh would not even speak during The ride and when I said hello, totally ignored me. Funny tho. Arnold Palmer and Kelly were also in the tournament. I have been a huge fan of Arnie since I was a kid and of course was a bills / Kelly fan. On one hole , Since it was a pretty informal tournament , I actually went under the ropes with a copy of a sports illustrated that had Arnie on the cover ! I walked up to him ( no one came after me etc cuz I was just walking up and told him I was from around Pittsburgh and asked him to sign the sports illustrated magazine ! He stopped walking down the fairway , smiled and signed the cover for me ! Greatest autograph I ever got ! Lol! Same tournament I asked Jim to please sign a Bills license plate and he blew me off. At the time tho I was with a pretty hot nurse / girlfriend. She took the plate and his electric car was right next to the ropes. SHE PUT THE LICENSE PLATE DOWN ON HIS SEAT OF THE CART WHILE HE WAS HITTING A SHOT. He came back and literally said , wtf is this , at which time she stepped forward dressed with her very ample rack in a RATHER REVEALING top , and said “ it’s mine , would you mind signing it Jim?” He smiled and signed the damn thing instantly and handed her the pen / plate back. Surprisingly he didn’t ask for digits or any more effort to try to know her better ! It was.a crazy day ; I was a lot younger and was into memorabilia for my Drs office at the time , things I would never do later as I was in my late 20’s at the time. Will always be grateful for my gf for getting the autograph for me. Took her to SB 27 with me at the rose bowl. Same girl I posted a story about before that Mean Joe Green of the Steelers came up to her and asked for her autograph on the flight out as he had a copy of Time with a young Hillary Clinton on the cover, and her face was similar to Hillary’s. ( even younger tho and much more endowed much to my great luck!) But I won’t forget Harbaugh being Dic- ish by not even speaking , and he continued that way in the clubhouse. Kelly was walking around the pro shop and if you were the right sex , he was a pretty friendly guy. Lol. Getting Arnies autograph while he was walking down the fairway tho is still a highlight for me. Still surprised no one even tried ushering me off the course after I did that. It’s weird , I just thought I would never be that close again and went for it which is not like me as I am normally pretty reserved. Golf meant a lot to me at that time as I was an ok player and had been captain of my high school golf team and loved the sport from junior high on. Man , I would get tased or shot or arrested if I did something like that during these times. Haha! I did a lot of crazy things looking back on life that I would never dream of even considering now ! So any time Harbaugh makes a fool of himself , I remember that day in the van coming off the golf course. Karma baby! Lol!
  14. I was just thinking that about Dean. Too bad he still has to play in the Championship game! Looks very powerful, fast. I am a buckeye fan but am loving Harbaugh taking another embarrassing beating and would love to see Alabama get wrecked. I like saban as a person but it’s nice to see someone new take it until the bucks qb matures next year ! Sec sure does have some speed on d tho that would look good with the Bills. Enough d tho. We need a premiere back to help Josh and then guards and receivers. Great game for the dawgs tho ! wow, some of those guys on Georgia look bigger than our d lineman! How do guys get that big! ? Haha!
  15. Nothing stays the same in the NFL. we have our franchise qb, the one position that held us back for 20 years. Lots of oc’s , qb.coaches , and lots of d coordinators could work with this talent on this team. As long as Mcd and Beane stay in sync and fill the roster, I’m all for new blood in the thought process. Josh is no longer “ a project “ , he is a star. Lots of guys can be creative with him. Probably just as well or bettter than Daboll who has one good game for every couple that are called with no identity or consistency. Have you forgotten we have no run gsme ? Who do you think is responsible for that ? Very expensive d line yet little in the way of sacks or premiere edge rushers. We lost a game where a rookie Qb completed one pass and how is that vaulted run d doing! All I am saying is change can be good. We are 9-6 with talent that should have been in the run for a first seed and a SB challenge. Let’s see how it plays out , but we have had our share of questionable coaching and maybe it’s time for a change with a more mature qb and roster. Nothing is permanent in this league, so that’s the least of oir worries. We have a top 3:qb , we will be competitive as long as we have him.
  16. It doesn’t matter what we think ! I asked John Fina and Reuben brown on a live YouTube show a couple weeks ago of Edmunds could be used differently or in a better way. Now the guy has 0 PBUs and maybe one int this year. You would have thought I wanted to kill their dogs or so,ethic crazy. They think he is amazing. “ who would you replace him with? “. Of course e I could f answer cuz it was chat so they could just fire at me with no stats and I couldn’t answer their question. They even said how do we know he could play with his hand down? Hell , I bet just about every other team would find a way to use this guy differently. Has has SOME very good games. Those who are vie for him always pick out one or maybe two good plays he has in a game but they NEVER show him overrunning or blowing gaps , getting pushed back ten yards with an o lineman locked on him. And what about those PBU’s ,,,,,well they just say qbs don’t throw that way. Pff has him as one of the lowest ranked LBs. Pass targets in his area are completed 85% of the time and his overall rating in their system is lower now than his rookie year. But of course Fina or Reuben didn’t quote any of that. I do believe he has finally started to have some consistency. He has finally starred to improve. Where are the game changing , impactful plays ? Yes , he makes some plays that maybe only a few LBs can do. But in my eyes he is still just above average and he rarely hits guys like Talley or Biscuit did as it’s odd LBs. ( don’t call, him a mlb as we run a 4-2-5 defense , and Mcd has called him that , but his fans will quickly correct you). I just think his production has never matched moving up to go after him and what a. Bout the huge runs given up against Henry and Taylor this year. Where was he , certainly no where near his gap responsibility. The pats RAN FOR 3. Tds in three red zone appearances ,,,,,,our LB play has not been stellar this year. SO don’t waste you time asking if he could ever be used more effectively. I have watched and been a Bills fan since ‘63 , and have seen exceptional lb play and while I’m not a coach , I still know great players when I see them. It’s like if you’ve ever had a cold , you might not know which viruses cause that , but you know as a layman the difference between a cold and the flu! You don’t have to be a dr to know the difference but apparently if you’ve never played pro ball, you can’t really have an informed opinion! Lol. ! Of course no one is suing change his responsibilities this year. But it will be interesting to see what type of contract he gets and why they opted for his 5 th year option rather than getting the greatest lb ever already signed ! Hey , I do like the guy. I hope he someday lives up to the hype and really does become an impactful lb. Apparently outside sources like PFf think there are much better options. But to say that or suggest it on a Bills board or podcast and you obviously are just a “ hater”! Lol. Just trying to help you avoid venom ; NEVER. Ask that question again you Bills hater guy! Lol!!
  17. Really overreacting from one game. Beas is a good vet , tough , let’s see how it plays out. He is one of the best slot receivers in the league still. Dabolls play calling has limited him , just like he limited mckenzie as this is ONE GOOD game. Will need depth , also depends on Stevensons development. Covid willl eventually be handled like the endemic it is becoming, and we will soon have e oral meds to treat its variants just like Tami flu works for influenza. Cole is an elite route runner, let’s hope we can keep him for the length of his contract. Let it play out. Mckenzie is not getting a new contract as we are facing the playoffs. It’s not like someone is coming to scoop him off the roster. Time to be smart , not overreact to single games , and keep moving forward looking at both lines. We lost another lineman and he may not be 100% for 9 months or more depending on severity if Achilles tear. He had immediate foot drop so probably tore gastrocnemius opposed to smaller soleus. Going to take 6 months at least for full recovery So Will need improvement and depth for o line so that becomes a major priority. I agree tho about Starr. I think his career is ending and it could even happen before the end of the year. Warning signs are present. At the very least , this is his last Bills year. There is a lot of time between now and next year and many players contracts have to be dealt with. Work on that part of the roster to free money first, then deal with your star players.
  18. Charles Davis was sucking pats off all day today ! Sick of his voice , been saying same cliche crap on madden game for years. This was worse than collinsworth imho. Rarely complimented bills except when Allen have him no choice but to say something good. Otherwise all he focused on Was how good pats had been and how great they were during the couple of drives the pats managed. Rarely said anything about jones horrible mechanics, inability to Handle sense of pressure , poor completion percentage, and just ball washed them when they rushed successfully at times. I am over this guy. He adds nothing substantial to a Broadcast. Needs replaced as his schict has grown tired. Same tired concepts over and over and over. Networks have young talent and need to move forward.
  19. Not a big kick in the pants type of guy as prior owner of my own practice and director of several clinics. Treat adults fairly. Raise their expectations of how good they can be with support and just open communication. Once you start being punitive , things rarely turn positive. Resentments can build and passive aggressive behavior happens. He showed great promise last year and took a reasonable salary to be here and prove his worth. The o has struggled almost all year. Whose to say we might have had more offensive days like today had he been treated more fairly with more use? We see how sitting him / excluding him from the o worked out. I prefer todays results! We never punted! Mcd or Someone is quick to be punitive; I mean he fumbled once with a bad outcome. It’s like being on a bAsketball team and you know if you make one turnover , miss one 3 pointer , you are coming out immediately. That’s a lot of extra pressure and you play tight. Maybe it’s time to quit being so rigid and try to find ways to use his unique talents. He showed amazing desire and enthusiasm, and was the biggest positive change this o has seen in many games. He produced under pressure as a receiver. Maybe he was misused as a returner? Maybe that’s the coaching staffs fault and not the players who has little say in how he is used! He EARNED MORE PLAYING TIME BASED ON TODAYS RESULTS! Keep kicking him in the pants and see how good he becomes again as a miscast returner , or encourage him , accept YOU MADE AN ERRor , and look to build on this and make the o better! I think he has been misused , pro athletes in modern times don’t respond well to being “ kicked”! Would you ? These guys have already faced being kicked in the pants as they have had to battle just to make the roster. If you need to do that now, it’s probably the staff who already made errors choosing him over someone else to be on the roster. Can’t make huge roster changes now, that’s off season stuff. Now is the time to get all you can from who is here! That’s on the staff! They need to accept todays play and keep using him. No time to be rigid and let’s say just keep with Sanders because he was so good with the niners! How good was he today? How good has he been this season? He doesn’t need kicked, he needs to earn back playing time.
  20. True. Best game perhaps this year. He was calm and made great choices, like giving the ball to rbs at times. Just can’t forget the o line didn’t leave guys running unblocked at his blindside this game ! When he has time and not fearful of being killed, he is a true stud and sky is the limit for him. Love his demeanor , he can really take command as the leader of this team ! It sure helps to not be running for your life at the snap! O line had its best game of the season and allowed us to see a glimpse of how great Josh can be!
  21. In all fairness that pass was not josh’s best to a wide open guy. Should he have made the catch, probably but it wasn’t an easy catch. Plus. We had really already scored and had the td called back with penalties i believe. We were first and 25 at that point I think. Just saying , if we stop making stupid offensive penalties ( lineman down field on Knox’s td ) that drop never a. Issue. So no problem giving kumerow a little crap but also the line and others deserve the same reprimand. Sanders drop was the more egregious drop because it hit him right in the chest. If Mcd is true to best 11 being on the field , Davis and McKenzie should be on offense much ,much more. Sanders doesn’t deserve to start , while mckenzie needs to be used more and even cut into Beasley’s time. If those guys had been in the o more this year , we may be fighting for the #1 seed. It feels like Sanders especially is starting just based on seniority and past years production, but nothing to do with this years work. Who is responsible, Mcd or Daboll ? That was last years o we expected to see all year. Real question, where has it been , why are guys placed in purgatory at times , and what willl the o look like next week. It’s not over , two big games still ahead! We determine our own destiny , let’s hope the offensive coaching now keeps showing up. Great performance today, so no excuse to see it drop off. Now is the time to peak and play the best 11 !
  22. Another obviously blown call that affects an outcome. I’m not extremely upset cuz it helps is , but that’s ridiculous ! When will these obvious missed calls be stopped by the booth? No excuse for this in the NFL.
  23. Wow , is that a game worn Jersey, can’t tell if it’s that or just reflections, but you are right , she is a keeper and I am happy for both of you ! Nothing better than two happy Bills fans on Christmas Day , well , except two extremely happy Bills fans the night after Christmas! May your marriage be filled with the passion of an irate Wyatt Teller who just got blamed for a drive stopping call against the Packers! Hope your New year matches the happiness of your obviously great Christmas Day ! That really is a great gift , from a possible HOF QB if things keep heading up like they appear to be ! Best.wishes , please cherish your health , enjoy every game together, and I hope you both get to celebrate multiple Lombardi ‘s together !
  24. Yeah , except he has missed several games this year. Normally with a death they mention that , esp as generous as the bills mafia is supporting players in that situation. Personal reason can be mental health related in a variety of fields, like depression, anxiety, substance abuse etc. This has been a gradually developing situation over a few days, not a typical death in the family situation where the reason is shrouded by team, press etc. imho, something else is going on , and I am just going on a hunch based on behavioral patterns with Starr , but I am sensing he is close to being done with football. Perhaps that personal reason is they are giving him time to decide if he wants to retire now or finish the season. Mcd is loyal and classy that way , and like they say , where’s there’s smoke……….He has missed quite a few games with vague descriptions of the injuries or reasons. If he had a loss in the family , my condolences. It’s unusual tho , most players won’t miss a huge season determining game , saying Their lost one would have wanted them to play , and it’s a way to honor their memory. Just saying , something seems out of the ordinary , and this guy might have lost his passion to play. An undisclosed personal illness where he wishes privacy would certainly be possible. I know it’s just speculation , but based on the fact he was one of the few Bills who readily opted out of last year. He’s older. , at some point you reach a wall where you just can’t keep doing it. Not Vontae like , yet, but I think warning signs are there. Just some thoughts, hope you all had a merry Christmas with healthy families!
  25. Hate that whole stadium. Nothing but heartbreak comes from there! 😊🥲😊
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