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  2. really? https://citizensandscholars.org/resource/national-survey-finds-just-1-in-3-americans-would-pass-citizenship-test/
  3. Dri Archer - Signed, but never showed up. Stupid fast. Also stupid, in general. Admiral Marcell Darius - The admiral cap... The drag race... The synthetic weed... The memories 🙄 Vonte Davis - Half time is as good a time as any time to quit. E.J. Manuel - Manuel is Automatically setting the franchise back a decade. No thanks...
  4. Here's the way I think about this topic. There's OJ Simpson. And then there's RB#32. Kind of like in an old Madden game when someone wouldn't grant their name and they just got that generic position/number name. OJ Simpson is on my Mt. SHUSHmore. RB#32 is on my Mt. Rushmore.
  5. I know, I know...the mere MENTION of the name Tyler Dunne makes some Bills fans' blood boil. Still, this one does not appear to be a hit piece, but rather a pretty long and thorough interview with Brandon Beane. Alas, it is behind a paywall, and I am not a subscriber. For those that are, it seems well worth a read. https://www.golongtd.com/p/1-on-1-with-brandon-beane-inside ORCHARD PARK, NY — Brandon Beane can finally relax. This incoming lull on the NFL calendar is a golden opportunity to decompress. For a month, there’s no need for the Buffalo Bills general manager to agonize over an AFC title loss or “13 Seconds” or a blizzardy beatdown to Cincinnati or a 44-yard kick that sails wide right or any of the other razor-thin moments that’ve come between his franchise and a Super Bowl appearance. Time to exhale. Maybe… ? Possibly… ? No. Hell no. The breaks of the game are too stupefying. The pursuit of a championship is too all-consuming. Fresh off the most consequential offseason of his career since selecting Josh Allen seventh overall in the 2018 NFL Draft, Beane admits the hunt for a title will inevitably be on his mind. And when training camp commences at St. John Fisher College in late July, he’s back to thinking about that Super Bowl quite literally every single day. “It drives you,” Beane says. “It eats at you. You want it so bad.” Most all GMs and coaches serve up “one bounce away” cliches. Too often, it’s contrived. Snake-oil jargon spewed to convince the masses a team is closer to a championship than it actually is. But here, it’s real. The Bills genuinely have been one bounce from glory. Images of those dynastic Kansas City Chiefs basking in confetti could’ve driven this GM to the point of insanity. So, the backdrop for this conversation is fitting. Beane is seated inside an office at One Bills Drive after his team’s minicamp practice. Over one shoulder, across Abbott Road, the team’s new stadium is under construction. It opens in 2026. Towering cranes are at work, positioning steel beams into the second level of the bowl. A reminder that hard work — shameless work — and day-to-day patience is always required in life. Over his other shoulder is the current stadium, the site of his team’s latest heartbreak. One look could elicit one memory that spikes urgency and reminds the GM of one cruel NFL reality: You only get so many opportunities. Beane is the man tasked with balancing the present and the future. Fresh off another excruciating playoff defeat, the Bills entered salary-cap hell. (Roughly $41 mill in the red.) His star wide receiver wanted out. (More on that later.) His defense fell flat at the worst time. (Again.) All while, the clock ticks. And ticks. This team’s prized possession is undoubtedly at the peak of his powers. These Bills are armed with arguably the best player this side of Patrick Mahomes. Yet, all-time greats will also tell you that title chances did not last forever during the reigns of Michael Jordan, of Tom Brady. These Bills are at risk of vanquishing in the same vortex. It was time to drastically reinvent the roster around Josh Allen. Time for Beane to drive this organization a bold new direction. This week, the GM sat down exclusively with Go Long to detail his vision for the Buffalo Bills. For an hour, everything is discussed. - His thinking behind Buffalo’s “transition,” and the search for a new nucleus of leaders. - Letting Josh Allen be Josh Allen. Last offseason, the Bills seemed oddly determined to reel in their 1-of-1 QB. The GM sings a different tune in our chat. He knows Allen has the mentality of a “linebacker” and does not want him to change. - Stefon Diggs is off to the Houston Texans after four years in Buffalo. Why? - Revamped WR room. Beane had his choice of any receiver amongst that second tier of wide receivers in the draft. Why Keon Coleman? Is speed a concern? The GM details the substance behind the man in the discounted yellow coat purchased at Macy’s. (He expects big things out of Dalton Kincaid, too.) -Team psychology. Beane sees value in refueling a roster with players who didn’t experience those playoff losses. He also wanted a healthy number of players with a nasty “edge” to their game. Piecing together a roster is not a matter of talent, and talent alone, to the GM. He calls every team “a chemistry experiment.” One bad chemical, he says, and everything can combust. -To get his ’06 Indianapolis Colts over the hump, Hall of Fame GM Bill Polian told us he started to weigh playoff performance on a critical curve. Beane is doing the same. -Is Sean McDermott the coach who can deliver a Super Bowl? Our series from December is brought up. - He knows time is of the essence: “We can’t waste these opportunities.” In a profession full of filibustering extraordinaires, Brandon Beane is an outlier. Candid. There’s no need for a high-powered magnifying glass to decode his words. Our entire conversation is below:
  6. I don't get this line of thinking. Josh's contract is manageable this year because he signed at an earlier time than the current crop of QB contract lotto winners. Wait until you see his next deal.
  7. You mean the one where he shakes Schumer's hand and then puts it out to try and shake it again?
  8. I do think moving on from Diggs had to happen if they wanted to keep J Brady. After the season I was kind of shocked to see Diggs didn't have an injury. His actions (and play) towards the end of the season were a problem. So, I can understand the move, I just don't like the replacement plan. As for double dipping, anyone the Bills got in the 3rd-4th would have been passed by everyone else. Of course. K Coleman was pretty much passed by everyone else and Beane was so unafraid of him getting picked that he traded down twice. Doesn't mean Coleman can't be good. At the time I was rooting against the double dip and hoping Beane had bigger plans. But now in retrospect I am wishing there was another 3rd-4th rounder to watch develop instead of plugging my nose and hoping Claypool or MVS can turn it around. Actually I'm excited about the rest of the playmakers except for the outside WRs. That makes it a little more frustrating. We're so close to an overall explosive offense.
  9. Even if Biden wins, he won't be the President. He isn't the President now as his handlers are running the show behind the scenes. He looks to be nearing the end.
  10. I suspect Josh doesn't care about making as much as those other guys - He already has more money than he knows what to do with, and I believe he would rather surround himself with a good roster so he can win. The problem is going to be the NFLPA. Whenever Josh does get a new contract, it will have to be enormous. The union frowns on hometown discounts - it sets the market lower for the guys who just want their bag. Hopefully, it can be structured in a team-friendly way.
  11. It really seems like conservatives love being lied to. A lot of them just gobble up any lie that makes them feel good even if it can be debunked with just a minute of research. Biden tried to assassinate Trump. He pooped his pants. He wandered off at the G7. All of this is easily debunked, but that doesn’t matter. They want it to be true, so they believe it.
  12. it's a crime to book the payoff as a legal expense. it was a campaign expense you just said that.
  13. Face it, the guys suffering from cognitive decline of one form or another. And the rate of decline is accelerating. We need a President that is mentally and physically capable of carrying out the duties of the job. Not some unknown group of "aides" making decisions and issuing actions that are the responsibility of the President. That's not an endorsement of Trump or a comment on the 2024 campaign. But it is reality.
  14. I’m probably forgetting some, but I’ll go with Colin Brown, Chris Watson, Mike Tolbert and Nate Hackett
  15. 1. Tremaine ‘only 19’ Edmunds. Physical freak but was always late. No way he made it to appointments on time. 2. Marcell Dareus. Definition of a bum. Put that captains hat away fatass. 3. Trent ‘not a bills fan’ Edwards. Was not the same after he got knocked to another dimension in phoenix. Damn shame that he turned into an ass too. 4. Buddy ‘show me the baby’ nix. That was one helluva an ugly baby. This dude had no business being in a nfl front office. He was more concerned with sleeping than actually doing anything. He drafted ej manuel and then bailed, like who the ***** does that. I bet he was a terrible gift giver too.
  16. Oh for sure, but if one had a great start and then stunk and then one had a rough start and then did awesome that's important to know. Think of Peyton Manning and RGIII...they might look reasonably similar if you look over their first 40 or so games since RGIII had such an amazing first year and Manning was rough.
  17. You answered your own question. The recognition of Josh’s extraordinary talent. It’s a team game and a team effort is required to win a SB. I want Allen to get an MVP on his resume due to the insane stats he puts up every year. 29 pass TDs and 15 rushing TDs. Really think about that. He’s doing to the NFL what Tim Tebow did in college. The air, the ground, across the body, hurdling over defenders, running around them, or going through them. Lamar’s got the Heisman and 2 NFL MVPs, yet Allen is twice the QB and competitor and I guarantee u Baltimore would swap w/ us in a second.
  18. Vontae Davis - Quitting at Halftime of a game Walt Patulski - #1 overall pick, amounted to NOTHING. [Franco Harris was in that draft]. Reggie Bush - Heisman Trophy winner who had negative yards for a season. Wrecks Ryan - Toe sucking? Team sucking?
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