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I don't remember this happening after we collapsed last season. Did this offseason spring more optimism than last years fast start?


Yeah all that money on the Defense inflated expectations.


Last season's collapse didn't feel this bad because the early season success wasn't expected

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Yeah all that money on the Defense inflated expectations.


Last season's collapse didn't feel this bad because the early season success wasn't expected


Plus, after the slew of injuries last year, the later-season play wasn't inexplicable.


Playing worse, when healthier?

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I was scared and fearing for my life, shaking like a leaf on a tree

Cuz he was lean and mean and big and bad and pointing that gun at me

Hey wait a minute mister, I didn't even kiss her

Don't want no trouble with you. I know you don't owe me but I wish you'd let me ask a favor of you...

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It will be in front of touring groups of mostly students, perhaps a few small media sources. Nothing big, just hosted by a community college.

Sure, I offer advice and you ignore it. Just Jack offers advice and you kiss his feet.




Is anyone noticing the absolute flood of obnoxious Pessimists on TSW? Lot of new members coming out from under the bridge and posting everywhere.

I blame the mods. I hear one of them actually went golfing yesterday.
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The makers of pink slime would appreciate it if you would't call their product pink slime.


Visuals are good. A vial of fat compared to a near empty one from your lean beef will go a long way towards making your point.


What's the average weight of one of your beef cows at slaughter? What's the average weight of commercial beef? How much of that weight difference is fat?

I had not yet had a chance to do the math.


Mine range 1000-1200 lbs. I had put in am email to the ag extension to make sure my math would be right because it is about 8% of the total animal weght in some books on grass fed. Grain fed can be over 18% in the same literature.


I wasn't ignoring it, don't cry! And I am not knocking Pink Slime. I used some last night to cook up some burgers. My god did it look different. First time in 7 years I have bought other beef.

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I had not yet had a chance to do the math.


Mine range 1000-1200 lbs. I had put in am email to the ag extension to make sure my math would be right because it is about 8% of the total animal weght in some books on grass fed. Grain fed can be over 18% in the same literature.


I wasn't ignoring it, don't cry! And I am not knocking Pink Slime. I used some last night to cook up some burgers. My god did it look different. First time in 7 years I have bought other beef.

I'll cry if I want to!


My point was...if a commercially fed beef cow is 18% heavier is the difference basically fat? If it is...that would be a good thing to point out.


Now, please continue ignoring me.

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I'll cry if I want to!


My point was...if a commercially fed beef cow is 18% heavier is the difference basically fat? If it is...that would be a good thing to point out.


Now, please continue ignoring me.

Oh, come on, it was just that one time. It'll never happen again, I promise!


The difference would not be just fat. From my understanding and what I have been told is there are too many variables to accurately predict the difference in lbs. Especially, because of water retention of fat and other properties is what I was told. The 18% might only be 16% in reality but fully saturated. Also, the fat in grassfed is fortified with more vitamins, so while it will have some fat, it is good for you.

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I think you could do a nice job on educating people about the natural diet of cattle and how they're fed corn to fatten them up and because they're allergic to it - they're given antibiotics and arrive at the slaughterhouse stressed and sick. Or, something like that.

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I think you could do a nice job on educating people about the natural diet of cattle and how they're fed corn to fatten them up and because they're allergic to it - they're given antibiotics and arrive at the slaughterhouse stressed and sick. Or, something like that.

Are you a Nanker wanker yanker?
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I think you could do a nice job on educating people about the natural diet of cattle and how they're fed corn to fatten them up and because they're allergic to it - they're given antibiotics and arrive at the slaughterhouse stressed and sick. Or, something like that.

It is amazing how people are now becoming allergic to corn. I spent a while talking to a fella from NCDOT explaining the process of why he gets sick eating certain foods.


Are you a Nanker wanker yanker?

Just wanted to make sure you felt like I was giving you attention... :nana: :nana:

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