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I loved it... and I am not one who normally likes most action "blockbuster" movies....I won't say much until everyone else has seen it, but if you are skittish about Star Trek Babies, don't worry. If you are a Star Trek fan, you will love it! :censored::lol:

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I was going to hit the 12:50 IMAX showing tonight but the damn thing sold out! Guess I'll be going in the morning....can't wait to see this!

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I went to a 7:50 showing last night, only about 20 people in the theater, which surprised me. I thought it was good, not great, and am in no rush to see it again.


Why did the movie open so early in the day? I'm guessing a lot of people didn't expect it to open until midnight, which would lead to the small showing in that theater.

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I loved it... and I am not one who normally likes most action "blockbuster" movies....I won't say much until everyone else has seen it, but if you are skittish about Star Trek Babies, don't worry. If you are a Star Trek fan, you will love it! :censored::lol:




I'll let it roll around to the discount 3-dollar theaters, then view it. Star Trek flicks are kitschy...which is their charm.

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Who was your date to the movie: your pet snake and/ or tarantula? :censored:

I would think both would be in attendance, figure Mr skin snake being carressed by the hairy tarantula hand while watching space chicks from Romulak wrestle over a young Captain Kirk. A geeks wet dream for sure.

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I went to a 7:50 showing last night, only about 20 people in the theater, which surprised me. I thought it was good, not great, and am in no rush to see it again.


Kirk hit on any green babes in this version?

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I'll let it roll around to the discount 3-dollar theaters, then view it. Star Trek flicks are kitschy...which is their charm.



When I went, to a 9:30 showing, the theater was half empty. I figured it would be packed. When leaving the theater, the line for the midnight showing was going around the block. I guess the earlier times took everyone by surprise.

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I find the ramblings of a bunch of "losers" who puruse a sports message board, waiting to insult people as nerds pretty flippin' hilarious...don't you guys have a mock draft to prepare for 2010 or something? <_<

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I'll let it roll around to the discount 3-dollar theaters, then view it. Star Trek flicks are kitschy...which is their charm.



This one manages to be respectful of the original, but not so much that it is a detriment to the story. They definitely take some liberties with the characters, but make them a little more real. In my opinion, of all the Trek movies, only about 4 of them are any better than a run of the mill episode. I would rank this one as #2, close behind Wrath of Kahn.


I will admit, I was kind of turned off by the whole concept of this movie, but my girl friend and her son wanted to see it, and, being a one time Trekkie (I quit the franchise with Voyager, which IMO was awful, only saw the pilot for "Enterprise") I found the notion of going back to the show I fell in love with as a kid, too hard to pass up. Those original characters were brilliant (Mr Spock is one of the greatest tv characters of all time), so there is no reason for them to die, just because the original actors were too old (or dead) to play them any more.


I really liked The Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine, but they always seemed to miss something that the original had. In the original, the "prime directive" was something that Kirk always struggled to find ways to get around, while, in the newer, more PC versions, the "prime directive" was something the characters struggled to adhere to all the time. I guess the later is more noble, but the former was more fun!

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I really liked The Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine, but they always seemed to miss something that the original had.


Kirk's balls! That's what they were missin'. You think when Picard hits a planet in sector 9 of the Kraachtaw system and starts whining like a spoiled little girl that it has anywhere near the effect of when Kirk starts swinging his member and givin' orders? Hell no! When it comes to badasses in the universe, you've got Darth Vader and James fuggin Kirk. End of story!

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Saw it last night and I was very impressed. The cast was outstanding, although Anton Yelchin does not really come close to resembling Chekhov, but Chris Pine(Kirk), Zachary Quinto(Spock), Karl Urban(McCoy), John Cho(Sulu), Simon Pegg(Scotty) & Zoe Saldana(Uhura), all did fine jobs in their roles.


This movie was a fun ride, and I am sure that most will enjoy it. I think the Star Trek franchise has gotten its reboot.


Well done J.J. Abrams. :oops:

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