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I loved the acting, they did a great job with the characters and the replacement actors. I am not so fond of the script although it hit all the big movie criteria. B+ to A- range IMO. Well done and whoever cast the actors/actresses (Love Uhura) did a fantastic job.


Edit - The next movie should be a remake of Mirror, Mirror.

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Just saw it - loved it. My son, who's 11 and never seen anything but Star Wars/X-Men etc, was OK with it but it got a little cerebral for him.


Wasn't sure about the whole Uhura/Spock thing tho - where the heck did that come from?

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Just saw it - loved it. My son, who's 11 and never seen anything but Star Wars/X-Men etc, was OK with it but it got a little cerebral for him.

Wasn't sure about the whole Uhura/Spock thing tho - where the heck did that come from?




Yeah, that was a little strange, but I can't help but think that was a nod, a little, to the classic show, which, at its' heart, was all about racial tolerance, and acceptance. Kirk with a green Orion slave girl, the Vulcan Spock with a black human... it kind of makes sense. Plus, the way they did it, kind of heightened the whole Kirk vs Spock dynamic.


My only real complaint the movie is the sort of, half-hearted attempt to create a Jar Jar Binks like character, as Mr Scotts' sidekick! Thankfully, the little creature didn't get very much screen time, but it had the potential to be annoying...let's hope that the makers leave him out of any future pre-quils.

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Just saw it - loved it. My son, who's 11 and never seen anything but Star Wars/X-Men etc, was OK with it but it got a little cerebral for him.


Wasn't sure about the whole Uhura/Spock thing tho - where the heck did that come from?

It was part of that 'alternate universe' that future Spock mentioned in the ice cave. With the Romulans coming through from the future, changed the past.

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It was part of that 'alternate universe' that future Spock mentioned in the ice cave. With the Romulans coming through from the future, changed the past.

Nurse Chapel will not be amused!

Of course, in the show, Chekov didn't become part of the crew until the second season.

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Wasn't sure about the whole Uhura/Spock thing tho - where the heck did that come from?


I don't know what you saw, as I haven't seen it yet...but in the original series, Uhura and Spock supposedly had a friendly relationship (but not romantic, mind you.)


Yes, in a previous life, I was a true die-hard Trekker. No longer...but I still maintain the vast storehouse of useless trivia (and still have a first-edition of Mark Okrand's Klingon-English Dictionary).

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I don't know what you saw, as I haven't seen it yet...but in the original series, Uhura and Spock supposedly had a friendly relationship (but not romantic, mind you.)


Yes, in a previous life, I was a true die-hard Trekker. No longer...but I still maintain the vast storehouse of useless trivia (and still have a first-edition of Mark Okrand's Klingon-English Dictionary).



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I don't know what you saw, as I haven't seen it yet...but in the original series, Uhura and Spock supposedly had a friendly relationship (but not romantic, mind you.)


Yes, in a previous life, I was a true die-hard Trekker. No longer...but I still maintain the vast storehouse of useless trivia (and still have a first-edition of Mark Okrand's Klingon-English Dictionary).




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A solid A! (not quite A+) Had some verrrry minor quibbles on plot consistancy but things moved so fast I may have missed something. I wonder what William Shatner thinks of the badass delinquint Kirk?



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A solid A! (not quite A+) Had some verrrry minor quibbles on plot consistancy but things moved so fast I may have missed something. I wonder what William Shatner thinks of the badass delinquint Kirk?





Everything I have heard is that Shat is pissed that he wasn't invited to be involved with the flick. I think he could have lived with it, had Nimoy been along for the ride.

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A great casting job, to be sure. While I thought Pine and Quinto were great choices for the Glimmer Twins, it was Karl Urban (McCoy) who really made me grin...he was dead on in every scene he was in. Cho was good too, but perhaps a little too 'manly' for the Sulu I remember. :cry:


With the cast signed for two more movies, it should be fun to see the next installment in a couple of years. Maybe that can update this version as well...

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A great casting job, to be sure. While I thought Pine and Quinto were great choices for the Glimmer Twins, it was Karl Urban (McCoy) who really made me grin...he was dead on in every scene he was in. Cho was good too, but perhaps a little too 'manly' for the Sulu I remember. :cry:


With the cast signed for two more movies, it should be fun to see the next installment in a couple of years.



I think it is funny that Pine is being praised for not "doing Shatner" in his portrayal of Kirk (although, in the final scene, he says "Bones" with exactly the same intonation as Shatner), while Urban is being praised for nailing down Deforest Kelly's McCoy to a tee.

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awesome avatar


but speaking Klingon:


Tim: [Klingon phrase] qIrq HoH.

Carol: It means I like to mate after battle.

Tim: That's not what I said.

Carol: Yeah...

Tim: No, no. That wasn't the one I said. This one means Kill Kirk... And also, hallelujah... Depending on the context.

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Everything I have heard is that Shat is pissed that he wasn't invited to be involved with the flick. I think he could have lived with it, had Nimoy been along for the ride.

TFB, Shat. Call Denny Crane and sue somebody.



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I have never watched an espisode or seen a Star Trek movie in my life, but it seems like a pretty dop movie to see in a theatre, especially an IMAX. Just a question though: are you allowed to bring a female date or is that against the code? :doh:

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