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Diggs traded to Texans for picks

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1 hour ago, DrDawkinstein said:


Speaking of classy, you know what that comment was in response to?...


Diggs made an RIP post for Vontae Davis. And the Bills fans went off in the comments calling Diggs every name short of some hard-r racial slurs, telling him to kill himself, etc.


One outside commenter was taken aback by the Bills fans' behavior and called them bitter.


So yeah, stay classy Bills Mafia.




You see, i didn't know that......taken out of context and it looks like Diggs is giving a big ****you to the fans.


Now that you've pointed it out and i see it from both sides, aye carumba, we are the worst.

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4 hours ago, ngbills said:

Bills fans can be pretty embarrassing. It is ridiculous to question Diggs commitment and work ethic. He was one of the hardest workers on this team. He wants to win. Now the story is he is a cancer and sucked and was a problem. 


Facts are simple...Diggs is NOT a me first WR Diva who is upset about stats.  He is a highly driven competitor who is obsessed with winning a Super Bowl before his time is done.  He had his best chances over the past 4 years of his career here and the Bills just kept coming up short.  He wears this emotion for winning on his sleeve and his biggest character flaw is caring too much about winning, if you can call that a flaw.  


Bottom line, the past 2 seasons waned Diggs faith and confidence that this team was capable of getting over the hump.  In fact, it was clear to anyone paying attention the Bills would have to face a mini rebuild/retool this year for cap reasons and have a hefty amount of roster turnover and could initially take a step back before it could try and step back into the championship window.  


Diggs, approaching 31, knows his time to help a team win a title is closing.  He saw a team like the Texans as an ascending team that has a cheap rookie QB contract and could load up elsewhere to try and win in the short term.  For him, that is a more attractive situation.  


For the Bills...they are able to shed a big contract of player about to be 31 and go into maybe the best WR draft in history to find a new WR1 to anchor on a rookie deal for the next 4 to 5 years of Allens prime.  More importantly, they shed the "cloud" that followed Diggs, his teammates, the staff, etc around here cast by the media always hounding everyone in every interview about Diggs state of happiness, him and Josh relationship, etc all trying to get a click bait story.  Furthermore, Josh and Brady no longer have that back of the mind pressure to get Diggs so many targets either.  The focus can be on young talent and spreading the ball around and also getting Cook his touches.  


This should be seen as a win win by both Diggs and the Bills.  Had the Bills waited another year, best they would have gotten is a 4th round pick too.  This was a sell high move by the Bills and I think this team will be a better team moving forward offensively and have more fun again.  Just like I think Diggs will feel refreshed and fired up at a new opportunity to go get a ring.  



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5 hours ago, TheFunPolice said:

Why is everyone so angry? 


Do you ever notice that? Everywhere you go, people are so quick to get nasty and confrontational. 

Yeah on the internet, in the real world I find almost everybody are nothing like those keyboard warriors found online.

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8 hours ago, ngbills said:

Bills fans can be pretty embarrassing. It is ridiculous to question Diggs commitment and work ethic. He was one of the hardest workers on this team. He wants to win. Now the story is he is a cancer and sucked and was a problem. 

I hate him now!!!!!

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4 hours ago, julian said:

Yeah on the internet, in the real world I find almost everybody are nothing like those keyboard warriors found online.


I believe Beasley made that point he was subjected to a lot of crap on Twitter and Instagram, but when he met people in public they were never like that, more like "oh you're my favorite player", "can I get an autograph?" "can I get a picture?"  all positive.

12 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

I don’t even follow Beasley. I don’t follow any players actually but it always ends up on my timeline.




Well, as far as receiving talent, he's not wrong, is he?  Brown and Beasley were a good WR duo in 2019.  Diggs, Brown, Beasley, and Gabe were a better quartet in 2020.  Diggs, Sanders, Beasley, and Gabe were more variable in 2021 - Sanders pulled a lot of targets and had variable results pulling them in at times, but still good.


2022 and 2023, still had Diggs and Gabe, but no one to really take the place of Beasley or Brown, so the WR talent fell off.


As far as rushing game, the tweet has a point - through 2021, the best running back on the team was Josh Allen and Daboll was not hesitant to exploit that.  When McDermott cracked down, we had no run game until Brady took over.

Edited by Beck Water
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I watched the Chiefs divisional game again and paid attention to Diggs’ drop. I was at the game so didn’t get to see a slow motion replay or a great angle of it live.


Watching it over, I don’t think it was that easy of a catch. It was hard to track the ball through the defender’s arms and with such a long trajectory. Also hard to overstate how bitterly cold it was out there. 

I’ve seen Tyreek Hill drop much easier passes, multiple times in one game…

Edited by Ray Stonada
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On 4/10/2024 at 1:25 PM, ngbills said:

Bills fans can be pretty embarrassing. It is ridiculous to question Diggs commitment and work ethic. He was one of the hardest workers on this team. He wants to win. Now the story is he is a cancer and sucked and was a problem. 

Everyone deals with breakups differently

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On 4/10/2024 at 12:25 PM, ngbills said:

Bills fans can be pretty embarrassing. It is ridiculous to question Diggs commitment and work ethic. He was one of the hardest workers on this team. He wants to win. Now the story is he is a cancer and sucked and was a problem. 


Hold up here.  The "problem" story line has been around for more than a year.  It started at the end of 2022 when Diggs was observed / heard saying stuff on the sideline, culminating in the Bills playoff loss to Cincy where Diggs (who was 4 of 10 for 35 yds in that game) was observed gesturing and yelling at Josh.  Then there's the storming out of the locker room.  Then there's the mandatory minicamp drama after being a no-show at voluntary OTAs.  Then storming out again after this year's loss.


There have been stories of stuff Diggs pulled off the field drifting around here and there.  This isn't new.  This didn't all emerge post-trade.


I'm not telling you what to think - you can call those narratives "embarrassing" if you like.


I'm just telling you more than one thing can be true.  It can be true that Diggs is one of the hardest workers on the team and goes hard every snap of every game (or at least, every snap that involves him potentially getting the ball and when he doesn't take himself out).  It can also be true that behind the scenes, in the locker room, he was a 'problem' for the team at times.  It can also be true that in terms of objective metrics the Bills collect (GPS data etc) Diggs was falling off a bit - not getting open as much, not showing as much burst or speed.

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Come on guys, only one hundred and fifty nine pages, I’m quite certain we can all repeat ourselves for the fifth and sixth time and get this mass of redundancy over two hundred pages, and really show some emotions this time…, 

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