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American CULTURAL Marxism: FINDING The Commie Left And Those Who Support Them (Useful Idiots)

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All hail the State !



Biden's top 68 appointees have just 2.4 years of business experience, analysis finds - including 62 percent of officials
who have 'virtually NO private sector experience' on their work records






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3 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

All members of Congress should be banned from trading stocks.


I couldn’t buy individual stocks in my last job and I didn’t have nearly the access to MNPI than members of Congress. 

Yeh it is widespread... should be put in a blind trust... thought it was but will have to do more research... knew plenty of congressional staff who traded to... should be also blind trust... I got questioned about insurance for having a TIAA Account when working for the RMA at USDA... for a conflict of interest... it was a retirement 403B but it had insurance in its name.

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28 minutes ago, BillStime said:


Unfortunately, this practice is still legal and it should not be.


And yet we are to believe these people are the ones not selling out or democracy to the highest bidder?  Somehow they’re less corrupt than the republicans?

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37 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

And yet we are to believe these people are the ones not selling out or democracy to the highest bidder?  Somehow they’re less corrupt than the republicans?

Oh they are all bad… I have always said that.


But I have zero faith republicans want to preserve our republic - they are clearly on a trajectory of authoritarian rule because they can’t win on their own merit.


it is a dying party and they know it





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12 hours ago, BillStime said:

Oh they are all bad… I have always said that.


But I have zero faith republicans want to preserve our republic - they are clearly on a trajectory of authoritarian rule because they can’t win on their own merit.


it is a dying party and they know it





So the leader of your party is bought and paid for but you believe them cause they say the things you like? How is this logical? 

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7 hours ago, aristocrat said:

So the leader of your party is bought and paid for but you believe them cause they say the things you like? How is this logical? 


It's not.  It's feelz.  And delusion in thinking that the Dems aren't the party that's dying, given their Marxist turn and desires to "fundamentally transform America" from the greatest country ever to what they envision.

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Socialists Rising in L.A.

The city’s June elections herald the arrival of a new political force.

Soledad Ursúa




The Los Angeles chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America has emerged as the clear winner of the city’s June 7 primary in the weeks since ballot counting began. Five out of the nine candidates on the ballot for city office to earn the DSA’s endorsement have either won outright (garnering more than 50 percent of the vote) or advanced to the general election with leads over their rivals. The results reveal the expanding political might of L.A.’s socialist Left.


Los Angeles primaries usually see low turnout. Well-organized groups with a solid ground game stand to do best. This year, every registered voter was mailed a ballot, and 84 percent of ballots were cast by mail. The city now permits ballot harvesting and unguarded drop boxes, and it doesn’t check signatures. The DSA took advantage of these rules, got boots on the ground, and reaped the rewards.











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18 minutes ago, B-Man said:


Socialists Rising in L.A.

The city’s June elections herald the arrival of a new political force.

Soledad Ursúa




The Los Angeles chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America has emerged as the clear winner of the city’s June 7 primary in the weeks since ballot counting began. Five out of the nine candidates on the ballot for city office to earn the DSA’s endorsement have either won outright (garnering more than 50 percent of the vote) or advanced to the general election with leads over their rivals. The results reveal the expanding political might of L.A.’s socialist Left.


Los Angeles primaries usually see low turnout. Well-organized groups with a solid ground game stand to do best. This year, every registered voter was mailed a ballot, and 84 percent of ballots were cast by mail. The city now permits ballot harvesting and unguarded drop boxes, and it doesn’t check signatures. The DSA took advantage of these rules, got boots on the ground, and reaped the rewards.











This is not surprising- bit it still amazes me that anyone believes the 2020 Presidential election was legitimate. These are exactly the policies that were in place in swing states , and the Dems fought tooth and nail against signature checking. When one group is against security measures that’s pretty much all you need to know about the results. 

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42 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

This is not surprising- bit it still amazes me that anyone believes the 2020 Presidential election was legitimate. These are exactly the policies that were in place in swing states , and the Dems fought tooth and nail against signature checking. When one group is against security measures that’s pretty much all you need to know about the results. 


What? You're a conspiracy theorist!


A candidate who rarely emerged from his basement to campaign and when he did it was to embarrassingly sparse crowds.


Multiple states unconstitutionally changing election laws.


Mail in drop boxes everywhere in states where ballots and ballot applications were indiscriminately puked out everywhere.


Then 81 million votes for an old, white establishment guy. The very antithesis of what the dem base shouts for in a candidate. The base was mobilized.


But sure, most secure election in US history!

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1 hour ago, Boatdrinks said:

This is not surprising- bit it still amazes me that anyone believes the 2020 Presidential election was legitimate. These are exactly the policies that were in place in swing states , and the Dems fought tooth and nail against signature checking. When one group is against security measures that’s pretty much all you need to know about the results. 


That will come as some shock to Trump's 2020 Campaign Chair, Trump's White House Attorneys, and the leadership of Trump's Department of Justice, all of whom looked into the claims of fraud and did not find it despite their jobs literally depending on Trump remaining in office.

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1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:


That will come as some shock to Trump's 2020 Campaign Chair, Trump's White House Attorneys, and the leadership of Trump's Department of Justice, all of whom looked into the claims of fraud and did not find it despite their jobs literally depending on Trump remaining in office.

If you believe that I’ve got a great bridge to sell you. We all know what really happened because we watched the lead up , and it was completely predictable when all attempts at security were disallowed. These witnesses were probably threatened with prosecution ( oh they’d get a fair trial all right ) by the dictatorship currently at the helm. 

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The messaging wasn’t simply..


We didn't find widespread evidence of an unsecured election




This was a unique election because covid, but all measures were taken to make sure the 2020 was secure.


Both of which would have been dubious as well. However if something to that effect was released and was left at that I'd certainly be less skeptical.


Instead we got an election conducted under conditions that prior to 2020 had bipartisan condemnation as being open to massive fraud. 


And what statement is released and shouted from the rooftops across the planet 24/7 for months on end?


"It was the most secure election in US history"




Just a bit out over the tips of their skis with that one. If you take that statement at face value then I don't know what to tell you other than some serious reflection is in order.


It's beyond laughable, and the way media outlets immediately parroted it without question and with such force and regularity is part of the evidence that makes one question if the election maybe, just maybe wasn't all that secure after all.





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1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:




How does any of this help with rent? 


Read those ridiculous bills again - deliberately titled to make anyone that opposes such things as an evil person - they always are. 


The "no" votes could be for any reason - on grounds that most of it is not the Federal Government's responsibility and the SCOTUS will likely agree anyway.  


DC ladies and gentlemen.  Wasting your tax dollars because they brought the planet to its knees locking you up.  


Now they need distractions for November. 



FYI - "marriage" and Contraception is most definitely NOT the Federal freaking governments responsibility.  Absolutely outrageous to think otherwise.  


There will officially be nothing DC can't do in your world and that's not how this is supposed to work.   



You sound like a socialist.


And if Dems proposed anything to help Americans your cult would vote against it like they did with:


-Easing the baby formula shortage

-Price gouging at the pump 

-Relief to small businesses


And the list goes on…


And lastly - no government - state or federal - should have any say about medical and reproductive health.


What has the cult delivered lately?


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