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Blain Bishops Thoughts on Doug Flutie . Not Sammy !

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1 hour ago, Cotton Fitzsimmons said:

Gents, to rank on this forum one must be prepared to pay the price... pay walls, hours of audio files, it doesn’t matter. “No days (posts) off!”

Right you are, ye ole, right you are!

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5 hours ago, T master said:

It's pretty apparent that in my previous post that was shut down because it was supposedly a duplicate post about Sammy W. in fact didn't read it !! 


 It was a post (if you would have read & listened to the One Bills Live show at the time posted) that this post was in fact about Blain Bishops thoughts on Doug Flutie and Not Sammy ! 


Just to those that didn't listen to One Bills Live yesterday their guest was Blaine Bishop and he was telling how happy he was that the Bills didn't play Flutie in the Music City Miracle game and the reasons why which lead to the heading of that post . Thank You Blain Bishop Vindication from a Player .


AT 1:09.35 OF THE SHOW (One Bills Live) AS POSTED IN MY PREVIOUS POST  was when Bishop explained his thoughts about Flutie NOT Sammy and how glad he was that they played Johnson and Not Doug  .



That was what the closed post was about Blain Bishops thoughts of Doug Flutie it had nothing to do with Sammy what so ever just to let you all know that didn't listen or just read 1 sentence before it was shut down . Just Saying ...


If you care to listen it's at the 1:09.35 minute mark of One Bills Live from yesterdays show . I hope this clears up my "Cryptic" content of my last post i guess i need to be more apparent in my headings i'll work on that ...

I loathe Doug Flutie.  Leave the past behind and look to the future.

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5 hours ago, LeviF91 said:


Dude I read it and didn't know who it was about until I scrolled to an hour deep into OBL and found wtf you were talking about.  And I only did that because I was bored as hell at work.  Try, you know, actually including what the post is about.

why would he start now?

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7 hours ago, Ridgewaycynic2013 said:

It's like Roseann Roseannadanna, but without the accent.


love the old SNL

7 hours ago, T master said:


Sorry i didn't think it was that hard to understand but i guess was wrong !


if nothing else my writing skills will tell you that in high school i was more worried about playing music & getting laid after i got off stage from my band than learning how to punctuate and my English teachers will verify that fact !!


Apparently you along with others it was much more important ! If you can't tell English wasn't a strong point at that time but i guess i need to sign up for a English course so i will be more accepted as a Bills blogger ? !! 


Let me help you T MASTER: Grammarly®: Official Site - Grammarly.com


Your English teacher will be so proud, she'll probably go back to the classroom when she sees your post-subscription work.

Edited by CSBill
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A personality clash, and really does anyone care what this Blaine says about what he pretends to remember? 

By the way, who was the QB who lead that losing effort? 

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