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I Think Milano is the Problem with our Run D

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I will try to keep this brief. I am very concerned about Milano.  This year, he has been everything that this board accuses Edmunds of being, i.e. bad instincts, can't diagnose plays, etc. 


In those Edmunds discussions, a fundamental issue being missed is that each defender is responsible for a certain gap.  I don't have a gripe with Edmunds because it appears he always fills his gap.  Run defense is all about 1/11, discipline, and fulfilling your responsibility. Edmunds does that. As a matter of fact, the same is true of Star, who also always fulfills his responsibility. People get mad at these guys for "not making plays" or not putting up stats, but they completely ignore play responsibility. 


In any event, Milano is doing a poor job of that this year. I started noticing this because people would post gifs to try to prove Star is doing a poor job on defense. If you understand gap discipline, it becomes abundantly clear Milano is the guy jumping into or missing his gap assignments.  For example...



On this play, Milano inexplicably goes right, rather than fill in the A-gap.  By all appearances, that is his assignment here. 



Same thing here. Milano goes right, which is Hyde's responsibility. It is clear he needs to be going left.  


I am worried about Milano. This doesn't seem characteristic for him. 

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He hesitated on that Philly run and then got smacked in the chops as Sanders zipped by him. I dunno if he's thinking too much instead of trusting his eyes and reacting or what's going on. Collectively, I'd say everyone on defense has been responsible for the big runs in one way or another. Hard to saddle it all on one guy. After a rough first half, they seemed to shut things down in the second half but that was maybe because they put eight in the box since they didn't really have to worry about Haskins throwing it. They probably won't be able to do that against better QBs but it worked for Sunday. Hopefully they continue to figure it out.

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1 minute ago, blacklabel said:

He hesitated on that Philly run and then got smacked in the chops as Sanders zipped by him. I dunno if he's thinking too much instead of trusting his eyes and reacting or what's going on. Collectively, I'd say everyone on defense has been responsible for the big runs in one way or another. Hard to saddle it all on one guy. After a rough first half, they seemed to shut things down in the second half but that was maybe because they put eight in the box since they didn't really have to worry about Haskins throwing it. They probably won't be able to do that against better QBs but it worked for Sunday. Hopefully they continue to figure it out.

I think that's too much generalization. It's the linebackers job to fill the gaps and that's not being done.

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3 minutes ago, JR in Pittsburgh said:

I could be wrong here, but it looked like Milano hit his gap, and that it was Edmunds in both of the plays above that didn't. 



Edmunds is filling the A-gap between the center and the R guard. Milano is responsible for the other gap (where the run goes). 

5 minutes ago, blacklabel said:

He hesitated on that Philly run and then got smacked in the chops as Sanders zipped by him. I dunno if he's thinking too much instead of trusting his eyes and reacting or what's going on. Collectively, I'd say everyone on defense has been responsible for the big runs in one way or another. Hard to saddle it all on one guy. After a rough first half, they seemed to shut things down in the second half but that was maybe because they put eight in the box since they didn't really have to worry about Haskins throwing it. They probably won't be able to do that against better QBs but it worked for Sunday. Hopefully they continue to figure it out.


The thing about run defense is it requires that everyone do their job. One guy doesn't, and the whole thing falls apart.  Milano hasn't been doing his job, thus the big runs. 

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9 minutes ago, JR in Pittsburgh said:

I could be wrong here, but it looked like Milano hit his gap, and that it was Edmunds in both of the plays above that didn't. 


If anything Edmunds got walled off on both plays and needs to do a better job of getting off block. Teams have found a weak link and its our LBs in run defense..

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25 minutes ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:

I will try to keep this brief. I am very concerned about Milano.  This year, he has been everything that this board accuses Edmunds of being, i.e. bad instincts, can't diagnose plays, etc. 


In those Edmunds discussions, a fundamental issue being missed is that each defender is responsible for a certain gap.  I don't have a gripe with Edmunds because it appears he always fills his gap.  Run defense is all about 1/11, discipline, and fulfilling your responsibility. Edmunds does that. As a matter of fact, the same is true of Star, who also always fulfills his responsibility. People get mad at these guys for "not making plays" or not putting up stats, but they completely ignore play responsibility. 


In any event, Milano is doing a poor job of that this year. I started noticing this because people would post gifs to try to prove Star is doing a poor job on defense. If you understand gap discipline, it becomes abundantly clear Milano is the guy jumping into or missing his gap assignments.  For example...



On this play, Milano inexplicably goes right, rather than fill in the A-gap.  By all appearances, that is his assignment here. 



Same thing here. Milano goes right, which is Hyde's responsibility. It is clear he needs to be going left.  


I am worried about Milano. This doesn't seem characteristic for him. 

Neither endmunds or Milano filled a gap in the second video


Milano didn't run to the wrong gap he just never attacked one, neither did Tremaine


They allow themselves to get swallowed up at the second level.


Also big 98 on the second video did NOT do a good job Of holding gap control. He got slid right out the gap

Edited by Buffalo716
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Really? Well it's pretty much certain that a lot of players have to miss something to allow runners to be free like that! But Milano seems a stud to me, while Edmunds gets stone walled or doesn't hit the gap. At least Edmunds is good in coverage.


This first half was so disappointing for the run D, as with a bad rookie QB you'd expect the Bills to force him to pass by stacking the box to prevent runs... yet the Redskins trampled all over them straight down the middle...

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8 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

Neither endmunds or Milano filled a gap in the second video


Milano didn't run to the wrong gap he just never attacked one, neither did Tremaine


They allow themselves to get swallowed up at the second level.

Edmunds attacks the right shoulder of the blocker--this tells me he is responsible for the cut back lane, and that the gap goes to Milano. 

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1 minute ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:

Edmunds attacks the right shoulder of the blocker--this tells me he is responsible for the cut back lane, and that the gap goes to Milano. 

On the second video Edmunds didn't attack nothing. He got swallowed up by the center instantly


He never was in a gap and they are both responsible for one

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12 minutes ago, badassgixxer05 said:

If anything Edmunds got walled off on both plays and needs to do a better job of getting off block. Teams have found a weak link and its our LBs in run defense..


People love saying this, but it isn't that simple. You don't just "get off the block." You engage the block to disengage to your responsibility. If he tries to shoot the gap to soon, he runs the risk of being blocked out of the play and blowing up a huge hole. 

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So in a sense, doesn't the blame then lie with the run D coordinator who designed a system that apparently only works with Luke Kuechly & Thomas Davis?  Because the run D also sucked when Milano was out vs Miami, and all the games last year.

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1 minute ago, Buffalo716 said:

On the second video Edmunds didn't attack nothing. He got swallowed up by the center instantly


He never was in a gap and they are both responsible for one

His gap is to the blocker's right. Disengaging from a blocker requires he be in position to make the move when the carrier gets to the hole. He was not "swallowed up" like you think the term implies. 

Just now, GG said:

So in a sense, doesn't the blame then lie with the run D coordinator who designed a system that apparently only works with Luke Kuechly & Thomas Davis?  Because the run D also sucked when Milano was out vs Miami, and all the games last year.


That's part of it.  Although Milano is responsible for the gap, it is a huge gap. Part of the reason that happens is the way the DTs are lined up lends itself to allowing large holes to be opened. 

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19 minutes ago, Virgil said:

Milano has played fantastic.  He may have a few lapse plays, but so has Tre.  


19 minutes ago, Virgil said:

Milano has played fantastic.  He may have a few lapse plays, but so has Tre.  

If the LBs were playing good their defense wouldn't be giving up rushing yards by the boatload every game.


Can't blame it all on the DL.

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2 minutes ago, GG said:

So in a sense, doesn't the blame then lie with the run D coordinator who designed a system that apparently only works with Luke Kuechly & Thomas Davis?  Because the run D also sucked when Milano was out vs Miami, and all the games last year.

Nope, just football fundamentals. You don’t need Keuchly and Davis for it to work; you do need guys to execute their 1/11th. 

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2 minutes ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:

His gap is to the blocker's right. Disengaging from a blocker requires he be in position to make the move when the carrier gets to the hole. He was not "swallowed up" like you think the term implies. 


That's part of it.  Although Milano is responsible for the gap, it is a huge gap. Part of the reason that happens is the way the DTs are lined up lends itself to allowing large holes to be opened. 


Now we're getting somewhere ...


Not an accident that teams with good OLs tend to beat up on the Bills' D.   Looking at video of last 3 games shows many weaknesses across the front 7

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