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Kaep will sit at table with Owners: What would you ask him?

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If they act like adults, the first question from the NFL is, "What can we do, together and collectively and appropriately, do to support the cause of civil rights, social equity, and social equality that does not include kneeling during the anthem."


And Kaep should say "Open you wallets, start investing more in the cities you extract profit from. When you've taken billions in direct tax dollars to build stadiums and then used those stadiums to further extract profit from the region, you should think about using a small amount of that to support the people who root for us and support this league."


Sensible people from this starting point can work toward a mutually agreeable solution that a) avoids turning what is not an "anthem protest" (no one is protesting the anthem, stop it) into a continual hot button issue that sadly continually included the doophus at 1200 Pennsylvania Ave and b) gets the NFL and its players a place and platform to actually develop programs and contribute, and c) gets Kaep a place to air his point, make amends with the league, and get a job back.

Page 1 and the thread should have ended here. For those thinking he "disrespected the anthem and the flag", do you value a song more than the people it represents? This is my major issue with the "anti-Kaepernick" and anti-anthem kneeling crowd. What do the song and the nation for which it was written really mean if the people are subjected to the discrimination that they are subjected to in this nation every day? I've got to assume you are a white heterosexual male if you don't see it.
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It doesn't mean that he can't take action on the owners colluding against him, just because he thought there was a possibility the owners might collude.

no it just makes him a whore in it for the money. Trying to have his cake and eat it, too.


He's an even bigger !@#$ for using the justice system to further his agenda. Either way, he wins this.

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He can do as he pleases. I can think and express what I think.


I find it hypocritical that he acknowledged and accepted that his protest could jeopardize his career and then filed a lawsuit when it actually did.

No one said you can't express what you please. I was just confused by the idea that you implied essentially saying because he acknowledged that this might harm his career that he shouldn't pursue available recourse to try to salvage his career

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No one said you can't express what you please. I was just confused by the idea that you implied essentially saying because he acknowledged that this might harm his career that he shouldn't pursue available recourse to try to salvage his career

I found it hypocritical to protest the justice system then turn to that justice system to help him when it personally affected him.

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Page 1 and the thread should have ended here. For those thinking he "disrespected the anthem and the flag", do you value a song more than the people it represents? This is my major issue with the "anti-Kaepernick" and anti-anthem kneeling crowd. What do the song and the nation for which it was written really mean if the people are subjected to the discrimination that they are subjected to in this nation every day? I've got to assume you are a white heterosexual male if you don't see it.

So if someone disagrees with Kaepernick you are assuming they are heterosexual white male...the hypocrisy in this comment is stunning, no prejudice with you at all is there.

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So if someone disagrees with Kaepernick you are assuming they are heterosexual white male...the hypocrisy in this comment is stunning, no prejudice with you at all is there.

it's only racism when it is against minorities. Duh
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that's the MO of hypocrisy in social justice. 99% of the time is a fallacy.

sometimes people don't have other recourse, if i feel cops have acted improperly in the past, is it hypocritical for me to expect them to do the right thing and call them when needed. I don't think so.

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sometimes people don't have other recourse, if i feel cops have acted improperly in the past, is it hypocritical for me to expect them to do the right thing and call them when needed. I don't think so.

you let one bad apple spoil the crop. That's just retarded

If there was a shooting, you were the victim of a crime - do you not alert the police?

Let's go to the next step. A black man sticks you up with his finger in his shirt and you know it's not a gun. Do you report it to the police and say he may have a weapon? Or do you refrain because the police may hurt his feelings? They may accidentally be afraid and shoot him after a quick maneuver?

No one is infallible. But, to blanketly define the police as a problem is terribly overreacting.

That's why this issue is not connecting with America. The police are our neighbors, friends and community members. That alone as such we know them and like every other neighbor want to believe they're not capable of wrong doing and/or not going to make an egregious mistake based on race.


Edit. I have had 3 times in the last few years where folks who work for me have taken to Street violence to retaliate against injustice. One of their freinds is in jail for it, 1 friend dead, 1 family dead and the violence continues. They ain't snitching.

Edited by Boyst62
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you let one bad apple spoil the crop. That's just retarded

If there was a shooting, you were the victim of a crime - do you not alert the police?

Let's go to the next step. A black man sticks you up with his finger in his shirt and you know it's not a gun. Do you report it to the police and say he may have a weapon? Or do you refrain because the police may hurt his feelings? They may accidentally be afraid and shoot him after a quick maneuver?

No one is infallible. But, to blanketly define the police as a problem is terribly overreacting.

That's why this issue is not connecting with America. The police are our neighbors, friends and community members. That alone as such we know them and like every other neighbor want to believe they're not capable of wrong doing and/or not going to make an egregious mistake based on race.


Edit. I have had 3 times in the last few years where folks who work for me have taken to Street violence to retaliate against injustice. One of their freinds is in jail for it, 1 friend dead, 1 family dead and the violence continues. They ain't snitching.

Not sure where the 'one bad apple' comment comes from. There are many more than one, watch the videos. And you have the nerve to call my view 'retarded' after what you just wrote that I put in bold. That's rich.

Edited by klos63
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Did he say that? Can you provide a quote please?

Pretty much, he may as well have. No quote is necessary. Think about his " message". He says he doesn't want to show pride in a country that oppresses minorities. If you believe this statement to be true, and that this happens then just who is doing the oppressing? Who is keeping " his people" down? It's pretty obvious. Most do not bother to think about what his message actually means. He believes all or most caucasians are racist and their actions oppress minorities. Do you think if he believed it was just a few that would be enough to oppress all the minorities in the US? Kaep thinks whites are racist , period. This could not be more apparent.

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Not sure where the 'one bad apple' comment comes from. There are many more than one, watch the videos. And you have the nerve to call my view 'retarded' after what you just wrote that I put in bold. That's rich.



So Klos, what percent of cops do you think act out their racist tendencies and killed minorities unjustifiably?


Since BLM started so far at least 6 cops in Texas were shot because of BLM. What percent of those involved in BLM do you think are cop killers?


Who in their right mind would want to be a cop today? A big portion of the country hate you, you get paid squat, you put your life on the line and God help you if you defend yourself.

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Not sure where the 'one bad apple' comment comes from. There are many more than one, watch the videos. And you have the nerve to call my view 'retarded' after what you just wrote that I put in bold. That's rich.

We get it, you think all cops are racist because of a few videos. Notice the media never shows us the videos of whites shot by cops, or even reports it. It happens, more whites are shot than minorities.why do you think that is? It doesn't fit the agenda. These shootings are rare, around a thousand per annum. I know, don't give me the drivel about the amount of minorities being disproportionate to their makeup in the general population. Cops have more of a presence in high crime areas, so there are bound to be more interactions. Probably involving weapons or reports of a perp with a weapon. Your beliefs are misguided and aren't going to change regardless of what goes on.

So Klos, what percent of cops do you think act out their racist tendencies and killed minorities unjustifiably?


Since BLM started so far at least 6 cops in Texas were shot because of BLM. What percent of those involved in BLM do you think are cop killers?


Who in their right mind would want to be a cop today? A big portion of the country hate you, you get paid squat, you put your life on the line and God help you if you defend yourself.

He thinks all or most cops are racist due to a few videos seen with no context. In some cases, juries decided to acquit even after seeing the videos and hearing the evidence. Clearly this means juries are racist too. America is so racist.

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We get it, you think all cops are racist because of a few videos. Notice the media never shows us the videos of whites shot by cops, or even reports it. It happens, more whites are shot than minorities.why do you think that is? It doesn't fit the agenda. These shootings are rare, around a thousand per annum. I know, don't give me the drivel about the amount of minorities being disproportionate to their makeup in the general population. Cops have more of a presence in high crime areas, so there are bound to be more interactions. Probably involving weapons or reports of a perp with a weapon. Your beliefs are misguided and aren't going to change regardless of what goes on.

I never said all cops are racist, f- you for putting these kinds of words in my mouth. If the media doesn't report about whites shot by cops, how do you know about it. And we are not talking about criminals(of any color) being shot, we are talking about blacks with broken taillights getting shot, or 12 year kids with a pellet gun getting shot, or a guy in a store holding a gun for sale in that store getting shot.... get the point or do you just want to dismiss those because it's not convenient for your argument.



So Klos, what percent of cops do you think act out their racist tendencies and killed minorities unjustifiably?


Since BLM started so far at least 6 cops in Texas were shot because of BLM. What percent of those involved in BLM do you think are cop killers?


Who in their right mind would want to be a cop today? A big portion of the country hate you, you get paid squat, you put your life on the line and God help you if you defend yourself.

I have no idea what percent- it's irrelevant- it happens and they are usually not held accountable

Prove that BLM had anything to do with those cops being shot. Is it acceptable to use the 'one bad apple' argument in regards to BLM if they had anything to do with those killings.

I don't know- maybe that's the problem, some of those that want to be cops just aren't qualified.

Edited by klos63
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It's not irrevelevant. If they were found guilty of criminal action, then they would be " held accountable". That's how it works. One must be found GUILTY to be " held accountable" by your definition. I won't stoop to swearing at you. If you believe the entire legal system is obviously racist due to these outcomes you will never be pleased with the USA.

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It's not irrevelevant. If they were found guilty of criminal action, then they would be " held accountable". That's how it works. One must be found GUILTY to be " held accountable" by your definition. I won't stoop to swearing at you. If you believe the entire legal system is obviously racist due to these outcomes you will never be pleased with the USA.

you make these grand pronouncements with no basis of fact behind it- 'i think that all cops are racist' ' i believe the entire legal system is racist'.... give me a break.


Part of the problem is I feel they should be held accountable, yet they are not. That's where much of the concern for injustice comes from.

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