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Kaep will sit at table with Owners: What would you ask him?

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Meeting with the owners....I'd tell him player personnel decisions are made by the GM and Coach(es). Hell yes, your distraction is part of the decision...as the locker room has to be cool. BTW, you aren't worth the obscene amount of money you think you are. Try Canadian football......and come back in 10 years like Flutie.

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Meeting with the owners....I'd tell him player personnel decisions are made by the GM and Coach(es). Hell yes, your distraction is part of the decision...as the locker room has to be cool. BTW, you aren't worth the obscene amount of money you think you are. Try Canadian football......and come back in 10 years like Flutie.

I mean, are we that worried that the locker room would revolt over his politics at this point?

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You tried to be wrong like your hero? You succeeded! :thumbsup:


He's not my hero, Simpleton. He's a U.S. citizen who's accomplished more than in his very young life than most will ever dream of.


Do I think he's done some wrong things? Yes. But I still have a ton of respect for him. Perhaps if you did some reading instead of looking at pictures, you might, too.

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He's not my hero, Simpleton. He's a U.S. citizen who's accomplished more than in his very young life than most will ever dream of.


Do I think he's done some wrong things? Yes. But I still have a ton of respect for him. Perhaps if you did some reading instead of looking at pictures, you might, too.

What's that?

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What's that?

I will admit that I have never started as QB in a Super Bowl, made millions as an NFL player or taken a stand costing me millions more to bring awareness to a very real societal issue. I don’t love the way it got twisted, but much of that was not his fault.


He’s also made plenty of mistakes and can’t complain to me that he can’t have it both ways, but he’s a young man who has done a lot. Regardless of anyone’s opinion on his stances.

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I think it'd be by definition a bit clumsy but truly of all the places to draw the line - a pro equality patch is the place you just cannot go?


That's exactly right. I will not listen to the equality narrative any longer unless some of the concerns I have get heard.


The ladder is right there, just climb on out. No need to keep telling me your stuck. No need to keep blaming everyone but yourself and those close to you that helped you be stuck. Just take the first step on that ladder, then the next, until you're out. Changing the mindset of some white racist isn't going to climb that ladder for you.

Edited by White Linen
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What's that?

I have got to ask- and I'm coming to this with it being a genuine question, not trying to expose you.... but why does a lot of this make you so angry?


Stuff like the dude representing Cuba as the highest when they are actually 9th at 99.8% seems pretty basic off the cuff discussion and not an indictment on him being a liar or idiot... just a young dude trying to talk to reporters about investing in educating kids. Even if I don't agree on approaches, I find it hard to get upset. Am I missing something?

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I have got to ask- and I'm coming to this with it being a genuine question, not trying to expose you.... but why does a lot of this make you so angry?

Stuff like the dude representing Cuba as the highest when they are actually 9th at 99.8% seems pretty basic off the cuff discussion and not an indictment on him being a liar or idiot... just a young dude trying to talk to reporters about investing in educating kids. Even if I don't agree on approaches, I find it hard to get upset. Am I missing something?

I understand that, and I hate when people get too specific in trying to find flaws just to find flaws. But the Castro shirt and hoping to find work with the Dolphins DOES seems like someone wanting to put it in your face, then saying “Hey, you’re not being fair!”.


The same thing with the GF tweets. You can’t sabotage yourself, then complain when it doesn’t go well with the Ravens. Maybe Joe Montana could get away with that (and maybe not?), but Kaep can’t pull that off because his entire package is not worth the grief. Don’t make it so hard to hire you, and then maybe you can get to work.


Again, my black friends say the cop issues are a problem, but it’s more related to being poor than the color of their skin. My buddies are mostly middle class, but being poor makes it really bad.

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I understand that, and I hate when people get too specific in trying to find flaws just to find flaws. But the Castro shirt and hoping to find work with the Dolphins DOES seems like someone wanting to put it in your face, then saying Hey, youre not being fair!.


The same thing with the GF tweets. You cant sabotage yourself, then complain when it doesnt go well with the Ravens. Maybe Joe Montana could get away with that (and maybe not?), but Kaep cant pull that off because his entire package is not worth the grief. Dont make it so hard to hire you, and then maybe you can get to work.


Again, my black friends say the cop issues are a problem, but its more related to being poor than the color of their skin. My buddies are mostly middle class, but being poor makes it really bad.

Oh, and I don't think you and I are far off in our stances. Even the fences we are on opposite sides of - it doesn't seem to infuriate you. I think you catch that he's kind of a flawed human trying to do well, for the most part. Those that are super enraged I like to ask why... I figure if I expect them to try to get a guy like CK I should try to get them

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I have got to ask- and I'm coming to this with it being a genuine question, not trying to expose you.... but why does a lot of this make you so angry?


Stuff like the dude representing Cuba as the highest when they are actually 9th at 99.8% seems pretty basic off the cuff discussion and not an indictment on him being a liar or idiot... just a young dude trying to talk to reporters about investing in educating kids. Even if I don't agree on approaches, I find it hard to get upset. Am I missing something?

I think that's a fair question.


It makes me angry because I don't believe Colin Kaepernick is genuine. Maybe he started his whole kneeling movement from a good place. I don't know. But the other stuff, the Castro stuff, the socks with cops' faces as pigs, it went from "an athlete trying to do something good" to "an athlete trying to grab headlines."


You ask me why it bothers me? It bothers me just like Kathy Griffin's stunt bothered me. It smacks of opportunistic "You Won't Believe What Kaepernick Did Next" BS.


I don't think he's interested in making any real progress, like so many other people in the world. He's "raising awareness" the same one millions of folks do on Twitter. A whole lot of talk, air time, and not a single thing accomplished.

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I think that's a fair question.


It makes me angry because I don't believe Colin Kaepernick is genuine. Maybe he started his whole kneeling movement from a good place. I don't know. But the other stuff, the Castro stuff, the socks with cops' faces as pigs, it went from "an athlete trying to do something good" to "an athlete trying to grab headlines."


You ask me why it bothers me? It bothers me just like Kathy Griffin's stunt bothered me. It smacks of opportunistic "You Won't Believe What Kaepernick Did Next" BS.


I don't think he's interested in making any real progress, like so many other people in the world. He's "raising awareness" the same one millions of folks do on Twitter. A whole lot of talk, air time, and not a single thing accomplished.

What do you think his end game is, if he's not trying to be an activist? Seems to me the NFL was his best chance of fame and money long term- so I tend to assume he's a dude that probably started well then got swept away with people in his ear and the moment getting so big so quick. Just my take.

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I think that's a fair question.


It makes me angry because I don't believe Colin Kaepernick is genuine. Maybe he started his whole kneeling movement from a good place. I don't know. But the other stuff, the Castro stuff, the socks with cops' faces as pigs, it went from "an athlete trying to do something good" to "an athlete trying to grab headlines."


You ask me why it bothers me? It bothers me just like Kathy Griffin's stunt bothered me. It smacks of opportunistic "You Won't Believe What Kaepernick Did Next" BS.


I don't think he's interested in making any real progress, like so many other people in the world. He's "raising awareness" the same one millions of folks do on Twitter. A whole lot of talk, air time, and not a single thing accomplished.


He was talking about the issue with reporters a year before it came to light through the media. It wasn't a quick decision. He also sat on the bench a couple games and no one said a word. A teammate told him he should kneel and then he did. It wasn't even his idea.
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He was talking about the issue with reporters a year before it came to light through the media. It wasn't a quick decision. He also sat on the bench a couple games and no one said a word. A teammate told him he should kneel and then he did. It wasn't even his idea.

Why did he wear the cop pig socks?

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He was talking about the issue with reporters a year before it came to light through the media. It wasn't a quick decision. He also sat on the bench a couple games and no one said a word. A teammate told him he should kneel and then he did. It wasn't even his idea.

Wasn't it an army vet that wrote him a letter? He then invited the guy to come talk to him and the vet explained they kneel in honor of the fallen and he thought CK should do that as a show of respect to the troops while still making a statement

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Why did he wear the cop pig socks?

I have yet to see a reason for that. To me, that one is appalling by him. I see no reason for it. I never heard him talk about it but I agree with you on that one. No reason. He should be highly criticized for that.

Wasn't it an army vet that wrote him a letter? He then invited the guy to come talk to him and the vet explained they kneel in honor of the fallen and he thought CK should do that as a show of respect to the troops while still making a statement

His teammate Eric Reid told him he should kneel not sit on the bench. That is what I read. Not sure.

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Why did he wear the cop pig socks?

I think because he's a mid 20s dude that got caught up and being new-ish in the scene he was in probably wasn't mature enough to sort through a lot of the content around him. Again, just speculating but I suspect there was a sudden rush and a lot of people around him with an f the police attitude

I have yet to see a reason for that. To me, that one is appalling by him. I see no reason for it. I never heard him talk about it but I agree with you on that one. No reason. He should be highly criticized for that.


His teammate Eric Reid told him he should kneel not sit on the bench. That is what I read. Not sure.

I saw a teaser on espn with the army vet but not the full segment so I can't say 100% but the gist was what I posted


And I agree on the socks -- and think he probably realized what he actually did pretty quickly as we never saw THAT again

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I think because he's a mid 20s dude that got caught up and being new-ish in the scene he was in probably wasn't mature enough to sort through a lot of the content around him. Again, just speculating but I suspect there was a sudden rush and a lot of people around him with an f the police attitude

I think that's making excuses for bad behavior. 1 page ago, the narrative was Kaep is a misunderstood, thoughtful, intelligent pariah.. Now he's an immature 20-something?


And a year removed from the incident and no apology? No contrition? When is he gonna mature? Why should I pay attention to a guy who fluctuates between "immature and juvenile" and "thoughtful and intelligent" at the drop of a hat, depending on what outrageous thing he does next?

Edited by jmc12290
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