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Kaep will sit at table with Owners: What would you ask him?

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So if you believe one part of the justice system is wrong and may need to be fixed, that means you believe that entire justice system is wrong? That's a ridiculous stance.

And just what is this " one part" of the justice system that needs to be fixed? The justice system is just that a " system". There are no parts of it that are wrong. Does it always get things right? Probably not, but it's the best we have. There is no way to get 100% of verdicts correct. These " solutions" are always so vague because they are chasing a problem that is largely non-existent.

This thread stayed civil for the first four pages.


Sad how it can't stay that way.

When the subject of a thread ( Kaep) promotes a racist message , it's bound to get heated. Kaep divides, it's why he's persona non grata in the NFL.

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And just what is this " one part" of the justice system that needs to be fixed? The justice system is just that a " system". There are no parts of it that are wrong. Does it always get things right? Probably not, but it's the best we have. There is no way to get 100% of verdicts correct. These " solutions" are always so vague because they are chasing a problem that is largely non-existent.

He's not trying to fix the justice system the way you are describing. He's trying to get the justice system applied fairly across the board. Millions of people including yourself think it already is concerning the issue Kaep is addressing. Millions of people including myself think it isn't.
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He's not trying to fix the justice system the way you are describing. He's trying to get the justice system applied fairly across the board. Millions of people including yourself think it already is concerning the issue Kaep is addressing. Millions of people including myself think it isn't.

And how so? We all know money and lawyers play a big role. That will not ever change. So what isn't applied fairly ? There's a guy in Buffalo that's been arrested over 70 times , mostly for petit larceny. He's always back on the streets. Is the system unfair to him? Laws are laws and if you don't break them you won't find yourself in a courtroom. The odds are more likely that you win the lottery.

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He's not trying to fix the justice system the way you are describing. He's trying to get the justice system applied fairly across the board. Millions of people including yourself think it already is concerning the issue Kaep is addressing. Millions of people including myself think it isn't.

Change the system huh, apply it fairly , good luck. At the end of the day this is like debating abortion, nothing is going to change. So now some racist cop is not going to gun down an innocent AA because "they are onto me now"? Nothing will change. It will ultimately be as useless as this thread in changing ones mind or hearts.


We might have some feel good sessions with owners and Kapernick and the owners will come up (I could say shake down) with a bunch of money and donate to Kapernicks causes like Assasta's Daughter Beyond all holding hands at midfield in a show of "solidarity" I see no peace, love and kumbaya out of any of this.

Edited by RoyBatty is alive
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Change the system huh, apply it fairly , good luck. At the end of the day this is like debating abortion, nothing is going to change. So now some racist cop is not going to gun down an innocent AA because "they are onto me now"? Nothing will change. It will ultimately be as useless as this thread in changing ones mind or hearts.


We might have some feel good sessions with owners and Kapernick and the owners will come up (I could say shake down) with a bunch of money and donate to Kapernicks causes like Assasta's Daughter Beyond all holding hands at midfield in a show of "solidarity" I see no peace, love and kumbaya out of any of this.

Roy Batty is dead to me. ;)


He's trying to bring awareness. He tried to get people talking about it and he succeeded to some degree. We are obviously not going to solve it here. A huge amount of people on both sides of the issue do not know what the hell they are talking about.


But awareness SOMETIMES works and brings about change. It looks as if, for example, the Harvey Weinstein issue is bringing about awareness all across the country, women are coming out for the first time in numerous different industries, and sexual harassment may less to some degree if not a substantial one.

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Roy Batty is dead to me. ;)


He's trying to bring awareness. He tried to get people talking about it and he succeeded to some degree. We are obviously not going to solve it here. A huge amount of people on both sides of the issue do not know what the hell they are talking about.


But awareness SOMETIMES works and brings about change. It looks as if, for example, the Harvey Weinstein issue is bringing about awareness all across the country, women are coming out for the first time in numerous different industries, and sexual harassment may less to some degree if not a substantial one.

Good line, I am dead to you, oh well, that is certainly tragic turn of events but I will survive.


So before Kapernick no one was aware that racism exists still and there are some bad cops. No i didnt need Colin kneeling to figure that out. And no one in the country had heard of BLM before Colin. Thank GOD we have a celebrity to makes us aware.


You have an excellent point re Weinstein, it has been a huge positive catalyst also demonstrates what a bunch of incredible hypocrites Hollywood is, many of them know what was going on for years. That has resulted in positive change, I dont see anything positive thus far from what Kapernick has done, I think if anything it is only divided people but that is just my opinion.

Edited by RoyBatty is alive
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Good line, I am dead to you, oh well, that is certainly tragic turn of events but I will survive.


So before Kapernick no one was aware that racism exists still and there are some bad cops. No i didnt need Colin kneeling to figure that out. And no one in the country had heard of BLM before Colin. Thank GOD we have a celebrity to makes us aware.


You have an excellent point re Weinstein, it has been a huge positive catalyst also demonstrates what a bunch of incredible hypocrites Hollywood is, many of them know what was going on for years. That has resulted in positive change, I dont see anything positive thus far from what Kapernick has done, I think if anything it is only divided people but that is just my opinion.

So are you implying that you didn't know sexual harassment existed before HW was exposed?
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My mistake, i tried to compliment you on a well thought comment and you try & twist it into an argument.


Anyway I thought I was dead to you.

It was a joke, hence the wink.


I was serious with the question though. Not argumentative. You seemed to sarcastically say no one was aware of the police issue before Kaep came around. Thanks for that, Colin. But then didn't apply your same argument to the Harvey Frankenstein issue.

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It was a joke, hence the wink.


I was serious with the question though. Not argumentative. You seemed to sarcastically say no one was aware of the police issue before Kaep came around. Thanks for that, Colin. But then didn't apply your same argument to the Harvey Frankenstein issue.

I was sarcastic, BLM had that fully expressed to the public. The scope of the Weinstein was a shock and his affiliation with Hilary, ehh that is a can of worms I wont open but the hypocrites have fingerprints all over it, they all kept their mouths shut for decades. Hollywood is supposed to be so inclusive, so "progressive"......really?

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And just what is this " one part" of the justice system that needs to be fixed? The justice system is just that a " system". There are no parts of it that are wrong. Does it always get things right? Probably not, but it's the best we have. There is no way to get 100% of verdicts correct. These " solutions" are always so vague because they are chasing a problem that is largely non-existent.


When the subject of a thread ( Kaep) promotes a racist message , it's bound to get heated. Kaep divides, it's why he's persona non grata in the NFL.

who here is promoting racism? Please, cite an example.
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You, saying it no longer exists, thereby telling everyone to just keep doing what they are doing. ;)

that's a way the dog kind of moment isn't it? Me saying it doesn't exist while others say it must and we must do something about it. That's a bit funny if you aks me
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So Colin, why do you think all or most white people are racist and why do you think you can use the NFLs airtime to let everyone know?


Hey, I don’t love the guy, but he never said that to my knowledge. ANY is what he’s after I think, and it’s mostly geared towards cops. It was poorly thought out and managed, and it’s morphed into something else.


Is there any other way at all to interpret "America is a racist country that oppresses black and brown people"?

You, saying it no longer exists, thereby telling everyone to just keep doing what they are doing. ;)


A more productive approach would be to cry racism from the rooftops everywhere it may or may not exist. Creating hysteria and divisiveness by constantly crying wolf is the best way to address racial tensions. Or maybe it's not. Maybe it's totally counterproductive.


Or maybe racial harmony and equality was never the goal for the people at the top pushing the narrative in the first place. Maybe it's a ploy to get the useful idiots on board for their power grab.

Edited by Rob's House
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Is there any other way at all to interpret "America is a racist country that oppresses black and brown people"?


I just googled that exact phrase you put in quotes and it said this does not match any documents. ;) And everything he has said has been all over the interwebs.


He did say, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." That may or may not be true. A lot of people think it is.

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I just googled that exact phrase you put in quotes and it said this does not match any documents. ;) And everything he has said has been all over the interwebs.


He did say, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." That may or may not be true. A lot of people think it is.

Tomatoe Potahto. If the country oppresses people of color, presumably it is the white people of the country responsible for said oppression, lest we believe the people of color are oppressing themselves.

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Tomatoe Potahto. If the country oppresses people of color, presumably it is the white people of the country responsible for said oppression, lest we believe the people of color are oppressing themselves.

No one says potahto either. ;) If you are going to put something in quotes it should be what the person said.

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