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Fans burning their NFL apparel on social media...


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yes because I said I was defending them. Jesus Christ reading comprehension is hard for those who are unapologetically as racist as those who kneel.


I am simply refuting his claims that the neo Nazis are the violent extremists they're being made out to be. They're tiki torch carrying social outcasts who have spent too much time in their basements


There have been and will be countless stories of antifa and BLM assaulting, rioting, and destroying property.


That is the crowd looking to divide this nation. The neo Nazis are just a parasite among us that have no home, respect or purpose other than ignorance.


I can ignore ignorance but I cannot ignore the bull **** brought forth by the kneelers and the like

Antifa, BLM, Noe-Nazis, Supermacists. None of the groups are ever going to support community, they are there to gain a following of the emotionally weak and do damage to the US.


I literllay posted a news artivel of a neo-nazi firing a gun into a crowd of people.


The rest of the world is luaghing at us and we are about to be at war with korea, yet the idiots talk the loudest (Not saying you are an idiot) and this is what they are talking about.

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The political climate has managed to drain all the fun and excitement out of this sport. When are people (athletes included) going to realize that their views should not be injected into there work place. I keep my mouth shut everyday at work and do my job. I support causes in my free time so as not to subject my employer to losses based on my views.


It's beyond embarrassing. As each day goes by, I get more disgusted that they can't bite their tongues for 90 seconds and stand up in a sign of respect for this country, the military and the veterans. It certainly is their right, but it does not mean that we have to support it. As far as I'm concerned to hell with all of them. Hughes and Shady lead the group of buffoons.


A fan since 1973, checking out! I only hope others join me.

Yes, what is more patriotic than shutting up and looking the other way?

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Pretty absurd. I'd like to put a camera on each one of these mouth-breathers, because I'm willing to bet 99.9% of them will forget their "outrage" pretty quickly and be watching their teams on Sunday.


So silly.


Yup...its a look at me move and then on Sunday they will crack open their case of Natural Light, whip up some fried mayonnaise ball sandwiches, put their best wife beater on and fire up a pack of cigs to continue cursing at the TV on every play they disagree with.

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But you will be shouted down. They have to make it seem like the players are the reasonable ones.


Funny how the people who so strongly support players protesting will quickly smash people protesting on their own time. At least these folks are protesting the thing they are upset about, which is more than you can say for the players protesting.


Others smash them for the attention grab, but isn't that what protestimg is for? Isn't that what the players are doing too? Couldn't they donate money to their respective causes, or would that not be enough "look at me".


@promo... so people don't love their country unless fox news tells them to? I would argue that the liberal side of media clearly has more push because they are successfully running a narrative that the general population does not agree with for the most part. And it's gaining traction. People have lomg since been offended by flag disrespect, and your suggestion that they only believe what they are told to is another in a long list of liberals telling people who disagree that they are dumb. Next up they are racist, right?

Agee. The jersey burners have every right to protest their displeasure in any lawful way they choose, just like the nfl players did. If the players/teams didn't want any backlash they should have protested outside their nfl working duties and protested on their own without representing themselves as nfl players.

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Yup...its a look at me move and then on Sunday they will crack open their case of Natural Light, whip up some fried mayonnaise ball sandwiches, put their best wife beater on and fire up a pack of cigs to continue cursing at the TV on every play they disagree with.

HAHAHA :lol: So damn true.

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Antifa, BLM, Noe-Nazis, Supermacists. None of the groups are ever going to support community, they are there to gain a following of the emotionally weak and do damage to the US.


I literllay posted a news artivel of a neo-nazi firing a gun into a crowd of people.


The rest of the world is luaghing at us and we are about to be at war with korea, yet the idiots talk the loudest (Not saying you are an idiot) and this is what they are talking about.

well, we are also about to go to war with Venezuela, too right?


Best Korea will not be a war. You can forget that. If there is military action or will be about 3 days worth of anything.


Other countries aren't laughing at us. They're doing their own thing and own nonsense. Brexit, Japan battling Best Korea, France sucking up to the EU, Greece collapsing, India trying to strengthen its international strength while correcting its own human rights and healthcare issues. Canada trying to explain Justin Bieber.


The US may be a big deal but most of the world doesn't care that much about us.


These groups, you're 100% correct. But, they are doing a great job creating this drama and storyline which we fall in to and get sucked up in to which is how Trump got involved. People speaking their mind in any way, right or wrong (depends where you stand) just causes people to lose their ****.


Yup...its a look at me move and then on Sunday they will crack open their case of Natural Light, whip up some fried mayonnaise ball sandwiches, put their best wife beater on and fire up a pack of cigs to continue cursing at the TV on every play they disagree with.

that's about an xenophobic as racism is. Great job, buddy. Edited by Boyst62
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As a veteran myself, I served to defend the ideals of our Constitution, for freedom, free speech, the right to assembly, etc. Nothing is more American than to make statements openly especially in a non-violent, embracing fashion. The racism is real and asking that we all address it is appropriate. I dont agree with McCoy's streching but standing arm in arm or kneeling was fully approriate. Couole this with never ending inflamatory remarks coming from our President, who has only left us with deserving so much more. Represent all Americans? Not 45.


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that's about an xenophobic as racism is. Great job, buddy.


Just like our President who thinks his beef with the NFL and Steph Curry is more important than a brewing Nuclear Conflict, utter destruction in a number of US territories and States, and White Supremacy attacks on its citizens.


#InspiredByLeadership #TheNewAmericanWay

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Just like our President who thinks his beef with the NFL and Steph Curry is more important than a brewing Nuclear Conflict, utter destruction in a number of US territories and States, and White Supremacy attacks on its citizens.


#InspiredByLeadership #TheNewAmericanWay

oh, ok. Yep. That makes it ok.


Well, since you're in California enjoy your state falling in the ocean as you're overrun with all your illegal immigrant neighbors with no water, lots of wine, and lots of weed, no guns


I'm sure some would enjoy that moment, especially out there on THAT coast.

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oh, ok. Yep. That makes it ok.


Well, since you're in California enjoy your state falling in the ocean as you're overrun with all your illegal immigrant neighbors with no water, lots of wine, and lots of weed, no guns


I'm sure some would enjoy that moment, especially out there on THAT coast.

Wow ! Just Wow! This is why Trump is so dangerous, he shoots his mouth off and gets groups of people pitted against other groups of people. He will start another civil war!

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oh, ok. Yep. That makes it ok.


Well, since you're in California enjoy your state falling in the ocean as you're overrun with all your illegal immigrant neighbors with no water, lots of wine, and lots of weed, no guns


I'm sure some would enjoy that moment, especially out there on THAT coast.


Dude...really? So you are rooting for a lot of people to die...good for you. Not sure what thats like, but good luck with that.


And I will be sure to tell all my hispanic friends you think so little of them and that their lives don't matter.


Finally...I will take diversity, wine, weed, and no guns all day long...sounds like a pretty sweet place to live...oh wait, I live here and it is.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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well, we are also about to go to war with Venezuela, too right?


Best Korea will not be a war. You can forget that. If there is military action or will be about 3 days worth of anything.


Other countries aren't laughing at us. They're doing their own thing and own nonsense. Brexit, Japan battling Best Korea, France sucking up to the EU, Greece collapsing, India trying to strengthen its international strength while correcting its own human rights and healthcare issues. Canada trying to explain Justin Bieber.


The US may be a big deal but most of the world doesn't care that much about us.


These groups, you're 100% correct. But, they are doing a great job creating this drama and storyline which we fall in to and get sucked up in to which is how Trump got involved. People speaking their mind in any way, right or wrong (depends where you stand) just causes people to lose their ****.

that's about an xenophobic as racism is. Great job, buddy.


...we can't....those are probably two of Goodell's expansion markets..................

Edited by OldTimeAFLGuy
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Well, since you're in California enjoy your state falling in the ocean as you're overrun with all your illegal immigrant neighbors....

Hate to break this to you, pal, but when the San Andreas breaks all of the states EAST of the Rockies are going to fall into the Atlantic Ocean, not the other way around. A lot of people are saying. I will have a big announcement on this in two weeks.

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Dude...really? So you are rooting for a lot of people to die...good for you. Not sure what thats like, but good luck with that.


And I will be sure to tell all my hispanic friends you think so little of them and that their lives don't matter.


Finally...I will take diversity, wine, weed, and no guns all day long...sounds like a pretty sweet place to live...oh wait, I live here and it is.

if that's what you took away from my post, then God Save the Queen because you just don't get it
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Yeah, I don't really understand outrage to that point. I have my opinions about the protest but will not be controlled by it.


But what is overlooked, I think, is that some people do take it very seriously, and many of these folks actually may never come back. You can dismiss them as dumb rednecks like I have seen a number of times, but the fact is they are paying customers, too. Apparently they take America very seriously, so I don't think you can say, with any certainty at all that "they will be back next week", or ever. They see it as a direct shot to their core belief set, and often times that is much, much stronger that a sports allegiance.



Everyone is taking America seriously or there would not be protests. They are entitled to do as they wish and feel how they feel. Let them go and God bless.

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Wow ! Just Wow! This is why Trump is so dangerous, he shoots his mouth off and gets groups of people pitted against other groups of people. He will start another civil war!

geez, Dorothy, you'd think you'd get a little bit of humor. I would at least because I've seen you around here enough to know that you know I know nothing. And there will be no Civil War in this isn't about Trump. This is about the NFL and the national anthem
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