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Pine Barrens Mafia

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I think you don't get yourself and the fish reference. You basically denigrated 95% of posters shared music choices based on the bolded.


Call me out if I missed it but I don't remember many (if any) "this band has a great stage show/image" comments.


WRT to the last bolded piece, what's the statute of limitations when we can determine a song is good enough to be considered "high quality"?


First of all, what "fish reference"? I said "crap" not "carp". And yes, I suppose I did denigrate 95% of "posters shared musical choices"---but WHICH 95%. There's the rub. Any poster, who might be offended, can simply assume their choices are in the good 5%.


And I didn't say anyone MENTIONED stage shows, and image. I was trying to explain what appeals to me, and what goes into my judgement of what constitutes good music. But if you don't think some of the artist here do a lot to play upon a particular image, then fine. But I think you are mistaken.


And, again, I don't think I'm getting through to you on my, very loose, criteria. There is no "statute of limitations". But it's pretty clear to me, there is music that is pretty timeless---or at least is something you can envision yourself listening to for years. Music where you hear something new, and different, every time you hear it. Music, including lyrics if any, that challenges you, inspires you to think. Stuff like that.


Let me ask you: Do you think all music is equal? Is it all good? Is all the music shared here, good, in your opinion?





A. who are you again? a music snob?


B. I know, you're an intellect, the type that likes to look down on people. you know, the above all sort.


C. since you're taking the time to post how you feel about the music in this thread and music in general how about instead of putting down what has been shared, why not post something yourself?


D. I'm just curious "what is for you", you know, the stuff that will be listened to for years?


E. care to share something? I'd be interested to listen to what a music snob finds worth listening to, something that will be heard for years to come? unless it's something you can't find on youtube?


F. or were you just stopping by to critique what has been shared here and thought anyone would really give a !@#$ if you thought 95% of it was crap?


A, I'm, generally, a culture snob. But yes, most consider me somewhat of a music snob. I can live with that. OTOH, I'm NOT a bourbon snob or a wine snob.


B. I'm not DC Tom. But this seems like a good opportunity to link this:


C. Um, I HAVE posted music in this thread.


D and E. I think I've already started to answer this, in my back-and-forth with SinceThe70s, and through the songs I've shared in this thread. It's getting close to game time and I have to set my FF lineup and get to the bar, to catch the game. Perhaps, if the mood strikes me, I'll come back and try to be more specific. But there isn't some prepared list I use to judge music, or most things. But I'm not someone who thinks "everything is good" or "it's all the same". I try to be discriminating in curating my music (as well as other things). I'm not sure this will help but, let's use women as an example. When considering if a woman might appeal to me, in a relationship/sexual way, I don't have a list like: I like big breasts, blonde hair, etc. It's far more complex than that.


F. Well, yes, obviously. Mostly though I thought it was funny. Oh, and no, I can't imagine most anyone would give two s#its what I think. I'm surprised you guys have spent any time on this, at all.


I don't know why but the dean up there made me think of a tune he can add to his crap list.





In no way, do I think Parsons is crap (well, not all of his stuff). But he's also one I respect more than I like. For some reason his music doesn't hit my ear in it's sweet spot. But I would consider it of decent quality. Does that help explain things? Honestly, I can't imagine how it would.

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where did my post go?


I went to edit and it was deleted?



anyhow, thanks for the well thought out reply mr. dean.



sorry, I must of missed what you had shared but did go back and found one of your shared tunes.



kind of a jazzy style, can't say as I find it music to my ears but to each his own. I wouldn't call it crap and they may find it in some time capsule 50 years from now, then again, they may not?



seem to be having issues with the site. acting funky, lagging for me. I have gone to other sites where there is no issues so it's not my browser? not clear what happened to my post?

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First of all, what "fish reference"?



Let me ask you: Do you think all music is equal? Is it all good? Is all the music shared here, good, in your opinion?





Fish reference was to Sturgeon's Law.


Do you think all music is equal? No.

Is it all good? No. But to me that's a personal preference and subjective. My good isn't your good. The criteria used to decide what is good is equally personal and subjective.

Is all the music shared here, good, in your opinion? There's some music on this thread that I like and some that I don't like . I just don't classify the stuff I don't care for as crap.

Edited by SinceThe70s
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No, again, understandable, but wrong. There is plenty of music I know is of high quality---it just isn't for me. In those cases, I think I'd be better off if I could appreciate it, but I simply don't. I'm actually fairly self aware.


Keep in mind, for me, music is about that: MUSIC. Not image, genre, costumes, stage shows---all that extraneous stuff. In fact, most of that stuff turns me off, even to "quality" music. I suppose that's another thing I need to get over. But I tend to like music I think will be listened to for years. Not stuff that is "of the moment" and is likely to be forgotten in 10 years, if that helps. Quality music (even the stuff that isn't for me) stands the test of time.

Can you post something so we know what good music sounds like?

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where did my post go?


I went to edit and it was deleted?



anyhow, thanks for the well thought out reply mr. dean.



sorry, I must of missed what you had shared but did go back and found one of your shared tunes.



kind of a jazzy style, can't say as I find it music to my ears but to each his own. I wouldn't call it crap and they may find it in some time capsule 50 years from now, then again, they may not?



seem to be having issues with the site. acting funky, lagging for me. I have gone to other sites where there is no issues so it's not my browser? not clear what happened to my post?


I wouldn't expect to find that in a time capsule. I do think it's "good", though. Some of what makes it "good", IMO, is are the chord voicings, chord changes, time signature changes, interesting break and bridge---as well as first rate musicianship. Now everything that's good doesn't need those things. But in general, I think those are good things.


I included it for several reasons. One, because Don Breithaupt is from Toronto, who is pretty much unknown, to most. Thought it deserved some exposure. Another is,not only do I think it's good, I like it. I just love, and can personally relate to, the lyrics/meaning---I think it's funny, too. Much of what I do is simply because it amuses me. It definately has jazz influences. Breithaupt, is very Steely-Dan influenced, but I think he avoids being too derivative.


As for "timeless", I wouldn't hear this and say, "That's a sixties song" or "That's 90's rock", etc. It could have been composed in 1960 and I believe it will be as fresh 20 years from now.


Can you post something so we know what good music sounds like?


I already have. But that doesn't mean everything I think is good sounds like those songs. I have eclectic taste, I just think the vast majority of anything (music, literature, film, etc) is derivative and made solely/primarily for monetary (not artistic) purposes.

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Fish reference was to Sturgeon's Law.


Do you think all music is equal? No.

Is it all good? No. But to me that's a personal preference and subjective. My good isn't your good. The criteria used to decide what is good is equally personal and subjective.

Is all the music shared here, good, in your opinion? There's some music on this thread that I like and some that I don't like . I just don't classify the stuff I don't care for as crap.



:doh: Can't believe I didn't catch that. Good one.


So, maybe I'm confused now. You think everything you like is good, and (at least in your opinion) things you don't like aren't good, at least to you. So, you don't think there are terrible movies, writing, music, etc? I mean, not that you don't like them, but they suck at the core? You don't think Mozart's music is "better" than Justin Beiber's music? You don't think The Godfather is better than Caddyshack 2---irrespective of what you would rather watch? A classic novel is "better" than some drugstore romantic novel? If that's the case, I suppose we simply can't communicate effectively, on this.


I truly believe there is music (are movies, books, etc) that is great, but that I don't care for. I try to separate my personal tastes from my evaluation, the best I can. I can really like a movie, for example, but know it isn't a "great movie"---in fact, a few things I like I understand are pretty bad, quality wise.


The vast majority of culture, I believe is created simply for profit, with little regard to quality. Not that all commercial art is bad, but I like to see some authenticity, originality and---well, quality in a work, before I dub it "good". I never was a "I give that song a 95, Dick. It has a good beat, and it's easy to dance to", kind of guy.

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Yes, I 100% equated like with good in my response. Your point is valid, there is a lot of music that I don't like that I would consider "good". The opposite is true as well. I can think of at least one band that I think is great that is more Caddyshack 2 than Godfather.


Anyway, my objection to your original post was what I perceived as a blanket indictment that 90% of the shared music on this thread was crap. Simply put, I don't share that viewpoint.

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Yes, I 100% equated like with good in my response. Your point is valid, there is a lot of music that I don't like that I would consider "good". The opposite is true as well. I can think of at least one band that I think is great that is more Caddyshack 2 than Godfather.


Anyway, my objection to your original post was what I perceived as a blanket indictment that 90% of the shared music on this thread was crap. Simply put, I don't share that viewpoint.



Far enough. 80% then? :lol:


Keep in mind, Sturgeon was responding specifically to criticisms to Sci-fi writing, at the time. Right now, one might use that do describe a lot of blogs, twitter accounts and facebook pages.

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Those were my years. I had all the albums. Saw them live in the Aud.


that is cool, wish I had got to see them.



They were bloody well right on target in the 70s, still rings perfectly for us oldies.


definitely one of those groups that the kenwoods were cranked all the way up. unique rock group for sure. can only find a select few of their tunes on youtube as roger hodgson doesn't allow their past work to be posted and will have it removed, so I read somewhere. you can find a few of him doing some songs solo. I imagine school will be taken down soon although with changing the title makes it less conspicuous.


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