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No one is on your case for criticizing Trump.


We're on your case for criticizing Trump, but NOT having criticized the last president for doing the exact same things.


To turn a phrase the left LOVED to use the last eight years..."Where was your anger when Obama was doing this?"

How dare you criticize the Messiah...after all, Biden even said "he was the first articulate, good looking and clean African American" he knew.

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No one is on your case for criticizing Trump.


We're on your case for criticizing Trump, but NOT having criticized the last president for doing the exact same things.


To turn a phrase the left LOVED to use the last eight years..."Where was your anger when Obama was doing this?"

I'm sure, if you try, you can find some differences between the two.

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Troubling? I prefer to think of it as refreshing...that a Commander in Chief would actually say what he means. He's followed through on many promises. Mexico and Mid East terror surrogates will hopefully take notice.

Yeah, they noticed that Trump is leaving alone countries that terrorists actually came from to attack the U.S., while concentrating on countries where they didn't come from, and refugees that have been the most scrutinized group of foreigners.

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Prove it.

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has some uncharacteristically positive words for one of U.S. President Barack Obama’s most controversial foreign policy initiatives: the deal struck last year to remove chemical weapons from Syria. […]
During the course of our discussion, I asked him about the famous “red line” crisis – Obama’s last-minute decision to abort a missile strike and instead negotiate the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile – that colors so much of foreign-policy commentary today. Netanyahu issued what was for him a full-throated endorsement of an Obama initiative, calling it “the one ray of light in a very dark region.”
“It’s not complete yet,” he went on. “We are concerned that they may not have declared all of their capacity. But what has been removed has been removed. We’re talking about 90 percent. We appreciate the effort that has been made and the results that have been achieved.”



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Yeah, they noticed that Trump is leaving alone countries that terrorists actually came from to attack the U.S., while concentrating on countries where they didn't come from, and refugees that have been the most scrutinized group of foreigners.

Gee, terrorists came from those countries 16 years ago. Trump's criteria for the moratorium from those 7 countries has to do with the fact that those countries have nothing in place to support a request from us to supply info about any potential visitor. Deal with facts, not with the pablum given to you by your lefty signal callers.

That's not proof of anything.

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Yeah, they noticed that Trump is leaving alone countries that terrorists actually came from to attack the U.S., while concentrating on countries where they didn't come from, and refugees that have been the most scrutinized group of foreigners.


I thought he used obamas list?

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Troubling? I prefer to think of it as refreshing...that a Commander in Chief would actually say what he means. He's followed through on many promises. Mexico and Mid East terror surrogates will hopefully take notice.

Were you pro-Sexy Rexy Ryan?


Because you know... We have him as Prez now.




How screwed up we are as a nation, people, culture. Quite a basket we are in!

Gator owns you all.


You can have back the pre-return board. It goes like this.


Ignore him.


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You're on notice Buddy for automating!


You could hire 10 Deplorables instead of that bot!




Yeah...gatorman's an idiot because he's trying to spur employment.


Explains his misbehavior as well as anything else, really...

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Things with Iran used to be much worse. This is just talking in wrestler voice compared to the 1980s.


In the 1980s


Iranian revolution embassy siege in 1979

Hezbollah bombing of USMC barracks in Lebanon in 1983

Hostages held by Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah (all Iranian backed groups in Lebanon)

Funding Iraq in the Iraq/Iran war


Operation Earnest Will (protection of tankers in the Gulf from Iranian mines and aggression)

USS Samuel Roberts incident

Operation Praying Mantis

USS Stark incident (Iraqi jet fires two Exocet missles, 37 soldiers dead)

Shooting down of Iran Air 655 by the USS Vincennes


...and that's just the public information.

Edited by dpberr
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Things with Iran used to be much worse. This is just talking in wrestler voice compared to the 1980s.


In the 1980s


Iranian revolution embassy siege in 1979

Hezbollah bombing of USMC barracks in Lebanon in 1983

Hostages held by Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah (all Iranian backed groups in Lebanon)

Funding Iraq in the Iraq/Iran war


Operation Earnest Will (protection of tankers in the Gulf from Iranian mines and aggression)

USS Samuel Roberts incident

Operation Praying Mantis

USS Stark incident (Iraqi jet fires two Exocet missles, 37 soldiers dead)

Shooting down of Iran Air 655 by the USS Vincennes


...and that's just the public information.


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