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Pegulas reportedly expressed remorse for benching Taylor


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Yeah Yeah. Whaley's the villain and the all-time bad guy for getting poor Rex whacked. Yawn.....Next!


I like you and respect your opinion.


Whaley . . . not so much.


What is the significance of brown pants?


It is from an old joke about a general. The punch line is that he asks his aid to get his brown pants so everyone does not see him sh**ing in his pants when the opposing army attacks.

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I like you and respect your opinion.


Whaley . . . not so much.


It is from an old joke about a general. The punch line is that he asks his aid to get his brown pants so everyone does not see him sh**ing in his pants when the opposing army attacks.



No doubt he needed them after that epic presser.

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No way that should have been a decision left to an interim head coach that could potentially leave the team on the hook for $30M. Would have been all-time stupid thing to do.

I don't necessarily disagree. But the way it played out in the press painted the Pegula's as meddling owners and Whaley as a GM making on field decisions.

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I don't necessarily disagree. But the way it played out in the press painted the Pegula's as meddling owners and Whaley as a GM making on field decisions.


I'm having a hard time with this one because IMO when you look at things objectively, I don't know how you can't say that Rex was given Carte' Blanche with 27 assistant coaches including his brother. Whaley gave him the kind of players he was looking for in the draft and via free agency on offense and defense. He got all of that and still failed miserably. This meddling narrative just doesn't add up from my POV.

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I'm having a hard time with this one because IMO when you look at things objectively, I don't know how you can't say that Rex was given Carte' Blanche with 27 assistant coaches including his brother. Whaley gave him the kind of players he was looking for in the draft and via free agency on offense and defense. He got all of that and still failed miserably. This meddling narrative just doesn't add up from my POV.

I'm not saying the narrative is correct. I'm simply saying that's what the perception has been in the national media. And that A. Lynn was done dirty and hung out to dry.


By putting out there that they're "remorseful" for what they had done - they're essentially saying "we get it and all these concerns are unfounded going forward". Even if nothing really changes. It's all PR.

Edited by BillsFanForever19
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If HC is Lynn , he may want Tyrod.

Whaley controls rostor


I'm having a hard time with this one because IMO when you look at things objectively, I don't know how you can't say that Rex was given Carte' Blanche with 27 assistant coaches including his brother. Whaley gave him the kind of players he was looking for in the draft and via free agency on offense and defense. He got all of that and still failed miserably. This meddling narrative just doesn't add up from my POV.

He failed if playoffs were a must. His defenses were mediocre. I wish he failed because then we would have a top 3 pick.

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The Bills and Steelers both scored 399 points but Tyrod's the "problem"




For the ten millionth time, nobody says Tyrod is "the" problem. Every single person out there knows we have other problems too.


But yeah it's pretty reasonable to think Tyrod is "a" problem. Our passing game has been below average consistently.


And the Steelers played a schedule that was a great deal harder than our, including much better defenses.

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I'm having a hard time with this one because IMO when you look at things objectively, I don't know how you can't say that Rex was given Carte' Blanche with 27 assistant coaches including his brother. Whaley gave him the kind of players he was looking for in the draft and via free agency on offense and defense. He got all of that and still failed miserably. This meddling narrative just doesn't add up from my POV.




Agreed they gave him a lot of what he wanted.


However, in his two years, he had no first round pick his first year and got Lawson injured in his second year and Ragland injured also. That's one second-rounder on the field out of his first two picks both years. It's tough to build under those conditions.


I'm no Rex lover, and I hated how he lost track of details. Hated a lot of things about him. But very few programs will be turned around in two years with the services of zero first round picks and only one second-rounder. Rex really was hamstrung by that.

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No doubt he needed them after that epic presser.


LOL we were talking "dress Doug Whaley for his presser" in the Shoutbox. We were suggesting chainmail shirt, Kevlar body armor, and yes, wait for it....Brown pants.

Agreed they gave him a lot of what he wanted.


However, in his two years, he had no first round pick his first year and got Lawson injured in his second year and Ragland injured also. That's one second-rounder on the field out of his first two picks both years. It's tough to build under those conditions.


I'm no Rex lover, and I hated how he lost track of details. Hated a lot of things about him. But very few programs will be turned around in two years with the services of zero first round picks and only one second-rounder. Rex really was hamstrung by that.


I think the idea was, with a 9-7 team the previous year and a #4 D, most of the pieces were there, and the ones that weren't were within reach through the 2015 draft and FA. Thus the push to sign FA and draft focus on offense, and it seemed to work - for the offense.


Also reportedly, Rex was super-enthused about Shaq Lawson - openly enthusing about him at Clemson games and reportedly Lawson is Ryan's son's fraternity brother. So maybe Rex has some share in drafting a guy with a known injury in the 1st round?

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LOL we were talking "dress Doug Whaley for his presser" in the Shoutbox. We were suggesting chainmail shirt, Kevlar body armor, and yes, wait for it....Brown pants.


I think the idea was, with a 9-7 team the previous year and a #4 D, most of the pieces were there, and the ones that weren't were within reach through the 2015 draft and FA. Thus the push to sign FA and draft focus on offense, and it seemed to work - for the offense.


Also reportedly, Rex was super-enthused about Shaq Lawson - openly enthusing about him at Clemson games and reportedly Lawson is Ryan's son's fraternity brother. So maybe Rex has some share in drafting a guy with a known injury in the 1st round?




I think you're right that's what they were thinking.


And it's certainly possible Rex had some voice about that pick. But if so, maybe somebody should have stepped in - Whaley, basically - and said, look, what if the guy doesn't play this year?


And yeah, maybe they thought the pieces were there. Maybe they were. But not the pieces to play Rex's system, though Rex helped give the idea that he could adapt to the personnel when he clearly couldn't. Any new coach at all is going to be hurt by not having a first round pick in their first year. And when the second-year's first and second round picks both go down with serious injuries, maybe we should have adjusted our expectations for that defense.


Again, not a Rex defender, but I like to look at both sides of things and a lot of people around the league think he didn't have enough time or opportunity. I don't blame him so much for the defensive failures, for that reason. But for things like the punt in his last game, man, I hated that decision. He wasn't a great on-the-field tactician either in things like clock management, etc.




Me, I'd have considered Doug and Rex a package, kept both or fired both. And I wouldn't have hired Rex in the first place with a fine defense already in place, knowing Rex would want to run his system.

Edited by Thurman#1
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For the ten millionth time, nobody says Tyrod is "the" problem. Every single person out there knows we have other problems too.


But yeah it's pretty reasonable to think Tyrod is "a" problem. Our passing game has been below average consistently.


And the Steelers played a schedule that was a great deal harder than our, including much better defenses.


But isn't there an argument to say "Best man up" rather than "Not good enough, get rid of him, oh no...who are we going to start?"


I mean if you think we can use the cap savings from cutting Tyrod to make a playoff contender out of this team with a Hoyer, Gabbert, or Kaepernick on the cheap, then that's fine, thats an opinion, but I wholeheartedly disagree with that route if we want to try to be successful, while continuing to look for that franchise guy (mostly in the draft).

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Best thing said on this subject in the past two weeks:


"I'd be upset if he wasn't upset - he's a competitor"


- Whaley on the TT benching.


From there, TT and his agent are professionals - as are Whaley and the soon to be HC - whoever it turns out to be.


They all get it.


The End. Please.

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No way that should have been a decision left to an interim head coach that could potentially leave the team on the hook for $30M. Would have been all-time stupid thing to do.






And I wonder what this remorse means.


Sorry we hurt the team's future prospects?


Sorry we made a decision which undercut your ability to put on a good audition?




Sorry we blew this decision. We made a real mistake here?


Sorry we made a decision that was tough on you, but in the same situation we'd do the same thing again?



I suspect the second in both cases. They're sorry their decision hurt Lynn's chances to do well in that game but they'd do it again.


And that's what they should be saying.

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I think you're right that's what they were thinking.


And it's certainly possible Rex had some voice about that pick. But if so, maybe somebody should have stepped in - Whaley, basically - and said, look, what if the guy doesn't play this year?


This may be where Rex's "in" hurt the team. Pure speculation, but what if Rex's kid said don't worry pops, this guy is a gamer, he's been playing through it, he really wants ROY, he gets treatment and goes out every week and that "inside" info tipped the scales?


And yeah, maybe they thought the pieces were there. Maybe they were. But not the pieces to play Rex's system, though Rex helped give the idea that he could adapt to the personnel when he clearly couldn't. Any new coach at all is going to be hurt by not having a first round pick in their first year. And when the second-year's first and second round picks both go down with serious injuries, maybe we should have adjusted our expectations for that defense.


Again, not a Rex defender, but I like to look at both sides of things and a lot of people around the league think he didn't have enough time or opportunity. I don't blame him so much for the defensive failures, for that reason. But for things like the punt in his last game, man, I hated that decision. He wasn't a great on-the-field tactician either in things like clock management, etc.


I agree that it could be argued, because of all the injuries give him more time. What bothered me, though, was the undisciplined play, the continued penalties, guys hurrying on and off the field and lacking time to get set, 12 man penalties, 10 men on field. Hiring his brother and changing some assistants was supposed to help with that, if anything it worsened.


Me, I'd have considered Doug and Rex a package, kept both or fired both. And I wouldn't have hired Rex in the first place with a fine defense already in place, knowing Rex would want to run his system.


This last sentence is the real key. I flipped out when I heard about the Rex hire for just that reason. I suspect, if it's true that Rex and Whaley did not get along at the end, they started out fine: Rex successfully "sold" Whaley he's a football guy, not a scheme guy, just give him good players and he'll put them in the best position to win etc etc etc. Of course, once Rex was here, it must have quickly become evident to Whaley that was far from true and he soured on Rex as he watched the roster he'd built get taken apart with good players he drafted, who didn't fit Rex's scheme (eg Cockrell etc) cut and starting for other teams.

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