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Clay inactive for game due to birth of child (updated)


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If Tom Brady missed a game for the birth of a child, would he be cut?


Will they release Gronk for being injured?


Players, employees can earn this right by producing and being a contributing member to organization

Would Brady ever miss a playoff game for any reason?


Gronk is absolutely in danger of being cut this offseason. The Pats do stuff like that all the time.

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Exactly and how about comparing Clay to a couple Hall of Famers. :lol:

So you're arguing compassion and respect are situational? That's what I was saying.


Brady has never been in that position and this isn't a playoff game, despite what many people say.


And Gronk will not be released. At only 4.5 million next season, Gronk will definitely be back

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So you're arguing compassion and respect are situational? That's what I was saying.


Brady has never been in that position and this isn't a playoff game, despite what many people say.


And Gronk will not be released. At only 4.5 million next season, Gronk will definitely be back


Oh it's all situational in the NFL.


This Clay situation is the epitome of situational.


It's gotten a lot more run than it should in this thread......Clay is always sketchy to be healthy enough to play week to week and he's in clear decline as a receiver.


So it can be treated like the end of last season.......where he was out of the lineup and the Bills running game took off in his absence.


He's a nice player but they've proven they can do without him.

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Anyways - he'll be missed in the running game, where he's an underrated component of their blocking schemes.


Yep he's a good blocker but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a lot of Kujo as an extra blocking TE today.


They used an extra OL to neutralize JJ Watt last year and they totally shut him down.


If Clay was going to have to stay in to double Mack he might not have been that useful this week after all.

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jmc is right. That's not really how it works. Corporations know where nice guys finish.


Being near Rochester I see first hand every day what happens when a successful corporation like Kodak puts their workforce above the product they produce.......the workforce gets complacent, profits shrink and the company gets beaten in the market.


The Patriots are as cutthroat as it gets in the NFL........but that's not only not a front page story......it's a NON-STORY.......because the players there know where BB places football on the list of player priorities......regardless of what he might say if pressed by the media.

Yep, the decline of Kodak has nothing to do with digital photography, or unfair competition from Asia. The Patriots success has nothing to do with Brady and Belichick either. That's why they can just cut everyone else. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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Break his contract down to 365 days. Football is not just a 16 week sport.

The Bills pay him 16 paychecks, why do you think that is? All those other days are all about those 16 days. The Bills don't need any player that is not able to meet those obligations. A few times someones talent is so big they over look this. Clay is not one of those players. I bet he is cut at the end of the season unless his cap hit is just too big after resigning. I am betting if the Bills miss the playoffs they gut and cut this team up and only hold on to players that help them 2-3 years out.

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Wow 12 pages. I posted on here much earlier and some may have misunderstood what I said or maybe it was my fault for not elaborating. In a nutshell: I personally know 2 people that missed the birth of their kids (1 each) due to their respective jobs. It's not unheard of and I don't think it would be unheard of for Clay to miss it. It would suck, for sure, but as the saying goes: For those to whom much is given, much is required.


However, if the NFL is OK with it, the Bills are OK with it, then we should all be OK with it. Congrats to Clay. :thumbsup:

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Anyways - he'll be missed in the running game, where he's an underrated component of their blocking schemes.

In passpro as well



If Clay was going to have to stay in to double Mack he might not have been that useful this week after all.

I'd say keeping Mack out of the backfield is pretty galdanged useful in itself



I've pulled more than a few calves. I have OB chains, shoulder gloves and hooks. I can fly to buffalo and pull this thing out.


Start a go fund me someone.

What the hell kind of fan are you?

Go yank that thing out of there for free......

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Agreed here, O'Leary can fill in nicely catching the football but how will he fair in the running game remains to be seen

Felton will play H-back then. Clay really poses no situational issues, average whatever he does.

So some of you guys really expect Kim or Terry to tell Clay to pound salt? If that's the case you really don't understand our owners very well.

If I were the Pegula's I would write the check as a gift to the child's birth. Great PR and also a point being made!

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Correct, they are a just a sports team that gathers for the specific goals of winning and making $.


Calling it family is utterly ridiculous cliche/rhetoric.


This maternity leave issue is more of a social thing where people compare what THEY want from THEIR jobs to the NFL. Those comparisons just don't hold up.


How many of the fans that expect the Bills to act like a family have called out players and wanted them gone or replaced? MAJBobby and Tyrod are tight but that's a unique situation. :lol:


The example that comes to mind is Mario. One season he's shoveling his neighbors out of a snowbank and beloved and they next season he is a pariah.


We all know the real deal here.........these guys are paid well to perform AND to go away when they can't. We don't have to be family to appreciate that dynamic.

I never have called them a family they are a bunch of entertainers. The Owner of the team called them a family

Does anyone else recall a Bill missing a game becuase of birth of a child? I don't so maybe it is me. A guy is getting paid tens of millions of dollars and he is in a profession where you abosultely are counted on to be at work 16 times a year. I understand unforseen death in the family circumstances but this is not unforeseen. In 2016 there are multiple ways to control this so it fits into the fact that you need to be in the office 16 times a year... Is this a Rex thing where players feel they can do what they want or is it Clay's way of saying he wants out of town??? Just seems to a lot of these players the games are a distraction to them enjoying their millionaire status...Today may be the start of the Nick O'Leary reign as the Bills franchise Tightend. I hope so.

Yeah O'Leary

0 Catches 0 yards last three games reign lol

Would Brady ever miss a playoff game for any reason?


Gronk is absolutely in danger of being cut this offseason. The Pats do stuff like that all the time.

Wait we are in the playoffs? When did that happen thought it was still regular season Edited by MAJBobby
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