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Clay inactive for game due to birth of child (updated)


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jmc is right. That's not really how it works. Corporations know where nice guys finish.


Being near Rochester I see first hand every day what happens when a successful corporation like Kodak puts their workforce above the product they produce.......the workforce gets complacent, profits shrink and the company gets beaten in the market.


The Patriots are as cutthroat as it gets in the NFL........but that's not only not a front page story......it's a NON-STORY.......because the players there know where BB places football on the list of player priorities......regardless of what he might say if pressed by the media.


Badol, Kodak failed because they had digital for decades before their competitors and the higher-ups sat on it. Hubris was their downfall, not their employees taking 3 hr lunch breaks.


Letting Charles Clay take a game off for the birth of his child is not indicative of a bad ownership like many here would want us to believe.


And those mighty Patriots who place football as their #1 priority let a player quit the team and pursue his DREAM to play Olympic rugby.

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. #Bills TE Charles Clay will be one of Buffalo's inactives today. He did not make it out to the west coast for the game. First child born.

Clay took a day off that was oked by coaches


Gilmore played great for how many years yet frag him for looking out for his future (maybe the Bills should have extended a player that has played very well for them for years instead of knee jerk extending a AVG QB that has been on the roster 1 year).

Looking out for his future at the expense of out present you mean.

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Looking out for his future at the expense of out present you mean.

So what what does Gilmore owe anyone. His Business is his Body. If the team he has laid it on the line for years won't extend him, protect it and get paid elsewhere

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Badol, Kodak failed because they had digital for decades before their competitors and the higher-ups sat on it. Hubris was their downfall, not their employees taking 3 hr lunch breaks.


Letting Charles Clay take a game off for the birth of his child is not indicative of a bad ownership like many here would want us to believe.


And those mighty Patriots who place football as their #1 priority let a player quit the team and pursue his DREAM to play Olympic rugby.

Those same Pats told him they didn't guarantee his spot when he left.


Ya'll are very confused about how teams operate.

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. #Bills TE Charles Clay will be one of Buffalo's inactives today. He did not make it out to the west coast for the game. First child born.

Clay took a day off that was oked by coaches


Gilmore played great for how many years yet frag him for looking out for his future (maybe the Bills should have extended a player that has played very well for them for years instead of knee jerk extending a AVG QB that has been on the roster 1 year).

If there were certain other players on this team that were doing this you would have your fire and pitchfork ready

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So funny you want to blame an average QB.

Yeah did the need to extend him? Don't you think a player that has been on the team laying it on the line for years get a little disrespected when a player that has been on roster 1 year gets the lucrative extension.

Bobby boy shows his agenda ever so more each day.

Really explain this agenda.

So funny you want to pay an average CB.

Actually no where have I said pay him have I?


I said the Defense will be worse without him -True


And I said I understand keeping healthy


And also the mindset of what TT extension could have caused with Gilmore


But now where did I say pay him

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Those same Pats told him they didn't guarantee his spot when he left.


Ya'll are very confused about how teams operate.


Leaving for extended period of time to switch sports vs. being with wife for birth of 1st child. Which one of these is unlike the other? What am I confused about? Don't be so butthurt over a game.

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Does anyone else recall a Bill missing a game becuase of birth of a child? I don't so maybe it is me. A guy is getting paid tens of millions of dollars and he is in a profession where you abosultely are counted on to be at work 16 times a year. I understand unforseen death in the family circumstances but this is not unforeseen. In 2016 there are multiple ways to control this so it fits into the fact that you need to be in the office 16 times a year... Is this a Rex thing where players feel they can do what they want or is it Clay's way of saying he wants out of town??? Just seems to a lot of these players the games are a distraction to them enjoying their millionaire status...Today may be the start of the Nick O'Leary reign as the Bills franchise Tightend. I hope so.

My father gave up his tickets for the Bills Raiders game in 1963 for my birth. Does that count?

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