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Gillislee Injured Hamstring; Should Be Back vs. Oakland


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You guys know my take on this....


I feel that somehow J. Williams got into the doghouse along the way but this guy is a good fricken player........he runs the ball between the tackles.....has that "pinball" type play where he bounces off defenders......and is a load.


I am a big Mike G. fan and I wish he was playing.....but the thunder and lightening thing with Shady and J. Williiams is gonna see us through this.

Have you ever seen a bills player that isn't all world lol

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Rex's Jets teams were among the healthiest in the league. 2012-2014 they ranked 5th, 6th and 2nd. Don't see the connection to obviously blame him.http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2015/2014-adjusted-games-lost









1) I've seen these stats before....not the first time this has been discussed here........ but the issue isn't injuries in general, it's the soft tissue injuries.


"It's football", as some say, doesn't account for all of the hammy and groin injuries....which are manageable "poor preparation" injuries.


Concussions, joint injuries from bend or hyperextend, bone injuries and of course the dreaded ligament injuries......those are "football" injuries that are mostly unpreventable.



2) It's been my contention that Rex is not as personally engaged in this job as he was in his last.


I think his plan was to be more delegatory and spend less time in the office and that is why he built the largest staff in the NFL.


He was going to compensate for his lack of engagement by hiring more messengers.


Problem is......the further away from the boss that the message is coming from......the less impactful it is.


Obviously the astonishingly poorly prepared defense last season supports this theory.


I think if and when Rex gets fired from this job it's highly likely that more will come out about how hard he WASN'T working.


There have already been more than a few "huh" moments wrt Rex knowing what is going on with players etc..


Your head coach sets the tone and when he's running off during the very brief NFL season to pursue personal endeavors.....watching his baseball team or his sons games in person.....I think you can expect your players to see that and not be all about football either for those 4 months per year that they actually play games.

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Not defending Rex here, but for somebody who spent a lot of years at the Oly Training center, with physiologists from all over the country and world, I am torn.


1. Being really strong, dynamic, and explosive make you predisposed to being very tight. It's actually what makes them strong, dynamic, and explosive. I used to work with a stretching specialist, who worked as a private "stretcher" for a lot of MLB pitchers. He would talk a lot about how being very personal with all of them, made it easier, but only carried a few clients, because treatment is so personal. He would rarely do much work on the pitching arm because that tightness is what created their velocity. He focused a lot on making sure the rest of the body stayed balanced, otherwise it would fail the throwing shoulder.



2. That said, many of these things are somewhat preventable. Long warm ups and pre-stretching actually reduce max power output, increase aerobic output, and help prevent injury. I think these guys are predisposed to this stuff, but given coming from big programs, natural physiology, and then NFL funding, they take whatever time they get with the trainer as gospel. As a guy who worked in a non-funded sport for a long time, you realize it's about personal accountability and finding your right prescription.<<<<this is basically the reason Tom Brady is better than everybody else.

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Is it negative to expect a mediocre franchise to do mediocre things?



I dont feel like this is going to be a mediocre franchise much longer.


The talent is there to win games.....we have taken injuries to bad players to take them.......I dont blame Marcel on the bills


6 games left.....an overall desirable schedule. Team is getting healthy

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He hasnt really gotten a lot of burn.....i didnt like the fumble earlier in the year either.


Players like J. WIlliams need carries if you want to get bigger plays out of them........he is a power back


Can't argue that young players need reps... I was never a J-Will guy, but I hope you're right in your belief that he'll deliver... Let's see if his foot can hold up.

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