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Where was this Defense Backfield last week?

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Jets WR's are much better than the Cardinals and the Bills got pressure today. Sometimes it was with just four and other times it was with the Rex Ryan blitzes we ahev been waiting 19 games for.


Most days I would easily take Larry Fitzgerald and Malcolm Floyd over Marshall and Decker. But this week they actually but pressure up the middle and it made the difference...and the secondary looked like they were trying today.

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Duke still sucks. He made a play or two but he shouldn't be playing. Too many gross errors. Meeks had a decent game. Both Graham and Aaron played very well. Rex had a really terrific game plan against the Cards they never really figured out outside of being able to complete 8-10 yard passes.

Didn't your stomach just drop when AW went out and they said Duke was in? I was fully expecting some huge play in his direction.

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Thursday night anomalies.



Thursday night games have got to go.


No coincidence that since they've gone to one every week ratings have gone down for prime time NFL games. We're being over saturated with football. Long term these games are detrimental for the teams players and the league.


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Great win! But how does Fitz and a mediocre Jets team carve us up and today our defense especially the DB's do this to Arizona and Carson Palmer? I'll take it. :thumbsup:

The Jets have tall receivers in Marshall, Decker and the 3rd guy. They simply out jumped our corners. Secondly, today Rex sent the house on Palmer and not giving him enough time. Last Thursday, Rex allowed Fitz to sit in the pocket and pick his receivers (which he had plenty). Today, the Chiefs attack them by rushing the passer. Fitz panics when rushed.

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Where was this defensive backfield? Last Thursday, half of it (the safeties) was in the box because Wrecks decided he needed to stop the run. So with no deep help, we saw a series of jump balls between our CBs and Jets receivers 5 or 6 inches taller. It should have taken no more than a quarter for Wrecks to realize he had to adjust his D. Instead we blew that game. Today's game was how last week should have gone.

I think one difference is that the Ravens and especially the Jets have very good D lines. I don't think I heard the names of any of the Cardinals D linemen today having made a really good play. Today there were running lanes and time to pass, that weren't there the first two games.


Also probably the Cardinals were expecting to play in snow, and the nice weather fooled them.

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Great win! But how does Fitz and a mediocre Jets team carve us up and today our defense especially the DB's do this to Arizona and Carson Palmer? I'll take it. :thumbsup:

They were playing close to line of scrimmage and left CBs in man coverage all game...Yesterday safeties played where they are supposed to

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New defensive play caller. New defensive scheme. Front 7 stops the run.


I have a question on the play calling. From a couple of shots of the sideline today I know who it looked like was calling the plays...... here are some clues.... it wasn't the Head Coach and it wasn't the Defensive Coordinator.


Don't know if anyone who was there was paying special attention to the sideline and can shed any light on what it looked like live?

Edited by GunnerBill
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Rex played a completely different defense this week. He basically played four safeties. It made the coverages different and didn't allow the cards the deep ball, as you always saw two guys deep. They gave up the short crossing patterns but The Brown Brothers were excellent in closing fast. That was the difference. Plus, last week Fitz made a ridiculous amount of great passes and the Jet receivers made a ridiculous amount of tough catches.


Last week was the Jets' Super Bowl. FitzSixPicks returned to normal form yesterday.

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Great win! But how does Fitz and a mediocre Jets team carve us up and today our defense especially the DB's do this to Arizona and Carson Palmer? I'll take it. :thumbsup:


this is the Essential Mystery of Rex. One week, team looks awful. Sloppy, overly emotional and stupid penalties, unprepared, no adjustments - classic Bully behavior too, the football equivalent of a hard punch in the nose and a kick in the knee and we fold like a cheap lawn chair and back off. Next week, team looks great. Crisp hard play, well prepared, good game plan, hard play as a team. If Rex could bring that every week, we'd have something, but so far he hasn't and his number of years in the league suggest that it won't change.


Rex Ryan is apparently the Ryan Fitzpatrick of head coaches. Come to think of it, they're both Ryans. Coincydink, I Think Not.

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