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Debate: Round I - 26 Sept 20:00 EST on Fox


Debate Round I  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Who won

    • Clinton
    • Trump
  2. 2. Did the first debate affect your vote

    • Yes - I was leaning Trump but am now leaning Clinton
    • Yes - I was leaning Clinton but am now leaning Trump
    • Yes - I was leaning Clinton but am now leaning 3rd Party
    • Yes - I was leaning Trump but am now leaning 3rd Party
    • Yes - I was leaning 3rd Party but am now leaning Clinton
    • Yes - I was leaning 3rd Party but am now leaning Trump
    • No - I was leaning Clinton and still am
    • No - I was leaning Trump and still am
    • No - I was leaning 3rd Party and still am

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Nope, not buying it and I don't give a **** if you don't care that I'm not buying it. I've seen your posts, they aren't just anti Hillary, they are pro Trump and consistently so. Don't be ashamed about it, own it. Go with it!


And if I had to vote between Hillary or Trump, I'd rather have Hillary than Trump because


A) he literally is a know-nothing

B) he's a narcissistic clown

C) he is much more liberal than you believe him to be

D) you can't trust anything he says

E) he's an embarrassment to the country

F) I don't trust him with Nukes

G) he'd end up being impeached for overreach of power

H) he's an authoritarian and would have absolutely no regard for the constitution

I) he's a demonizing boob

J) he isn't an inclusive person

K) he's a racist

L) he's a misogynist

M) he's a bigot

N) he's thin-skinned and would rather talk about himself than the issues at hand


I could go on for hours.


Thank your lucky stars that my vote won't go to her, because I can't stand her either.


Johnson does have no shot at winning, but people like me don't identify with either progressive or the right wing. I practically dislike both equally.


I want there to be more choices and I believe that the two party system is broke.


So yeah, although Johnson is a poor candidate, in my view he's better than either of the other two.


No, Trump was nowhere near my choice when the Repub field was first known. I was hoping Romney would give it another go and when he didn't, I leaned towards Christie, Rubio and Bush. But none of them were any great shakes; I just thought they had the best chance to beat LIAR. But Trump beat them all, defying the pundits and the odds. If it seems I'm cheerleading for Trump, it's to get people to change their minds so that LIAR does not get elected.


As for your list:


A) LIAR's experience and knowledge count for ****. As I said before, she has no business being president when she voted for the Iraq war and then doubled-down on that stupidity by being instrumental in having Gaddafi removed. Never mind the e-mail server and the horrible lack of judgment there all for personal gain. Trump will be like many presidents: a figurehead.

B) He's a narcissist and a clown, yes. LIAR is a clown and so is Johnson. Dubya was a clown. Barry is a clown. "Send in the clowns. Don't bother, they're here."

C) So too was Romney. I don't dispute this and it's fine with me. I'm an Independent who leans conservative. And at the very least I'd vote for Trump for the SC picks.

D) LOL! Show me an honest politician and I'll show you a man with no job.

E) Dubya was an embarrassment to the country. People say the same about Barry and LIAR. Slick dicking an intern in the Oval Office was an embarrassment. Again, they're all clowns.

F) Please.

G) Interesting prediction. If he gets elected, I'll bet money this doesn't happen.

H) How so?

I)-M) You make him sounds so...Republican!

N) True. He also likes to bash people he can't stand, like LIAR and Barry.


I've said my piece. Vote for who you want. It's a free country.

Much lower


He's still got a ways to go to get to Dubya's level.

Edited by Doc
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Funny thing is, those are exactly the reasons I'm voting for Trump.


He's a four year civics lesson on the reasons we need checks and balances, and a small government.

For either candidate's presidency, I wish it becomes a four year civics lesson on the USE of checks and balances, including curtailing the over reliance on Executive Orders. It won't happen, but it needs to.

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Are you rubbing it in that we're getting a bad president no matter what or rubbing one out for Hillary? I can never tell.

I am hoping that whoever wins the election has the temerity to resign on day 2. The Veeps are so much more palatable than the front line candidates of the three leading contenders.

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For either candidate's presidency, I wish it becomes a four year civics lesson on the USE of checks and balances, including curtailing the over reliance on Executive Orders. It won't happen, but it needs to.


The PM of Singapore had a great line about this a couple months ago, after Barry went into an embarrassing 10 minute rant over Trump: "The Americans take pride in having a system with checks and balances so that it is not so easy to do things, but it is not so easy to completely mess things up."

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Rosie O'Donnell: 1

"Bigly": 2


Howard Stern: 2

Cyber: 5


Anyone else find his use of "cyber" not tied to "security" or "terror" or "Attack" weird? I always think of cyber the way he kept using it as shorthand for cyberSEX. It was a really distracting debate moment. Here's the quote...re-reading it, god what a mess. "the cyber."


As far as the cyber, I agree to parts of what Secretary Clinton said. We should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we’re not. I don’t think anybody knows that it was Russia that broke into the DNC. She’s saying Russia, Russia, Russia—I don't, maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay?
So we had to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. I have a son—he’s 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers. It’s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe, it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that’s true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester. And certainly cyber is one of them.
Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Howard Stern: 2

Cyber: 5


Anyone else find his use of "cyber" not tied to "security" or "terror" or "Attack" weird? I always think of cyber the way he kept using it as shorthand for cyberSEX. It was a really distracting debate moment. Here's the quote...re-reading it, god what a mess. "the cyber."


As far as the cyber, I agree to parts of what Secretary Clinton said. We should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we’re not. I don’t think anybody knows that it was Russia that broke into the DNC. She’s saying Russia, Russia, Russia—I don't, maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay?
So we had to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. I have a son—he’s 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers. It’s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe, it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that’s true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester. And certainly cyber is one of them.


He could have shortened it up by simply saying: Cyber? It's a disaster.

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I'm beyond questioning Obama's foreign policy, because it's completely nonsensical. How many times do I need to repeat that he doesn't have a foreign policy, just jumping from one self imposed hot flash to another? Why would I need to question a policy that is totally irredeemable, totally idiotic and counterproductive to US interests? There's no questioning something that needs to be blown up and started fresh.


And yet every time I question it you invent a pro Putin or Assad bent to my questions, why bother if you agree the policy is shite to begin with? Maybe you should consider getting off the sidelines and actually giving a damn about what happens to this country. The beauty of this country is the government was originally designed to serve the people, but in the last 16 years that ethos has been reversed. It's been a bi-partisan effort to strip away our constitutional protections and push us down the slipper slope we're now clearly rolling down as a nation. From W to Obama there's been not an iota of difference on the foreign policy front -- not really -- because presidents don't dictate foreign policy, the oligarchs do. We're watching it play out every day on the world stage and every day in this election.


The only way to reverse course is if enough people stand up and actually give a shite about things that actually matter -- like holding our government accountable when it intentionally commits an act of war on a sovereign nation with the explicit intent of aiding and abetting ISIS fighters, the same ISIS fighters who the government uses as a bogeyman to justify the rapid rise of fascism in the west. The fact that this deliberate war crime could have easily sparked a shooting war between the world's two major nuclear powers is just icing on the cake.


If those kinds of terrible and dangerous actions, funded with my tax dollars, are allowed to go unquestioned because "Russia/Assad are worse!" then there's zero hope of ever restoring our country to the democratic republic it's supposed to be. You're too smart to be so blindly jingoistic.

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NEW YORK TIMES: Ohio, Long a Bellwether, Is Fading on the Electoral Map.


Alternate headline; "Sniff...who needs old white Ohio"


Hillary Clinton has not been to the state since Labor Day, and her aides said Thursday that she would not be back until next week, after a monthlong absence, effectively acknowledging how difficult they think it will be to defeat Donald J. Trump here. Ohio has not fallen into step with the demographic changes transforming the United States, growing older, whiter and less educated than the nation at large.


And the two parties have made strikingly different wagers about how to win the White House in this election: Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, is relying on a demographic coalition that, while well tailored for Ohio even in the state’s Democratic strongholds, leaves him vulnerable in the more diverse parts of the country where Mrs. Clinton is spending most of her time.


What a crazy flip! It's Ohio that's losing — Ohio that's "fading." If Ohio wants to be important, it will need to put Hillary Clinton in a competitive position.



I wonder if the NYT would publish such a disparaging piece about Ohio if Clinton were doing better there.





In swipe at Trump, Clinton names Merkel as her favorite world leader. I suspect, however, that it’s a pretty good sign of what Hillary governance would look like: Heavy-handed, divisive, moralistic, and tone-deaf.





NEW YORK MAGAZINE GETS THE VAPORS: What It’s Like to Be a Female Reporter Covering Donald Trump:

Edited by B-Man
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Peeps in 3 swing states getting spooked by The Donald???




"Donald Can Do" needs to take it down to the final 2 minutes and get to the election.


It is HillBill's to lose


IMO...Donald needs to tone it down next two debates... Take some St. John's wort and a slug of bourbon while leaving the 8-ball of coke behind @ home! Pray for empathy/sympathy vote/phuck as his best odds.

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NEW YORK TIMES: Ohio, Long a Bellwether, Is Fading on the Electoral Map.


Alternate headline; "Sniff...who needs old white Ohio"


Hillary Clinton has not been to the state since Labor Day, and her aides said Thursday that she would not be back until next week, after a monthlong absence, effectively acknowledging how difficult they think it will be to defeat Donald J. Trump here. Ohio has not fallen into step with the demographic changes transforming the United States, growing older, whiter and less educated than the nation at large.


And the two parties have made strikingly different wagers about how to win the White House in this election: Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, is relying on a demographic coalition that, while well tailored for Ohio even in the state’s Democratic strongholds, leaves him vulnerable in the more diverse parts of the country where Mrs. Clinton is spending most of her time.


What a crazy flip! It's Ohio that's losing — Ohio that's "fading." If Ohio wants to be important, it will need to put Hillary Clinton in a competitive position.



I wonder if the NYT would publish such a disparaging piece about Ohio if Clinton were doing better there.





In swipe at Trump, Clinton names Merkel as her favorite world leader. I suspect, however, that it’s a pretty good sign of what Hillary governance would look like: Heavy-handed, divisive, moralistic, and tone-deaf.





NEW YORK MAGAZINE GETS THE VAPORS: What It’s Like to Be a Female Reporter Covering Donald Trump:

Clinton won't benefit from local campaigning. She's simply going to spends hundreds of million$ more on attack ads.

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