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Just got back from the game, in person observations


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Don't pick and choose facts.


I even said that the result was good for the defense. 13 points was enough to win. BUT, you could also see the lack of pressure up the middle.


Read everything before attacking.

Not an attack, Just asking.


Tyrod and the OL was hot garbage, that's my main takeaway. Ravens fans must be rowdier at night. I've always had a good time there.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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Not an attack, Just asking.


Tyrod and the OL was hot garbage, that's my main takeaway. Ravens fans must be rowdier at night. I've always had a good time there.


Fair enough.


And yeah, it might as well have been tea time.

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Just got home from the game and was hoping the 75 minute drive would calm me down, but nope...


The Fans

I didn't have a single fan say a word to me about being a Bills fan. The parking lot didn't really fill up until the last hour before the game and none of the tailgating was all that impressive. When watching the game, I only had to stand up 2 times the entire game. The fans were nice, but overall timid and nowhere near the atmosphere the Ralph generates.


Offensive Playcalling and Downfield

The Ravens played with 2 safeties deep most of the game. There were a few times they didn't, but you could tell they were trying to take away the pre-snap read to throw deep. No excuse to not take a single attempt, but it was noticeable moreso than other games.


Almost no spreading of the field with the WR's. Most of the formations had the 2 or 3 WR's on the same side of the field. It made it really easy for the defense to overload one side. That was probably the most noticeable thing to me. The Ravens were able to cutback on our defense with relative ease, while we would get shut down most of the time.



!@#$ you Dareus. You were incredibly missed up the middle. There was almost no push.



The fans were laughing at us by the end. Every time there was a flag thrown, they would joke how they knew it had to be on the Bills. I couldn't say anything because they were right.


Things I think

  • I didn't care at the time, but our offense clearly needed more time together in the preseason. They looked completely lost out there. There was no rhythm, unnecessary time outs, and Tyrod's lack of audibles to throw deep was disturbing
    • Roman deserves a lot of blame for the calls. There weren't a lot of players running free down field. The WR's were all running around on one side of the field. TT could have made changes, but the calls didn't set them up well for success.
    • Why did we sign Clay?
  • Every previous year, I could tell myself that the offense just needs to gel in this new system. This year, I got nothing. If this is 8 months of planning, I'm terrified to see what we do with 4 days.
  • This team was not prepared. Penalties, offensive intensity, time-outs, the review (next bullet)
  • Rex looked like a clown reviewing that td. I'm fine with him reviewing it if they thought he was in. I couldn't tell from my seats. But to take that long, show your next play, score, and then have the time-out negate it. THEN, run the same play again...I was embarrassed.
  • Why not more all out blitzes. The one with the all-out blitz, we almost had a pick-6.
  • Defense only gave up 13 points. That's the result. So I respect it. But, it wasn't the aggressive D I was expecting and don't know if other teams would have tore us up more. Baltimore won 5 games last year. Next week will be interesting.
  • Why the hell is Duke Williams ever covering anyone, let alone Mike Wallace? Unless there is a 5th WR on the field, it's Gilmore, Darby, Graham, Williams, then 5 guys, then Duke. It was bad from the snap and it was painful to watch live.
  • Tyrod looked as bad throwing on the run as I've seen him.
  • Offensive playcalling again - If this is what a healthy Woods, Watkins, and Clay gets us....DOOOOOMMMEEEDDDD!!!


I was honestly debating driving up for the game on Thursday and I just can't justify it. I am on the side where I believe that Palmer hit a wall and the Cards may take a step back. Even still, I can easily see us 0-3, 0-4 to start this season.


I started with the fans because it makes me sick to think about our fans. We deserve so much better.


I honestly wonder if this season ends with Roman as our HC.

I was really surprised to see Buffalo fans wearing gear on TV. I have been to a few games there, absolute worst fans in the league in my experience. Fans threw things at my Daughter, and I while we walked in between seats at the Stadium. Glad to hear you had a good experience.

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The slant to Sammy would have been there on at least 15 plays I saw.

My son, the former HS QB, kept screaming that. If they're going to give him a 10 yard buffer, it's there every time. Why did we not make them come up to cover, and give us the shot at the deep ball 9we apparently never wanted to go for)?

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My son, the former HS QB, kept screaming that. If they're going to give him a 10 yard buffer, it's there every time. Why did we not make them come up to cover, and give us the shot at the deep ball 9we apparently never wanted to go for)?

It's what Sammy did at Clemson his last season - people played off with deep safety help and he ate them up underneath.

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"Rex looked like a clown reviewing that td."

They showed a replay on TV, some assistant with a headset on came running up to Rex screaming to throw the flag. So someone away from the sideline helped Wrecks make that mistake.


Again, I don't care that they challenged it. I care that they did it and showed the play they wanted to run. And then STILL ran the play.

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I was really surprised to see Buffalo fans wearing gear on TV. I have been to a few games there, absolute worst fans in the league in my experience. Fans threw things at my Daughter, and I while we walked in between seats at the Stadium. Glad to hear you had a good experience.


Honestly...Ravens fans were pretty soft. Redskins fans are a dif. animal. I was openly cheering for the Bills and everyone just kept their mouth shut.

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Thanks for the report.


With the Raven playing with two safeties deep you would think we could find seams in the intermediate ranges?


I think Watkins and Clay were way underutilized in this role ... of course the pass protection was very poor and Tyrod was off all game and never got into a rhythm.


PS: My daughter was there and she said the Raven fans were really nice to her and her group of Bills fans.

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"Rex looked like a clown reviewing that td."

They showed a replay on TV, some assistant with a headset on came running up to Rex screaming to throw the flag. So someone away from the sideline helped Wrecks make that mistake.

The chaplain returns!

I didn't care at the time, but our offense clearly needed more time together in the preseason.


FireRex, really good point. I thought sitting all the stars out in preseason Game 3 was defensible -- injury avoidance being more important than things like timing -- but now I'm starting to wonder. Maybe Rex isn't smarter than all the other NFL coaches after all.

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Thanks for the report


I am trying to figure out why in a game where we had no power back why would we not spread the Ravens out with our wideouts


It would help Shady find more space


I really think Roman screwed this up


It's inexcusable that we did not go 4-5 wide and spread out the D. The D was okay, but as another poster noted, more blitzes would have helped. You can give freaking Flacco and his talented WR's ALL DAY.

The chaplain returns!

FireRex, really good point. I thought sitting all the stars out in preseason Game 3 was defensible -- injury avoidance being more important than things like timing -- but now I'm starting to wonder. Maybe Rex isn't smarter than all the other NFL coaches after all.


whoever told Rex to throw the challenge flag should be fired. It looked like Rex didn't want to until that guy came running to him (and I'm neutral on Rex). Anyway, didn't impact the result of the game as much as: (1) Roman's terrible offensive plan (why is Roman getting a pass from so many??); (2) terrible play by all WR's except Watkins; (3) vanilla D that let Flacco have all day to pass; (4) Dan Carpenter missing a FG that would have tied the game; and (5) TT continuing to stare-down his WR's and not anticipating the passes. He looked awful today, worse than at any point last year.

Edited by RyanC883
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The fans were laughing at us by the end. Every time there was a flag thrown, they would joke how they knew it had to be on the Bills. I couldn't say anything because they were right.


Things I think

  • I didn't care at the time, but our offense clearly needed more time together in the preseason. They looked completely lost out there. There was no rhythm, unnecessary time outs, and Tyrod's lack of audibles to throw deep was disturbing
    • Roman deserves a lot of blame for the calls. There weren't a lot of players running free down field. The WR's were all running around on one side of the field. TT could have made changes, but the calls didn't set them up well for success.

Bingo! When the coaches are afraid of the offensive starters getting injured so they don't play much in preseason then there isn't much team chemistry the first few games.


We already knew the backup O-line players stink because we got allowed to witness it in that last preseason game in which the starters sat out. I also think that Tyrod missed 7-11 out there today as it sure didn't look like anyone downfield was open due to all the check down passes.


I don't know that I'd blame Roman for Rex's being afraid of getting players injured in preseason. Lastly, what bothers me is the clear lack of solid offensive line depth and quality receiving talent behind Watkins.



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Same thoughts as what I had from watching on TV. Im sure it would have felt even worse to see it in person. We are a joke around the league and I'm sick of it. Im sure the OP saw it from his experience at the game. We get no respect. We are a punchline. I have friends in DC that live down the road from Baltimore that would never think about making the trip to watch the game because the Bills stink. Friends in NY, LA, Europe, etc. The Bills are on the same level as the Browns to them.


I don't know if I'm more mad at the team or the apologists on this forum that think the Bills can do no wrong. It's like I'm in the twilight zone. Their excuse this week will be it's only 1 game. Their excuse next week, something else. I watch the highlights of other games and I'm like wow I wish we had a team as good as some of these guys. Embarrassing.


I hope you didn't have to travel far OP. Pegula should reimburse you because the product on the field isn't worth the price of admission.

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I was there as well .. Here are my thoughts:


- Watching a game in another team's stadium is not a good experience.. And No...how the Bills played today didn't really factor. I spent the majority of 3 hours sitting on my hands and desperately trying to restrain myself from punching the douchey Ravens fan I got stuck next to. While most Ravens fans were polite .. Just so happens the guy sitting next to me was an uninformed asshat." Tyrod sucks .. He's a career backup" " You got wings and beef on weck but you don't have football" " your stadium is a s.,$hole" etc. Mind you.. It's not particular to Bmore.. Its just if I'm gonna spend $100 it's gonna be at the Ralph where I can Actually let loose and go bananas without worry rather than being the polite house guest all afternoon


- I focused on John Miller on almost every play. It was hard to tell how well he did in the run game.. But I can confirm he was very solid in pass protect. To my eye he did not give up a single pressure or blow an assignment


- I had high hopes for Kouandjio when he came in for Glenn based on his preseason performance. Doh.. He was shaky at best and was cleanly beaten at least twice resulting in immediate pressure on TT. Hopefully Glenn heals quick


- Roman should have adjusted to the quick game once it became obvious the Ravens were keeping 2 safeties deep. I can't think of one slant or hitch that was even attempted or completed


- The Defense was really..really good.. and clutch. Damn shame that they let Duke get one on one with Wallace. That was the main thing I was worried about pre game and was completely preventable


- The sky is not falling. Our offense had a horrendous day but if our D can hang in there like they did today and buy them time the O will turn it around. We lost on the road to a well coached team with a super bowl winning QB.. Not the end of the world



Edited by Bocephuz
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I was at the game too. Winnable game, Flacco bobbled a few snaps and wasn't all that good. Fans in my section expected a Ravens win and were disappointed their team barely beat a woeful team like Buffalo. It was just a ho hum win for them. They kinda felt sorry for me for a minute.


Tyrod throwing on the run was terrible, he's so much better than that. Sammy dropped that first down pass with 5 mins to go and that essentially killed the drive and we never saw the ball again. Sure hope his foot is ok. He seems not 100%


Hate to say it but last year with Karlos Williams was a great 1-2 combo with shady. Not having a talent like that this year hurts. The Oline blows and they may have to get Gillislee and the rookie some playing time

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